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632 lines
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// Example source code for implementing the CCameraIO object
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "CameraIO.h"
#include "CameraIO_ISA_9x.h"
#include "CameraIO_PPI_9x.h"
#include "CameraIO_ISA_NT.h"
#include "CameraIO_PPI_NT.h"
#include "CameraIO_PCI.h"
// Error codes returned from config_load
const long CCD_OPEN_NOERR = 0; // No error detected
const long CCD_OPEN_CFGNAME = 1; // No config file specified
const long CCD_OPEN_CFGDATA = 2; // Config missing or missing required data
const long CCD_OPEN_LOOPTST = 3; // Loopback test failed, no camera found
const long CCD_OPEN_ALLOC = 4; // Memory alloc failed - system error
const long CCD_OPEN_NTIO = 5; // NT I/O driver not present
CCameraIO* cam; // the Camera interface object
// Function declarations for this file
int InitCam( char* cfgname );
long config_load( char* cfgname, short BaseAddress, short RegOffset );
bool CfgGet ( FILE* inifp,
char* inisect,
char* iniparm,
char* retbuff,
short bufflen,
short* parmlen);
unsigned short hextoi(char* instr);
void trimstr(char* s);
// Initializes the CameraIO object from an INI file specified by cfgname
int InitCam( char* cfgname )
long ret = config_load( cfgname, -1, -1 );
if ( ret == 0 )
// We can now access the cam objects members
cam->Flush(); // Start the camera flushing
return 0;
switch ( ret )
// "No config file specified."
// "Config file missing or missing required data."
// "Loopback test failed, no camera found"
// "Memory allocation failed - system error"
// "NT I/O driver not present"
return ret;
// Convert a string to a decimal or hexadecimal integer
unsigned short hextoi(char *instr)
unsigned short val, tot = 0;
bool IsHEX = false;
long n = strlen( instr );
if ( n > 1 )
{ // Look for hex format e.g. 8Fh, A3H or 0x5D
if ( instr[ n - 1 ] == 'h' || instr[ n - 1 ] == 'H' )
IsHEX = true;
else if ( *instr == '0' && *(instr+1) == 'x' )
IsHEX = true;
instr += 2;
if ( IsHEX )
while (instr && *instr && isxdigit(*instr))
val = *instr++ - '0';
if (9 < val)
val -= 7;
tot <<= 4;
tot |= (val & 0x0f);
tot = atoi( instr );
return tot;
// Trim trailing spaces from a string
void trimstr(char *s)
char *p;
p = s + (strlen(s) - 1);
while (isspace(*p))
*(++p) = '\0';
// CfgGet
// Retrieve a parameter from an INI file. Returns a status code
// and the paramter string in retbuff.
bool CfgGet ( FILE* inifp,
char *inisect,
char *iniparm,
char *retbuff,
short bufflen,
short *parmlen)
short gotsect;
char tbuf[256];
char *ss, *eq, *ps, *vs, *ptr;
rewind( inifp );
// find the target section
gotsect = 0;
while (fgets(tbuf,256,inifp) != NULL) {
if ((ss = strchr(tbuf,'[')) != NULL) {
if (strnicmp(ss+1,inisect,strlen(inisect)) == 0) {
gotsect = 1;
if (!gotsect) { // section not found
return false;
while (fgets(tbuf,256,inifp) != NULL) { // find parameter in sect
if ((ptr = strrchr(tbuf,'\n')) != NULL) // remove newline if there
*ptr = '\0';
ps = tbuf+strspn(tbuf," \t"); // find the first non-blank
if (*ps == ';') // Skip line if comment
if (*ps == '[') { // Start of next section
return false;
eq = strchr(ps,'='); // Find '=' sign in string
if (eq)
vs = eq + 1 + strspn(eq+1," \t"); // Find start of value str
// found the target parameter
if (strnicmp(ps,iniparm,strlen(iniparm)) == 0) {
if ((ptr = strchr(vs,';')) != NULL) // cut off an EOL comment
*ptr = '\0';
if (short(strlen(vs)) > bufflen - 1) {// not enough buffer space
strncpy(retbuff,vs,bufflen - 1);
retbuff[bufflen - 1] = '\0'; // put EOL in string
*parmlen = bufflen;
return true;
else {
strcpy(retbuff,vs); // got it
trimstr(retbuff); // trim any trailing blanks
*parmlen = strlen(retbuff);
return true;
return false; // parameter not found
// Initializes internal variables to their default value and reads the parameters in the
// specified INI file. Then initializes the camera using current settings. If BaseAddress
// or RegOffset parameters are specified (not equal to -1) then one or both of these
// values are used for the m_BaseAddress and m_RegisterOffset properties overriding those
// settings in the INI file.
long config_load( char* cfgname, short BaseAddress, short RegOffset )
short plen;
char retbuf[256];
if ((strlen(cfgname) == 0) || (cfgname[0] == '\0')) return CCD_OPEN_CFGNAME;
// attempt to open INI file
FILE* inifp = NULL;
if ((inifp = fopen(cfgname,"r")) == NULL) return CCD_OPEN_CFGDATA;
// Check whether we are on an NT platform
memset(&VersionInfo, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
GetVersionEx ( &VersionInfo );
bool IsNT = VersionInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
// System
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "interface", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
// Assume cam is currently null
if ( stricmp( "isa", retbuf ) == 0 )
if ( IsNT )
cam = new CCameraIO_ISA_NT;
cam = new CCameraIO_ISA_9x;
else if ( stricmp( "ppi", retbuf ) == 0 )
if ( IsNT )
cam = new CCameraIO_PPI_NT;
cam = new CCameraIO_PPI_9x;
else if ( stricmp( "pci", retbuf ) == 0 )
cam = new CCameraIO_PCI;
if ( cam == NULL )
fclose( inifp );
fclose( inifp );
// Settings which are stored in a class member (not in firmware) are already set
// to a default value in the constructor. Settings accessed by get/put functions
// must be set to a default value in this routine, after the base address and
// communication protocal is setup.
// These settings must done first since they affect communication with the camera
if ( BaseAddress == -1 )
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "base", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
cam->m_BaseAddress = hextoi(retbuf) & 0xFFF;
fclose( inifp );
delete cam;
cam = NULL;
return CCD_OPEN_CFGDATA; // base address MUST be defined
cam->m_BaseAddress = BaseAddress & 0xFFF;
if ( RegOffset == -1 )
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "reg_offset", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
unsigned short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 0x0 && val <= 0xF0 ) cam->m_RegisterOffset = val & 0xF0;
if ( RegOffset >= 0x0 && RegOffset <= 0xF0 ) cam->m_RegisterOffset = RegOffset & 0xF0;
// Necessary tqgeometry settings
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "rows", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXTOTALROWS ) cam->m_Rows = val;
fclose( inifp );
delete cam;
cam = NULL;
return CCD_OPEN_CFGDATA; // rows MUST be defined
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "columns", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXTOTALCOLUMNS ) cam->m_Columns = val;
fclose( inifp );
delete cam;
cam = NULL;
return CCD_OPEN_CFGDATA; // columns MUST be defined
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "pp_repeat", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi( retbuf );
if ( val > 0 && val <= 1000 ) cam->m_PPRepeat = val;
// First actual communication with camera if in PPI mode
if ( !cam->InitDriver() )
delete cam;
cam = NULL;
fclose( inifp );
if ( IsNT )
// First actual communication with camera if in ISA mode
cam->Reset(); // Read in command register to set shadow register known state
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "cable", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("LONG",retbuf))
cam->write_LongCable( true );
else if ( !stricmp("SHORT",retbuf) )
cam->write_LongCable( false );
cam->write_LongCable( false ); // default
if ( !cam->read_Present() )
delete cam;
cam = NULL;
fclose( inifp );
// Set default setting and read other settings from ini file
cam->write_UseTrigger( false );
cam->write_ForceShutterOpen( false );
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "high_priority", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("ON",retbuf) || !stricmp("TRUE",retbuf) || !stricmp("1",retbuf))
cam->m_HighPriority = true;
else if (!stricmp("OFF",retbuf) || !stricmp("FALSE",retbuf) || !stricmp("0",retbuf))
cam->m_HighPriority = false;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "data_bits", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi( retbuf );
if ( val >= 8 && val <= 18 ) cam->m_DataBits = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "sensor", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if ( stricmp( "ccd", retbuf ) == 0 )
cam->m_SensorType = Camera_SensorType_CCD;
else if ( stricmp( "cmos", retbuf ) == 0 )
cam->m_SensorType = Camera_SensorType_CMOS;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "mode", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
unsigned short val = hextoi(retbuf) & 0xF;
cam->write_Mode( val );
cam->write_Mode( 0 ); // default
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "test", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
unsigned short val = hextoi(retbuf) & 0xF;
cam->write_TestBits( val );
cam->write_TestBits( 0 ); //default
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "test2", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
unsigned short val = hextoi(retbuf) & 0xF;
cam->write_Test2Bits( val );
cam->write_Test2Bits( 0 ); // default
cam->write_FastReadout( false ); //default
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "shutter_speed", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("normal",retbuf))
cam->m_FastShutter = false;
cam->m_MaxExposure = 10485.75;
cam->m_MinExposure = 0.01;
else if (!stricmp("fast",retbuf))
cam->m_FastShutter = true;
cam->m_MaxExposure = 1048.575;
cam->m_MinExposure = 0.001;
else if ( !stricmp("dual",retbuf))
cam->m_FastShutter = true;
cam->m_MaxExposure = 10485.75;
cam->m_MinExposure = 0.001;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "shutter_bits", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
unsigned short val = hextoi(retbuf);
cam->m_FastShutterBits_Mode = val & 0x0F;
cam->m_FastShutterBits_Test = ( val & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "maxbinx", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXHBIN ) cam->m_MaxBinX = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "maxbiny", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXVBIN ) cam->m_MaxBinY = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "guider_relays", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("ON",retbuf) || !stricmp("TRUE",retbuf) || !stricmp("1",retbuf))
cam->m_GuiderRelays = true;
else if (!stricmp("OFF",retbuf) || !stricmp("FALSE",retbuf) || !stricmp("0",retbuf))
cam->m_GuiderRelays = false;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "system", "timeout", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
double val = atof(retbuf);
if ( val >= 0.0 && val <= 10000.0 ) cam->m_Timeout = val;
// Geometry
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "bic", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXCOLUMNS ) cam->m_BIC = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "bir", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXROWS ) cam->m_BIR = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "skipc", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 0 && val <= MAXCOLUMNS ) cam->m_SkipC = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "skipr", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 0 && val <= MAXROWS ) cam->m_SkipR = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "imgcols", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXTOTALCOLUMNS ) cam->m_ImgColumns = val;
cam->m_ImgColumns = cam->m_Columns - cam->m_BIC - cam->m_SkipC;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "imgrows", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXTOTALROWS ) cam->m_ImgRows = val;
cam->m_ImgRows = cam->m_Rows - cam->m_BIR - cam->m_SkipR;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "hflush", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXHBIN ) cam->m_HFlush = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "geometry", "vflush", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= MAXVBIN ) cam->m_VFlush = val;
// Default to full frame
cam->m_NumX = cam->m_ImgColumns;
cam->m_NumY = cam->m_ImgRows;
// Temperature
if (CfgGet (inifp, "temp", "control", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("ON",retbuf) || !stricmp("TRUE",retbuf) || !stricmp("1",retbuf))
cam->m_TempControl = true;
else if (!stricmp("OFF",retbuf) || !stricmp("FALSE",retbuf) || !stricmp("0",retbuf))
cam->m_TempControl = false;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "temp", "cal", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
short val = hextoi(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1 && val <= 255 ) cam->m_TempCalibration = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "temp", "scale", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
double val = atof(retbuf);
if ( val >= 1.0 && val <= 10.0 ) cam->m_TempScale = val;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "temp", "target", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
double val = atof(retbuf);
if ( val >= -60.0 && val <= 40.0 )
cam->write_CoolerSetPoint( val );
cam->write_CoolerSetPoint( -10.0 );
cam->write_CoolerSetPoint( -10.0 ); //default
// CCD
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "sensor", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if ( plen > 256 ) plen = 256;
memcpy( cam->m_Sensor, retbuf, plen );
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "color", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
if (!stricmp("ON",retbuf) || !stricmp("TRUE",retbuf) || !stricmp("1",retbuf))
cam->m_Color = true;
else if (!stricmp("OFF",retbuf) || !stricmp("FALSE",retbuf) || !stricmp("0",retbuf))
cam->m_Color = false;
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "noise", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
cam->m_Noise = atof( retbuf );
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "gain", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
cam->m_Gain = atof( retbuf );
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "pixelxsize", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
cam->m_PixelXSize = atof( retbuf );
if (CfgGet (inifp, "ccd", "pixelysize", retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), &plen))
cam->m_PixelYSize = atof( retbuf );
fclose( inifp );