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153 lines
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#include "mp_simple_interface.h"
#include "mp_simple_interface.moc"
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#define PAUSE_ACTION \
((KToggleAction *)((KMainWindow *)topLevelWidget())->action("game_pause"))
MPSimpleInterface::MPSimpleInterface(const MPGameInfo &gi,
uint nbActions, const ActionData *data,
TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
: MPInterface(gi, nbActions, data, parent, name), state(SS_Standby)
void MPSimpleInterface::init()
if ( server() ) {
state = SS_Standby;
first_init = TRUE;
void MPSimpleInterface::start()
// WARNING : multiple calls can happen here (because button
// hiding is delayed)
state = SS_Init;
void MPSimpleInterface::stop()
state = SS_Standby;
SC_Flag f1(SC_Flag::Stop);
if ( server() ) dataToClientsStream() << f1;
IO_Flag f2(IO_Flag::Stop);
for (uint i=0; i<nbPlayers(); i++) writingStream(i) << f2;
void MPSimpleInterface::addKeys(KKeyDialog &d)
if ( !isPaused() ) pause();
void MPSimpleInterface::pause()
// WARNING : multiple calls can happen here (because button
// hiding is delayed)
switch (state) {
case SS_Play:
state = SS_PauseAsked;
case SS_Pause:
state = SS_UnpauseAsked;
default: break;
void MPSimpleInterface::dataFromServer(TQDataStream &s)
if ( s.atEnd() ) return; // no data
SC_Flag scf;
s >> scf;
switch (scf.value()) {
case SC_Flag::Stop:
KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Server has left game!"));
TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(singleHuman()));
case SC_Flag::GameOver:
void MPSimpleInterface::treatData()
switch (state) {
case SS_Init: treatInit(); break;
case SS_Play: treatPlay(); break;
case SS_Pause: break;
case SS_Stop: treatStop(); break;
case SS_Standby: break;
case SS_PauseAsked: treatPause(TRUE); break;
case SS_UnpauseAsked: treatPause(FALSE); break;
void MPSimpleInterface::treatInit()
state = SS_Play;
if (first_init) {
first_init = FALSE;
IO_Flag f(IO_Flag::Init);
for (uint i=0; i<nbPlayers(); i++) writingStream(i) << f;
void MPSimpleInterface::treatPlay()
bool end = _readPlayData();
if (end) {
state = SS_Stop;
IO_Flag f(IO_Flag::GameOver);
for (uint i=0; i<nbPlayers(); i++) writingStream(i) << f;
if ( nbPlayers()==1 ) return; // no need to send data for singleplayer game
IO_Flag f(IO_Flag::Play);
for(uint i=0; i<nbPlayers(); i++) writingStream(i) << f;
void MPSimpleInterface::treatPause(bool pause)
state = (pause ? SS_Pause : SS_Play);
IO_Flag f(IO_Flag::Pause);
for (uint i=0; i<nbPlayers(); i++) writingStream(i) << f;
void MPSimpleInterface::treatStop()
state = SS_Standby;
// read game over data + send them to all clients
TQDataStream &s = dataToClientsStream();
SC_Flag f(SC_Flag::GameOver);
s << f;