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// Copyright (C) 2005 Maurizio Paolini <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "inversion_type.h"
#include "point_imp.h"
#include "line_imp.h"
#include "circle_imp.h"
#include "other_imp.h"
#include "bogus_imp.h"
#include "../misc/common.h"
#include <klocale.h>
static const char str1[] = I18N_NOOP( "Invert with respect to this circle" );
static const char str2[] = I18N_NOOP( "Select the circle we want to invert against..." );
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecInvertPoint[] =
{ PointImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Compute the inversion of this point" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the point to invert..." ), false },
{ CircleImp::stype(), str1, str2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "InvertPoint", argsspecInvertPoint, 2 )
const InvertPointType* InvertPointType::instance()
static const InvertPointType s;
return &s;
const ObjectImpType* InvertPointType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
ObjectImp* InvertPointType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* c = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[1] );
Coordinate center = c->center();
Coordinate relp = static_cast<const PointImp*>( args[0] )->coordinate() - center;
double radiussq = c->squareRadius();
double normsq = relp.x*relp.x + relp.y*relp.y;
if ( normsq == 0 ) return new InvalidImp;
return new PointImp( center + (radiussq/normsq)*relp );
* inversion of a line
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecInvertLine[] =
{ LineImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Compute the inversion of this line" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the line to invert..." ), false },
{ CircleImp::stype(), str1, str2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "InvertLine", argsspecInvertLine, 2 )
const InvertLineType* InvertLineType::instance()
static const InvertLineType s;
return &s;
const ObjectImpType* InvertLineType::resultId() const
return CircleImp::stype();
ObjectImp* InvertLineType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* c = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[1] );
Coordinate center = c->center();
double radiussq = c->squareRadius();
const LineData line = static_cast<const AbstractLineImp*>( args[0] )->data();
Coordinate relb = line.b - center;
Coordinate ab = line.b - line.a;
double t = (relb.x*ab.x + relb.y*ab.y)/(ab.x*ab.x + ab.y*ab.y);
Coordinate relh = relb - t*ab;
double normhsq = relh.x*relh.x + relh.y*relh.y;
if ( normhsq < 1e-12*radiussq ) return new LineImp( line.a, line.b );
Coordinate newcenter = center + 0.5*radiussq/normhsq*relh;
double newradius = 0.5*radiussq/sqrt(normhsq);
return new CircleImp( newcenter, newradius );
* inversion of a segment
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecInvertSegment[] =
{ SegmentImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Compute the inversion of this segment" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the segment to invert..." ), false },
{ CircleImp::stype(), str1, str2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "InvertSegment", argsspecInvertSegment, 2 )
const InvertSegmentType* InvertSegmentType::instance()
static const InvertSegmentType s;
return &s;
const ObjectImpType* InvertSegmentType::resultId() const
return ArcImp::stype();
ObjectImp* InvertSegmentType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* c = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[1] );
Coordinate center = c->center();
double radiussq = c->squareRadius();
const LineData line = static_cast<const AbstractLineImp*>( args[0] )->data();
Coordinate rela = line.a - center;
Coordinate relb = line.b - center;
Coordinate ab = relb - rela;
double t = (relb.x*ab.x + relb.y*ab.y)/(ab.x*ab.x + ab.y*ab.y);
Coordinate relh = relb - t*ab;
double normhsq = relh.x*relh.x + relh.y*relh.y;
* compute the inversion of the two endpoints
Coordinate newcenterrel = 0.5*radiussq/normhsq*relh;
Coordinate relainv = radiussq/rela.squareLength() * rela;
Coordinate relbinv = radiussq/relb.squareLength() * relb;
if ( normhsq < 1e-12*radiussq )
if ( rela.squareLength() < 1e-12 )
return new RayImp( relbinv + center, 2*relbinv + center );
if ( relb.squareLength() < 1e-12 )
return new RayImp( relainv + center, 2*relainv + center );
if ( relb.x*rela.x + relb.y*rela.y > 0 )
return new SegmentImp( relainv + center, relbinv + center );
return new InvalidImp();
double newradius = 0.5*radiussq/sqrt(normhsq);
relainv -= newcenterrel;
relbinv -= newcenterrel;
double angle1 = atan2( relainv.y, relainv.x );
double angle2 = atan2( relbinv.y, relbinv.x );
double angle = angle2 - angle1;
if ( ab.x*rela.y - ab.y*rela.x > 0 )
angle1 = angle2;
angle = -angle;
while ( angle1 < 0 ) angle1 += 2*M_PI;
while ( angle1 >= 2*M_PI ) angle1 -= 2*M_PI;
while ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI;
while ( angle >= 2*M_PI ) angle -= 2*M_PI;
return new ArcImp( newcenterrel + center, newradius, angle1, angle );
* inversion of a circle
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecInvertCircle[] =
{ CircleImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Compute the inversion of this circle" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the circle to invert..." ), false },
{ CircleImp::stype(), str1, str2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "InvertCircle", argsspecInvertCircle, 2 )
const InvertCircleType* InvertCircleType::instance()
static const InvertCircleType s;
return &s;
const ObjectImpType* InvertCircleType::resultId() const
return CircleImp::stype();
ObjectImp* InvertCircleType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* refcircle = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[1] );
Coordinate refc = refcircle->center();
double refrsq = refcircle->squareRadius();
const CircleImp* circle = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[0] );
Coordinate c = circle->center() - refc;
double clength = c.length();
Coordinate cnorm = Coordinate (1.,0.);
if ( clength != 0.0 ) cnorm = c/clength;
double r = circle->radius();
Coordinate tc = r*cnorm;
Coordinate b = c + tc; //(1 + t)*c;
double bsq = b.x*b.x + b.y*b.y;
Coordinate bprime = refrsq*b/bsq;
if ( std::fabs( clength - r ) < 1e-6*clength ) // circle through origin -> line
return new LineImp( bprime+refc, bprime+refc+Coordinate( -c.y, c.x ) );
Coordinate a = c - tc;
double asq = a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y;
Coordinate aprime = refrsq*a/asq;
Coordinate cprime = 0.5*(aprime + bprime);
double rprime = 0.5*( bprime - aprime ).length();
return new CircleImp( cprime + refc, rprime );
* inversion of an arc
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecInvertArc[] =
{ ArcImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Compute the inversion of this arc" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the arc to invert..." ), false },
{ CircleImp::stype(), str1, str2, false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "InvertArc", argsspecInvertArc, 2 )
const InvertArcType* InvertArcType::instance()
static const InvertArcType s;
return &s;
const ObjectImpType* InvertArcType::resultId() const
return ArcImp::stype();
ObjectImp* InvertArcType::calc( const Args& args, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( args ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* refcircle = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( args[1] );
Coordinate refc = refcircle->center();
double refrsq = refcircle->squareRadius();
const ArcImp* arc = static_cast<const ArcImp*>( args[0] );
Coordinate c = arc->center() - refc;
double clength = c.length();
Coordinate cnorm = Coordinate (1.,0.);
if ( clength != 0.0 ) cnorm = c/clength;
double r = arc->radius();
* r > clength means center of inversion circle inside of circle supporting arc
Coordinate tc = r*cnorm;
Coordinate b = c + tc;
double bsq = b.x*b.x + b.y*b.y;
Coordinate bprime = refrsq*b/bsq;
if ( std::fabs( clength - r ) < 1e-6*clength ) // support circle through origin ->
// segment, ray or invalid
// (reversed segment, union of two rays)
bool valid1 = false;
bool valid2 = false;
Coordinate ep1 = arc->firstEndPoint() - refc;
Coordinate ep2 = arc->secondEndPoint() - refc;
Coordinate ep1inv = Coordinate::invalidCoord();
Coordinate ep2inv = Coordinate::invalidCoord();
double ep1sq = ep1.squareLength();
if ( ep1sq > 1e-12 )
valid1 = true;
ep1inv = refrsq/ep1sq * ep1;
Coordinate rayendp = ep1inv;
int sign = 1;
double ep2sq = ep2.squareLength();
if ( ep2sq > 1e-12 )
valid2 = true;
ep2inv = refrsq/ep2sq * ep2;
rayendp = ep2inv;
sign = -1;
if ( valid1 || valid2 )
if ( valid1 && valid2 )
// this gives either a segment or the complement of a segment (relative
// to its support line). We return a segment in any case (fixme)
double ang = atan2( -c.y, -c.x );
double sa = arc->startAngle();
if ( ang < sa ) ang += 2*M_PI;
if ( ang - sa - arc->angle() < 0 ) return new InvalidImp();
return new SegmentImp( ep1inv + refc, ep2inv + refc );
} else
return new RayImp ( rayendp + refc,
rayendp + refc + sign*Coordinate( -c.y, c.x ) ); // this should give a Ray
} else
return new LineImp( bprime+refc, bprime+refc+Coordinate( -c.y, c.x ) );
Coordinate a = c - tc;
double asq = a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y;
Coordinate aprime = refrsq*a/asq;
Coordinate cprime = 0.5*(aprime + bprime);
double rprime = 0.5*( bprime - aprime ).length();
Coordinate ep1 = arc->firstEndPoint() - refc;
double ang1 = arc->startAngle();
double newstartangle = 2*atan2(ep1.y,ep1.x) - ang1;
Coordinate ep2 = arc->secondEndPoint() - refc;
double ang2 = ang1 + arc->angle();
double newendangle = 2*atan2(ep2.y,ep2.x) - ang2;
double newangle = newendangle - newstartangle;
* newstartangle and newendangle might have to be exchanged:
* this is the case if the circle supporting our arc does not
* contain the center of the inversion circle
if ( r < clength )
newstartangle = newendangle - M_PI;
newangle = - newangle;
// newendangle is no-longer valid
while ( newstartangle < 0 ) newstartangle += 2*M_PI;
while ( newstartangle >= 2*M_PI ) newstartangle -= 2*M_PI;
while ( newangle < 0 ) newangle += 2*M_PI;
while ( newangle >= 2*M_PI ) newangle -= 2*M_PI;
return new ArcImp( cprime + refc, rprime, newstartangle, newangle );