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package org.trinitydesktop.koala;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.QtSupport;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQPainter;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQWidget;
import org.trinitydesktop.qt.TQFrame;
A ruler widget.
The vertical ruler looks similar to this:
meters inches
------ <--- end mark --. ------
-- -
-- <---little mark--. --
-- -
-- ---
--- <---medium mark -
-- --
-- tiny mark---. -
-- ----
-- -
---- <-----big mark --
-- -
|>-- <--ruler pointer-. |>--
There are tiny marks, little marks, medium marks, and big marks along the
To receive mouse clicks or mouse moves,
the class has to be overloaded.
For performance reasons, the public methods don't call TQWidget.repaint().
(Slots do, see documentation below.)
All the changed settings will be painted once after leaving
to the main event loop.
For performance painting the slot methods should be used,
they do a fast TQWidget.repaint() call after changing the values.
For setting multiple values like minValue(), maxValue(), offset() etc.
using the public methods is recommended
so the widget will be painted only once when entering the main event loop.
@author Jorg Habenicht
@short A ruler widget.
public class KRuler extends TQFrame {
protected KRuler(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
The types of units used.
@short The types of units used.
public static final int Custom = 0;
public static final int Pixel = 1;
public static final int Inch = 2;
public static final int Millimetres = 3;
public static final int Centimetres = 4;
public static final int Metres = 5;
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Constructs a horizontal ruler.
@short Constructs a horizontal ruler.
public KRuler(TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(TQWidget parent, String name);
public KRuler(TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(TQWidget parent);
public KRuler() {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler();
Constructs a ruler with orientation <code>orient.</code>
<code>parent</code>, <code>name</code> and <code>f</code> are passed to TQFrame.
The default look is a raised widget
but may be changed with the inherited TQFrame methods.
@param orient Orientation of the ruler.
@param parent Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@param name Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@param f Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@short Constructs a ruler with orientation <code>orient.</code>
public KRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent, String name, int f) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent, String name, int f);
public KRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent, String name);
public KRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, TQWidget parent);
public KRuler(int orient) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient);
Constructs a ruler with orientation <code>orient</code> and initial width <code>widgetWidth.</code>
The width sets the fixed width of the widget. This is useful if you
want to draw the ruler bigger or smaller than the default size.
Note: The size of the marks doesn't change.
<code>parent</code>, <code>name</code> and <code>f</code> are passed to TQFrame.
@param orient Orientation of the ruler.
@param widgetWidth Fixed width of the widget.
@param parent Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@param name Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@param f Will be handed over to TQFrame.
@short Constructs a ruler with orientation <code>orient</code> and initial width <code>widgetWidth.</code>
public KRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent, String name, int f) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent, String name, int f);
public KRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent, String name);
public KRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth, TQWidget parent);
public KRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKRuler(int orient, int widgetWidth);
Sets the minimal value of the ruler pointer (default is 0).
This method calls update() so that the widget is painted after leaving
to the main event loop.
@short Sets the minimal value of the ruler pointer (default is 0).
public native void setMinValue(int arg1);
Returns the minimal value of the ruler pointer.
@short Returns the minimal value of the ruler pointer.
public native int minValue();
Sets the maximum value of the ruler pointer (default is 100).
This method calls update() so that the widget is painted after leaving
to the main event loop.
@short Sets the maximum value of the ruler pointer (default is 100).
public native void setMaxValue(int arg1);
Returns the maximal value of the ruler pointer.
@short Returns the maximal value of the ruler pointer.
public native int maxValue();
Sets minimum and maximum values of the ruler pointer.
This method calls update() so that the widget is painted after leaving
to the main event loop.
@short Sets minimum and maximum values of the ruler pointer.
public native void setRange(int min, int max);
Sets the value of the ruler pointer.
The value is indicated by painting the ruler pointer at the
corresponding position.
This method calls update() so that the widget is painted after leaving
to the main event loop.
@short Sets the value of the ruler pointer.
public native void setValue(int arg1);
public native int value();
Sets the distance between tiny marks.
This is mostly used in the English system (inches) with distance of 1.
@short Sets the distance between tiny marks.
public native void setTinyMarkDistance(int arg1);
Returns the distance between tiny marks.
@short Returns the distance between tiny marks.
public native int tinyMarkDistance();
Sets the distance between little marks.
The default value is 1 in the metric system and 2 in the English (inches) system.
@short Sets the distance between little marks.
public native void setLittleMarkDistance(int arg1);
Returns the distance between little marks.
@short Returns the distance between little marks.
public native int littleMarkDistance();
Sets the distance between medium marks.
For English (inches) styles it defaults to twice the little mark distance.
For metric styles it defaults to five times the little mark distance.
@short Sets the distance between medium marks.
public native void setMediumMarkDistance(int arg1);
public native int mediumMarkDistance();
Sets distance between big marks.
For English (inches) or metric styles it is twice the medium mark distance.
@short Sets distance between big marks.
public native void setBigMarkDistance(int arg1);
Returns the distance between big marks.
@short Returns the distance between big marks.
public native int bigMarkDistance();
Shows/hides tiny marks.
@short Shows/hides tiny marks.
public native void setShowTinyMarks(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showTinyMarks();
Shows/hides little marks.
@short Shows/hides little marks.
public native void setShowLittleMarks(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showLittleMarks();
Shows/hides medium marks.
@short Shows/hides medium marks.
public native void setShowMediumMarks(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showMediumMarks();
Shows/hides big marks.
@short Shows/hides big marks.
public native void setShowBigMarks(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showBigMarks();
Shows/hides end marks.
@short Shows/hides end marks.
public native void setShowEndMarks(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showEndMarks();
Shows/hides the pointer.
@short Shows/hides the pointer.
public native void setShowPointer(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showPointer();
Show/hide number values of the end marks.
Default is <code>false.</code>
@short Show/hide number values of the end marks.
public native void setShowEndLabel(boolean arg1);
public native boolean showEndLabel();
Sets the label this is drawn at the beginning of the visible part
of the ruler to <code>label</code>
@short Sets the label this is drawn at the beginning of the visible part of the ruler to <code>label</code>
public native void setEndLabel(String arg1);
public native String endLabel();
Sets up the necessary tasks for the provided styles.
A convenience method.
@short Sets up the necessary tasks for the provided styles.
public native void setRulerMetricStyle(int arg1);
Sets the number of pixels between two base marks.
Calling this method stretches or shrinks your ruler.
For pixel display ( MetricStyle) the value is 10.0 marks
per pixel ;-)
For English (inches) it is 9.0, and for centimetres ~2.835 . 3.0 .
If you want to magnify your part of display, you have to
adjust the mark distance <code>here.</code>
Notice: The double type is only supported to give the possibility
of having some double values.
It should be used with care. Using values below 10.0
shows visible jumps of markpositions (e.g. 2.345).
Using whole numbers is highly recommended.
To use <code>int</code> values use setPixelPerMark((int)your_int_value);
default: 1 mark per 10 pixels
@short Sets the number of pixels between two base marks.
public native void setPixelPerMark(double rate);
Returns the number of pixels between two base marks.
@short Returns the number of pixels between two base marks.
public native double pixelPerMark();
Sets the length of the ruler, i.e. the difference between
the begin mark and the end mark of the ruler.
Same as (width() - offset())
when the length is not locked, it gets adjusted with the
length of the widget.
@short Sets the length of the ruler, i.
public native void setLength(int arg1);
public native int length();
Locks the length of the ruler, i.e. the difference between
the two end marks doesn't change when the widget is resized.
@param fix fixes the length, if true
@short Locks the length of the ruler, i.
public native void setLengthFixed(boolean fix);
public native boolean lengthFixed();
Sets the number of pixels by which the ruler may slide up or left.
The number of pixels moved is realive to the previous position.
The Method makes sense for updating a ruler, which is working with
a scrollbar.
This doesn't affect the position of the ruler pointer.
Only the visible part of the ruler is moved.
@param count Number of pixel moving up or left relative to the previous position
@short Sets the number of pixels by which the ruler may slide up or left.
public native void slideUp(int count);
public native void slideUp();
Sets the number of pixels by which the ruler may slide down or right.
The number of pixels moved is realive to the previous position.
The Method makes sense for updating a ruler, which is working with
a scrollbar.
This doesn't affect the position of the ruler pointer.
Only the visible part of the ruler is moved.
@param count Number of pixel moving up or left relative to the previous position
@short Sets the number of pixels by which the ruler may slide down or right.
public native void slideDown(int count);
public native void slideDown();
Sets the ruler slide offset.
This is like slideup() or slidedown() with an absolute offset
from the start of the ruler.
@param offset Number of pixel to move the ruler up or left from the beginning
@short Sets the ruler slide offset.
public native void setOffset(int offset);
Returns the current ruler offset.
@short Returns the current ruler offset.
public native int offset();
public native int endOffset();
Sets the pointer to a new position.
The offset is NOT updated.
TQWidget.repaint() is called afterwards.
@short Sets the pointer to a new position.
public native void slotNewValue(int arg1);
Sets the ruler marks to a new position.
The pointer is NOT updated.
TQWidget.repaint() is called afterwards.
@short Sets the ruler marks to a new position.
public native void slotNewOffset(int arg1);
public native void slotEndOffset(int arg1);
protected native void drawContents(TQPainter arg1);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();