You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

8 lines
402 B

pics_DATA = smily_medium.png smily_right.png smily_wrong.png kanswer_bg.png kpercentage_bg.png kpercentage_bg_rtl.png kpercentmain_bg.png kpercentmain_bg_rtl.png splash.png \
smily0000.png smily0001.png smily0002.png smily0003.png smily0004.png smily0005.png smily0006.png
picsdir = $(kde_datadir)/kpercentage/pics
story_DATA = right.story wrong.story
storydir = $(kde_datadir)/kpercentage/story