You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
7.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Albert Astals Cid *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <klocale.h>
#include "division.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "mapparser.h"
/* unitReader */
mapReader::mapReader() : TQXmlSimpleReader()
bool mapReader::parseMap(const TQString &path)
TQString aux;
p_map = new KGmap();
p_map -> setFile(path);
aux = path.left(path.findRev('/') + 1); // aux = path but without the file name
mapParser handler(p_map, aux);
TQFile xmlFile(path);
if (xmlFile.exists())
TQXmlInputSource source(&xmlFile);
if (parse(source)) return true;
p_error = handler.errorString();
p_error = i18n("%1 does not exist.").arg(path);
return false;
TQString mapReader::getError()
return p_error;
KGmap *mapReader::getMap()
return p_map;
/* mapParser */
mapParser::mapParser(KGmap *m, const TQString &path) : TQXmlDefaultHandler(), p_map(m), p_path(path)
bool mapParser::startDocument()
p_mapNameSet = false;
p_mapFileSet = false;
return true;
bool mapParser::startElement(const TQString&, const TQString &name, const TQString&, const TQXmlAttributes&)
TQString prev;
bool b = true;
prev = getPreviousTag();
p_previousTags += ":" + name;
if (prev.isEmpty())
b = name == "map";
if (!b) p_error = i18n("The map description file should begin with the %1 tag").arg("map");
else if (prev == "map")
if (name != "mapFile" && name != "name" && name != "division")
b = false;
p_error = i18n("%1 is not a valid tag inside tag %2. Valid tags are %3, %4 and %5").arg(name).arg(prev).arg("mapFile").arg("name").arg("division");
else if ((name == "mapFile" && p_mapFileSet) || (name == "name" && p_mapNameSet))
b = false;
p_error = i18n("%1 tag has already been set").arg(name);
p_colorSet = false;
if (name == "division")
p_divisionNameSet = false;
p_divisionIgnoreSet = false;
p_flagFileSet = false;
p_capitalSet = false;
p_division = new division();
else if (prev == "mapFile" || prev == "name" || prev == "red" || prev == "green" || prev == "blue" ||
prev == "ignore")
b = false;
p_error = i18n("There can not be a tag inside %1 tag").arg(prev);
else if (prev == "division")
if (name != "color" && name != "name" && name != "ignore" && name != "flag" && name != "capital")
b = false;
p_error = i18n("%1 is not a valid tag inside tag %2. Valid tags are %3, %4, %5, %6 and %7").arg(name).arg(prev).arg("color").arg("name").arg("ignore").arg("capital").arg("flag");
else if ((name == "name" && p_divisionNameSet) || (name == "color" && p_colorSet) ||
(name == "ignore" && p_divisionIgnoreSet) || (name == "flag" && p_flagFileSet) ||
(name == "capital" && p_capitalSet))
b = false;
p_error = i18n("%1 tag has already been set").arg(name);
p_red = -1;
p_green = -1;
p_blue = -1;
else if (prev == "color")
b = (name == "red" && p_red == -1) || (name == "green" && p_green == -1) ||
(name == "blue" && p_blue == -1);
else b = false;
return b;
bool mapParser::endElement(const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &)
TQString aux;
bool b;
aux = getPreviousTag();
b = true;
if (p_previousTags == ":map:name")
p_map -> setName(p_contents);
p_mapNameSet = true;
else if (p_previousTags == ":map:mapFile")
b = p_map -> setMapFile(p_path + p_contents);
p_mapFileSet = true;
if (!b) p_error = i18n("File %1 does not exist").arg(p_path + p_contents);
else if (aux == "division")
p_division -> setRGB(p_red, p_green , p_blue);
b = p_divisionNameSet;
if (!b) p_error = i18n("There is a division without name");
b = b && p_map -> addDivision(p_division);
if (!b) p_error = i18n("There is already either a division called %1 or a division with the same colors as %2").arg(p_division -> getName()).arg(p_division -> getName());
b = b && (p_capitalSet || !p_division -> canAsk(false));
if (!b) p_error = i18n("Division %1 has no capital").arg(p_division -> getName());
else if (p_previousTags == ":map:division:name")
p_divisionNameSet = true;
p_division -> setName(p_contents);
else if (p_previousTags == ":map:division:capital")
p_capitalSet = true;
p_division -> setCapital(p_contents);
else if (aux == "color")
if (p_red == -1)
b = false;
p_error = i18n("Tag %1 has not the %2 tag.").arg("<color>").arg("<red>");
else if (p_green == -1)
b = false;
p_error = i18n("Tag %1 has not the %2 tag.").arg("<color>").arg("<green>");
else if (p_blue == -1)
b = false;
p_error = i18n("Tag %1 has not the %2 tag.").arg("<color>").arg("<blue>");
else p_colorSet = true;
else if (aux == "red")
p_red = p_contents.toInt();
else if (aux == "green")
p_green = p_contents.toInt();
else if (aux == "blue")
p_blue = p_contents.toInt();
else if (aux == "ignore")
p_divisionIgnoreSet = true;
if (p_contents.lower() == "yes")
p_division -> setIgnore(true, false);
else if (p_contents.lower() == "no")
p_division -> setIgnore(false, false);
else if (p_contents.lower() == "allowclickmode")
p_division -> setIgnore(true, true);
b = false;
p_error = i18n("Invalid value in tag %1").arg("<ignore>");
else if (aux == "flag")
b = p_division -> setFlagFile(p_path + "flags/" + p_contents);
p_flagFileSet = true;
if (!b) p_error = i18n("Could not find flag file %1").arg(p_path + "flags/" + p_contents);
else if (aux == "map")
else b = false;
p_contents = TQString::null;
return b;
bool mapParser::characters(const TQString &ch)
TQString aux;
if (ch.simplifyWhiteSpace().length() == 0) return true;
aux = getPreviousTag();
if (aux == "mapFile" || aux == "name" || aux == "red" || aux == "green" || aux == "blue" || aux == "ignore" || aux == "flag" || aux == "capital")
p_contents += ch;
return true;
p_error = i18n("There are characters outside tags.");
return false;
bool mapParser::endDocument()
TQString aux;
if (p_mapNameSet && p_mapFileSet)
return true;
else if (!p_mapNameSet) aux = "name";
else if (!p_mapFileSet) aux = "mapFile";
p_error = i18n("Tag %1 is missing.").arg(aux);
return false;
TQString mapParser::errorString()
if (!p_error.isEmpty()) return p_error;
return i18n("The XML document is malformed.");
TQString mapParser::getPreviousTag() const
return p_previousTags.right(p_previousTags.length() - p_previousTags.findRev(':') - 1);
void mapParser::removeLastTag()
p_previousTags = p_previousTags.left(p_previousTags.findRev(':'));