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imageviewer.cpp - An ImageViewer for KStars
begin : Mon Aug 27 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Thomas Kabelmann
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdeaccel.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "imageviewer.h"
#include <tdeapplication.h>
ImageViewer::ImageViewer (const KURL *url, const TQString &capText, TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
: TDEMainWindow (parent, name), imageURL (*url), fileIsImage (false),
ctrl (false), key_s (false), key_q (false), downloadJob(0)
// toolbar can dock only on top-position and can't be minimized
// JH: easier to just disable its mobility
toolBar()->setMovingEnabled( false );
TDEAction *action = new TDEAction (i18n ("Close Window"), "window-close", CTRL+Key_Q, this, TQ_SLOT (close()), actionCollection());
action->plug (toolBar());
action = new TDEAction (i18n ("Save Image"), "document-save", CTRL+Key_S, this, TQ_SLOT (saveFileToDisc()), actionCollection());
action->plug (toolBar());
statusBar()->insertItem( capText, 0, 1, true );
statusBar()->setItemAlignment( 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
TQFont fnt = statusBar()->font();
fnt.setPointSize( fnt.pointSize() - 2 );
statusBar()->setFont( fnt );
if (!imageURL.isValid()) //check URL
kdDebug()<<"URL is malformed"<<endl;
setCaption (imageURL.fileName()); // the title of the window
ImageViewer::~ImageViewer() {
// check if download job is running
if (!file->remove()) // if the file was not complete downloaded the suffix is ".part"
kdDebug()<<TQString("remove of %1 failed").arg(file->name())<<endl;
file->setName (file->name() + ".part"); // set new suffix to filename
kdDebug()<<TQString("try to remove %1").arg( file->name())<<endl;
if (file->remove())
kdDebug()<<"file removed\n";
kdDebug()<<"file not removed\n";
void ImageViewer::paintEvent (TQPaintEvent */*ev*/)
bitBlt (this, 0, toolBar()->height() + 1, &pix);
void ImageViewer::resizeEvent (TQResizeEvent */*ev*/)
if ( !downloadJob ) // only if image is loaded
pix = kpix.convertToPixmap ( image.smoothScale ( size().width() , size().height() - toolBar()->height() - statusBar()->height() ) ); // convert TQImage to TQPixmap (fastest method)
void ImageViewer::closeEvent (TQCloseEvent *ev)
if (ev) // not if closeEvent (0) is called, because segfault
ev->accept(); // parent-widgets should not get this event, so it will be filtered
this->~ImageViewer(); // destroy the object, so the object can only allocated with operator new, not as a global/local variable
void ImageViewer::keyPressEvent (TQKeyEvent *ev)
ev->accept(); //make sure key press events are captured.
switch (ev->key())
case Key_Control : ctrl = true; break;
case Key_Q : key_q = true; break;
case Key_S : key_s = true; break;
default : ev->ignore();
if (ctrl && key_q)
if (ctrl && key_s)
ctrl = false;
key_s = false;
void ImageViewer::keyReleaseEvent (TQKeyEvent *ev)
switch (ev->key())
case Key_Control : ctrl = false; break;
case Key_Q : key_q = false; break;
case Key_S : key_s = false; break;
default : ev->ignore();
void ImageViewer::loadImageFromURL()
file = tempfile.file();
tempfile.unlink(); // we just need the name and delete the tempfile from disc; if we don't do it, a dialog will be shown
KURL saveURL (file->name());
if (!saveURL.isValid())
kdDebug()<<"tempfile-URL is malformed\n";
downloadJob = TDEIO::copy (imageURL, saveURL); // starts the download asynchron
connect (downloadJob, TQ_SIGNAL (result (TDEIO::Job *)), TQ_SLOT (downloadReady (TDEIO::Job *)));
void ImageViewer::downloadReady (TDEIO::Job *job)
// set downloadJob to 0, but don't delete it - the job will automatically deleted !!!
downloadJob = 0;
if ( job->error() )
closeEvent (0);
return; // exit this function
file->close(); // to get the newest informations of the file and not any informations from opening of the file
if ( file->exists() )
closeEvent (0);
void ImageViewer::showImage()
if (!image.load (file->name())) // if loading failed
TQString text = i18n ("Loading of the image %1 failed.");
KMessageBox::error (this, text.arg (imageURL.prettyURL() ));
closeEvent (0);
fileIsImage = true; // we loaded the file and know now, that it is an image
//First, if the image is less wide than the statusBar, we have to scale it up.
if ( image.width() < statusBar()->width() ) {
image.smoothScale ( statusBar()->width() , image.height() * statusBar()->width() / image.width() );
TQRect deskRect = kapp->desktop()->availableGeometry();
int w = deskRect.width(); // screen width
int h = deskRect.height(); // screen height
int h2 = image.height() + toolBar()->height() + statusBar()->height(); //height required for ImageViewer
if (image.width() <= w && h2 <= h)
resize ( image.width(), h2 );
//If the image is larger than screen width and/or screen height, shrink it to fit the screen
//while preserving the original aspect ratio
else if (image.width() <= w) //only the height is too large
resize ( int( image.width()*h/h2 ), h );
else if (image.height() <= h) //only the width is too large
resize ( w, int( h2*w/image.width() ) );
else { //uh-oh...both width and height are too large. which needs to be shrunk least?
float fx = float(w)/float(image.width());
float fy = float(h)/float(h2);
if (fx > fy) //width needs to be shrunk less, so shrink to fit in height
resize ( int( image.width()*fy ), h );
else //vice versa
resize ( w, int( h2*fx ) );
show(); // hide is default
// pix will be initialized in resizeEvent(), which will automatically called first time
void ImageViewer::saveFileToDisc()
KURL newURL = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(imageURL.fileName()); // save-dialog with default filename
if (!newURL.isEmpty())
TQFile f ( + "/" + newURL.fileName());
if (f.exists())
int r=KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(static_cast<TQWidget*>(parent()),
i18n( "A file named \"%1\" already exists. "
"Overwrite it?" ).arg(newURL.fileName()),
i18n( "Overwrite File?" ),
i18n( "&Overwrite" ) );
if(r==KMessageBox::Cancel) return;
saveFile (newURL);
void ImageViewer::saveFile (KURL &url) {
// synchronous Access to prevent segfaults
if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::copy (KURL (file->name()), url, (TQWidget*) 0))
TQString text = i18n ("Saving of the image %1 failed.");
KMessageBox::error (this, text.arg (url.prettyURL() ));
void ImageViewer::close() {
closeEvent (0);
void ImageViewer::checkJob() {
if ( downloadJob ) { // if download job is running
downloadJob->kill( true ); // close job quietly, without emitting a result
kdDebug() << "Download job killed";
#include "imageviewer.moc"