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= Rules of Jezz Ball =
Game/Level Length
1. The game will be over if
a) your number of lifes is zero or
b) your time is over.
2. When at least 75% of the field is filled. a level is completed.
3. A level is started with one life per ball on the field.
4. You will lose a life if a ball hits the inner of a wall.
5. Each level include one more ball.
6. A ball is reflected by blue and black blocks.
7. You build a wall with the left mouse buttoyn and change the direction with the right.
8. You can _always_ build _two_ "half" walls concurrently. If one half is already finished,
you can build another "half" wall.
9. A wall is finished if it is hit by a ball at its end or it hits a black block.
10. A wall is removed if it is hit by a ball at the wall's inner or two "half" walls hit each
other with their blue ends.