You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<o>sacerdos (3)</o>
<t>savage, cruel</t>
<o>salus (3)</o>
<t>safety, health</t>
<o>saluto (1)</o>
<o>sanguis (3)</o>
<o>saxum (2)</o>
<o>scio (4)</o>
<o>scribo (3)</o>
<t>himself, herself, itself</t>
<o>sedeo (2)</o>
<o>senator (3)</o>
<o>senex (3)</o>
<t>old man</t>
<o>sentio (4)</o>
<t>feel, notice</t>
<o>sequor (3)</o>
<o>sermo (3)</o>
<o>servo (1)</o>
<t>save, look after</t>
<o>servus (2)</o>
<t>severe, strict</t>
<t>thus, in this way</t>
<t>like, just as</t>
<o>signum (2)</o>
<t>sign, signal, seal</t>
<o>silva (1)</o>
<t>as soon as</t>
<o>sine + abl</o>
<o>sol (3)</o>
<o>soleo (2)</o>
<t>be accustomed</t>
<t>alone, lonely, only</t>
<o>sonitus (4)</o>
<o>soror (3)</o>
<o>specto (1)</o>
<t>look at, watch</t>
<o>spero (1)</o>
<t>hope, expect</t>
<o>spes (5)</o>
<t>at once, immediately</t>
<o>sto (1)</o>
<t>stupid, foolish</t>
<o>sub + acc/abl</o>
<t>under, beneath</t>
<o>sum (irreg)</o>
<t>highest, greatest, top (of)</t>
<t>proud, arrogant</t>
<o>supero (1)</o>
<t>overcome, overpower</t>
<o>surgo (3)</o>
<t>get up, stand up, rise</t>
<t>his, her, its, their (own)</t>