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starobject.h - K Desktop Planetarium
begin : Tue Sep 18 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Thomas Kabelmann
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include "skyobject.h"
class TQPainter;
class TQString;
class KSPopupMenu;
/**@class StarObject
*This is a subclass of SkyObject. It adds the Spectral type, and flags
*for variability and multiplicity.
*For stars, the primary name (n) is the latin name (e.g., "Betelgeuse"). The
*secondary name (n2) is the genetive name (e.g., "alpha Orionis").
*@short subclass of SkyObject specialized for stars.
*@author Thomas Kabelmann
*@version 1.0
class StarObject : public SkyObject {
*Copy constructor
StarObject(StarObject & o);
*Constructor. Sets sky coordinates, magnitude, latin name, genetive name, and
*spectral type.
*@param r Right Ascension
*@param d Declination
*@param m magnitude
*@param n common name
*@param n2 genetive name
*@param sptype Spectral Type
*@param pmra Proper motion in RA direction [mas/yr]
*@param pmdec Proper motion in Dec direction [mas/yr]
*@param par Parallax angle [mas]
*@param mult Multiplicity flag (false=dingle star; true=multiple star)
*@param var Variability flag (true if star is a known periodic variable)
StarObject( dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, TQString n="",
TQString n2="", TQString sptype="--", double pmra=0.0, double pmdec=0.0,
double par=0.0, bool mult=false, bool var=false );
*Constructor. Sets sky coordinates, magnitude, latin name, genetive name, and
*spectral type. Differs from above function only in data type of RA and Dec.
*@param r Right Ascension
*@param d Declination
*@param m magnitude
*@param n common name
*@param n2 genetive name
*@param sptype Spectral Type
*@param pmra Proper motion in RA direction [mas/yr]
*@param pmdec Proper motion in Dec direction [mas/yr]
*@param par Parallax angle [mas]
*@param mult Multiplicity flag (false=dingle star; true=multiple star)
*@param var Variability flag (true if star is a known periodic variable)
StarObject( double r, double d, float m=0.0, TQString n="",
TQString n2="", TQString sptype="--", double pmra=0.0, double pmdec=0.0,
double par=0.0, bool mult=false, bool var=false );
*Empty destructor.
~StarObject() {}
*If star is unnamed return "star" otherwise return the name
virtual TQString name( void ) const { return hasName() ? *Name : starString;}
*If star is unnamed return "star" otherwise return the longname
virtual TQString longname( void ) const { return hasLongName() ? *LongName : starString; }
*Returns first character of Spectral Type string, which is used to
*select the temperature-color of the star.
*@return first character of Spectral Type string
TQChar color( void ) const { return; }
*Returns entire spectral type string
*@return Spectral Type string
TQString sptype( void ) const;
*Returns the genetive name of the star.
*@return genetive name of the star
TQString gname( bool useGreekChars=true ) const;
*Returns the greek letter portion of the star's genetive name.
*Returns empty string if star has no genetive name defined.
*@return greek letter portion of genetive name
TQString greekLetter( bool useGreekChars=true ) const;
/**@return the genitive form of the star's constellation.
TQString constell( void ) const;
/**Determine the current coordinates (RA, Dec) from the catalog
*coordinates (RA0, Dec0), accounting for both precession and nutation.
*@param num pointer to KSNumbers object containing current values of
*time-dependent variables.
*@param includePlanets does nothing in this implementation (see KSPlanetBase::updateCoords()).
*@param lat does nothing in this implementation (see KSPlanetBase::updateCoords()).
*@param LST does nothing in this implementation (see KSPlanetBase::updateCoords()).
virtual void updateCoords( KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const dms *lat=0, const dms *LST=0 );
/**@short Set the Ra and Dec components of the star's proper motion, in milliarcsec/year.
*Note that the RA component is multiplied by cos(dec).
*@param pmra the new RA propoer motion
*@param pmdec the new Dec proper motion
void setProperMotion( double pmra, double pmdec ) { PM_RA = pmra; PM_Dec = pmdec; }
/**@return the RA component of the star's proper motion, in mas/yr (multiplied by cos(dec))
double pmRA() const { return PM_RA; }
/**@return the Dec component of the star's proper motion, in mas/yr
double pmDec() const { return PM_Dec; }
/**@short set the star's parallax angle, in milliarcsec
void setParallax( double plx ) { Parallax = plx; }
/**@return the star's parallax angle, in milliarcsec
double parallax() const { return Parallax; }
/**@return the star's distance from the Sun in parsecs, as computed from the parallax.
double distance() const { return 1000./parallax(); }
/**@short set the star's multiplicity flag (i.e., is it a binary or multiple star?)
*@param m true if binary/multiple star system
void setMultiple( bool m ) { Multiplicity = m; }
/**@return whether the star is a binary or multiple starobject
bool isMultiple() const { return Multiplicity; }
/**@short set the star's variability flag
*@param v true if star is variable
void setVariable( bool v ) { Variability = v; }
/**@return whether the star is a binary or multiple starobject
bool isVariable() const { return Variability; }
//Not using VRange, VPeriod currently (to save memory)
///**@short set the range in brightness covered by the star's variability
// *@param r the range of brightness, in magnitudes
// */
// void setVRange( double r ) { VRange = r; }
///**@return the range in brightness covered by the star's variability, in magnitudes
// */
// double vrange() const { return VRange; }
///**@short set the period of the star's brightness variation, in days.
// */
// void setVPeriod( double p ) { VPeriod = p; }
///**@return the period of the star's brightness variation, in days.
// */
// double vperiod() const { return VPeriod; }
void draw( TQPainter &psky, TQPixmap *sky, TQPixmap *starpix, int x, int y, bool drawMultiple=true, double scale=1.0 );
//overloaded from SkyObject
void drawLabel( TQPainter &psky, int x, int y, double zoom, bool drawName, bool drawMag, double scale );
/**Show star object popup menu. Overloaded from virtual
*@param pmenu pointer to the KSPopupMenu object
*@param pos TQPojnt holding the x,y coordinates for the menu
virtual void showPopupMenu( KSPopupMenu *pmenu, TQPoint pos ) { pmenu->createStarMenu( this ); pmenu->popup( pos ); }
TQString SpType;
double PM_RA, PM_Dec, Parallax; //, VRange, VPeriod;
bool Multiplicity, Variability;