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2.1.11b (1 September 2005) [KDE 3.4.3 stable]
* fix compilation dependencies
* "fix" bug #65488 by disabling network games
2.1.11 (12 September 2004) [KDE 3.3.1 stable]
* fix loss of key down action after switching windows (bug #86017)
* fix removed lines being not updated at restart (bug #88990)
2.1.10 (4 July 2004) [KDE 3.3 stable]
* use zoom in/out actions (bug #65478)
* remove arrows in two players mode + add description for the three
balls in multiplayer game (bug #65489)
2.1.9 (31 May 2004)
* more detailed removed line display
* display level in progress bar
2.1.8 (10 March 2004) [KDE 3.2.2 stable]
* fix bug #65490 (default with simpler removed lines display)
* fix bug #77170 (crash at startup)
2.1.7 (24 January 2003) [KDE 3.2 stable]
* more control on drop down action by key press and release
* move to left/right column actions
* notifications
* fix crash when switching from normal to arcade game
* options for old style rotation, for direct drop down and for
simplified "removed blocks" display[idea by Whitehawk Stormchaser]
* next/previous player names removed: it was confusing imho
* clean up configuration dialog GUI
* better multiplayer highscores dialog
* removed "start" button for clients
2.1.6b (18 December 2002) [KDE 3.1 stable]
* fix stage display
2.1.6 (6 June 2002)
* simplify start/pause button (ugly with large texts)
* arcade mode (only 6 levels) for KSirtet [idea by Douglas Smith]
* KAccel is not used anymore...
* some code cleanup and separation of source directories
2.1.5 (16 April 2002)
* highlight level lcd when it changes
* progress bar for level [idea by Niko Boehm]
2.1.4c (13 May 2002)
* fix crash when pause pressed during animation [report by Christian Esken]
2.1.4b (15 April 2002) [KDE 3.0.1 stable]
* fix background color (less flicker and no more white background for
not compliant (?) window manager) [report by Niko Boehm]
* fix T piece rotation [report by Niko Boehm]
* save key shortcuts [report by Niko Boehm]
2.1.4 (15 January 2002)
* revamped settings
* some cleanups
* fix several problems in AI code : much better now (for ksirtet)
* several bug fixes
* fix piece rotation in ksirtet and kfouleggs [many thanks to Sebastian
2.1.3 (16 December 2001)
* use the dynamic library for highscores and the new API
* fix a severe bug occurring for multiple gifts (multiplayers game in ksirtet)
* reset gifts at game start (multiplayers game)
* slow down the computer player (for ksirtet)
* fix AI configuration saving
2.1.2 (29 November 2001)
* fix pause behaviour in menu (forward port from 2.2 branch)
* use KConfigGroupSaver everywhere
* World-wide highscores for KSirtet and KFoulEggs !!
2.1.1 (17 October 2001)
* some more reorganization
* some code revamped and simplified
* a DESIGN file !
* progressive fall animation added to kfouleggs
* board can be made transparent :)
* "removed" lcd now displays more details (ksirtet & kfouleggs)
* highscores updated (new dialog)
* ported to Qt 3.0 (a piece of cake :)
2.1.0b (28 November 2001) [SF 2.2 stable]
* fix pause behaviour in menu [bug reported by Erik Hill]
2.1.0 (17 July 2001) [KDE 2.2 stable]
2.0.10 (03 July 2001) [SF 2.2 devel]
* reorganized sources files
* fixed level increase with initial level higher than 1 [thanks to Christof
2.0.9 (24 May 2001)
* configuration of the initial level added [suggested by Alain Beyrand among
others ...]
* enhancement of highscores : nicer dialogs, nb of games, mean score, ...
* use of KHighscore
* use of KStdGameAction
* fix shadow display
2.0.8 (11 April 2001)
* fix for multiplayers game (see lib changelog)
* pause when highscores requested [suggested by David Grill Watson]
* create GenericBoard class (for future extensions)
2.0.7 (14 March 2001)
* changed highscores accelerator to CTRL + H (more standard)
* better use of session-management
2.0.6 (1 February 2001) [KDE 2.1 stable]
* more explanations in KFouleggs score computation.
* some fix in KFoulEggs piece drawing [I was not able to see
the problem ; thanks to Tom Colgate]
2.0.5 (13 September 2000) [KDE 2.0 stable]
* fix for change of behaviour in QCanvas (QCanvasItems need a show).
2.0.4 (4 September 2000)
* fixed behaviour of button in highscores dialog when entering the winner
name [proposed by Lotta Inkovaara]
* fixed repaint problems of piece shadow [some flicker added though]
* keys bindings should be now saved [due to some obscure bug in
kdelibs/kaccel ; thanks to Chris]
* use of KMainWindow + interception of LayoutHint events to fix the resize
problems ...
2.0.2 (19 June 2000)
* versioning the XMLGUI files
* removed (unstandard) title in dialogs
* block size is configurable
2.0.1 (28 May 2000)
* fixed highscores dialog showing empty if score too small [bug reported
by David Grill Watson]
* fixed something in the XML files ...
2.0.0 (10 May 2000)
* stupid bug fixed (off by one error in random piece generation)
* fix segfault when exiting with the close button
1.1.16 (14 April 2000)
* AI is now configurable
* multiplayer + AI for fouleggs !!
* XMLguified + config cleaned up
* animations can be configured on/off
1.1.15 (3 April 2000)
* nicer "light removed" animation in ksirtet
* new "bump falling piece" animation
* new "progressive falling on remove" animation for ksirtet
1.1.14 (2 April 2000)
* KAction
* separated in two executables (ksirtet and kfouleggs)
* use of QCanvas done
* fixed a nasty bug for kfouleggs (segfault when the piece is almost at top
and the action dropDown is activated)
1.1.13 (7 February 2000)
* found bug in piece copying/random generation
* KAboutData
* first modifications for the use of QCanvas
1.1.12 (14 December 1999)
* FE drawings are ok (not very cute though)
* multiplayers status line completed : players names + gift leds
* T piece starting orientation modified so it can be rotated immediately
(this is of some importance for the AI player ...)
* LCD style slightly changed
* AI customization (to optimize AI ...) [uncomplete]
* "What's This" added
* multiplayers score dialog [uncomplete]
1.1.11 (8 November 1999)
* keys were "inverted" for two-players-game.
* Foul Eggs game !! (score + multiplayers + AI still to be done).
1.1.10 (14 August 1999)
* big change for multiplayers game (due to heavy modification of lib)
1.1.9 (6 July 1999)
* highscore dialog is "layouted"
* layout fixes
* fixes in AI and gift mechanism.
* gift received and gift sent shower in multiplayers game.
1.1.7 (21 March 1999)
* "shadow" and "show next" are configurable via menu.
* fix in shadow repaint.
* fix : the removed line display is now cleaned when starting a new game.
1.1.6 (20 March 1999)
* the main board now use QT's layout engine.
* some clean-ups for future extensions.
* asynchronous opponent gift treatement (no more funnies when gray lines
arrive at unexpected time)
* shadow of the falling piece (to limit parallax errors) ...
1.1.5 (11 March 1999)
* fixed the layout code for Qt 2.0 (Mario Weilguni <>)
1.1.4 (6 March 1999)
* you can play against the COMPUTER !!! well its brain is rather limited
but it's better than nothing :)
* changes all over the place.
1.1.3 (6 March 1999)
* bug fix : random generation is uniform among games in multiplayers.
* bug fix : in multiplayer : dropdown state does not persist after gameover.
1.1.2 (2 March 1999)
* big review of generic tetris code :
- three fixes : * the falling pieces are better centered.
* the next piece is shown well centered.
* at game over the next piece is effectively the
next one.
- preparation for future extensions.
1.1.1 (28 February 1999)
* many bug fixes for multiplayer (there are still some nasty ones around)
1.1.0 (25 February 1999)
* big revamping : the old net code is gone ... a new one is coming :
you can now play on the same computer ... the network code may (will ?)
crash : understand "highly experimental" ;)
* well it's almost ok. still some rough ends ...
1.0.2 (18 February 1999)
* fix a focus bug (bug report by Malte Starostik)
1.0.1 (16 February 1999)
* bug fix : no more funnies when pausing at unexpected moments [bug report by
Malte Starostik]
* keys settings were not saved [bug report by Sven Kuenzler]
* drop pieces were not giving points anymore (thought I had already
killed this one ...)
* more clean-up (ad nauseam)
1.0.0 (19 June 1998) [KDE 1.0 stable]
* final cleanup before 1.0 !
0.2.12 (10 March 1998)
* some cleanups
* blink full lines
* accelerated drop for dropped down pieces
* one more time for ace players : the main score box was too small
* [Robert Williams] Added version.h and ChangeLog
* [Robert Williams] Added getCaption()
* included in the CVS tree
* KTopLevelWidget & KMenubar
* some cleanups + international support
* net fix : use 'uname' rather than 'getenv("HOSTNAME")'
* no more NULLs (for the sake of 64bits)
* a nicer highscores dialog (there should be no more truncated score
for ace players :)
* just a minor change to allow compile in Linux/Alpha
* minor changes
* "kexample 0.31" compliance
* adapted for libkdecore 0.7
* hide/show menubar + popup menu (ala kvt)
* more compliant to the Style Guide
* use kdehelp
* use of KConfig and clean the highscore dialog
* use of kmsgbox for about :) [it is nice]
* use of KKeyCode for the management of keys
* many things : network game + extension for other similar game
* get rid of the grab stuff from the original version
* small reorganisation
* change of the key-bindings (cf help)
* [Asger] the real scoring
* [Asger] get rid of some needless stuff in GenericTetris
* highscores