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#ifndef SLOPE_H
#define SLOPE_H
#include <kimageeffect.h>
#include "game.h"
class Slope;
class SlopeConfig : public Config
SlopeConfig(Slope *slope, QWidget *parent);
private slots:
void setGradient(const QString &text);
void setReversed(bool);
void setStuckOnGround(bool);
void gradeChanged(double);
Slope *slope;
class Slope : public QCanvasRectangle, public CanvasItem, public RectItem
Slope(QRect rect, QCanvas *canvas);
virtual void aboutToDie();
virtual int rtti() const { return 1031; }
virtual void showInfo();
virtual void hideInfo();
virtual void editModeChanged(bool changed);
virtual bool canBeMovedByOthers() const { return !stuckOnGround; }
virtual QPtrList<QCanvasItem> moveableItems() const;
virtual Config *config(QWidget *parent) { return new SlopeConfig(this, parent); }
void setSize(int, int);
virtual void newSize(int width, int height);
virtual void moveBy(double dx, double dy);
virtual void draw(QPainter &painter);
virtual QPointArray areaPoints() const;
void setGradient(QString text);
KImageEffect::GradientType curType() const { return type; }
void setGrade(double grade);
double curGrade() const { return grade; }
void setColor(QColor color) { this->color = color; updatePixmap(); }
void setReversed(bool reversed) { this->reversed = reversed; updatePixmap(); }
bool isReversed() const { return reversed; }
bool isStuckOnGround() const { return stuckOnGround; }
void setStuckOnGround(bool yes) { stuckOnGround = yes; updateZ(); }
virtual void load(KConfig *cfg);
virtual void save(KConfig *cfg);
virtual bool collision(Ball *ball, long int id);
virtual bool terrainCollisions() const;
QMap<KImageEffect::GradientType, QString> gradientI18nKeys;
QMap<KImageEffect::GradientType, QString> gradientKeys;
virtual void updateZ(QCanvasRectangle *vStrut = 0);
void moveArrow();
KImageEffect::GradientType type;
inline void setType(KImageEffect::GradientType type);
bool showingInfo;
double grade;
bool reversed;
QColor color;
QPixmap pixmap;
void updatePixmap();
bool stuckOnGround;
QPixmap grass;
void clearArrows();
QPtrList<Arrow> arrows;
QCanvasText *text;
RectPoint *point;
class SlopeObj : public Object
SlopeObj() { m_name = i18n("Slope"); m__name = "slope"; }
virtual QCanvasItem *newObject(QCanvas *canvas) { return new Slope(QRect(0, 0, 40, 40), canvas); }