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kstarsactions.cpp - Trinity Desktop Planetarium
begin : Mon Feb 25 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
//needed in slotRunScript() for chmod() syscall (remote script downloaded to temp file)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdeactionclasses.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <tdeshortcut.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <ktip.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tdeconfigdialog.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
//FIXME GLSOSSARY (uncomment these when content is added)
//#include <libtdeedu/tdeeduui/tdeeduglossary.h>
#include "opscatalog.h"
#include "opsguides.h"
#include "opssolarsystem.h"
#include "opscolors.h"
#include "opsadvanced.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "kstars.h"
#include "kstarsdata.h"
#include "kstarsdatetime.h"
#include "skymap.h"
#include "skyobject.h"
#include "skyobjectname.h"
#include "ksplanetbase.h"
#include "ksasteroid.h"
#include "kscomet.h"
#include "ksmoon.h"
#include "simclock.h"
#include "infoboxes.h"
#include "toggleaction.h"
#include "timedialog.h"
#include "locationdialog.h"
#include "finddialog.h"
#include "focusdialog.h"
#include "fovdialog.h"
#include "kswizard.h"
#include "tools/lcgenerator.h"
#include "tools/astrocalc.h"
#include "tools/altvstime.h"
#include "tools/wutdialog.h"
#include "tools/scriptbuilder.h"
#include "tools/planetviewer.h"
#include "tools/jmoontool.h"
#include "devmanager.h"
#include "indimenu.h"
#include "indidriver.h"
#include "indifitsconf.h"
#include "telescopewizardprocess.h"
#include "telescopeprop.h"
#include "fitsviewer.h"
#if ( KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 2, 90 ) )
#include "ksnewstuff.h"
#endif // KDE >= 3.2.90
#include "imagesequence.h"
//This file contains function definitions for Actions declared in kstars.h
/** ViewToolBar Action. All of the viewToolBar buttons are connected to this slot. **/
void KStars::slotViewToolBar() {
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_stars" ) ) {
Options::setShowStars( !Options::showStars() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_deepsky" ) ) {
Options::setShowDeepSky( ! Options::showDeepSky() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_planets" ) ) {
Options::setShowPlanets( ! Options::showPlanets() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_clines" ) ) {
Options::setShowCLines( !Options::showCLines() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_cnames" ) ) {
Options::setShowCNames( !Options::showCNames() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_cbounds" ) ) {
Options::setShowCBounds( !Options::showCBounds() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_mw" ) ) {
Options::setShowMilkyWay( !Options::showMilkyWay() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_grid" ) ) {
Options::setShowGrid( !Options::showGrid() );
} else if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_horizon" ) ) {
Options::setShowGround( !Options::showGround() );
// update time for all objects because they might be not initialized
// it's needed when using horizontal coordinates
/** Major Dialog Window Actions **/
void KStars::slotCalculator() {
AstroCalc astrocalc (this);
void KStars::slotWizard() {
KSWizard wizard(this);
if ( wizard.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
Options::setRunStartupWizard( false ); //don't run on startup next time
data()->setLocation( wizard.geo() );
// reset infoboxes
infoBoxes()->geoChanged( geo() );
// adjust local time to keep UT the same.
// create new LT without DST offset
KStarsDateTime ltime = geo()->UTtoLT( data()->ut() );
// reset timezonerule to compute next dst change
geo()->tzrule()->reset_with_ltime( ltime, geo()->TZ0(), data()->isTimeRunningForward() );
// reset next dst change time
data()->setNextDSTChange( geo()->tzrule()->nextDSTChange() );
// reset local sideral time
// Make sure Numbers, Moon, planets, and sky objects are updated immediately
// If the sky is in Horizontal mode and not tracking, reset focus such that
// Alt/Az remain constant.
if ( data()->useDefaultOptions ) {
SkyPoint newPoint;
newPoint.setAz( Options::focusRA() );
newPoint.setAlt( Options::focusDec() + 0.0001 );
newPoint.HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
map()->setDestination( &newPoint );
} else if ( ! Options::isTracking() && Options::useAltAz() ) {
map()->focus()->HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
// recalculate new times and objects
void KStars::slotDownload() {
#if ( KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 2, 90 ) )
if (!kns) kns = new KSNewStuff( this );
#endif //KDE >= 3.2.90
void KStars::slotLCGenerator() {
if (AAVSODialog == NULL)
AAVSODialog = new LCGenerator(this);
void KStars::slotAVT() {
AltVsTime * avt = new AltVsTime(this);
void KStars::slotWUT() {
WUTDialog dialog(this);
// void KStars::slotGlossary(){
// GlossaryDialog *dlg = new GlossaryDialog( true, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "glossary" );
// TQString glossaryfile =data()->stdDirs->findResource( "data", "kstars/glossary.xml" );
// KURL u = glossaryfile;
// Glossary *g = Glossary::readFromXML( u );
// g->setName( i18n( "Knowledge" ) );
// dlg->addGlossary( g );
// dlg->show();
// }
void KStars::slotScriptBuilder() {
ScriptBuilder sb(this);
void KStars::slotSolarSystem() {
PlanetViewer pv(this);
void KStars::slotJMoonTool() {
JMoonTool jmt(this);
void KStars::slotImageSequence()
if (indiseq == NULL)
indiseq = new imagesequence(this);
if (indiseq->updateStatus())
void KStars::slotTelescopeWizard()
telescopeWizardProcess twiz(this);
void KStars::slotTelescopeProperties()
telescopeProp scopeProp(this);
void KStars::slotINDIPanel() {
if (indimenu == NULL)
indimenu = new INDIMenu(this);
void KStars::slotINDIDriver() {
if (indidriver == NULL)
indidriver = new INDIDriver(this);
void KStars::slotINDIConf() {
INDIFITSConf indioptions(this);
/*TQStringList filterList;
indiconf.timeCheck->setChecked( Options::indiAutoTime() );
indiconf.GeoCheck->setChecked( Options::indiAutoGeo() );
indiconf.crosshairCheck->setChecked( Options::indiCrosshairs() );
indiconf.messagesCheck->setChecked ( Options::indiMessages() );
indiconf.fitsAutoDisplayCheck->setChecked( Options::indiFITSDisplay() );
indiconf.telPort_IN->setText ( Options::indiTelescopePort());
indiconf.vidPort_IN->setText ( Options::indiVideoPort());
if (Options::fitsSaveDirectory().isEmpty())
indiconf.fitsDIR_IN->setText (TQDir:: homeDirPath());
Options::setFitsSaveDirectory( indiconf.fitsDIR_IN->text());
indiconf.fitsDIR_IN->setText ( Options::fitsSaveDirectory());
if (Options::filterAlias().empty())
filterList << "0" << "1" << "2" << "3" << "4" << "5" << "6" << "7" << "8"
<< "9";
if (indioptions.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted)
/*Options::setIndiAutoTime( indiconf.timeCheck->isChecked() );
Options::setIndiAutoGeo( indiconf.GeoCheck->isChecked() );
Options::setIndiCrosshairs( indiconf.crosshairCheck->isChecked() );
Options::setIndiMessages( indiconf.messagesCheck->isChecked() );
Options::setIndiFITSDisplay (indiconf.fitsAutoDisplayCheck->isChecked());
Options::setIndiTelescopePort ( indiconf.telPort_IN->text());
Options::setIndiVideoPort( indiconf.vidPort_IN->text());
Options::setFitsSaveDirectory( indiconf.fitsDIR_IN->text());*/
void KStars::slotGeoLocator() {
LocationDialog locationdialog (this);
if ( locationdialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
GeoLocation *newLocation = locationdialog.selectedCity();
if ( newLocation ) {
// set new location in options
data()->setLocation( *newLocation );
// reset infoboxes
infoBoxes()->geoChanged( newLocation );
// adjust local time to keep UT the same.
// create new LT without DST offset
KStarsDateTime ltime = newLocation->UTtoLT( data()->ut() );
// reset timezonerule to compute next dst change
newLocation->tzrule()->reset_with_ltime( ltime, newLocation->TZ0(), data()->isTimeRunningForward() );
// reset next dst change time
data()->setNextDSTChange( newLocation->tzrule()->nextDSTChange() );
// reset local sideral time
// Make sure Numbers, Moon, planets, and sky objects are updated immediately
// If the sky is in Horizontal mode and not tracking, reset focus such that
// Alt/Az remain constant.
if ( ! Options::isTracking() && Options::useAltAz() ) {
map()->focus()->HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
// recalculate new times and objects
void KStars::slotViewOps() {
TDEStandardDirs stdDirs;
//An instance of your dialog could be already created and could be cached,
//in which case you want to display the cached dialog instead of creating
//another one
if ( TDEConfigDialog::showDialog( "settings" ) ) return;
//TDEConfigDialog didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it :
TDEConfigDialog* dialog = new TDEConfigDialog( this, "settings",
Options::self() );
connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( applyClicked() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotApplySettings() ) );
connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotApplySettings() ) );
OpsCatalog *opcatalog = new OpsCatalog( this, "catalogs" );
OpsGuides *opguides = new OpsGuides( this, "guides" );
OpsSolarSystem *opsolsys = new OpsSolarSystem( this, "solarsystem" );
OpsColors *opcolors = new OpsColors( this, "colors" );
OpsAdvanced *opadvanced = new OpsAdvanced( this, "advanced" );
dialog->addPage(opcatalog, i18n("Catalogs"), "kstars_catalog");
dialog->addPage(opsolsys, i18n("Solar System"), "kstars_solarsystem");
dialog->addPage(opguides, i18n("Guides"), "kstars_guides");
dialog->addPage(opcolors, i18n("Colors"), "kstars_colors");
dialog->addPage(opadvanced, i18n("Advanced"), "kstars_advanced");
void KStars::slotApplyConfigChanges() {
void KStars::slotSetTime() {
TimeDialog timedialog ( data()->lt(), this );
if ( timedialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
data()->changeDateTime( geo()->LTtoUT( timedialog.selectedDateTime() ) );
if ( Options::useAltAz() ) {
map()->focus()->HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
//If focusObject has a Planet Trail, clear it and start anew.
if ( map()->focusObject() && map()->focusObject()->isSolarSystem() &&
((KSPlanetBase*)map()->focusObject())->hasTrail() ) {
void KStars::slotFind() {
if ( !findDialog ) { // create new dialog if no dialog is existing
findDialog = new FindDialog( this );
if ( !findDialog ) kdWarning() << i18n( "KStars::slotFind() - Not enough memory for dialog" ) << endl;
if ( findDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && findDialog->currentItem() ) {
map()->setClickedObject( findDialog->currentItem()->objName()->skyObject() );
map()->setClickedPoint( map()->clickedObject() );
// check if data has changed while dialog was open
if ( DialogIsObsolete ) clearCachedFindDialog();
/** Menu Slots **/
void KStars::newWindow() {
new KStars(true);
void KStars::closeWindow() {
// since QT 3.1 close() just emits lastWindowClosed if the window is not hidden
void KStars::slotOpenFITS()
KURL fileURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( TQDir::homeDirPath(), "*.fits *.fit *.fts|Flexible Image Transport System");
if (fileURL.isEmpty())
FITSViewer * fv = new FITSViewer(&fileURL, this);
void KStars::slotExportImage() {
KURL fileURL = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( TQDir::homeDirPath(), "image/png image/jpeg image/gif image/x-portable-pixmap image/x-bmp" );
//Warn user if file exists!
if (TQFile::exists(fileURL.path()))
int r=KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(TQT_TQWIDGET(parent()),
i18n( "A file named \"%1\" already exists. "
"Overwrite it?" ).arg(fileURL.fileName()),
i18n( "Overwrite File?" ),
i18n( "&Overwrite" ) );
if(r==KMessageBox::Cancel) return;
exportImage( fileURL.url(), map()->width(), map()->height() );
void KStars::slotRunScript() {
KURL fileURL = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( TQDir::homeDirPath(), "*.kstars|KStars Scripts (*.kstars)" );
TQFile f;
TQString fname;
if ( fileURL.isValid() ) {
if ( ! fileURL.isLocalFile() ) {
//Warn the user about executing remote code.
TQString message = i18n( "Warning: You are about to execute a remote shell script on your machine. " );
message += i18n( "If you absolutely trust the source of this script, press Continue to execute the script; " );
message += i18n( "to save the file without executing it, press Save; " );
message += i18n( "to cancel the download, press Cancel. " );
int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( 0, message, i18n( "Really Execute Remote Script?" ),
KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::save() );
if ( result == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return;
if ( result == KMessageBox::No ) { //save file
KURL saveURL = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( TQDir::homeDirPath(), "*.kstars|KStars Scripts (*.kstars)" );
KTempFile tmpfile;
while ( ! saveURL.isValid() ) {
message = i18n( "Save location is invalid. Try another location?" );
if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, message, i18n( "Invalid Save Location" ), i18n("Try Another"), i18n("Do Not Try") ) == KMessageBox::No ) return;
saveURL = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( TQDir::homeDirPath(), "*.kstars|KStars Scripts (*.kstars)" );
if ( saveURL.isLocalFile() ) {
fname = saveURL.path();
} else {
fname =;
if( TDEIO::NetAccess::download( fileURL, fname, this ) ) {
chmod( fname.ascii(), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH ); //make it executable
if ( == fname ) { //upload to remote location
if ( ! TDEIO::NetAccess::upload(, fileURL, this ) ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Could not upload image to remote location: %1" ).arg( fileURL.prettyURL() );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could not upload file" ) );
} else {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "Could not download the file." ), i18n( "Download Error" ) );
//Damn the torpedos and full speed ahead, we're executing the script!
KTempFile tmpfile;
if ( ! fileURL.isLocalFile() ) {
fname =;
if( TDEIO::NetAccess::download( fileURL, fname, this ) ) {
f.setName( fname );
} else {
f.setName( fileURL.path() );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly) ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Could not open file %1" ).arg( );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Open File" ) );
// Before we run the script, make sure that it's safe. Each line must either begin with "#"
// or begin with "dcop $KSTARS". Otherwise, the line must be equal to one of the following:
// "KSTARS=`dcopfind -a 'kstars*'`"; "MAIN=KStarsInterface"; or "CLOCK=clock#1"
TQTextStream istream(&f);
TQString line;
bool fileOK( true );
while ( ! istream.eof() ) {
line = istream.readLine();
if ( line.left(1) != "#" && line.left(12) != "dcop $KSTARS"
&& line.stripWhiteSpace() != "KSTARS=`dcopfind -a 'kstars*'`"
&& line.stripWhiteSpace() != "MAIN=KStarsInterface"
&& line.stripWhiteSpace() != "CLOCK=clock#1" ) {
fileOK = false;
if ( ! fileOK ) {
int answer;
answer = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, i18n( "The selected script contains unrecognized elements,"
"indicating that it was not created using the KStars script builder. "
"This script may not function properly, and it may even contain malicious code. "
"Would you like to execute it anyway?" ),
i18n( "Script Validation Failed" ), i18n("Run Nevertheless"), "daExecuteScript" );
if ( answer == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return;
//Add statusbar message that script is running
//ks->statusBar()->changeItem( i18n( "Running script: %1" ).arg( fileURL.fileName() ), 0 );
TDEProcess p;
p <<;
p.start( TDEProcess::DontCare );
while ( p.isRunning() ) kapp->processEvents( 50 ); //otherwise tempfile may get deleted before script completes.
void KStars::slotPrint() {
bool switchColors(false);
//Suggest Chart color scheme
if ( data()->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "SkyColor" ) != "#FFFFFF" ) {
TQString message = i18n( "You can save printer ink by using the \"Star Chart\" "
"color scheme, which uses a white background. Would you like to "
"temporarily switch to the Star Chart color scheme for printing?" );
int answer;
answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( 0, message, i18n( "Switch to Star Chart Colors?" ),
i18n("Switch Color Scheme"), i18n("Do Not Switch"), "askAgainPrintColors" );
if ( answer == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return;
if ( answer == KMessageBox::Yes ) switchColors = true;
printImage( true, switchColors );
//Set Time to CPU clock
void KStars::slotSetTimeToNow() {
data()->changeDateTime( geo()->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() ) );
if ( Options::useAltAz() ) {
map()->focus()->HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
//If focusObject has a Planet Trail, clear it and start anew.
if ( map()->focusObject() && map()->focusObject()->isSolarSystem() &&
((KSPlanetBase*)map()->focusObject())->hasTrail() ) {
void KStars::slotToggleTimer() {
if ( data()->clock()->isActive() ) {
} else {
if ( fabs( data()->clock()->scale() ) > Options::slewTimeScale() )
data()->clock()->setManualMode( true );
if ( data()->clock()->isManualMode() ) map()->forceUpdate();
void KStars::slotPointFocus() {
TQString sentFrom( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() );
if ( sentFrom == "zenith" )
map()->invokeKey( KKey( "Z" ).keyCodeQt() );
else if ( sentFrom == "north" )
map()->invokeKey( KKey( "N" ).keyCodeQt() );
else if ( sentFrom == "east" )
map()->invokeKey( KKey( "E" ).keyCodeQt() );
else if ( sentFrom == "south" )
map()->invokeKey( KKey( "S" ).keyCodeQt() );
else if ( sentFrom == "west" )
map()->invokeKey( KKey( "W" ).keyCodeQt() );
void KStars::slotTrack() {
if ( Options::isTracking() ) {
Options::setIsTracking( false );
actionCollection()->action("track_object")->setText( i18n( "Engage &Tracking" ) );
actionCollection()->action("track_object")->setIconSet( BarIcon( "decrypted" ) );
if ( map()->focusObject() && map()->focusObject()->isSolarSystem() && data()->temporaryTrail ) {
data()->temporaryTrail = false;
map()->setClickedObject( NULL );
map()->setFocusObject( NULL );//no longer tracking focusObject
map()->setFocusPoint( NULL );
} else {
map()->setClickedPoint( map()->focus() );
map()->setClickedObject( NULL );
map()->setFocusObject( NULL );//no longer tracking focusObject
map()->setFocusPoint( map()->clickedPoint() );
Options::setIsTracking( true );
actionCollection()->action("track_object")->setText( i18n( "Stop &Tracking" ) );
actionCollection()->action("track_object")->setIconSet( BarIcon( "encrypted" ) );
void KStars::slotManualFocus() {
FocusDialog focusDialog( this ); // = new FocusDialog( this );
if ( Options::useAltAz() ) focusDialog.activateAzAltPage();
if ( focusDialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
//If the requested position is very near the pole, we need to point first
//to an intermediate location just below the pole in order to get the longitudinal
//position (RA/Az) right.
double realAlt( focusDialog.point()->alt()->Degrees() );
double realDec( focusDialog.point()->dec()->Degrees() );
if ( Options::useAltAz() && realAlt > 89.0 ) {
focusDialog.point()->setAlt( 89.0 );
if ( ! Options::useAltAz() && realDec > 89.0 ) {
focusDialog.point()->setDec( 89.0 );
//Do we need to convert Az/Alt to RA/Dec?
if ( focusDialog.usedAltAz() )
focusDialog.point()->HorizontalToEquatorial( LST(), geo()->lat() );
//Do we need to convert RA/Dec to Alt/Az?
if ( ! focusDialog.usedAltAz() )
focusDialog.point()->EquatorialToHorizontal( LST(), geo()->lat() );
map()->setClickedPoint( focusDialog.point() );
if ( Options::isTracking() ) slotTrack();
//The slew takes some time to complete, and this often causes the final focus point to be slightly
//offset from the user's requested coordinates (because EquatorialToHorizontal() is called
//throughout the process, which depends on the sidereal time). So we now "polish" the final
//position by resetting the final focus to the focusDialog point.
//Also, if the requested position was within 1 degree of the coordinate pole, this will
//automatically correct the final pointing from the intermediate offset position to the final position
if ( Options::useAltAz() ) {
map()->setDestinationAltAz( focusDialog.point()->alt()->Degrees(), focusDialog.point()->az()->Degrees() );
} else {
map()->setDestination( focusDialog.point()->ra()->Hours(), focusDialog.point()->dec()->Degrees() );
//Now, if the requested point was near a pole, we need to reset the Alt/Dec of the focus.
if ( Options::useAltAz() && realAlt > 89.0 ) map()->focus()->setAlt( realAlt );
if ( ! Options::useAltAz() && realDec > 89.0 ) map()->focus()->setDec( realAlt );
//Don't track if we set Alt/Az coordinates. This way, Alt/Az remain constant.
if ( focusDialog.usedAltAz() ) map()->stopTracking();
//View Menu
void KStars::slotZoomIn() {
actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->setEnabled (true);
if ( Options::zoomFactor() < MAXZOOM )
Options::setZoomFactor( Options::zoomFactor()*DZOOM );
if ( Options::zoomFactor() >= MAXZOOM ) {
Options::setZoomFactor( MAXZOOM );
actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->setEnabled (false);
void KStars::slotZoomOut() {
actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->setEnabled (true);
if ( Options::zoomFactor() > MINZOOM )
Options::setZoomFactor( Options::zoomFactor()/DZOOM );
if ( Options::zoomFactor() <= MINZOOM ) {
Options::setZoomFactor( MINZOOM );
actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->setEnabled (false);
void KStars::slotDefaultZoom() {
Options::setZoomFactor( DEFAULTZOOM );
if ( Options::zoomFactor() > MINZOOM )
actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->setEnabled (true);
if ( Options::zoomFactor() < MAXZOOM )
actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->setEnabled (true);
void KStars::slotSetZoom() {
bool ok( false );
double currentAngle = map()->width() / ( Options::zoomFactor() * dms::DegToRad );
double angSize = currentAngle;
double minAngle = map()->width() / ( MAXZOOM * dms::DegToRad );
double maxAngle = map()->width() / ( MINZOOM * dms::DegToRad );
angSize = KInputDialog::getDouble( i18n( "The user should enter an angle for the field-of-view of the display",
"Enter Desired Field-of-View Angle" ), i18n( "Enter a field-of-view angle in degrees: " ),
currentAngle, minAngle, maxAngle, 0.1, 1, &ok );
if ( ok ) {
Options::setZoomFactor( map()->width() / ( angSize * dms::DegToRad ) );
if ( Options::zoomFactor() <= MINZOOM ) {
Options::setZoomFactor( MINZOOM );
actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->setEnabled( false );
} else {
actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->setEnabled( true );
if ( Options::zoomFactor() >= MAXZOOM ) {
Options::setZoomFactor( MAXZOOM );
actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->setEnabled( false );
} else {
actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->setEnabled( true );
void KStars::slotCoordSys() {
if ( Options::useAltAz() ) {
Options::setUseAltAz( false );
if ( Options::useRefraction() ) {
if ( map()->focusObject() ) //simply update focus to focusObject's position
map()->setFocus( map()->focusObject() );
else { //need to recompute focus for unrefracted position
map()->setFocusAltAz( map()->refract( map()->focus()->alt(), false ).Degrees(),
map()->focus()->az()->Degrees() );
map()->focus()->HorizontalToEquatorial( data()->lst(), geo()->lat() );
} else {
Options::setUseAltAz( true );
if ( Options::useRefraction() ) {
map()->setFocusAltAz( map()->refract( map()->focus()->alt(), true ).Degrees(),
map()->focus()->az()->Degrees() );
//Settings Menu:
void KStars::slotColorScheme() {
//use mid(3) to exclude the leading "cs_" prefix from the action name
TQString filename = TQString( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() ).mid(3) + ".colors";
loadColorScheme( filename );
void KStars::slotTargetSymbol() {
TQString symbolName( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() );
FOV f( symbolName ); //read data from fov.dat
Options::setFOVName( );
Options::setFOVSize( f.size() );
Options::setFOVShape( f.shape() );
Options::setFOVColor( f.color() );
data()->fovSymbol.setName( Options::fOVName() );
data()->fovSymbol.setSize( Options::fOVSize() );
data()->fovSymbol.setShape( Options::fOVShape() );
data()->fovSymbol.setColor( Options::fOVColor().name() );
//Careful!! If the user selects a small FOV (like HST), this basically crashes kstars :(
// //set ZoomLevel to match the FOV symbol
// zoom( (double)(map()->width()) * 60.0 / ( 2.0 * dms::DegToRad * data()->fovSymbol.size() ) );
void KStars::slotFOVEdit() {
FOVDialog fovdlg( this );
if ( fovdlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
//replace existing fov.dat with data from the FOVDialog
TQFile f;
f.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", "fov.dat" ) );
//rebuild fov.dat if FOVList is empty
if ( fovdlg.FOVList.isEmpty() ) {
} else {
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
kdDebug() << i18n( "Could not open fov.dat for writing." ) << endl;
} else {
TQTextStream ostream(&f);
for ( FOV *fov = fovdlg.FOVList.first(); fov; fov = )
ostream << fov->name() << ":" << fov->size()
<< ":" << TQString("%1").arg( fov->shape() ) << ":" << fov->color() << endl;
//repopulate FOV menu with items from new fov.dat
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream stream( &f );
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
TQString line = stream.readLine();
TQStringList fields = TQStringList::split( ":", line );
if ( fields.count() == 4 ) {
TQString nm = fields[0].stripWhiteSpace();
TDEToggleAction *kta = new TDEToggleAction( nm, 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotTargetSymbol() ),
actionCollection(), nm.utf8() );
kta->setExclusiveGroup( "fovsymbol" );
fovActionMenu->insert( kta );
} else {
kdDebug() << i18n( "Could not open file: %1" ).arg( ) << endl;
fovActionMenu->insert( new TDEAction( i18n( "Edit FOV Symbols..." ), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this),
TQT_SLOT( slotFOVEdit() ), actionCollection(), "edit_fov" ) );
//set FOV to whatever was highlighted in FOV dialog
if ( fovdlg.FOVList.count() > 0 ) {
Options::setFOVName( fovdlg.currentItem() )->name() );
data()->fovSymbol.setName( Options::fOVName() );
data()->fovSymbol.setSize( Options::fOVSize() );
data()->fovSymbol.setShape( Options::fOVShape() );
data()->fovSymbol.setColor( Options::fOVColor().name() );
//Careful!! If the user selects a small FOV (like HST), this basically crashes kstars :(
// //set ZoomLevel to match the FOV symbol
// zoom( (double)(map()->width()) * 60.0 / ( 2.0 * dms::DegToRad * data()->fovSymbol.size() ) );
void KStars::slotObsList() {
//Help Menu
void KStars::slotTipOfDay() {
KTipDialog::showTip("kstars/tips", true);
// Toggle to and from full screen mode
void KStars::slotFullScreen()
if ( topLevelWidget()->isFullScreen() ) {
else {
void KStars::slotClearAllTrails() {
//Exclude object with temporary trail
SkyObject *exOb( NULL );
if ( map()->focusObject() && map()->focusObject()->isSolarSystem() && data()->temporaryTrail ) {
exOb = map()->focusObject();
//Major bodies
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Moon" ) ) data()->Moon->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Sun" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Sun")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Mercury" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Mercury")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Venus" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Venus")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Mars" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Mars")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Jupiter" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Jupiter")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Saturn" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Saturn")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Uranus" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Uranus")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Neptune" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Neptune")->clearTrail();
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == "Pluto" ) ) data()->PCat->findByName("Pluto")->clearTrail();
for ( KSAsteroid *ast = data()->asteroidList.first(); ast; ast = data()-> )
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == ast->name() ) ) ast->clearTrail();
for ( KSComet *com = data()->cometList.first(); com; com = data()-> )
if ( !( exOb && exOb->name() == com->name() ) ) com->clearTrail();
//toggle display of GUI Items on/off
void KStars::slotShowGUIItem( bool show ) {
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_mainToolBar" ) ) {
Options::setShowMainToolBar( show );
if ( show ) toolBar( "mainToolBar" )->show();
else toolBar( "mainToolBar" )->hide();
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_viewToolBar" ) ) {
Options::setShowViewToolBar( show );
if ( show ) toolBar( "viewToolBar" )->show();
else toolBar( "viewToolBar" )->hide();
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_statusBar" ) ) {
Options::setShowStatusBar( show );
if ( show ) statusBar()->show();
else statusBar()->hide();
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_sbAzAlt" ) ) {
Options::setShowAltAzField( show );
if ( show ) {
//To preserve the order (AzAlt before RADec), we have to remove
//the RADec field and then add both back.
if ( Options::showRADecField() ) statusBar()->removeItem( 2 );
TQString s = "000d 00m 00s, +00d 00\' 00\""; //only need this to set the width
statusBar()->insertFixedItem( s, 1, true );
statusBar()->setItemAlignment( 1, AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
statusBar()->changeItem( "", 1 );
if ( Options::showRADecField() ) {
statusBar()->insertFixedItem( s, 2, true );
statusBar()->setItemAlignment( 2, AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
statusBar()->changeItem( "", 2 );
} else {
statusBar()->removeItem( 1 );
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_sbRADec" ) ) {
Options::setShowRADecField( show );
if ( show ) {
TQString s = "000d 00m 00s, +00d 00\' 00\""; //only need this to set the width
statusBar()->insertFixedItem( s, 2, true );
statusBar()->setItemAlignment( 2, AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
statusBar()->changeItem( "", 2 );
} else {
statusBar()->removeItem( 2 );
//InfoBoxes: we only change options here; these are also connected to slots in
//InfoBoxes that actually toggle the display.
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_boxes" ) )
Options::setShowInfoBoxes( show );
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_time_box" ) )
Options::setShowTimeBox( show );
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_location_box" ) )
Options::setShowGeoBox( show );
if ( TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender()))->name() == TQString( "show_focus_box" ) )
Options::setShowFocusBox( show );
void KStars::addColorMenuItem( TQString name, TQString actionName ) {
colorActionMenu->insert( new TDEAction( name, 0,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotColorScheme() ), actionCollection(), actionName.local8Bit() ) );
void KStars::removeColorMenuItem( TQString actionName ) {
kdDebug() << "removing " << actionName << endl;
colorActionMenu->remove( actionCollection()->action( actionName.local8Bit().data() ) );
void KStars::establishINDI()
if (indimenu == NULL)
indimenu = new INDIMenu(this);
if (indidriver == NULL)
indidriver = new INDIDriver(this);