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opscolors.cpp - K Desktop Planetarium
begin : Sun Feb 29 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kcolordialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "opscolors.h"
#include "kstars.h"
#include "kstarsdata.h"
#include "skymap.h"
#include "colorscheme.h"
OpsColors::OpsColors( TQWidget *p, const char *name, WFlags fl )
: OpsColorsUI( p, name, fl )
ksw = (KStars *)p;
//Populate list of adjustable colors
for ( unsigned int i=0; i < ksw->data()->colorScheme()->numberOfColors(); ++i ) {
TQPixmap col( 30, 20 );
col.fill( TQColor( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->colorAt( i ) ) );
ColorPalette->insertItem( col, ksw->data()->colorScheme()->nameAt( i ) );
PresetBox->insertItem( i18n( "use default color scheme", "Default Colors" ) );
PresetBox->insertItem( i18n( "use 'star chart' color scheme", "Star Chart" ) );
PresetBox->insertItem( i18n( "use 'night vision' color scheme", "Night Vision" ) );
PresetBox->insertItem( i18n( "use 'moonless night' color scheme", "Moonless Night" ) );
PresetFileList.append( "default.colors" );
PresetFileList.append( "chart.colors" );
PresetFileList.append( "night.colors" );
PresetFileList.append( "moonless-night.colors" );
TQFile file;
TQString line, schemeName, filename;
file.setName( locate( "appdata", "colors.dat" ) );
if ( file.exists() && IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream stream( &file );
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
schemeName = line.left( line.find( ':' ) );
filename = line.mid( line.find( ':' ) +1, line.length() );
PresetBox->insertItem( schemeName );
PresetFileList.append( filename );
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setValue( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() );
kcfg_StarColorMode->insertItem( i18n( "use realistic star colors", "Real Colors" ) );
kcfg_StarColorMode->insertItem( i18n( "show stars as red circles", "Solid Red" ) );
kcfg_StarColorMode->insertItem( i18n( "show stars as black circles", "Solid Black" ) );
kcfg_StarColorMode->insertItem( i18n( "show stars as white circles", "Solid White" ) );
kcfg_StarColorMode->setCurrentItem( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() );
if ( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() != 0 ) //mode is not "Real Colors"
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setEnabled( false );
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setEnabled( true );
connect( ColorPalette, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQListBoxItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( newColor( TQListBoxItem* ) ) );
connect( kcfg_StarColorIntensity, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotStarColorIntensity( int ) ) );
connect( kcfg_StarColorMode, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotStarColorMode( int ) ) );
connect( PresetBox, TQT_SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotPreset( int ) ) );
connect( AddPreset, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAddPreset() ) );
connect( RemovePreset, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotRemovePreset() ) );
RemovePreset->setEnabled( false );
//empty destructor
OpsColors::~OpsColors() {}
void OpsColors::newColor( TQListBoxItem *item ) {
TQPixmap pixmap( 30, 20 );
TQColor NewColor;
unsigned int i;
for ( i=0; i < ksw->data()->colorScheme()->numberOfColors(); ++i ) {
if ( item->text() == ksw->data()->colorScheme()->nameAt( i ) ) {
TQColor col( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->colorAt( i ) );
if(KColorDialog::getColor( col )) NewColor = col;
//NewColor will only be valid if the above if statement was found to be true during one of the for loop iterations
if ( NewColor.isValid() ) {
pixmap.fill( NewColor );
ColorPalette->changeItem( pixmap, item->text(), ColorPalette->index( item ) );
ksw->data()->colorScheme()->setColor( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->keyAt( i ), );
void OpsColors::slotPreset( int index ) {
TQStringList::Iterator it = index );
bool result = setColors( *it );
if (!result) {
TQString message = i18n( "The specified color scheme file (%1) could not be found, or was corrupt." ).arg( TQString(*it) );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Set Color Scheme" ) );
bool OpsColors::setColors( TQString filename ) {
TQPixmap *temp = new TQPixmap( 30, 20 );
//just checking if colorscheme is removable...
TQFile test;
test.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", filename ) ); //try filename in local user KDE directory tree.
if ( test.exists() ) RemovePreset->setEnabled( true );
else RemovePreset->setEnabled( false );
ksw->loadColorScheme( filename );
kcfg_StarColorMode->setCurrentItem( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() );
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setValue( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() );
if ( ksw->map()->starColorMode() != ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() )
ksw->map()->setStarColorMode( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() );
if ( ksw->map()->starColorIntensity() != ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() )
ksw->map()->setStarColorIntensity( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() );
for ( unsigned int i=0; i < ksw->data()->colorScheme()->numberOfColors(); ++i ) {
temp->fill( TQColor( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->colorAt( i ) ) );
ColorPalette->changeItem( *temp, ksw->data()->colorScheme()->nameAt( i ), i );
return true;
void OpsColors::slotAddPreset() {
bool okPressed = false;
TQString schemename = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "New Color Scheme" ),
i18n( "Enter a name for the new color scheme:" ),
TQString(), &okPressed, 0 );
if ( okPressed && ! schemename.isEmpty() ) {
if ( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->save( schemename ) ) {
PresetBox->insertItem( schemename );
PresetBox->setCurrentItem( PresetBox->findItem( schemename ) );
TQString fname = ksw->data()->colorScheme()->fileName();
PresetFileList.append( fname );
ksw->addColorMenuItem( schemename, TQString("cs_" + fname.left(fname.find(".colors"))).utf8() );
void OpsColors::slotRemovePreset() {
TQString name = PresetBox->currentText();
TQString filename = PresetFileList[ PresetBox->currentItem() ];
TQFile cdatFile;
cdatFile.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", "colors.dat" ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree.
//Remove action from color-schemes menu
ksw->removeColorMenuItem( TQString("cs_" + filename.left( filename.find(".colors"))).utf8() );
if ( !cdatFile.exists() || ! IO_ReadWrite ) ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Local color scheme index file could not be opened.\nScheme cannot be removed." );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Open File" ) );
} else {
//Remove entry from the ListBox and from the TQStringList holding filenames.
//We don't want another color scheme to be selected, so first
//temporarily disconnect the "highlighted" signal.
disconnect( PresetBox, TQT_SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotPreset( int ) ) );
PresetBox->removeItem( PresetBox->currentItem() );
PresetBox->setCurrentItem( -1 );
RemovePreset->setEnabled( false );
//Reconnect the "highlighted" signal
connect( PresetBox, TQT_SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotPreset( int ) ) );
//Read the contents of colors.dat into a TQStringList, except for the entry to be removed.
TQTextStream stream( &cdatFile );
TQStringList slist;
bool removed = false;
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
TQString line = stream.readLine();
if ( line.left( line.find(':') ) != name ) slist.append( line );
else removed = true;
if ( removed ) { //Entry was removed; delete the corresponding .colors file.
TQFile colorFile;
colorFile.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", filename ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree.
if ( !colorFile.remove() ) {
TQString message = i18n( "Could not delete the file: %1" ).arg( );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Error Deleting File" ) );
//remove the old colors.dat file, and rebuild it with the modified string list.
cdatFile.remove(); IO_ReadWrite );
TQTextStream stream2( &cdatFile );
for( unsigned int i=0; i<slist.count(); ++i )
stream << slist[i] << endl;
} else {
TQString message = i18n( "Could not find an entry named %1 in colors.dat." ).arg( name );
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Scheme Not Found" ) );
void OpsColors::slotStarColorMode( int i ) {
ksw->data()->colorScheme()->setStarColorMode( i );
if ( ksw->map()->starColorMode() != ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() )
ksw->map()->setStarColorMode( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() );
if ( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorMode() != 0 ) //mode is not "Real Colors"
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setEnabled( false );
kcfg_StarColorIntensity->setEnabled( true );
void OpsColors::slotStarColorIntensity( int i ) {
ksw->data()->colorScheme()->setStarColorIntensity( i );
if ( ksw->map()->starColorIntensity() != ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() )
ksw->map()->setStarColorIntensity( ksw->data()->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity() );
#include "opscolors.moc"