You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

270 lines
7.5 KiB

types options dialog page
begin : Sun Sep 12 15:38:31 1999
copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold <>
(C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team
(C) 2005 Peter Hedlund <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "TypeOptPage.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <QueryManager.h>
#define TYPE_TAG ". "
const vector<TQString> &types,
kvoctrainDoc *_doc,
TQWidget *tqparent,
const char *name
TypeOptPageForm( tqparent, name ),
connect( typeList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotTypeChosen(int)) );
connect( b_cleanup, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotCleanup()) );
connect( b_delete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotDeleteType()) );
connect( b_modify, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotModifyType()) );
connect( b_new, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotNewType()) );
TQString str;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) types.size(); i++) {
str.setNum (i+1);
if (i <= 9)
str.insert (0, " ");
typeList->insertItem (str+TYPE_TAG+types[i]);
act_type = 0;
if (types.size() != 0)
typeList->setCurrentItem (act_type);
b_modify->setEnabled(typeList->count() != 0);
b_delete->setEnabled(typeList->count() != 0);
void TypeOptPage::slotTypeChosen(int index)
act_type = index;
void TypeOptPage::slotNewType()
bool ok;
TQString getType = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Type Description" ), i18n( "Enter type description:" ), TQString(), &ok );
if( !ok )
TQString str;
int i = typeList->count()+1;
str.setNum (i);
if (i <= 9)
str.insert (0, " ");
typeList->insertItem (str+TYPE_TAG+getType.stripWhiteSpace());
act_type = typeList->count();
typeList->setCurrentItem (i-1);
void TypeOptPage::slotModifyType()
if (typeList->count() != 0
&& (int) typeList->count() > act_type) {
TQString str = typeList->text (act_type);
int pos = str.find (TYPE_TAG);
str.remove (0, pos+strlen (TYPE_TAG));
bool ok;
TQString getType = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Type Description" ), i18n( "Enter type description:" ), str, &ok );
if( !ok )
TQString str2;
str2.setNum (act_type+1);
if (act_type <= 9)
str2.insert (0, " ");
typeList->changeItem (str2+TYPE_TAG+getType.stripWhiteSpace(), act_type);
void TypeOptPage::updateListBox(int start)
TQString str, str2;
for (int i = start; i < (int) typeList->count(); i++) {
str = typeList->text (i);
int pos = str.find (TYPE_TAG);
str.remove (0, pos+strlen (TYPE_TAG));
str2.setNum (i+1);
if (i <= 9)
str2.insert (0, " ");
typeList->changeItem (str2+TYPE_TAG+str, i);
void TypeOptPage::slotDeleteType()
int act = act_type;
if (typeList->count() != 0
&& (int) typeList->count() > act) {
TQString t;
t.insert (0, TQM_USER_TYPE);
for (int ent = 0; ent < doc->numEntries(); ent++) {
// FIXME: ProgressDlg here?
kvoctrainExpr *exp = doc->getEntry(ent);
for (int lang = 0; lang < (int) doc->numLangs(); lang++) {
if (exp->getType(lang) == t) {
i18n("This user defined type could not be deleted\nbecause it is in use."),
kapp->makeStdCaption(i18n("Deleting Type Description")));
typeList->removeItem (act);
typeIndex.erase (typeIndex.begin() + act);
if ((int) typeList->count() <= act)
act = typeList->count()-1;
updateListBox(act); // update items after current
if (act >= 0)
typeList->setCurrentItem (act);
b_modify->setEnabled(typeList->count() != 0);
b_delete->setEnabled(typeList->count() != 0);
void TypeOptPage::getTypeNames (vector<TQString> &ret_type, vector<int> &ret_Index)
TQString str; ret_type.clear();
for (int i = 0; i < (int) typeList->count(); i++) {
str = typeList->text(i);
int pos = str.find (TYPE_TAG);
str.remove (0, pos+strlen (TYPE_TAG));
ret_type.push_back (str);
ret_Index = typeIndex;
void TypeOptPage::slotCleanup()
vector<bool> used_type;
for (int i = 0; i <= (int) typeList->count(); i++)
for (int col = 0; col < doc->numLangs(); col++)
for (int i = 0; i < (int) doc->numEntries(); i++) {
TQString t = doc->getEntry(i)->getType(col);
if (t.left(strlen(TQM_USER_TYPE)) == TQM_USER_TYPE) {
t.remove (0, 1);
int idx = t.toInt();
if ((int) used_type.size() < idx)
if (idx != 0)
used_type[idx-1] = true ;
for (int i = used_type.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!used_type[i]) {
for (int u = 0; u < (int) typeIndex.size() ; u++) {
if (typeIndex[u] == i || typeIndex[u] < 0) {
act_type = i;
act_type = 0;
typeList->setCurrentItem (act_type);
void TypeOptPage::cleanUnused(kvoctrainDoc *doc, const vector<int> &typeIndex, int old_types)
vector<int> translate_index;
vector<TQString> new_typeStr;
// translate_index contains new index number for each
// old index
for (int i = 0; i <= TQMAX (old_types, (int) typeIndex.size()); i++)
// now adjust lesson descriptions to new index
for (int i = 0; i < (int) typeIndex.size(); i++) {
if (typeIndex[i] >= 0)
translate_index[typeIndex[i]+1] = i+1;
// only keep remaining type indices
// set type index to 0 when not needed any more
// and translate to new index
for (int col = 0; col < doc->numLangs(); col++) {
for (int i = 0; i < doc->numEntries(); i++) {
TQString old = doc->getEntry(i)->getType (col);
if (!old.isEmpty() && old.left(strlen(TQM_USER_TYPE)) == TQM_USER_TYPE) {
old.remove (0, 1);
int o = old.toInt();
TQString newtype;
if (translate_index[o] != 0) {
newtype.setNum (translate_index[o]);
newtype.insert (0, TQM_USER_TYPE);
doc->getEntry(i)->setType (col, newtype);
doc->getEntry(i)->setType (col, "");
#include "TypeOptPage.moc"