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775 lines
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775 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2003 Dominique Devriese <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "object_hierarchy.h"
#include "../objects/object_holder.h"
#include "../objects/other_type.h"
#include "../objects/object_imp.h"
#include "../objects/object_imp_factory.h"
#include "../objects/object_type_factory.h"
#include "../objects/bogus_imp.h"
#include "../objects/transform_types.h"
#include "../objects/object_type.h"
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
class ObjectHierarchy::Node
enum { ID_PushStack, ID_ApplyType, ID_FetchProp };
virtual int id() const = 0;
virtual ~Node();
virtual Node* copy() const = 0;
virtual void apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack, int loc,
const KigDocument& ) const = 0;
virtual void apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const = 0;
// this function is used to check whether the final objects depend
// on the given objects. The dependsstack contains a set of
// booleans telling which parts of the hierarchy certainly depend on
// the given objects. In this function, the node should check
// whether any of its parents have true set, and if so, set its own
// value to true.
virtual void checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const = 0;
// this function is used to check whether the given objects are all
// used by one or more of the final objects. The usedstack contains
// a set of booleans telling which parts of the hierarchy are
// certainly ancestors of the final objects. In this function, the
// node should set all of its parents' booleans to true.
virtual void checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const = 0;
class PushStackNode
: public ObjectHierarchy::Node
ObjectImp* mimp;
PushStackNode( ObjectImp* imp ) : mimp( imp ) {}
const ObjectImp* imp() const { return mimp; }
int id() const;
Node* copy() const;
void apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& ) const;
void apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const;
void checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const;
void checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const;
void PushStackNode::checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& ) const
void PushStackNode::apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const
stack[loc] = new ObjectConstCalcer( mimp->copy() );
void PushStackNode::checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>&, int ) const {
// pushstacknode depends on nothing..
int PushStackNode::id() const { return ID_PushStack; }
delete mimp;
ObjectHierarchy::Node* PushStackNode::copy() const
return new PushStackNode( mimp->copy() );
void PushStackNode::apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& ) const
stack[loc] = mimp->copy();
class ApplyTypeNode
: public ObjectHierarchy::Node
const ObjectType* mtype;
std::vector<int> mparents;
ApplyTypeNode( const ObjectType* type, const std::vector<int>& parents )
: mtype( type ), mparents( parents ) {}
Node* copy() const;
const ObjectType* type() const { return mtype; }
const std::vector<int>& parents() const { return mparents; }
int id() const;
void apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& ) const;
void apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const;
void checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const;
void checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const;
int ApplyTypeNode::id() const { return ID_ApplyType; }
void ApplyTypeNode::checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const
for ( uint i = 0; i < mparents.size(); ++i )
usedstack[mparents[i]] = true;
void ApplyTypeNode::checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const
bool result = false;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mparents.size(); ++i )
if ( dependsstack[mparents[i]] == true ) result = true;
dependsstack[loc] = result;
ObjectHierarchy::Node* ApplyTypeNode::copy() const
return new ApplyTypeNode( mtype, mparents );
void ApplyTypeNode::apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mparents.size(); ++i )
parents.push_back( stack[ mparents[i] ] );
stack[loc] = new ObjectTypeCalcer( mtype, parents );
void ApplyTypeNode::apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& doc ) const
Args args;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mparents.size(); ++i )
args.push_back( stack[mparents[i]] );
args = mtype->sortArgs( args );
stack[loc] = mtype->calc( args, doc );
class FetchPropertyNode
: public ObjectHierarchy::Node
mutable int mpropid;
int mparent;
const TQCString mname;
// propid is a cache of the location of name in the parent's
// propertiesInternalNames(), just as it is in PropertyObject. We
// don't want to ever save this value, since we cannot guarantee it
// remains consistent if we add properties some place..
FetchPropertyNode( const int parent, const TQCString& name, const int propid = -1 )
: mpropid( propid ), mparent( parent ), mname( name ) {}
Node* copy() const;
void checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const;
void checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const;
int parent() const { return mparent; }
const TQCString& propinternalname() const { return mname; }
int id() const;
void apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& ) const;
void apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const;
void FetchPropertyNode::checkArgumentsUsed( std::vector<bool>& usedstack ) const
usedstack[mparent] = true;
void FetchPropertyNode::checkDependsOnGiven( std::vector<bool>& dependsstack, int loc ) const
dependsstack[loc] = dependsstack[mparent];
ObjectHierarchy::Node* FetchPropertyNode::copy() const
return new FetchPropertyNode( mparent, mname, mpropid );
int FetchPropertyNode::id() const
return ID_FetchProp;
void FetchPropertyNode::apply( std::vector<const ObjectImp*>& stack,
int loc, const KigDocument& d ) const
assert( stack[mparent] );
if ( mpropid == -1 ) mpropid = stack[mparent]->propertiesInternalNames().findIndex( mname );
if ( mpropid != -1 )
stack[loc] = stack[mparent]->property( mpropid, d );
stack[loc] = new InvalidImp();
void FetchPropertyNode::apply( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& stack, int loc ) const
if ( mpropid == -1 )
mpropid = stack[mparent]->imp()->propertiesInternalNames().findIndex( mname );
assert( mpropid != -1 );
stack[loc] = new ObjectPropertyCalcer( stack[mparent], mpropid );
std::vector<ObjectImp*> ObjectHierarchy::calc( const Args& a, const KigDocument& doc ) const
assert( a.size() == mnumberofargs );
for ( uint i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i )
assert( a[i]->inherits( margrequirements[i] ) );
std::vector<const ObjectImp*> stack;
stack.resize( mnodes.size() + mnumberofargs, 0 );
std::copy( a.begin(), a.end(), stack.begin() );
for( uint i = 0; i < mnodes.size(); ++i )
mnodes[i]->apply( stack, mnumberofargs + i, doc );
for ( uint i = mnumberofargs; i < stack.size() - mnumberofresults; ++i )
delete stack[i];
if ( stack.size() < mnumberofargs + mnumberofresults )
std::vector<ObjectImp*> ret;
ret.push_back( new InvalidImp );
return ret;
std::vector<ObjectImp*> ret;
for ( uint i = stack.size() - mnumberofresults; i < stack.size(); ++i )
ret.push_back( const_cast<ObjectImp*>( stack[i] ) );
return ret;
int ObjectHierarchy::visit( const ObjectCalcer* o, std::map<const ObjectCalcer*, int>& seenmap,
bool needed, bool neededatend )
using namespace std;
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*, int>::iterator smi = seenmap.find( o );
if ( smi != seenmap.end() )
if ( neededatend )
// neededatend means that this object is one of the resultant
// objects. Therefore, its node has to appear at the end,
// because that's where we expect it.. We therefore copy it
// there using CopyObjectType..
int ret = mnumberofargs + mnodes.size();
std::vector<int> parents;
parents.push_back( smi->second );
mnodes.push_back( new ApplyTypeNode( CopyObjectType::instance(), parents ) );
return ret;
else return smi->second;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> p( o->parents() );
// we check if o descends from the given objects..
bool descendsfromgiven = false;
std::vector<int> parents;
parents.resize( p.size(), -1 );
for ( uint i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i )
int v = visit( p[i], seenmap, false );
parents[i] = v;
descendsfromgiven |= (v != -1);
if ( ! descendsfromgiven && ! ( needed && o->imp()->isCache() ) )
if ( needed )
assert( ! o->imp()->isCache() );
// o is an object that does not depend on the given objects, but
// is needed by other objects, so we just have to just save its
// current value here.
Node* node = new PushStackNode( o->imp()->copy() );
mnodes.push_back( node );
int ret = mnodes.size() + mnumberofargs - 1;
seenmap[o] = ret;
return ret;
return -1;
return storeObject( o, p, parents, seenmap );
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnodes.size(); ++i ) delete mnodes[i];
ObjectHierarchy::ObjectHierarchy( const ObjectHierarchy& h )
: mnumberofargs( h.mnumberofargs ), mnumberofresults( h.mnumberofresults ),
margrequirements( h.margrequirements ), musetexts( h.musetexts ),
mselectstatements( h.mselectstatements )
mnodes.reserve( h.mnodes.size() );
for ( uint i = 0; i < h.mnodes.size(); ++i )
mnodes.push_back( h.mnodes[i]->copy() );
ObjectHierarchy ObjectHierarchy::withFixedArgs( const Args& a ) const
assert( a.size() <= mnumberofargs );
ObjectHierarchy ret( *this );
ret.mnumberofargs -= a.size();
ret.margrequirements.resize( ret.mnumberofargs );
std::vector<Node*> newnodes( mnodes.size() + a.size() );
std::vector<Node*>::iterator newnodesiter = newnodes.begin();
for ( uint i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i )
assert( ! a[i]->isCache() );
*newnodesiter++ = new PushStackNode( a[i]->copy() );
std::copy( ret.mnodes.begin(), ret.mnodes.end(), newnodesiter );
ret.mnodes = newnodes;
return ret;
void ObjectHierarchy::init( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& from, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& to )
mnumberofargs = from.size();
mnumberofresults = to.size();
margrequirements.resize( from.size(), ObjectImp::stype() );
musetexts.resize( margrequirements.size(), "" );
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*, int> seenmap;
for ( uint i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i )
seenmap[from[i]] = i;
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator i = to.begin(); i != to.end(); ++i )
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents = (*i)->parents();
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator j = parents.begin();
j != parents.end(); ++j )
visit( *j, seenmap, true );
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator i = to.begin(); i != to.end(); ++i )
visit( *i, seenmap, true, true );
mselectstatements.resize( margrequirements.size(), "" );
ObjectHierarchy::ObjectHierarchy( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& from, const ObjectCalcer* to )
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> tov;
tov.push_back( const_cast<ObjectCalcer*>( to ) );
init( from, tov );
ObjectHierarchy::ObjectHierarchy( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& from, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& to )
init( from, to );
void ObjectHierarchy::serialize( TQDomElement& parent, TQDomDocument& doc ) const
int id = 1;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnumberofargs; ++i )
TQDomElement e = doc.createElement( "input" );
e.setAttribute( "id", id++ );
e.setAttribute( "requirement", margrequirements[i]->internalName() );
// we don't save these atm, since the user can't define them.
// we only load them from builtin macro's.
// TQDomElement ut = doc.createElement( "UseText" );
// ut.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( TQString::fromLatin1(musetexts[i].c_str() ) ) );
// e.appendChild( ut );
// TQDomElement ss = doc.createElement( "SelectStatement" );
// ss.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( TQString::fromLatin1(mselectstatements[i].c_str() ) ) );
// e.appendChild( ss );
parent.appendChild( e );
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnodes.size(); ++i )
bool result = mnodes.size() - ( id - mnumberofargs - 1 ) <= mnumberofresults;
TQDomElement e = doc.createElement( result ? "result" : "intermediate" );
e.setAttribute( "id", id++ );
if ( mnodes[i]->id() == Node::ID_ApplyType )
const ApplyTypeNode* node = static_cast<const ApplyTypeNode*>( mnodes[i] );
e.setAttribute( "action", "calc" );
e.setAttribute( "type", TQString::fromLatin1( node->type()->fullName() ) );
for ( uint i = 0; i < node->parents().size(); ++i )
int parent = node->parents()[i] + 1;
TQDomElement arge = doc.createElement( "arg" );
arge.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( parent ) ) );
e.appendChild( arge );
else if ( mnodes[i]->id() == Node::ID_FetchProp )
const FetchPropertyNode* node = static_cast<const FetchPropertyNode*>( mnodes[i] );
e.setAttribute( "action", "fetch-property" );
e.setAttribute( TQString("property"), TQString(node->propinternalname()) );
TQDomElement arge = doc.createElement( "arg" );
arge.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( node->parent() + 1 ) ) );
e.appendChild( arge );
assert( mnodes[i]->id() == ObjectHierarchy::Node::ID_PushStack );
const PushStackNode* node = static_cast<const PushStackNode*>( mnodes[i] );
e.setAttribute( "action", "push" );
TQString type = ObjectImpFactory::instance()->serialize( *node->imp(), e, doc );
e.setAttribute( "type", type );
parent.appendChild( e );
: mnumberofargs( 0 ), mnumberofresults( 0 )
ObjectHierarchy* ObjectHierarchy::buildSafeObjectHierarchy( const TQDomElement& parent, TQString& error )
{ \
error = i18n( "An error was encountered at line %1 in file %2." ) \
.arg( __LINE__ ).arg( __FILE__ ); \
return 0; \
ObjectHierarchy* obhi = new ObjectHierarchy();
bool ok = true;
TQString tmp;
TQDomElement e = parent.firstChild().toElement();
for (; !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( e.tagName() != "input" ) break;
tmp = e.attribute( "id" );
uint id = tmp.toInt( &ok );
obhi->mnumberofargs = kMax( id, obhi->mnumberofargs );
tmp = e.attribute( "requirement" );
const ObjectImpType* req = ObjectImpType::typeFromInternalName( tmp.latin1() );
if ( req == 0 ) req = ObjectImp::stype(); // sucks, i know..
obhi->margrequirements.resize( obhi->mnumberofargs, ObjectImp::stype() );
obhi->musetexts.resize( obhi->mnumberofargs, "" );
obhi->mselectstatements.resize( obhi->mnumberofargs, "" );
obhi->margrequirements[id - 1] = req;
obhi->musetexts[id - 1] = req->selectStatement();
TQDomElement esub = e.firstChild().toElement();
for ( ; !esub.isNull(); esub = esub.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( esub.tagName() == "UseText" )
obhi->musetexts[id - 1] = esub.text().latin1();
else if ( esub.tagName() == "SelectStatement" )
obhi->mselectstatements[id - 1] = esub.text().latin1();
// broken file ? ignore...
for (; !e.isNull(); e = e.nextSibling().toElement() )
bool result = e.tagName() == "result";
if ( result ) ++obhi->mnumberofresults;
tmp = e.attribute( "id" );
int id = tmp.toInt( &ok );
tmp = e.attribute( "action" );
Node* newnode = 0;
if ( tmp == "calc" )
// ApplyTypeNode
TQCString typen = e.attribute( "type" ).latin1();
const ObjectType* type = ObjectTypeFactory::instance()->find( typen );
if ( ! type )
error = i18n( "This Kig file uses an object of type \"%1\", "
"which this Kig version does not support."
"Perhaps you have compiled Kig without support "
"for this object type,"
"or perhaps you are using an older Kig version." ).arg( TQString(typen) );
return 0;
std::vector<int> parents;
for ( TQDomNode p = e.firstChild(); !p.isNull(); p = p.nextSibling() )
TQDomElement q = p.toElement();
if ( q.isNull() ) KIG_GENERIC_PARSE_ERROR; // see above
if ( q.tagName() != "arg" ) KIG_GENERIC_PARSE_ERROR;
int pid = q.text().toInt(&ok );
parents.push_back( pid - 1 );
newnode = new ApplyTypeNode( type, parents );
else if ( tmp == "fetch-property" )
// FetchPropertyNode
TQCString propname = e.attribute( "property" ).latin1();
TQDomElement arge = e.firstChild().toElement();
int parent = arge.text().toInt( &ok );
newnode = new FetchPropertyNode( parent - 1, propname );
// PushStackNode
if ( e.attribute( "action" ) != "push" ) KIG_GENERIC_PARSE_ERROR;
TQString typen = e.attribute( "type" );
if ( typen.isNull() ) KIG_GENERIC_PARSE_ERROR;
ObjectImp* imp = ObjectImpFactory::instance()->deserialize( typen, e, error );
if ( ( ! imp ) && !error.isEmpty() ) return 0;
newnode = new PushStackNode( imp );
obhi->mnodes.resize( kMax( size_t(id - obhi->mnumberofargs), obhi->mnodes.size() ) );
obhi->mnodes[id - obhi->mnumberofargs - 1] = newnode;
// if we are here, all went fine
return obhi;
ArgsParser ObjectHierarchy::argParser() const
std::vector<ArgsParser::spec> specs;
for ( uint i = 0; i < margrequirements.size(); ++i )
const ObjectImpType* req = margrequirements[i];
ArgsParser::spec spec;
spec.type = req;
spec.usetext = musetexts[i];
spec.selectstat = mselectstatements[i];
specs.push_back( spec );
return ArgsParser( specs );
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> ObjectHierarchy::buildObjects( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& os, const KigDocument& doc ) const
assert( os.size() == mnumberofargs );
for ( uint i = 0; i < os.size(); ++i )
assert( os[i]->imp()->inherits( margrequirements[i] ) );
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> stack;
stack.resize( mnodes.size() + mnumberofargs, 0 );
std::copy( os.begin(), os.end(), stack.begin() );
for( uint i = 0; i < mnodes.size(); ++i )
mnodes[i]->apply( stack, mnumberofargs + i );
stack[mnumberofargs + i]->calc( doc );
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> ret( stack.end() - mnumberofresults, stack.end() );
return ret;
const ObjectImpType* ObjectHierarchy::idOfLastResult() const
const Node* n = mnodes.back();
if ( n->id() == Node::ID_PushStack )
return static_cast<const PushStackNode*>( n )->imp()->type();
else if ( n->id() == Node::ID_FetchProp )
return ObjectImp::stype();
return static_cast<const ApplyTypeNode*>( n )->type()->resultId();
ObjectHierarchy ObjectHierarchy::transformFinalObject( const Transformation& t ) const
assert( mnumberofresults == 1 );
ObjectHierarchy ret( *this );
ret.mnodes.push_back( new PushStackNode( new TransformationImp( t ) ) );
std::vector<int> parents;
parents.push_back( ret.mnodes.size() - 1);
parents.push_back( ret.mnodes.size() );
const ObjectType* type = ApplyTransformationObjectType::instance();
ret.mnodes.push_back( new ApplyTypeNode( type, parents ) );
return ret;
bool operator==( const ObjectHierarchy& lhs, const ObjectHierarchy& rhs )
if ( ! ( lhs.mnumberofargs == rhs.mnumberofargs &&
lhs.mnumberofresults == rhs.mnumberofresults &&
lhs.margrequirements == rhs.margrequirements &&
lhs.mnodes.size() == rhs.mnodes.size() ) )
return false;
// this isn't entirely correct, but it will do, because we don't
// really want to know whether the hierarchies are different, but
// whether rhs has changed with regard to lhs..
for ( uint i = 0; i < lhs.mnodes.size(); ++i )
if ( lhs.mnodes[i] != lhs.mnodes[i] )
return false;
return true;
bool ObjectHierarchy::resultDoesNotDependOnGiven() const
std::vector<bool> dependsstack( mnodes.size() + mnumberofargs, false );
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnumberofargs; ++i )
dependsstack[i] = true;
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnodes.size(); ++i )
mnodes[i]->checkDependsOnGiven( dependsstack, i + mnumberofargs );
for ( uint i = dependsstack.size() - mnumberofresults; i < dependsstack.size(); ++i )
if ( !dependsstack[i] )
return true;
return false;
// returns the "minimum" of a and b ( in the partially ordered set of
// ObjectImpType's, using the inherits member function as comparison,
// if you for some reason like this sort of non-sense ;) ). This
// basically means: return the type that inherits the other type,
// because if another type inherits the lowermost type, then it will
// also inherit the other..
const ObjectImpType* lowermost( const ObjectImpType* a, const ObjectImpType* b )
if ( a->inherits( b ) ) return a;
assert( b->inherits( a ) );
return b;
// this function is part of the visit procedure really. It is
// factored out, because it recurses for cache ObjectImp's. What this
// does is, it makes sure that object o is calcable, by putting
// appropriate Node's in mnodes.. po is o->parents() and pl contains
// the location of objects that are already in mnodes and -1
// otherwise.. -1 means we have to store their ObjectImp, unless
// they're cache ObjectImp's etc.
int ObjectHierarchy::storeObject( const ObjectCalcer* o, const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& po, std::vector<int>& pl,
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*, int>& seenmap )
for ( uint i = 0; i < po.size(); ++i )
if ( pl[i] == -1 )
// we can't store cache ObjectImp's..
if ( po[i]->imp()->isCache() )
pl[i] = visit( po[i], seenmap, true, false );
Node* argnode = new PushStackNode( po[i]->imp()->copy() );
mnodes.push_back( argnode );
int argloc = mnumberofargs + mnodes.size() - 1;
seenmap[po[i]] = argloc;
pl[i] = argloc;
else if ( (uint) pl[i] < mnumberofargs )
ObjectCalcer* parent = o->parents()[i];
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> opl = o->parents();
margrequirements[pl[i]] =
lowermost( margrequirements[pl[i]],
o->impRequirement( parent, opl ) );
musetexts[pl[i]] = margrequirements[pl[i]]->selectStatement();
if ( dynamic_cast<const ObjectTypeCalcer*>( o ) )
mnodes.push_back( new ApplyTypeNode( static_cast<const ObjectTypeCalcer*>( o )->type(), pl ) );
else if ( dynamic_cast<const ObjectPropertyCalcer*>( o ) )
assert( pl.size() == 1 );
int parent = pl.front();
ObjectCalcer* op = po.front();
assert( op );
uint propid = static_cast<const ObjectPropertyCalcer*>( o )->propId();
assert( propid < op->imp()->propertiesInternalNames().size() );
mnodes.push_back( new FetchPropertyNode( parent, op->imp()->propertiesInternalNames()[propid], propid ) );
assert( false );
seenmap[o] = mnumberofargs + mnodes.size() - 1;
return mnumberofargs + mnodes.size() - 1;
ObjectHierarchy::ObjectHierarchy( const ObjectCalcer* from, const ObjectCalcer* to )
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> fromv;
fromv.push_back( const_cast<ObjectCalcer*>( from ) );
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> tov;
tov.push_back( const_cast<ObjectCalcer*>( to ) );
init( fromv, tov );
bool ObjectHierarchy::allGivenObjectsUsed() const
std::vector<bool> usedstack( mnodes.size() + mnumberofargs, false );
for ( uint i = mnodes.size() - mnumberofresults; i < mnodes.size(); ++i )
usedstack[i + mnumberofargs] = true;
for ( int i = mnodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( usedstack[i + mnumberofargs] )
mnodes[i]->checkArgumentsUsed( usedstack );
for ( uint i = 0; i < mnumberofargs; ++i )
if ( ! usedstack[i] ) return false;
return true;