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11 years ago
* Copyright (C) 2004 Girish Ramakrishnan All Rights Reserved.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
* USA.
// $Id: qtraylabel.h,v 1.21 2005/06/21 10:04:36 cs19713 Exp $
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqsettings.h>
#include <tqevent.h>
#include <tqsize.h>
#include <tdeactionclasses.h>
11 years ago
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
class TQMouseEvent;
class TQDragEnterEvent;
class TQDropEvent;
class TQPoint;
class TQWidget;
class TDEConfig;
class TDEPopupMenu;
class TDEToggleAction;
11 years ago
class TQTrayLabel : public TQLabel
11 years ago
TQTrayLabel(Window w, TQWidget *p = NULL, const TQString &text = TQString::null);
TQTrayLabel(const TQStringList &argv, pid_t pid, TQWidget *parent = NULL);
virtual ~TQTrayLabel();
11 years ago
// Accessors
Window dockedWindow(void) const { return mDockedWindow; }
int balloonTimeout(void) const { return mBalloonTimeout; }
TQString appName(void) const { return (mProgName.count() > 0) ? mProgName[0] : TQString::null; }
void setAppName(const TQString& prog);
11 years ago
// Pass on all events through this interface
bool x11EventFilter(XEvent * event);
// Session Management
bool saveState(TDEConfig *config);
bool restoreState(TDEConfig *config);
11 years ago
public slots:
void dock(void); // puts us in the system tray
void undock(void); // removes us from the system tray
void map(void); // maps the window that we are docking
void withdraw(void); // withdraws the window that we are docking
void toggleShow(void); // toggle window show status
11 years ago
void close(void); // close the docked window
void setTrayIcon(const TQString& icon); // sets custom icon
11 years ago
// and some property setters
void setSkipTaskbar(bool skip);
void setBalloonTimeout(int msecs) { mBalloonTimeout = msecs; }
void setDockWhenObscured(bool dock) { mDockWhenObscured->setChecked(dock); }
void setDockWhenRestored(bool dwr);
void setSessionManagement(bool sm) { mSessionManaged = sm; }
11 years ago
protected slots:
void scanClients(void); // scans existing client connections
11 years ago
void clicked(const ButtonState&, const TQPoint&);
void docked(TQTrayLabel *); // emitted when we get docked
11 years ago
void docked(void); // emitted when we get docked
void undocked(TQTrayLabel *); // emitted when we get undocked
11 years ago
void undocked(void); // emitted when we get undock
// window are monitoring dies
void sysTrayDestroyed(void); // emitted when the system tray disappears
// reimplement these event handlers in subclass as needed
void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *ev);
void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *event);
void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event);
// the events that follow are events of the docked window (NOT TQTrayLabel)
void updateIcon(void); // updates the icon
void updateTitle(void); // sets the tooltip
void balloonText(void); // balloons text
void destroyEvent(void);
void focusLostEvent(void);
void mapEvent(void);
void minimizeEvent(void);
void obscureEvent(void);
void unmapEvent(void);
bool canUnsubscribeFromRoot(void);
void processDead(void);
11 years ago
void propertyChangeEvent(Atom);
void setDockedWindow(Window w); // set docked window to anything you want
private slots:
void realityCheck(void);
void showOnAllDesktops(void);
void toggleDockWhenMinimized(void) { mDockWhenMinimized->setChecked(!mDockWhenMinimized->isChecked()); }
void skipTaskbar(void);
void setCustomIcon(void);
void updateMenu(void);
void slotSetBalloonTimeout(void);
11 years ago
// Helpers
void handleTitleChange(void);
void handleIconChange(void);
void initialize(void);
void installMenu();
11 years ago
const char *me(void) const;
// Member variables
long mDesktop; // desktop on which the window is being shown
TQLabel *mBalloon; // tooltip text simulator
TQString mCustomIcon; // CustomIcon of the docked application
Window mDockedWindow; // the window which is being docked
int mBalloonTimeout, mShowId;
bool mDocked, mWithdrawn, mUndockWhenDead, mSessionManaged;
11 years ago
TQString mTitle, mClass; // Title and hint of mDockedWindow
TQPixmap mAppIcon; // The current app icon (may not be same as pixmap())
XSizeHints mSizeHint; // SizeHint of mDockedWindow
11 years ago
TQTimer mRealityMonitor; // Helps us sync up with reality
TQStringList mProgName; // The program whose window we are docking
11 years ago
pid_t mPid; // The PID of program whose window we are docking
Window mSysTray; // System tray window id
// GUI
TDEAction *mBalloonTimeoutAction;
TDEPopupMenu *mMainMenu, *mOptionsMenu;
TDEToggleAction *mDockWhenRestored, *mDockWhenFocusLost, *mDockWhenMinimized,
*mDockWhenObscured, *mSkipTaskbar;
11 years ago
#endif // _QTRAYLABEL_H