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package Iter;
=head1 Iterator Module
A set of iterator functions for traversing the various trees and indexes.
Each iterator expects closures that operate on the elements in the iterated
data structure.
=head2 Generic
Params: $node, &$loopsub, &$skipsub, &$applysub, &$recursesub
Iterate over $node\'s children. For each iteration:
If loopsub( $node, $kid ) returns false, the loop is terminated.
If skipsub( $node, $kid ) returns true, the element is skipped.
Applysub( $node, $kid ) is called
If recursesub( $node, $kid ) returns true, the function recurses into
the current node.
sub Generic
my ( $root, $loopcond, $skipcond, $applysub, $recursecond ) = @_;
return sub {
foreach my $node ( @{$root->{Kids}} ) {
if ( defined $loopcond ) {
return 0 unless $loopcond->( $root, $node );
if ( defined $skipcond ) {
next if $skipcond->( $root, $node );
my $ret = $applysub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret && $ret;
if ( defined $recursecond
&& $recursecond->( $root, $node ) ) {
$ret = Generic( $node, $loopcond, $skipcond,
$applysub, $recursecond)->();
if ( $ret ) {
return $ret;
return 0;
sub Class
my ( $root, $applysub, $recurse ) = @_;
return Generic( $root, undef,
sub {
return !( $node->{NodeType} eq "class"
|| $node->{NodeType} eq "struct" );
$applysub, $recurse );
=head2 Tree
Params: $root, $recurse?, $commonsub, $compoundsub, $membersub,
Traverse the ast tree starting at $root, skipping if skipsub returns true.
Applying $commonsub( $node, $kid),
then $compoundsub( $node, $kid ) or $membersub( $node, $kid ) depending on
the Compound flag of the node.
sub Tree
my ( $rootnode, $recurse, $commonsub, $compoundsub, $membersub,
$skipsub ) = @_;
my $recsub = $recurse ? sub { return 1 if $_[1]->{Compound}; }
: undef;
Generic( $rootnode, undef, $skipsub,
sub { # apply
my ( $root, $node ) = @_;
my $ret;
if ( defined $commonsub ) {
$ret = $commonsub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
if ( $node->{Compound} && defined $compoundsub ) {
$ret = $compoundsub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
if( !$node->{Compound} && defined $membersub ) {
$ret = $membersub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
$recsub # skip
=head2 LocalCompounds
Apply $compoundsub( $node ) to all locally defined compound nodes
(ie nodes that are not external to the library being processed).
sub LocalCompounds
my ( $rootnode, $compoundsub ) = @_;
return unless defined $rootnode && defined $rootnode->{Kids};
foreach my $kid ( sort { $a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName} }
@{$rootnode->{Kids}} ) {
next if !defined $kid->{Compound};
$compoundsub->( $kid ) unless defined $kid->{ExtSource};
LocalCompounds( $kid, $compoundsub );
=head2 Hierarchy
Params: $node, $levelDownSub, $printSub, $levelUpSub
This allows easy hierarchy traversal and printing.
Traverses the inheritance hierarchy starting at $node, calling printsub
for each node. When recursing downward into the tree, $levelDownSub($node) is
called, the recursion takes place, and $levelUpSub is called when the
recursion call is completed.
sub Hierarchy
my ( $node, $ldownsub, $printsub, $lupsub, $nokidssub ) = @_;
return if defined $node->{ExtSource}
&& (!defined $node->{InBy}
|| !kdocAstUtil::hasLocalInheritor( $node ));
$printsub->( $node );
if ( defined $node->{InBy} ) {
$ldownsub->( $node );
foreach my $kid (
sort {$a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName}}
@{ $node->{InBy} } ) {
Hierarchy( $kid, $ldownsub, $printsub, $lupsub );
$lupsub->( $node );
elsif ( defined $nokidssub ) {
$nokidssub->( $node );
Call $printsub for each *direct* ancestor of $node.
Only multiple inheritance can lead to $printsub being called more than once.
sub Ancestors
my ( $node, $rootnode, $noancessub, $startsub, $printsub,
$endsub ) = @_;
my @anlist = ();
return if $node eq $rootnode;
if ( !exists $node->{InList} ) {
$noancessub->( $node ) unless !defined $noancessub;
foreach my $innode ( @{ $node->{InList} } ) {
my $nref = $innode->{Node}; # real ancestor
next if defined $nref && $nref == $rootnode;
push @anlist, $innode;
if ( $#anlist < 0 ) {
$noancessub->( $node ) unless !defined $noancessub;
$startsub->( $node ) unless !defined $startsub;
foreach my $innode ( sort { $a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName} }
@anlist ) {
# print
$printsub->( $innode->{Node}, $innode->{astNodeName},
$innode->{Type}, $innode->{TmplType} )
unless !defined $printsub;
$endsub->( $node ) unless !defined $endsub;
sub Descendants
my ( $node, $nodescsub, $startsub, $printsub, $endsub ) = @_;
if ( !exists $node->{InBy} ) {
$nodescsub->( $node ) unless !defined $nodescsub;
my @desclist = ();
DescendantList( \@desclist, $node );
if ( $#desclist < 0 ) {
$nodescsub->( $node ) unless !defined $nodescsub;
$startsub->( $node ) unless !defined $startsub;
foreach my $innode ( sort { $a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName} }
@desclist ) {
$printsub->( $innode)
unless !defined $printsub;
$endsub->( $node ) unless !defined $endsub;
sub DescendantList
my ( $list, $node ) = @_;
return unless exists $node->{InBy};
foreach my $kid ( @{ $node->{InBy} } ) {
push @$list, $kid;
DescendantList( $list, $kid );
=head2 DocTree
sub DocTree
my ( $rootnode, $allowforward, $recurse,
$commonsub, $compoundsub, $membersub ) = @_;
Generic( $rootnode, undef,
sub { # skip
my( $node, $kid ) = @_;
unless (!(defined $kid->{ExtSource})
&& ($allowforward || $kid->{NodeType} ne "Forward")
&& ($main::doPrivate || !($kid->{Access} =~ /private/))
&& exists $kid->{DocNode} ) {
return 1;
sub { # apply
my ( $root, $node ) = @_;
my $ret;
if ( defined $commonsub ) {
$ret = $commonsub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
if ( $node->{Compound} && defined $compoundsub ) {
$ret = $compoundsub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
elsif( defined $membersub ) {
$ret = $membersub->( $root, $node );
return $ret if defined $ret;
sub { return 1 if $recurse; return; } # recurse
sub MembersByType
my ( $node, $startgrpsub, $methodsub, $endgrpsub, $nokidssub ) = @_;
# public
# types
# data
# methods
# signals
# slots
# static
# protected
# private (if enabled)
if ( !defined $node->{Kids} ) {
$nokidssub->( $node ) if defined $nokidssub;
foreach my $acc ( qw/public protected private/ ) {
next if $acc eq "private" && !$main::doPrivate;
$access = $acc;
my @types = ();
my @data = ();
my @signals = ();
my @k_dcops = ();
my @k_dcop_signals = ();
my @k_dcop_hiddens = ();
my @slots =();
my @methods = ();
my @static = ();
my @modules = ();
my @interfaces = ();
# Build lists
foreach my $kid ( @{$node->{Kids}} ) {
next unless ( $kid->{Access} =~ /$access/
&& !$kid->{ExtSource})
|| ( $access eq "public"
&& ( $kid->{Access} eq "signals"
|| $kid->{Access} =~ "k_dcop" # note the =~
|| $kid->{Access} eq "K_DCOP"));
my $type = $kid->{NodeType};
if ( $type eq "method" ) {
if ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "s" ) {
push @static, $kid;
elsif ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "l" ) {
push @slots, $kid;
elsif ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "n" ) {
push @signals, $kid;
elsif ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "d" ) {
push @k_dcops, $kid;
elsif ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "z" ) {
push @k_dcop_signals, $kid;
elsif ( $kid->{Flags} =~ "y" ) {
push @k_dcop_hiddens, $kid;
else {
push @methods, $kid; }
elsif ( $kid->{Compound} ) {
if ( $type eq "module" ) {
push @modules, $kid;
elsif ( $type eq "interface" ) {
push @interfaces, $kid;
else {
push @types, $kid;
elsif ( $type eq "typedef" || $type eq "enum" ) {
push @types, $kid;
else {
push @data, $kid;
# apply
$uc_access = ucfirst( $access );
doGroup( "$uc_access Types", $node, \@types, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "Modules", $node, \@modules, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "Interfaces", $node, \@interfaces, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "$uc_access Methods", $node, \@methods, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "$uc_access Slots", $node, \@slots, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "Signals", $node, \@signals, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "k_dcop", $node, \@k_dcops, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "k_dcop_signals", $node, \@k_dcop_signals, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "k_dcop_hiddens", $node, \@k_dcop_hiddens, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "$uc_access Static Methods", $node, \@static,
$startgrpsub, $methodsub, $endgrpsub);
doGroup( "$uc_access Members", $node, \@data, $startgrpsub,
$methodsub, $endgrpsub);
sub doGroup
my ( $name, $node, $list, $startgrpsub, $methodsub, $endgrpsub ) = @_;
my ( $hasMembers ) = 0;
foreach my $kid ( @$list ) {
if ( !exists $kid->{DocNode}->{Reimplemented} ) {
$hasMembers = 1;
return if !$hasMembers;
if ( defined $methodsub ) {
foreach my $kid ( @$list ) {
if ( !exists $kid->{DocNode}->{Reimplemented} ) {
$methodsub->( $node, $kid );
$endgrpsub->( $name ) if defined $endgrpsub;
sub ByGroupLogical
my ( $root, $startgrpsub, $itemsub, $endgrpsub ) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $root->{Groups};
foreach my $groupname ( sort keys %{$root->{Groups}} ) {
next if $groupname eq "astNodeName"||$groupname eq "NodeType";
my $group = $root->{Groups}->{ $group };
next unless $group->{Kids};
$startgrpsub->( $group->{astNodeName}, $group->{Desc} );
foreach my $kid (sort {$a->{astNodeName} cmp $b->{astNodeName}}
@group->{Kids} ) {
$itemsub->( $root, $kid );
$endgrpsub->( $group->{Desc} );
return 1;
sub SeeAlso
my ( $node, $nonesub, $startsub, $printsub, $endsub ) = @_;
if( !defined $node ) {
my $doc = $node;
if ( $node->{NodeType} ne "DocNode" ) {
$doc = $node->{DocNode};
if ( !defined $doc ) {
$nonesub->() if defined $nonesub;
if ( !defined $doc->{See} ) {
$nonesub->() if defined $nonesub;
my $see = $doc->{See};
my $ref = $doc->{SeeRef};
if ( $#$see < 1 ) {
$nonesub->() if defined $nonesub;
$startsub->( $node ) if defined $startsub;
for my $i ( 0..$#$see ) {
my $seelabel = $see->[ $i ];
my $seenode = undef;
if ( defined $ref ) {
$seenode = $ref->[ $i ];
$printsub->( $seelabel, $seenode ) if defined $printsub;
$endsub->( $node ) if defined $endsub;