You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
7.9 KiB

finddialog.cpp - K Desktop Planetarium
begin : Wed Jul 4 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "finddialog.h"
#include "kstars.h"
#include "kstarsdata.h"
#include "Options.h"
#include "skyobject.h"
#include "skyobjectname.h"
#include "objectnamelist.h"
FindDialog::FindDialog( TQWidget* parent ) :
KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Plain, i18n( "Find Object" ), Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent ),
vlay(0), hlay(0), SearchList(0), SearchBox(0), filterTypeLabel(0), filterType(0),
TQFrame *page = plainPage();
//Create Layout managers
vlay = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 2, 2 );
hlay = new TQHBoxLayout( 2 ); //this mgr will be added to vlay
//Create Widgets
SearchBox = new TQLineEdit( page, "SearchBox" );
filterTypeLabel = new TQLabel( page, "filterTypeLabel" );
filterTypeLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight );
filterTypeLabel->setText( i18n( "Filter by type: " ) );
filterType = new TQComboBox( page, "filterType" );
filterType->setEditable( false );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Any") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Stars") );
// filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Double Stars") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Solar System") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Open Clusters") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Glob. Clusters") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Gas. Nebulae") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Plan. Nebulae") );
// filterType->insertItem( i18n ("SN Remnants") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Galaxies") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Comets") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Asteroids") );
filterType->insertItem( i18n ("Constellations") );
SearchList = new TQListBox( page, "SearchList" );
SearchList->setMinimumWidth( 256 );
SearchList->setMinimumHeight( 320 );
SearchList->setVScrollBarMode( TQListBox::AlwaysOn );
SearchList->setHScrollBarMode( TQListBox::AlwaysOff );
//Pack Widgets into layout manager
hlay->addWidget( filterTypeLabel, 0, 0 );
hlay->addWidget( filterType, 0, 0 );
vlay->addWidget( SearchBox, 0, 0 );
vlay->addSpacing( 12 );
vlay->addWidget( SearchList, 0, 0 );
vlay->addLayout( hlay, 0 );
// no item currently set
currentitem = 0;
// no filters set
Filter = 0;
//Connect signals to slots
// connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( accept() ) ) ;
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( cancelClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( reject() ) );
connect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), TQT_SLOT( filter() ) );
connect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotOk() ) );
connect( filterType, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setFilter( int ) ) );
connect( SearchList, TQT_SIGNAL (selectionChanged (TQListBoxItem *)), TQT_SLOT (updateSelection (TQListBoxItem *)));
connect( SearchList, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked ( TQListBoxItem * ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotOk() ) );
// first create and paint dialog and then load list
TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT( init() ));
FindDialog::~FindDialog() {
delete SearchList;
void FindDialog::init() {
SearchBox->clear(); // QLineEdit
filterType->setCurrentItem(0); // show all types of objects
void FindDialog::filter() { //Filter the list of names with the string in the SearchBox
KStars *p = (KStars *)parent();
ObjectNameList &ObjNames = p->data()->ObjNames;
// check if latin names are used
ObjNames.setLanguage( Options::useLatinConstellNames() );
TQString searchFor = SearchBox->text().lower();
for ( SkyObjectName *name = ObjNames.first( searchFor ); name; name = ) {
if ( name->text().lower().startsWith( searchFor ) ) {
new SkyObjectNameListItem ( SearchList, name );
/* if ( i++ >= 5000 ) { //Every 5000 name insertions,
kapp->processEvents ( 50 ); //spend 50 msec processing KApplication events
i = 0;
setListItemEnabled(); // Automatically highlight first item
SearchBox->setFocus(); // set cursor to QLineEdit
void FindDialog::filterByType() {
KStars *p = (KStars *)parent();
SearchList->clear(); // QListBox
TQString searchFor = SearchBox->text().lower(); // search string
ObjectNameList &ObjNames = p->data()->ObjNames;
// check if latin names are used
ObjNames.setLanguage( Options::useLatinConstellNames() );
for ( SkyObjectName *name = ObjNames.first( searchFor ); name; name = ) {
//Special case: match SkyObject Type 0 with Filter==1 (stars)
if ( name->skyObject()->type() == Filter || (name->skyObject()->type() == 0 && Filter == 1 ) ) {
if ( name->text().lower().startsWith( searchFor ) ) {
// for stars, don't show the ones below the faint limit
if (Filter!=1 || name->skyObject()->mag() <= Options::magLimitDrawStar() ) {
new SkyObjectNameListItem ( SearchList, name );
setListItemEnabled(); // Automatically highlight first item
SearchBox->setFocus(); // set cursor to QLineEdit
void FindDialog::setListItemEnabled() {
SearchList->setSelected (0, true);
if (!SearchList->isSelected (0))
updateSelection (0);
void FindDialog::updateSelection (TQListBoxItem *it) {
currentitem = (SkyObjectNameListItem *) it;
SearchBox->setFocus(); // set cursor to QLineEdit
void FindDialog::setFilter( int f ) {
// Translate the Listbox index to the correct SkyObject Type ID
int f2( f ); // in most cases, they are the same number
if ( f >= 7 ) f2 = f + 1; //need to skip unused "Supernova Remnant" Type at position 7
// check if filter was changed or if filter is still the same
if ( Filter != f2 ) {
Filter = f2;
if ( Filter == 0 ) { // any type will shown
// delete old connections and create new connections
disconnect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( filterByType() ) );
connect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), TQT_SLOT( filter() ) );
else {
// delete old connections and create new connections
disconnect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( filter() ) );
connect( SearchBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), TQT_SLOT( filterByType() ) );
void FindDialog::slotOk() {
//If no valid object selected, show a sorry-box. Otherwise, emit accept()
if ( currentItem() == 0 ) {
TQString message = i18n( "No object named %1 found." ).arg( SearchBox->text() );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Bad object name" ) );
} else {
void FindDialog::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) {
switch( e->key() ) {
case Key_Down :
if ( SearchList->currentItem() < ((int) SearchList->count()) - 1 )
SearchList->setCurrentItem( SearchList->currentItem() + 1 );
case Key_Up :
if ( SearchList->currentItem() )
SearchList->setCurrentItem( SearchList->currentItem() - 1 );
case Key_Escape :
#include "finddialog.moc"