You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (C) 2004 Maurizio Paolini <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "centerofcurvature_type.h"
#include "bogus_imp.h"
#include "conic_imp.h"
#include "cubic_imp.h"
//#include "other_imp.h"
#include "point_imp.h"
//#include "line_imp.h"
#include "../misc/common.h"
#include "../misc/conic-common.h"
//#include "../misc/calcpaths.h"
#include "../kig/kig_part.h"
#include "../kig/kig_view.h"
static const char constructcenterofcurvaturepoint[] = "SHOULDNOTBESEEN";
// I18N_NOOP( "Construct the center of curvature corresponding to this point" );
static const char selectcoc1[] = I18N_NOOP( "Select the curve..." );
static const char selectcoc2[] = I18N_NOOP( "Select a point on the curve..." );
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCocConic[] =
{ ConicImp::stype(), "SHOULDNOTBESEEN", selectcoc1, false },
{ PointImp::stype(), constructcenterofcurvaturepoint, selectcoc2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "CocConic", argsspecCocConic, 2 )
const CocConicType* CocConicType::instance()
static const CocConicType t;
return &t;
ObjectImp* CocConicType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& doc ) const
if ( !margsparser.checkArgs( args ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const ConicImp* conic = static_cast<const ConicImp*>( args[0] );
const Coordinate& p = static_cast<const PointImp*>( args[1] )->coordinate();
if ( !conic->containsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
double x = p.x;
double y = p.y;
ConicCartesianData data = conic->cartesianData();
// double aconst = data.coeffs[5];
double ax = data.coeffs[3];
double ay = data.coeffs[4];
double axx = data.coeffs[0];
double axy = data.coeffs[2];
double ayy = data.coeffs[1];
* mp: we need to compute the normal vector and the curvature
* of the curve. The curve (conic) is given in implicit form
* f(x,y) = 0; the gradient of f gives the direction of the
* normal; for the curvature we can use the following formula:
* k = div(grad f/|grad f|)
* the hessian matrix has elements [hfxx, hfxy]
* [hfxy, hfyy]
* kgf is the curvature multiplied by the norm of grad f
double gradfx = 2*axx*x + axy*y + ax;
double gradfy = axy*x + 2*ayy*y + ay;
Coordinate gradf = Coordinate ( gradfx, gradfy );
double hfxx = 2*axx;
double hfyy = 2*ayy;
double hfxy = axy;
double kgf = hfxx + hfyy
- (hfxx*gradfx*gradfx + hfyy*gradfy*gradfy + 2*hfxy*gradfx*gradfy)
/(gradfx*gradfx + gradfy*gradfy);
bool ok = true;
const Coordinate coc = p - 1/kgf*gradf;
if ( !ok )
return new InvalidImp;
return new PointImp( coc );
const ObjectImpType* CocConicType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
/**** Cubic starts here ****/
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCocCubic[] =
{ CubicImp::stype(), "SHOULDNOTBESEEN", selectcoc1, false },
{ PointImp::stype(), constructcenterofcurvaturepoint, selectcoc2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "CocCubic", argsspecCocCubic, 2 )
const CocCubicType* CocCubicType::instance()
static const CocCubicType t;
return &t;
ObjectImp* CocCubicType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& doc ) const
if ( !margsparser.checkArgs( args ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const CubicImp* cubic = static_cast<const CubicImp*>( args[0] );
const Coordinate& p = static_cast<const PointImp*>( args[1] )->coordinate();
if ( !cubic->containsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
double x = p.x;
double y = p.y;
CubicCartesianData data = cubic->data();
// double aconst = data.coeffs[0];
double ax = data.coeffs[1];
double ay = data.coeffs[2];
double axx = data.coeffs[3];
double axy = data.coeffs[4];
double ayy = data.coeffs[5];
double axxx = data.coeffs[6];
double axxy = data.coeffs[7];
double axyy = data.coeffs[8];
double ayyy = data.coeffs[9];
* we use here the same mechanism as for the
* conics, see above
double gradfx = 3*axxx*x*x + 2*axxy*x*y + axyy*y*y + 2*axx*x + axy*y + ax;
double gradfy = axxy*x*x + 2*axyy*x*y + 3*ayyy*y*y + axy*x + 2*ayy*y + ay;
Coordinate gradf = Coordinate ( gradfx, gradfy );
double hfxx = 6*axxx*x + 2*axxy*y + 2*axx;
double hfyy = 6*ayyy*y + 2*axyy*x + 2*ayy;
double hfxy = 2*axxy*x + 2*axyy*y + axy;
double kgf = hfxx + hfyy
- (hfxx*gradfx*gradfx + hfyy*gradfy*gradfy + 2*hfxy*gradfx*gradfy)
/(gradfx*gradfx + gradfy*gradfy);
bool ok = true;
const Coordinate coc = p - 1/kgf*gradf;
if ( !ok )
return new InvalidImp;
return new PointImp( coc );
const ObjectImpType* CocCubicType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
/**** Curve starts here ****/
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecCocCurve[] =
{ CurveImp::stype(), "SHOULDNOTBESEEN", selectcoc1, false },
{ PointImp::stype(), constructcenterofcurvaturepoint, selectcoc2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "CocCurve", argsspecCocCurve, 2 )
const CocCurveType* CocCurveType::instance()
static const CocCurveType t;
return &t;
ObjectImp* CocCurveType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& doc ) const
if ( !margsparser.checkArgs( args ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const CurveImp* curve = static_cast<const CurveImp*>( args[0] );
const Coordinate& p = static_cast<const PointImp*>( args[1] )->coordinate();
if ( !curve->containsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const double t = curve->getParam( p, doc );
const double tau0 = 5e-4;
const double sigmasq = 1e-12;
const int maxiter = 20;
double tau = tau0;
Coordinate gminus, g, gplus, tang, acc, curv, err;
double velsq, curvsq;
double tplus = t + tau;
double tminus = t - tau;
double t0 = t;
if ( tplus > 1 ) {tplus = 1; t0 = 1 - tau; tminus = 1 - 2*tau;}
if ( tminus < 0 ) {tminus = 0; t0 = tau; tplus = 2*tau;}
gminus = curve->getPoint( tminus, doc );
g = curve->getPoint( t0, doc );
gplus = curve->getPoint( tplus, doc );
tang = (gplus - gminus)/(2*tau);
acc = (gminus + gplus - 2*g)/(tau*tau);
velsq = tang.x*tang.x + tang.y*tang.y;
tang = tang/velsq;
Coordinate curvold = acc/velsq - (acc.x*tang.x + acc.y*tang.y)*tang;
curvsq = curvold.x*curvold.x + curvold.y*curvold.y;
curvold = curvold/curvsq;
for (int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++)
tau = tau/2;
tplus = t + tau;
tminus = t - tau;
t0 = t;
if ( tplus > 1 ) {tplus = 1; t0 = 1 - tau; tminus = 1 - 2*tau;}
if ( tminus < 0 ) {tminus = 0; t0 = tau; tplus = 2*tau;}
gminus = curve->getPoint( tminus, doc );
g = curve->getPoint( t0, doc );
gplus = curve->getPoint( tplus, doc );
tang = (gplus - gminus)/(2*tau);
acc = (gminus + gplus - 2*g)/(tau*tau);
velsq = tang.x*tang.x + tang.y*tang.y;
tang = tang/velsq;
curv = acc/velsq - (acc.x*tang.x + acc.y*tang.y)*tang;
curvsq = curv.x*curv.x + curv.y*curv.y;
curv = curv/curvsq;
err = (curvold - curv)/3;
* curvsq is the inverse squared of the norm of curvsq
* so this is actually a relative test
* in the end we return an extrapolated value
if (err.squareLength() < sigmasq/curvsq)
curv = (4*curv - curvold)/3;
return new PointImp( p + curv );
curvold = curv;
return new InvalidImp;
const ObjectImpType* CocCurveType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();