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infoboxes.cpp - description
begin : Wed Jun 5 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
//#include <tqpen.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include "infoboxes.h"
#include "kstarsdatetime.h"
#include "dms.h"
#include "geolocation.h"
#include "skypoint.h"
InfoBoxes::InfoBoxes( int w, int h, TQPoint tp, bool tshade,
TQPoint gp, bool gshade, TQPoint fp, bool fshade,
TQColor colorText, TQColor colorGrab, TQColor colorBG ) :
boxColor(colorText), grabColor(colorGrab), bgColor(colorBG),
GeoBox(0), FocusBox(0), TimeBox(0)
int tx = tp.x();
int ty = tp.y();
int gx = gp.x();
int gy = gp.y();
int fx = fp.x();
int fy = fp.y();
GrabbedBox = 0;
GrabPos = TQPoint( 0, 0 );
Visible = true;
Width = w;
Height = h;
//Create infoboxes
GeoBox = new InfoBox( gx, gy, gshade, "", "" );
TimeBox = new InfoBox( tx, ty, tshade, "", "", "" );
FocusBox = new InfoBox( fx, fy, fshade, "", "", "" );
fixCollisions( TimeBox );
fixCollisions( FocusBox );
resize( w, h );
InfoBoxes::InfoBoxes( int w, int h, int tx, int ty, bool tshade,
int gx, int gy, bool gshade, int fx, int fy, bool fshade,
TQColor colorText, TQColor colorGrab, TQColor colorBG ) :
boxColor(colorText), grabColor(colorGrab), bgColor(colorBG) {
GrabbedBox = 0;
GrabPos = TQPoint( 0, 0 );
Visible = true;
Width = w;
Height = h;
//Create infoboxes
GeoBox = new InfoBox( gx, gy, gshade, "", "" );
TimeBox = new InfoBox( tx, ty, tshade, "", "", "" );
FocusBox = new InfoBox( fx, fy, fshade, "", "", "" );
fixCollisions( TimeBox );
fixCollisions( FocusBox );
resize( w, h );
delete FocusBox;
delete TimeBox;
delete GeoBox;
void InfoBoxes::resize( int w, int h ) {
Width = w;
Height = h;
void InfoBoxes::drawBoxes( TQPainter &p, TQColor FGColor, TQColor grabColor,
TQColor BGColor, unsigned int BGMode ) {
if ( isVisible() ) {
if ( GeoBox->isVisible() ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( FGColor ) );
if ( GrabbedBox == 1 ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( grabColor ) );
p.drawRect( GeoBox->x(), GeoBox->y(), GeoBox->width(), GeoBox->height() );
GeoBox->draw( p, BGColor, BGMode );
if ( TimeBox->isVisible() ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( FGColor ) );
if ( GrabbedBox == 2 ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( grabColor ) );
p.drawRect( TimeBox->x(), TimeBox->y(), TimeBox->width(), TimeBox->height() );
TimeBox->draw( p, BGColor, BGMode );
if ( FocusBox->isVisible() ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( FGColor ) );
if ( GrabbedBox == 3 ) {
p.setPen( TQPen( grabColor ) );
p.drawRect( FocusBox->x(), FocusBox->y(), FocusBox->width(), FocusBox->height() );
FocusBox->draw( p, BGColor, BGMode );
bool InfoBoxes::grabBox( TQMouseEvent *e ) {
if ( GeoBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
GrabbedBox = 1;
GrabPos.setX( e->x() - GeoBox->x() );
GrabPos.setY( e->y() - GeoBox->y() );
return true;
} else if ( TimeBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
GrabbedBox = 2;
GrabPos.setX( e->x() - TimeBox->x() );
GrabPos.setY( e->y() - TimeBox->y() );
return true;
} else if ( FocusBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
GrabbedBox = 3;
GrabPos.setX( e->x() - FocusBox->x() );
GrabPos.setY( e->y() - FocusBox->y() );
return true;
} else {
GrabbedBox = 0; //this is probably redundant, because mouseRelease should call unGrabBox()...
return false;
bool InfoBoxes::unGrabBox( void ) {
if ( GrabbedBox ) {
GrabbedBox = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool InfoBoxes::dragBox( TQMouseEvent *e ) {
switch( GrabbedBox ) {
case 1: //GeoBox
GeoBox->move( e->x() - GrabPos.x(), e->y() - GrabPos.y() );
fixCollisions( GeoBox );
return true;
case 2: //TimeBox
TimeBox->move( e->x() - GrabPos.x(), e->y() - GrabPos.y() );
fixCollisions( TimeBox );
return true;
case 3: //FocusBox
FocusBox->move( e->x() - GrabPos.x(), e->y() - GrabPos.y() );
fixCollisions( FocusBox );
return true;
default: //no box is grabbed; return false
return false;
bool InfoBoxes::shadeBox( TQMouseEvent *e ) {
if ( GeoBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
if ( GeoBox->rect().bottom() > height() ) GeoBox->move( GeoBox->x(), height() - GeoBox->height() );
if ( GeoBox->rect().right() > width() ) GeoBox->move( width() - GeoBox->width(), GeoBox->y() );
if ( GeoBox->anchorBottom() ) GeoBox->move( GeoBox->x(), height() - GeoBox->height() );
if ( GeoBox->anchorRight() ) GeoBox->move( width() - GeoBox->width(), GeoBox->y() );
fixCollisions( TimeBox );
fixCollisions( FocusBox );
return true;
} else if ( TimeBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
if ( TimeBox->rect().bottom() > height() ) TimeBox->move( TimeBox->x(), height() - TimeBox->height() );
if ( TimeBox->rect().right() > width() ) TimeBox->move( width() - TimeBox->width(), TimeBox->y() );
if ( TimeBox->anchorBottom() ) TimeBox->move( TimeBox->x(), height() - TimeBox->height() );
if ( TimeBox->anchorRight() ) TimeBox->move( width() - TimeBox->width(), TimeBox->y() );
fixCollisions( GeoBox );
fixCollisions( FocusBox );
return true;
} else if ( FocusBox->rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) {
if ( FocusBox->rect().bottom() > height() ) FocusBox->move( FocusBox->x(), height() - FocusBox->height() );
if ( FocusBox->rect().right() > width() ) FocusBox->move( width() - FocusBox->width(), FocusBox->y() );
if ( FocusBox->anchorBottom() ) FocusBox->move( FocusBox->x(), height() - FocusBox->height() );
if ( FocusBox->anchorRight() ) FocusBox->move( width() - FocusBox->width(), FocusBox->y() );
fixCollisions( TimeBox );
fixCollisions( GeoBox );
return true;
return false;
bool InfoBoxes::fixCollisions( InfoBox *target ) {
int dLeft(0), dRight(0), dUp(0), dDown(0);
TQRect area = TQRect( 0, 0, Width, Height );
TQRect t = target->rect();
TQRect Box1, Box2;
//Set Box1 and Box2 to the rects of the other two InfoBoxes, unless
//they are not visible (if so, set a null TQRect)
if ( target == GeoBox ) {
if ( FocusBox->isVisible() ) Box1 = FocusBox->rect();
else Box1 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
if ( TimeBox->isVisible() ) Box2 = TimeBox->rect();
else Box2 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
} else if ( target == FocusBox ) {
if ( GeoBox->isVisible() ) Box1 = GeoBox->rect();
else Box1 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
if ( TimeBox->isVisible() ) Box2 = TimeBox->rect();
else Box2 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
} else if ( target == TimeBox ) {
if ( FocusBox->isVisible() ) Box1 = FocusBox->rect();
else Box1 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
if ( GeoBox->isVisible() ) Box2 = GeoBox->rect();
else Box2 = TQRect(0,0,0,0);
} else { return false; } //none of the Boxes match target!
//Shrink Box1 and Box2 by one pixel in each direction. This will make the
//Edges of adjacent boxes line up more nicely.
if ( Box1.width() ) Box1.setCoords( Box1.left()+1,, Box1.right()-1, Box1.bottom()-1 );
if ( Box2.width() ) Box2.setCoords( Box2.left()+1,, Box2.right()-1, Box2.bottom()-1 );
//First, make sure target box is within area rect.
if ( ! area.contains( t ) ) {
/* if ( t.x() < area.x() ) target->move( area.x(), t.y() );
if ( t.y() < area.y() ) target->move( t.x(), area.y() );
if ( t.right() > area.right() ){ target->move( area.right() - t.width(), t.y() ); }
if ( t.bottom() > area.bottom() ) target->move( t.x(), area.bottom() - t.height() );*/
int x = t.x(), y = t.y();
if ( t.x() < area.x() ) x = area.x();
if ( t.y() < area.y() ) y = area.y();
if ( t.right() > area.right() ) x = area.right() - t.width();
if ( t.bottom() > area.bottom() ) y = area.bottom() - t.height();
//Reset t
t = target->rect();
TQRect upRect = t;
TQRect downRect = t;
TQRect leftRect = t;
TQRect rightRect = t;
//Fix collisions
if ( t.intersects( Box1 ) || t.intersects( Box2 ) ) {
//move t to the left one pixel at a time until there is no
//intersection with Box1 or Box2.
while ( leftRect.intersects( Box1 ) || leftRect.intersects( Box2 ) ) {
leftRect.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( t.x() - dLeft, t.y() ) );
//If leftRect is outside area, set dLeft to a nonsense large value
if ( !area.contains( leftRect ) ) { dLeft = 100000; }
//repeat for right, up and down directions.
while ( rightRect.intersects( Box1 ) || rightRect.intersects( Box2 ) ) {
rightRect.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( t.x() + dRight, t.y() ) );
if ( !area.contains( rightRect ) ) { dRight = 100000; }
while ( upRect.intersects( Box1 ) || upRect.intersects( Box2 ) ) {
upRect.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( t.x(), t.y() - dUp ) );
if ( !area.contains( upRect ) ) { dUp = 100000; }
while ( downRect.intersects( Box1 ) || downRect.intersects( Box2 ) ) {
downRect.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( t.x(), t.y() + dDown ) );
if ( !area.contains( downRect ) ) { dDown = 100000; }
//find the smallest displacement, and move the target box there.
//if the smallest displacement is 100000, then the function has failed
//to find any legal position; return false.
int dmin = dLeft;
if ( dRight < dmin ) dmin = dRight;
if ( dDown < dmin ) dmin = dDown;
if ( dUp < dmin ) dmin = dUp;
if ( dmin == 100000 ) { return false; }
else if ( dmin == dLeft ) {
target->move( leftRect.x(), leftRect.y() );
} else if ( dmin == dRight ) {
target->move( rightRect.x(), rightRect.y() );
} else if ( dmin == dUp ) {
target->move( upRect.x(), upRect.y() );
} else if ( dmin == dDown ) {
target->move( downRect.x(), downRect.y() );
else // no intersection with other boxes
return true;
//Set Anchor flags based on new position
if ( target->rect().right() >= width()-2 ) target->setAnchorRight( true );
else target->setAnchorRight( false );
if ( target->rect().bottom() >= height()-2 ) target->setAnchorBottom(true);
else target->setAnchorBottom(false);
//Final check to see if we're still inside area (we may not be if target
//is bigger than area)
if ( area.contains( target->rect() ) ) return true;
else return false;
bool InfoBoxes::timeChanged( const KStarsDateTime &ut, const KStarsDateTime &lt, dms *lst ) {
TQString ot1 = TimeBox->text1();
TQString ot2 = TimeBox->text2();
TQString ot3 = TimeBox->text3();
TimeBox->setText1( i18n( "Local Time", "LT: " ) + lt.time().toString()
+ " " + "%d %b %Y" ) );
TimeBox->setText2( i18n( "Universal Time", "UT: " ) + ut.time().toString()
+ " " + "%d %b %Y" ) );
TQString STString;
STString = STString.sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d ", lst->hour(), lst->minute(), lst->second() );
//Don't use KLocale::formatNumber() for Julian Day because we don't want
//thousands-place separators
TQString JDString = TQString::number( ut.djd(), 'f', 2 );
JDString.replace( ".", TDEGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol() );
TimeBox->setText3( i18n( "Sidereal Time", "ST: " ) + STString +
i18n( "Julian Day", "JD: " ) + JDString );
if ( ot1 == TimeBox->text1() && ot2 == TimeBox->text2() &&
ot3 == TimeBox->text3() )
return false;
else {
return true;
bool InfoBoxes::geoChanged(const GeoLocation *geo) {
TQString ot1 = GeoBox->text1();
TQString ot2 = GeoBox->text2();
TQString name = geo->translatedName() + ", ";
if ( ! geo->province().isEmpty() ) name += geo->translatedProvince() + ", ";
name += geo->translatedCountry();
GeoBox->setText1( name );
GeoBox->setText2( i18n( "Longitude", "Long:" ) + " " +
TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( geo->lng()->Degrees(),3) + " " +
i18n( "Latitude", "Lat:" ) + " " +
TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( geo->lat()->Degrees(),3) );
if ( ot1 == GeoBox->text1() && ot2 == GeoBox->text2() )
return false;
else {
return true;
bool InfoBoxes::focusObjChanged( const TQString &n ) {
TQString ot1 = FocusBox->text1();
FocusBox->setText1( i18n( "Focused on: " ) + n );
if ( ot1 == FocusBox->text1() ) return false;
else {
return true;
bool InfoBoxes::focusCoordChanged(const SkyPoint *p) {
TQString ot2 = FocusBox->text2();
TQString ot3 = FocusBox->text3();
FocusBox->setText2( i18n( "Right Ascension", "RA" ) + ": " + p->ra()->toHMSString() +
" " + i18n( "Declination", "Dec" ) + ": " + p->dec()->toDMSString(true) );
FocusBox->setText3( i18n( "Azimuth", "Az" ) + ": " + p->az()->toDMSString(true) +
" " + i18n( "Altitude", "Alt" ) + ": " + p->alt()->toDMSString(true) );
if ( ot2 == FocusBox->text2() && ot3 == FocusBox->text3() )
return false;
else {
return true;
void InfoBoxes::checkBorders(bool resetToDefault) {
if (resetToDefault) {
TimeBox->setAnchorFlag( InfoBox::AnchorNone );
GeoBox->setAnchorFlag( InfoBox::AnchorNone );
FocusBox->setAnchorFlag( InfoBox::AnchorNone );
if ( GeoBox->rect().right() >= Width-2 ) GeoBox->setAnchorRight( true );
if ( TimeBox->rect().right() >= Width-2 ) TimeBox->setAnchorRight( true );
if ( FocusBox->rect().right() >= Width-2 ) FocusBox->setAnchorRight( true );
if ( GeoBox->rect().bottom() >= Height-2 ) GeoBox->setAnchorBottom( true );
if ( TimeBox->rect().bottom() >= Height-2 ) TimeBox->setAnchorBottom( true );
if ( FocusBox->rect().bottom() >= Height-2 ) FocusBox->setAnchorBottom( true );
if ( GeoBox->anchorRight() ) GeoBox->move( Width, GeoBox->y() );
if ( TimeBox->anchorRight() ) TimeBox->move( Width, TimeBox->y() );
if ( FocusBox->anchorRight() ) FocusBox->move( Width, FocusBox->y() );
if ( GeoBox->anchorBottom() ) GeoBox->move( GeoBox->x(), Height );
if ( TimeBox->anchorBottom() ) TimeBox->move( TimeBox->x(), Height );
if ( FocusBox->anchorBottom() ) FocusBox->move( FocusBox->x(), Height );
#include "infoboxes.moc"