You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

476 lines
20 KiB

* ktouchstatistics.cpp *
* -------------------- *
* Copyright (C) 2000 by Håvard Frøiland, 2004 by Andreas Nicolai *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "ktouchstatistics.h"
#include "ktouchstatistics.moc"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qlcdnumber.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ktabwidget.h>
#include "ktouch.h"
#include "ktouchchartwidget.h"
KTouchStatistics::KTouchStatistics(QWidget* parent)
: KTouchStatisticsDlg(parent)
connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
connect(lectureCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(lectureActivated(int)) );
connect(clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearHistory()) );
// connect the radio buttons with the chart update function
connect(buttonGroup1, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateChartTab()) );
connect(buttonGroup2, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateChartTab()) );
connect(buttonGroup3, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(updateChartTab()) );
// TODO : temporarily remove detailed stats page and deactivate options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::run(const KURL& currentLecture, const KTouchStatisticsData& stats,
const KTouchLevelStats& currLevelStats,
const KTouchSessionStats& currSessionStats)
// kdDebug() << "[KTouchStatistics::run]" << endl;
// kdDebug() << " currentLecture = '" << currentLecture << "'" << endl;
// fill lecture combo with data
// loop over all lecturestatistics
QMapConstIterator<KURL, KTouchLectureStats> it = stats.m_lectureStats.begin();
m_currentIndex = 0;
while (it != stats.m_lectureStats.end()) {
QString t =;
// if current lecture, remember index and adjust text
if (it.key() == currentLecture ||
currentLecture.isEmpty() && it.key().url()=="default")
m_currentIndex = lectureCombo->count();
if (t == "default") t = i18n("Default level...");
t = i18n("***current*** ") + t;
if (lectureCombo->count()==0) {
// this shouldn't happen if the dialog is run with proper data
KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("No statistics data available yet!"));
// remember stats
m_allStats = stats;
m_currLevelStats = currLevelStats;
m_currSessionStats = currSessionStats;
// modify current lecture entry
m_lectureIndex = m_currentIndex;
// update the current tabs with current session/level data
// set current session as current tab
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::lectureActivated(int index) {
if (m_allStats.m_lectureStats.count()==0) {
// TODO : Reset all tabs to "empty" look
m_lectureIndex = 0;
if (index >= static_cast<int>(m_allStats.m_lectureStats.count())) {
kdDebug() << "Lecture index out of range: " << index << " >= " << m_allStats.m_lectureStats.count() << endl;
m_lectureIndex = index;
//kdDebug() << "Lecture stats changed: " << << endl;
// update the tabs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::clearHistory() {
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Erase all statistics data for the current user?"),QString::null,KStdGuiItem::del())
== KMessageBox::Continue)
KTouchPtr->clearStatistics(); // clear statistics data in KTouch
// clear and reset local copy
QString s = lectureCombo->text(m_currentIndex);
m_currentIndex = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::updateCurrentSessionTab() {
// session/level/info
QString levelnums;
int last_level = -2;
int levels_count = 0;
std::set<unsigned int>::iterator last_it = m_currSessionStats.m_levelNums.end();
for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator it = m_currSessionStats.m_levelNums.begin();
it != m_currSessionStats.m_levelNums.end(); ++it)
// do we have a level number that is not a subsequent level of the
// previous?
if ((static_cast<unsigned int>(last_level + 1) != *it) ||
(it == last_it))
if (it != m_currSessionStats.m_levelNums.begin()) {
if (levels_count > 1) levelnums += "...";
else levelnums += ",";
levels_count = 0;
levelnums += QString("%1").arg(*it+1);
else {
++levels_count; // increase level count
last_level = *it;
// general stats group
totalCharsLCD->display(static_cast<int>(m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars) );
wrongCharsLCD->display(static_cast<int>(m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars-m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars) );
wordsLCD->display(static_cast<int>(m_currSessionStats.m_words) );
// typing rate group
if (m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime == 0) {
else {
charSpeedLCD->display(static_cast<int>(m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars/m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime*60.0) );
wordSpeedLCD->display(static_cast<int>(m_currSessionStats.m_words/m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime*60.0) );
// accuracy
(100.0*m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars)/m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars) );
// create sorted list of missed characters
std::list<KTouchCharStats> charList( m_currSessionStats.m_charStats.begin(), m_currSessionStats.m_charStats.end());
std::list<KTouchCharStats>::const_iterator it=charList.begin();
unsigned int i=0;
for (; i<8 && it!=charList.end(); ++i, ++it) {
if (it->missHitRatio()==0)
break; // stop listing keys when their hit-miss-ration is zero
switch (i) {
case 0 : charLabel1->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress1->setEnabled(true);
charProgress1->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 1 : charLabel2->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress2->setEnabled(true);
charProgress2->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 2 : charLabel3->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress3->setEnabled(true);
charProgress3->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 3 : charLabel4->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress4->setEnabled(true);
charProgress4->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 4 : charLabel5->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress5->setEnabled(true);
charProgress5->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 5 : charLabel6->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress6->setEnabled(true);
charProgress6->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 6 : charLabel7->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress7->setEnabled(true);
charProgress7->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 7 : charLabel8->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress8->setEnabled(true);
charProgress8->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
// set remaining char labels and progress bars to zero
for(; i<8; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0 : charLabel1->setText(" "); charProgress1->setProgress(0); charProgress1->setEnabled(false); break;
case 1 : charLabel2->setText(" "); charProgress2->setProgress(0); charProgress2->setEnabled(false); break;
case 2 : charLabel3->setText(" "); charProgress3->setProgress(0); charProgress3->setEnabled(false); break;
case 3 : charLabel4->setText(" "); charProgress4->setProgress(0); charProgress4->setEnabled(false); break;
case 4 : charLabel5->setText(" "); charProgress5->setProgress(0); charProgress5->setEnabled(false); break;
case 5 : charLabel6->setText(" "); charProgress6->setProgress(0); charProgress6->setEnabled(false); break;
case 6 : charLabel7->setText(" "); charProgress7->setProgress(0); charProgress7->setEnabled(false); break;
case 7 : charLabel8->setText(" "); charProgress8->setProgress(0); charProgress8->setEnabled(false); break;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::updateCurrentLevelTab() {
// level info
levelLabel2->setText( QString("%1").arg(m_currLevelStats.m_levelNum+1) );
// general stats group
totalCharsLCDLevel->display(static_cast<int>(m_currLevelStats.m_totalChars) );
wrongCharsLCDLevel->display(static_cast<int>(m_currLevelStats.m_totalChars-m_currLevelStats.m_correctChars) );
wordsLCDLevel->display(static_cast<int>(m_currLevelStats.m_words) );
// typing rate group
if (m_currLevelStats.m_elapsedTime == 0) {
else {
charSpeedLCDLevel->display(static_cast<int>(m_currLevelStats.m_correctChars/m_currLevelStats.m_elapsedTime*60.0) );
wordSpeedLCDLevel->display(static_cast<int>(m_currLevelStats.m_words/m_currLevelStats.m_elapsedTime*60.0) );
// accuracy
(100.0*m_currLevelStats.m_correctChars)/m_currLevelStats.m_totalChars) );
// create sorted list of missed characters
std::list<KTouchCharStats> charList( m_currLevelStats.m_charStats.begin(), m_currLevelStats.m_charStats.end());
std::list<KTouchCharStats>::const_iterator it=charList.begin();
unsigned int i=0;
for (; i<8 && it!=charList.end(); ++i, ++it) {
if (it->missHitRatio()==0)
break; // stop listing keys when their hit-miss-ration is zero
switch (i) {
case 0 : charLabel1Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress1->setEnabled(true);
charProgress1Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 1 : charLabel2Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress2->setEnabled(true);
charProgress2Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 2 : charLabel3Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress3->setEnabled(true);
charProgress3Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 3 : charLabel4Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress4->setEnabled(true);
charProgress4Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 4 : charLabel5Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress5->setEnabled(true);
charProgress5Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 5 : charLabel6Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress6->setEnabled(true);
charProgress6Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 6 : charLabel7Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress7->setEnabled(true);
charProgress7Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
case 7 : charLabel8Level->setText( it->m_char ); charProgress8->setEnabled(true);
charProgress8Level->setProgress( it->missHitRatio() ); break;
// set remaining char labels and progress bars to zero
for(; i<8; ++i) {
switch (i) {
case 0 : charLabel1Level->setText(" "); charProgress1Level->setProgress(0); charProgress1Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 1 : charLabel2Level->setText(" "); charProgress2Level->setProgress(0); charProgress2Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 2 : charLabel3Level->setText(" "); charProgress3Level->setProgress(0); charProgress3Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 3 : charLabel4Level->setText(" "); charProgress4Level->setProgress(0); charProgress4Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 4 : charLabel5Level->setText(" "); charProgress5Level->setProgress(0); charProgress5Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 5 : charLabel6Level->setText(" "); charProgress6Level->setProgress(0); charProgress6Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 6 : charLabel7Level->setText(" "); charProgress7Level->setProgress(0); charProgress7Level->setEnabled(false); break;
case 7 : charLabel8Level->setText(" "); charProgress8Level->setProgress(0); charProgress8Level->setEnabled(false); break;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::updateChartTab() {
// remove all current chart objects
// if no lecture data is available, return
if (m_allStats.m_lectureStats.count()==0 || m_lectureIndex >= m_allStats.m_lectureStats.count()) return;
// what kind of chart is required?
if (levelsRadio->isChecked()) {
// TODO : nothing yet
else {
// find correct lecture index
QMapConstIterator<KURL, KTouchLectureStats> it = m_allStats.m_lectureStats.begin();
int index = m_lectureIndex;
while (index-- > 0) ++it;
std::vector< std::pair<double, double> > data;
QString caption = "Session data";
switch (buttonGroup2->selectedId()) {
case 0 : // words per minute
// loop over all session data entries in *it and store words per minute data
for (QValueVector<KTouchSessionStats>::const_iterator session_it = (*it).m_sessionStats.begin();
session_it != (*it).m_sessionStats.end(); ++session_it)
double t = (*session_it).m_elapsedTime;
double wpm = (t == 0) ? 0 : (*session_it).m_words/t*60.0;
double tp = (*session_it).m_timeRecorded.toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, wpm) );
// add current session if selected lecture matches
if (m_currentIndex == m_lectureIndex &&
m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime != 0)
double t = m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime;
double wpm = m_currSessionStats.m_words/t*60.0;
double tp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, wpm) );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabel( i18n("Words per minute") );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabelFormat(0, 'f', 0);
case 1 : // chars per minute
// loop over all session data entries in *it and store chars per minute data
for (QValueVector<KTouchSessionStats>::const_iterator session_it = (*it).m_sessionStats.begin();
session_it != (*it).m_sessionStats.end(); ++session_it)
double t = (*session_it).m_elapsedTime;
double cpm = (t == 0) ? 0 : (*session_it).m_correctChars/t*60.0;
double tp = (*session_it).m_timeRecorded.toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, cpm) );
// add current session
if (m_currentIndex == m_lectureIndex &&
m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime != 0)
double t = m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime;
double cpm = m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars/t*60.0;
double tp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, cpm) );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabel( i18n("Characters per minute") );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabelFormat(0, 'f', 0);
case 2 : // correctness
// loop over all session data entries in *it and store correctness data
for (QValueVector<KTouchSessionStats>::const_iterator session_it = (*it).m_sessionStats.begin();
session_it != (*it).m_sessionStats.end(); ++session_it)
double tc = (*session_it).m_totalChars;
double corr = (tc == 0) ? 0 : (*session_it).m_correctChars/tc;
double tp = (*session_it).m_timeRecorded.toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, corr) );
// add current session
if (m_currentIndex == m_lectureIndex &&
m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars != 0)
double tc = m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars;
double corr = m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars/tc;
double tp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, corr) );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabel( i18n("Correctness") );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabelFormat(0, 'g', 1);
case 3 : // skill
// loop over all session data entries in *it and store correctness data
for (QValueVector<KTouchSessionStats>::const_iterator session_it = (*it).m_sessionStats.begin();
session_it != (*it).m_sessionStats.end(); ++session_it)
double tc = (*session_it).m_totalChars;
double corr = (tc == 0) ? 0 : (*session_it).m_correctChars/tc;
double t = (*session_it).m_elapsedTime;
double cpm = (t == 0) ? 0 : (*session_it).m_correctChars/t*60.0;
double skill = corr*cpm;
double tp = (*session_it).m_timeRecorded.toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, skill) );
// add current session
if (m_currentIndex == m_lectureIndex &&
m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars != 0 &&
m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime != 0)
double tc = m_currSessionStats.m_totalChars;
double corr = m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars/tc;
double t = m_currSessionStats.m_elapsedTime;
double cpm = m_currSessionStats.m_correctChars/t*60.0;
double skill = corr*cpm;
double tp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()/(3600.0*24);
data.push_back(std::make_pair(tp, skill) );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabel( i18n("Skill") );
chartWidget->LeftAxis.setLabelFormat(0, 'f', 0);
default : return;
// Create plot object for session statistics
KPlotObject * ob;
if (data.size() <= 1) return;
ob = new KPlotObject(caption, "red", KPlotObject::CURVE, 2, KPlotObject::SOLID);
// Add some random points to the plot object
double min_x = 1e20;
double max_x = -1;
double max_y = -1;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<data.size(); ++i) {
double x;
if (timeRadio->isChecked()) {
x = data[i].first - data[0].first;
chartWidget->BottomAxis.setLabel( i18n( "Time since first practice session in days" ));
else {
x = i+1;
chartWidget->BottomAxis.setLabel( i18n( "Sessions" ));
ob->addPoint( DPoint(x, data[i].second) );
min_x = std::min(x, min_x);
max_x = std::max(x, max_x);
max_y = std::max(data[i].second, max_y);
if (max_y == 0) max_y = 1;
max_y *= 1.1;
chartWidget->setLimits( min_x, max_x, -0.1*max_y, max_y );
// kdDebug() << min_x << " " << max_x << " " << max_y << endl;
// Add plot object to chart
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void KTouchStatistics::updateChartTab() {
if (m_trainer->m_sessionHistory.size()<2) {
chartWidget->setEraseColor( Qt::gray );
else {
chartWidget->setEraseColor( Qt::white );
if (charSpeedButton->isChecked())
chartWidget->setChartType( KTouchChartWidget::CharsPerMinute );
else if (wordSpeedButton->isChecked())
chartWidget->setChartType( KTouchChartWidget::WordsPerMinute );
else if (accuracyButton->isChecked())
chartWidget->setChartType( KTouchChartWidget::Accuracy );
else if (timeButton->isChecked())
chartWidget->setChartType( KTouchChartWidget::ElapsedTime );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------