You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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10 KiB

colorscheme.cpp - description
begin : Wed May 8 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "ksutils.h"
#include "colorscheme.h"
typedef TQStringList::const_iterator SL_it;
ColorScheme::ColorScheme() : FileName() {
//Each color has two names associated with it. The KeyName is its
//identification in the TQMap, the *.colors file, and the config file.
//The Name is what appears in the ViewOpsDialog ListBox.
//In addition, we define default RGB strings for each item.
//To add another color to the Palette, just add an entry for KeyName,
//Name and Default here.
KeyName.append( "SkyColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Sky" ) );
Default.append( "#002" );
KeyName.append( "MessColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Messier Object" ) );
Default.append( "#0F0" );
KeyName.append( "NGCColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "New General Catalog object", "NGC Object" ) );
Default.append( "#066" );
KeyName.append( "ICColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Index Catalog object", "IC Object" ) );
Default.append( "#439" );
KeyName.append( "HSTColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Object with extra attached URLs", "Object w/ Links" ) );
Default.append( "#A00" );
KeyName.append( "SNameColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Star Name" ) );
Default.append( "#7AA" );
KeyName.append( "PNameColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Planet Name" ) );
Default.append( "#A77" );
KeyName.append( "CNameColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Constellation Name", "Constell. Name" ) );
Default.append( "#AA7" );
KeyName.append( "CLineColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Constellation Line", "Constell. Line" ) );
Default.append( "#555" );
KeyName.append( "CBoundColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Constellation Boundary", "Constell. Boundary" ) );
Default.append( "#222" );
KeyName.append( "MWColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "refers to the band of stars in the sky due to the Galactic plane", "Milky Way" ) );
Default.append( "#123" );
KeyName.append( "EqColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Equator" ) );
Default.append( "#FFF" );
KeyName.append( "EclColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Ecliptic" ) );
Default.append( "#663" );
KeyName.append( "HorzColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Horizon" ) );
Default.append( "#5A3" );
KeyName.append( "CompassColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Compass Labels" ) );
Default.append( "#002" );
KeyName.append( "GridColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Coordinate Grid" ) );
Default.append( "#456" );
KeyName.append( "BoxTextColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Info Box Text" ) );
Default.append( "#FFF" );
KeyName.append( "BoxGrabColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Info Box Selected" ) );
Default.append( "#F00" );
KeyName.append( "BoxBGColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Info Box Background" ) );
Default.append( "#000" );
KeyName.append( "TargetColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Target Indicator" ) );
Default.append( "#8B8" );
KeyName.append( "UserLabelColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "User Labels" ) );
Default.append( "#FFF" );
KeyName.append( "PlanetTrailColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Planet Trails" ) );
Default.append( "#963" );
KeyName.append( "AngularRuler" );
Name.append( i18n( "Angular Distance Ruler" ) );
Default.append( "#FFF" );
KeyName.append( "ObsListColor" );
Name.append( i18n( "Observing List Label" ) );
Default.append( "#F00" );
//Set the default colors in the Palette.
for( uint i=0; i<KeyName.count(); ++i ) {
setColor( KeyName[i], Default[i] );
//Default values for integer variables:
StarColorMode = 0;
StarColorIntensity = 4;
ColorScheme::ColorScheme( const ColorScheme &cs ) {
KeyName = cs.KeyName;
Name = cs.Name;
Default = cs.Default;
StarColorMode = cs.StarColorMode;
StarColorIntensity = cs.StarColorIntensity;
Palette = cs.Palette;
FileName = cs.FileName;
void ColorScheme::copy( const ColorScheme &cs ) {
KeyName = cs.KeyName;
Name = cs.Name;
Default = cs.Default;
StarColorMode = cs.StarColorMode;
StarColorIntensity = cs.StarColorIntensity;
Palette = cs.Palette;
FileName = cs.FileName;
TQString ColorScheme::colorNamed( const TQString &name ) const {
//TQString color( Palette[ name ] );
if ( ! hasColorNamed( name ) ) {
kdWarning() << i18n( "No color named \"%1\" found in color scheme." ).tqarg( name ) << endl;
//color = "#FFFFFF"; //set to white if no color found
return "#FFFFFF";
return Palette[ name ];
TQString ColorScheme::colorAt( int i ) const {
SL_it it =;
return Palette[ TQString(*it) ];
TQString ColorScheme::nameAt( int i ) const {
SL_it it =;
return TQString(*it);
TQString ColorScheme::keyAt( int i ) const {
SL_it it =;
return TQString(*it);
TQString ColorScheme::nameFromKey( const TQString &key ) const {
return nameAt( KeyName.tqfindIndex( key ) );
void ColorScheme::setColor( const TQString &key, const TQString &color ) {
//We can blindly insert() the new value; if the key exists, the old value is replaced
Palette.insert( key, color );
bool ColorScheme::load( const TQString &filename ) {
TQFile file;
int inew(0),iold(0);
if ( !KSUtils::openDataFile( file, filename ) )
return false;
TQTextStream stream( &file );
TQString line;
//first line is the star-color mode and star color intensity
line = stream.readLine();
bool ok(false);
int newmode = line.left(1).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok ) setStarColorMode( newmode );
if ( line.tqcontains(':') ) {
int newintens = line.mid( line.tqfind(':')+1, 2 ).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok ) setStarColorIntensity( newintens );
//More flexible method for reading in color values. Any order is acceptable, and
//missing entries are ignored.
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
if ( line.tqcontains(':')==1 ) { //the new color preset format contains a ":" in each line, followed by the name of the color
if ( iold ) return false; //we read at least one line without a colon...file is corrupted.
//If this line has a valid Key, set the color.
TQString tkey = line.mid( line.tqfind(':')+1 ).stripWhiteSpace();
TQString tname = line.left( line.tqfind(':')-1 );
if ( KeyName.tqcontains( tkey ) ) {
setColor( tkey, tname );
} else { //attempt to translate from old color ID
TQString k( line.mid( 5 ).stripWhiteSpace() + "Color" );
if ( KeyName.tqcontains( k ) ) {
setColor( k, tname );
} else {
kdWarning() << "Could not use the key \"" << tkey <<
"\" from the color scheme file \"" << filename << "\". I also tried \"" <<
k << "\"." << endl;
} else { // no ':' seen in the line, so we must assume the old format
if ( inew ) return false; //a previous line had a colon, this line doesn't. File is corrupted.
//Assuming the old *.colors format. Loop through the KeyName list,
//and assign each color. Note that order matters here, but only here
//(so if you don't use the old format, then order doesn't ever matter)
TQStringList::Iterator it = KeyName.begin();
TQStringList::Iterator it_end = KeyName.end();
for ( ; it != it_end; ++it )
setColor( TQString(*it), line.left( 7 ) );
FileName = filename;
return true;
bool ColorScheme::save( const TQString &name ) {
TQFile file;
//Construct a file name from the scheme name. Make lowercase, replace spaces with "-",
//and append ".colors".
TQString filename = name.lower().stripWhiteSpace();
if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) {
for( unsigned int i=0; i<filename.length(); ++i)
if (' ' ) filename.tqreplace( i, 1, "-" );
filename = filename.append( ".colors" );
file.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", filename ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree.
if ( file.exists() || ! IO_ReadWrite | IO_Append ) ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Local color scheme file could not be opened.\nScheme cannot be recorded." );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Open File" ) );
return false;
} else {
TQTextStream stream( &file );
stream << StarColorMode << ":" << StarColorIntensity << endl;
TQStringList::Iterator it = KeyName.begin();
TQStringList::Iterator it_end = KeyName.end();
for ( ; it != it_end; ++it )
stream << Palette[ (*it) ] << " :" << (*it) << endl;
file.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", "colors.dat" ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree.
if ( ! IO_ReadWrite | IO_Append ) ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Local color scheme index file could not be opened.\nScheme cannot be recorded." );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Open File" ) );
return false;
} else {
TQTextStream stream( &file );
stream << name << ":" << filename << endl;
} else {
TQString message = i18n( "Invalid filename requested.\nScheme cannot be recorded." );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Invalid Filename" ) );
return false;
FileName = filename;
return true;
void ColorScheme::loadFromConfig( KConfig *conf ) {
TQStringList::Iterator it = KeyName.begin();
TQStringList::Iterator it_end = KeyName.end();
for ( ; it != it_end; ++it )
setColor( TQString(*it), conf->readEntry( TQString(*it), TQString( * KeyName.tqfindIndex(*it) ) ) ) );
setStarColorMode( conf->readNumEntry( "StarColorMode", 0 ) );
setStarColorIntensity( conf->readNumEntry( "StarColorIntensity", 5 ) );
void ColorScheme::saveToConfig( KConfig *conf ) {
TQStringList::Iterator it = KeyName.begin();
TQStringList::Iterator it_end = KeyName.end();
for ( ; it != it_end; ++it )
conf->writeEntry( TQString(*it), colorNamed( TQString(*it) ) );
conf->writeEntry( "StarColorMode", starColorMode() );
conf->writeEntry( "StarColorIntensity", starColorIntensity() );