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// Qt# tutorial 5
// Based on the Qt tutorial
// Implemented by Marcus Urban
using System;
using Qt;
public class MyWidget : TQVBox {
public MyWidget (TQWidget parent, String name) : base (parent, name)
// In C++, parent and name have default values of 0 (null pointer)
TQPushButton quit = new TQPushButton ("Quit", this, "quit");
quit.SetFont ( new TQFont ("Times", 18, TQFont.Weight.Bold) );
TQObject.Connect ( quit, TQT_SIGNAL ("clicked()"), tqApp, TQT_SLOT ("Quit()") );
TQLCDNumber lcd = new TQLCDNumber (2, this, "lcd" );
TQSlider slider = new TQSlider (Orientation.Horizontal, this, "slider");
// Note that Orientation is defined in the Qt class
slider.SetRange (0, 99);
slider.SetValue (0);
Connect ( slider, TQT_SIGNAL ("valueChanged(int)"), lcd, TQT_SLOT ("Display(int)") );
public MyWidget (TQWidget parent) : this (parent, "") {}
public MyWidget () : this (null, "") {}
// Note that it was necessary to use an empty string ("")
// in the above. Using null does not work at runtime.
public class Example {
public static int Main (String[] args)
TQApplication a = new TQApplication (args);
MyWidget w = new MyWidget ();
a.SetMainWidget (w);
w.Show ();
return a.Exec ();