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56 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Basename;
my $here = `pwd`;
chomp $here;
my $outdir = $here;
my $tempfile = "$outdir/";
# Update list of source files in $outdir/
open( MAKEFILE, "<$outdir/" ) or die;
my $makeFileData = '';
my $found = 0;
while (<MAKEFILE>) {
if (/^libsmokeqt_la_SOURCES/)
$found = 1;
$makeFileData .= "libsmokeqt_la_SOURCES = smokedata.cpp";
$makeFileData .= $_ if (!$found);
die "libsmokeqt_la_SOURCES not found" if (!$found);
open( MAKEFILE, ">$tempfile" ) or die;
print MAKEFILE $makeFileData;
my $count = 0;
opendir (FILES, $outdir) or die;
foreach $filename (readdir(FILES)) {
if ( $filename =~ /^x_.*\.cpp$/ ) {
if ( $count++ == 7 ) {
$count = 0;
print MAKEFILE " \\\n";
print MAKEFILE " $filename";
print MAKEFILE "\n";
closedir FILES;
system "cmp -s $tempfile $outdir/";
if ($? >> 8) {
system "cp -f $tempfile $outdir/";
print STDERR " updated.\n";
else {
print STDERR " unchanged.\n";
system "rm -f $tempfile";
exit 0;