You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
245 lines
4.4 KiB
245 lines
4.4 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2004 by Yann Verley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Last modification : 12 May 2004
use strict;
sub print_colors
my ($red, $green, $blue) = @_;
print "\t\t<color>\n";
print "\t\t\t<red>$red</red>\n";
print "\t\t\t<green>$green</green>\n";
print "\t\t\t<blue>$blue</blue>\n";
print "\t\t</color>\n";
sub print_header
my ($map_file, $map_name) = @_;
print "<map>\n";
print "\t<mapFile>$map_file</mapFile>\n";
print "\t<name>$map_name</name>\n";
sub print_new_division
my ($name, $capital, $flag, $ignore, $red, $green, $blue) = @_;
print "\t<division>\n";
print "\t\t<name>$name</name>\n";
if ($ignore eq "yes")
print "\t\t<ignore>yes</ignore>\n";
if ($flag ne "")
print "\t\t<flag>$flag</flag>\n";
if ($capital ne "")
print "\t\t<capital>$capital</capital>\n";
print_colors($red, $green, $blue);
print "\t</division>\n";
sub print_end_of_file
print "</map>\n";
sub usage
print "Usage : division_list.txt [ignored_list.txt]\n\n";
print "This script produces a kgm file to be used with KGeography.\n";
print "It produces too a file, gimp_rgb.txt. This file can be used to help you\n";
print "to fill the divisions in your map with an image processing program.\n\n";
print "Example :\n";
print " spain.txt ignored.txt >spain.kgm\n\n";
print "Example 1 of division_list.txt :\n";
print "#division name;capital\n";
print "Andalucia;Seville\n";
print "Aragon;Zaragoza\n\n";
print "Example 2 of division_list.txt :\n";
print "#division name;capital;flag file\n";
print "Germany;Berlin;germany.png\n";
print "France;Paris;france.png\n\n";
print "Example of ignored_list.txt :\n";
print "#division name;red value;green value;blue value\n";
print "Frontier;0;0;0\n";
print "Water;50;50;255\n";
my @div_name_list;
my @div_capital_list;
my @div_flag_list;
my @ign_name_list;
my @ign_red_list;
my @ign_green_list;
my @ign_blue_list;
if (($ARGV[0] eq "") or ($ARGV[0] eq "-h"))
open(DIVFILE, "<".$ARGV[0]) or die "Can't open file $ARGV[0] : $!";
while (<DIVFILE>)
next if (/^#/);
my @spl = split /;/;
push @div_name_list, $spl[0];
push @div_capital_list, $spl[1];
push @div_flag_list, $spl[2];
if (open(IGNFILE, "<".$ARGV[1]))
while (<IGNFILE>)
next if (/^#/);
my @spl = split /;/;
push @ign_name_list, $spl[0];
push @ign_red_list, $spl[1];
push @ign_green_list, $spl[2];
push @ign_blue_list, $spl[3];
my $basename = $ARGV[0];
$basename =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]*$//;
print_header($basename.".png", ucfirst($basename));
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ign_name_list ; $i++)
my $min_red = 130;
my $min_green = 130;
my $min_blue = 130;
my $max_red = 250;
my $max_green = 250;
my $max_blue = 250;
my @red_list;
my @green_list;
my @blue_list;
my $red;
my $green;
my $blue;
my $step;
if ($#div_name_list < 25)
$step = 60;
elsif ($#div_name_list < 60)
$step = 40;
elsif ($#div_name_list < 120)
$step = 30;
elsif ($#div_name_list < 210)
$step = 24;
elsif ($#div_name_list < 340)
$step = 20;
# > 700 divisions allowed
$step = 15;
#now we build list of colors which will be used to colorize the map
for ($red = $min_red ; $red <= $max_red ; $red += $step)
for ($green = $min_green ; $green <= $max_green ; $green += $step)
for ($blue = $min_blue ; $blue <= $max_blue ; $blue += $step)
push @red_list, $red;
push @green_list, $green;
push @blue_list, $blue;
open(RGB_FILE, ">gimp_rgb.txt") or die "Cannot open file : $!";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#div_name_list ; $i++)
printf RGB_FILE "%s : %X%X%X\n", $div_name_list[$i],
$red_list[$i], $green_list[$i], $blue_list[$i];