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** Implementation Molek class, derieved from TQt tutorial 8
// bemerkungen : wenn paintEvent aufgerufen wird, wird das komplette
// widget gel<65>scht und nur die sachen gezeichnet, die in
// paintEvent stehen ! sollen dinge z.b nur bei maustasten-
// druck gezeichnet werden, so mu<6D> dies in mousePressEvent
// stehen !
// paintEvent wird aufgerufen, falls fenster <20>berdeckt wird,
// oder auch einfach bewegt wird
#include <config.h>
#include "molek.moc"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ctype.h>
extern int level;
Molek::Molek( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ),
data(locate("appdata", "pics/molek.png"))
setBackgroundColor (TQColor (0, 0, 0));
setMinimumSize(240, 200);
Molek::~Molek ()
const atom& Molek::getAtom(uint index) const
static atom none = { 0, "" };
if (index > atoms.count() || index == 0)
return none;
return * - 1);
void Molek::load (const KSimpleConfig& config)
TQString key;
atom current;
int atom_index = 1;
TQString value;
while (true) {
key.sprintf("atom_%c", int2atom(atom_index));
value = config.readEntry(key);
if (value.isEmpty())
current.obj =;
value = value.mid(2);
if (value.isNull())
value = "";
strlcpy(current.conn, value.ascii(), sizeof(current.conn));
kdWarning( atoms.find(current) != atoms.end() )
<< "OOOPS, duplicate atom definition in " << key << endl;
TQString line;
for (int j = 0; j < MOLEK_SIZE; j++) {
key.sprintf("mole_%d", j);
line = config.readEntry(key);
for (int i = 0; i < MOLEK_SIZE; i++)
molek[i][j] = atom2int(;
mname = i18n(config.readEntry("Name", I18N_NOOP("Noname")).latin1());
int& height = _size.rheight();
int& width = _size.rwidth();
height = 0;
width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MOLEK_SIZE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < MOLEK_SIZE; j++) {
if (molek [i][j] == 0)
if (i > width) width = i;
if (j > height) height = j;
repaint ();
void Molek::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * )
TQString st = i18n("Level: %1").arg(level);
TQPainter paint (this);
paint.setPen (TQColor (190, 190, 190));
paint.drawText (7, height() - 36, mname);
paint.drawText (7, height() - 18, st);
// spielfeld gleich zeichnen
for (int i = 0; i < MOLEK_SIZE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < MOLEK_SIZE; j++) {
int x = 10 + i * 15;
int y = 10 + j * 15;
if (molek[i][j] == 0)
// paints atoms
if (getAtom(molek [i] [j]).obj <= '9' && getAtom(molek [i] [j]).obj >= '1')
bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(molek [i] [j]).obj - '1') * 15, 0, 15,
15, CopyROP);
// paints cristals
if (getAtom(molek [i] [j]).obj == 'o')
bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, 10 * 15, 0, 15, 15, CopyROP);
// paints connections
if (isdigit(getAtom(molek[i][j]).obj) || getAtom(molek[i][j]).obj == 'o')
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_CONNS_PER_ATOM; c++) {
char conn = getAtom(molek [i] [j]).conn[c];
if (!conn)
if (conn >= 'a' && conn <= 'a' + 8)
bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'a') * 15, 16, 15, 15, XorROP);
bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'A') * 15, 34, 15, 15, XorROP);
// paints connections
if (getAtom(molek[i][j]).obj >= 'A' && getAtom(molek[i][j]).obj <= 'F')
bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(molek[i][j]).obj - 'A' + 11) * 15 , 0, 15, 15,
paint.end ();