You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

368 lines
7.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002 Dominique Devriese <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "guiaction.h"
#include "guiaction.moc"
#include "coordinate_system.h"
#include "coordinate.h"
#include "object_constructor.h"
#include "../kig/kig_part.h"
#include "../kig/kig_document.h"
#include "../misc/kiginputdialog.h"
#include "../modes/construct_mode.h"
#include "../modes/label.h"
#include "../objects/object_holder.h"
#include "../objects/object_factory.h"
#include "../objects/bogus_imp.h"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
int GUIAction::shortcut() const
return 0;
ObjectConstructor* ctor,
const TQCString& actionname,
int shortcut )
: GUIAction(), mctor( ctor ), mactionname( actionname ), mshortcut( shortcut )
TQString ConstructibleAction::description() const
return mctor->description();
TQCString ConstructibleAction::iconFileName() const
return mctor->iconFileName();
TQString ConstructibleAction::descriptiveName() const
return mctor->descriptiveName();
void ConstructibleAction::act( KigPart& d )
BaseConstructMode* m = mctor->constructMode( d );
d.runMode( m );
delete m;
KigGUIAction::KigGUIAction( GUIAction* act,
KigPart& doc,
TQObject* parent )
: TDEAction( act->descriptiveName(),
act->iconFileName(), TDEIcon::Toolbar, 0, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0L, true ),
0, 0, // no slot connection
parent, act->actionName() ),
mact( act ),
mdoc( doc )
setWhatsThis( act->description() );
TQString tooltip = act->descriptiveName();
tooltip.replace( TQRegExp( "&&" ), "&" );
setToolTip( tooltip );
void KigGUIAction::slotActivated()
mact->act( mdoc );
const char* ConstructibleAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
TQString ConstructPointAction::description() const
return i18n(
"A normal point, i.e. one that is either independent or attached "
"to a line, circle, segment."
TQCString ConstructPointAction::iconFileName() const
return "point";
TQString ConstructPointAction::descriptiveName() const
return i18n("Point");
const char* ConstructPointAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
int ConstructPointAction::shortcut() const
return TQt::Key_P;
void ConstructPointAction::act( KigPart& d )
PointConstructMode m( d );
d.runMode( &m );
ConstructPointAction::ConstructPointAction( const char* actionname )
: mactionname( actionname )
GUIAction* KigGUIAction::guiAction()
return mact;
void KigGUIAction::plug( KigPart* doc )
mact->plug( doc, this );
void ConstructibleAction::plug( KigPart* doc, KigGUIAction* kact )
mctor->plug( doc, kact );
TQString ConstructTextLabelAction::description() const
return i18n( "Construct a text label." );
TQCString ConstructTextLabelAction::iconFileName() const
return "kig_text";
TQString ConstructTextLabelAction::descriptiveName() const
return i18n( "Text Label" );
const char* ConstructTextLabelAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
void ConstructTextLabelAction::act( KigPart& d )
TextLabelConstructionMode m( d );
d.runMode( &m );
ConstructTextLabelAction::ConstructTextLabelAction( const char* actionname )
: mactionname( actionname )
TQString AddFixedPointAction::description() const
return i18n( "Construct a Point by its Coordinates" );
TQCString AddFixedPointAction::iconFileName() const
return "pointxy";
TQString AddFixedPointAction::descriptiveName() const
return i18n( "Point by Coordinates" );
const char* AddFixedPointAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
void AddFixedPointAction::act( KigPart& doc )
bool ok;
Coordinate c = Coordinate::invalidCoord();
i18n( "Fixed Point" ),
i18n( "Enter the coordinates for the new point." ) +
TQString::fromLatin1( "<br>" ) +
doc.widget(), &ok, doc.document(), &c );
if ( ! ok ) return;
ObjectHolder* p = ObjectFactory::instance()->fixedPoint( c );
p->calc( doc.document() );
doc.addObject( p );
AddFixedPointAction::AddFixedPointAction( const char* actionname )
: mactionname( actionname )
void GUIAction::plug( KigPart*, KigGUIAction* )
int ConstructibleAction::shortcut() const
return mshortcut;
int ConstructTextLabelAction::shortcut() const
return TQt::Key_B;
int AddFixedPointAction::shortcut() const
return TQt::Key_F;
#if 0
TestAction::TestAction( const char* actionname )
: mactionname( actionname )
TQString TestAction::description() const
return TQString::fromLatin1( "Test stuff !!!" );
TQCString TestAction::iconFileName() const
return "new";
TQString TestAction::descriptiveName() const
return TQString::fromLatin1( "Test stuff !!!" );
const char* TestAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
void TestAction::act( KigPart& doc )
const char* script =
"def calc( a ):\n\treturn Point( a.coordinate() + Coordinate( 2, 0 ) )\n";
Object* constantpoint = ObjectFactory::instance()->fixedPoint( Coordinate( -1, -1 ) );
constantpoint->calc( doc );
Object* codeobject = new DataObject( new StringImp( TQString::fromLatin1( script ) ) );
Object* compiledcode = new RealObject( PythonCompileType::instance(), Objects( codeobject ) );
compiledcode->calc( doc );
Objects args( compiledcode );
args.push_back( constantpoint );
Object* scriptobject = new RealObject( PythonExecuteType::instance(), args );
scriptobject->calc( doc );
doc.addObject( constantpoint );
doc.addObject( scriptobject );
#endif // if 0 ( TestAction )
#include "../scripting/python_type.h"
#include "../scripting/script_mode.h"
NewScriptAction::NewScriptAction( const char* descname, const char* description,
const char* actionname, const ScriptType::Type type,
const char* icon )
: GUIAction(), mactionname( actionname ), mdescname( descname ),
mdescription( description ), micon( icon ), mtype( type )
if ( TQString( micon ).isEmpty() )
micon = ScriptType::icon( type );
TQString NewScriptAction::description() const
return i18n( mdescription );
TQCString NewScriptAction::iconFileName() const
return micon;
TQString NewScriptAction::descriptiveName() const
return i18n( mdescname );
const char* NewScriptAction::actionName() const
return mactionname;
void NewScriptAction::act( KigPart& doc )
ScriptCreationMode m( doc );
m.setScriptType( mtype );
doc.runMode( &m );
int NewScriptAction::shortcut() const
return 0;
#endif // if KIG_ENABLE_PYTHON_SCRIPTING ( NewScriptAction )