You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

200 lines
5.1 KiB

maintain a document in vocabbox format
begin : Thr Mar 23 21:00:53 MET 1999
copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold <>
(C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team
(C) 2004 Peter Hedlund <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kvoctraindoc.h"
#include "kvoctraincore.h"
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveTypeNameVcb (QTextStream &/*os*/)
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::loadTypeNameVcb (QTextStream &/*is*/)
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveLessonVcb (QTextStream &/*os*/)
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::loadLessonVcb (QTextStream &/*is*/)
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveToVcb (QTextStream& os, QString &/*title*/)
saveTypeNameVcb (os);
saveLessonVcb (os);
int ent_no = 0;
int ent_percent = (int) vocabulary.size () / 100;
float f_ent_percent = (int) vocabulary.size () / 100.0;
emit progressChanged(this, 0);
vector<kvoctrainExpr>::const_iterator first = vocabulary.begin ();
while (first != vocabulary.end ()) {
if (ent_percent != 0 && (ent_no % ent_percent) == 0 )
emit progressChanged(this, int(ent_no / f_ent_percent));
QString s, exp;
exp = (*first).getOriginal()+VCB_SEPARATOR;
exp += (*first).getTranslation(1)+VCB_SEPARATOR;
exp += (*first).gradeStr (1, false)+VCB_SEPARATOR;
exp += (*first).gradeStr (1, true)+VCB_SEPARATOR;
s.setNum ((*first).getQueryDate (1, false));
s.setNum ((*first).getQueryDate (1, true));
exp += s;
os << exp << "\n";
setModified (false);
return os.device()->status() == IO_Ok;
bool kvoctrainDoc::loadFromVcb (QTextStream& is)
loadTypeNameVcb (is);
loadLessonVcb (is);
int size = is.device()->size ();
int ln = size / 40 / 100; // assume each line about 40 chars
float f_ent_percent = size / 100.0;
emit progressChanged (this, 0);
for (int l = 0; !is.eof(); l++) {
QString s = is.readLine();
if (ln <= 0) {
ln = size / 40 / 100; // assume each line about 40 chars
emit progressChanged(this, int(is.device()->at() / f_ent_percent));
if (!s.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
QString o, t;
grade_t ograde = KV_LEV1_GRADE,
tgrade = KV_LEV1_GRADE;
size_t odate = time(0),
tdate = time(0);
int pos = s.find (VCB_SEPARATOR);
if (pos >= 0) {
o = s.left(pos);
s.remove (0, pos+QString(VCB_SEPARATOR).length());
pos = s.find (VCB_SEPARATOR);
if (pos >= 0) {
t = s.left(pos);
s.remove (0, pos+QString(VCB_SEPARATOR).length());
else {
t = s;
pos = s.find (VCB_SEPARATOR);
if (pos >= 0) {
ograde = s.left(pos).toInt();
s.remove (0, pos+QString(VCB_SEPARATOR).length());
pos = s.find (VCB_SEPARATOR);
if (pos >= 0) {
tgrade = s.left(pos).toInt();
s.remove (0, pos+QString(VCB_SEPARATOR).length());
pos = s.find (VCB_SEPARATOR);
if (pos >= 0) {
odate = s.left(pos).toInt();
s.remove (0, pos+QString(VCB_SEPARATOR).length());
if (s.stripWhiteSpace().length() > 0) {
tdate = s.toInt();
kvoctrainExpr bucket;
bucket.setGrade(1, ograde, false);
if (ograde != 0)
bucket.setQueryCount(1, 1, false);
bucket.setGrade(1, tgrade, true);
if (tgrade != 0)
bucket.setQueryCount(1, 1, true);
bucket.setQueryDate(1, odate, false);
bucket.setQueryDate(1, tdate, true);
appendEntry (&bucket);
setModified (false);
return is.device()->status() == IO_Ok;
void kvoctrainDoc::errorVcb (int /*line*/, const QString &text )
unknown_elem = true;
QApplication::setOverrideCursor( arrowCursor, true );
QString s = kapp->makeStdCaption(i18n("Error in vocabbox file"));
QString msg = text;
KMessageBox::error(0, msg, s);