// -*- C++ -*-
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <kparts/mainwindow.h>
class KRecentFilesAction;
class KURL;
class KViewPart_Iface;
class TQLabel;
class KViewShell : public KParts::MainWindow
KStatusBar *statusbar;
KStatusBar *action;
KViewShell(const TQString& defaultMimeType = TQString::null);
virtual ~KViewShell();
public slots:
void openURL(const KURL&);
void addRecentFile();
protected slots:
void slotFullScreen();
void slotQuit();
void slotConfigureKeys();
void slotEditToolbar();
void slotFileClose();
void slotNewToolbarConfig();
void slotChangeZoomText(const TQString &);
void slotChangePageText(const TQString &);
void slotChangeSizeText(const TQString &);
void restoreDocument(const KURL &url, int page);
void saveDocumentRestoreInfo(KConfig* config);
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
* This method is called when it is time for the app to save its
* properties for session management purposes.
void saveProperties(KConfig*);
* This method is called when this app is restored. The KConfig
* object points to the session management config file that was saved
* with @ref saveProperties
void readProperties(KConfig*);
void checkActions();
void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event);
void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *event);
void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent * e);
KViewPart_Iface *view;
KRecentFilesAction *recent;
TQString cwd;
KAction *closeAction, *reloadAction;
KToggleAction *fullScreenAction;
// In the attribute, the status of the statusbar (shown of hidden)
// is saved when the kviewshell switches to fullscreen mode. The
// statusbar can then be restored when the application returns to normal mode.
bool isStatusBarShownInNormalMode;
// ditto, for the toolbar
bool isToolBarShownInNormalMode;