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52 lines
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#ifndef KS_BOARD_H
#define KS_BOARD_H
#include "common/board.h"
class KSBoard : public Board
KSBoard(bool graphic, TQWidget *parent);
void copy(const GenericTetris &);
void start(const GTInitData &);
enum Constants { Width = 10, Nb_Stages = 6 };
uint nbRemovedLines(uint i) const { return linesRemoved[i]; }
uint lastRemoved() const { return _lastRemoved; }
TQMemArray<uint> filled;
TQMemArray<uint> linesRemoved;
uint addRemoved;
uint _lastRemoved;
struct StageData {
uint todo, speed;
bool hasPattern;
uint pattern[Width];
static const StageData STAGE_DATA[Nb_Stages];
void init();
uint gift();
bool putGift(uint nb);
bool _putGift(uint nb);
bool needRemoving();
void remove();
bool toBeRemoved(const KGrid2D::Coord &) const;
bool toFall(const KGrid2D::Coord &) const;
void computeInfos();
void setGarbageBlock(const KGrid2D::Coord &);
const StageData &stageData() const { return STAGE_DATA[arcadeStage()]; }
uint normalTime() const;
uint arcadeTodo() const { return stageData().todo; }
uint arcadeDone() const { return nbRemoved(); }
void arcadePrepare();