You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2885 lines
89 KiB

copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Andreas Zehender
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// include files for QT
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqmessagebox.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
// include files for KDE
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kfilterdev.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
// application specific includes
#include "pmpart.h"
#include "pmshell.h"
#include "pmview.h"
#include "pmglview.h"
#include "pmallcommands.h"
#include "pmpovraywidget.h"
#include "pmpovrayrenderwidget.h"
#include "pmallobjects.h"
#include "pmcommandmanager.h"
#include "pmobjectdrag.h"
#include "pmxmlparser.h"
#include "pmpovrayparser.h"
#include "pmerrordialog.h"
#include "pmsettingsdialog.h"
#include "pminserterrordialog.h"
#include "pminsertpopup.h"
#include "pmpovray35format.h"
#include "pmserializer.h"
#include "pmfactory.h"
#include "pmdefaults.h"
#include "pmsymboltable.h"
#include "pmrendermodesdialog.h"
#include "pmrendermode.h"
#include "pmpovrayoutputwidget.h"
#include "pmrendermanager.h"
#include "pmdialogeditbase.h"
#include "pmdocumentationmap.h"
#include "pmlibrarymanager.h"
#include "pmlibraryhandleedit.h"
#include "pmlibraryobject.h"
#include "pmlibrarybrowser.h"
#include "pmlibraryobjectsearch.h"
#include "pmscene.h"
#include "pmpluginmanager.h"
#include "pminsertrulesystem.h"
#include "pmprototypemanager.h"
#include "pmiomanager.h"
#include "pmactions.h"
#include "pmrecursiveobjectiterator.h"
#include "pmerrorflags.h"
#include "pmfiledialog.h"
#ifdef PMEnableSimpleProfiling
TQTime PMDebugTime;
PMPart::PMPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char* widgetName,
TQObject* parent, const char* name, bool readwrite,
PMShell* shell )
: DCOPObject( "PMPartIface" ),
KParts::ReadWritePart( parent, name ),
m_commandManager( this )
setPluginLoadingMode( LoadPlugins );
setInstance( PMFactory::instance( ), false );
m_pExtension = new PMBrowserExtension( this );
m_pActiveObject = 0;
m_canDecode = false;
m_pScene = 0;
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_numAddedObjects = 0;
m_numInsertErrors = 0;
m_pSymbolTable = 0;
m_bCameraListUpToDate = true;
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
m_pPovrayWidget = 0;
m_pView = 0;
m_pShell = shell;
m_controlPoints.setAutoDelete( true );
m_onlyCopyPaste = true;
// call inits to invoke all other construction parts
setReadWrite( readwrite );
if( isReadWrite( ) )
setXMLFile( "kpovmodelerui.rc" );
setXMLFile( "kpovmodelerbrowser.rc" );
m_pPrototypeManager = new PMPrototypeManager( this );
m_pInsertRuleSystem = new PMInsertRuleSystem( this );
m_pIOManager = new PMIOManager( this );
m_pInsertRuleSystem->loadRules( "baseinsertrules.xml" );
initActions( );
initDocument( );
initView( parentWidget, widgetName );
restoreConfig( instance( )->config( ) );
connect( tqApp->tqclipboard( ), TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotClipboardDataChanged( ) ) );
slotClipboardDataChanged( );
connect( &m_commandManager, TQT_SIGNAL( updateUndoRedo( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateUndoRedo( const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );
connect( &m_commandManager, TQT_SIGNAL( objectChanged( PMObject*, const int, TQObject* ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotObjectChanged( PMObject*, const int, TQObject* ) ) );
connect( &m_commandManager, TQT_SIGNAL( idChanged( PMObject*, const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotIDChanged( PMObject*, const TQString& ) ) );
PMPluginManager::theManager( )->registerPart( this );
emit refresh( );
slotObjectChanged( m_pScene, PMCNewSelection, this );
PMPart::PMPart( TQWidget* /*parentWidget*/, const char* /*widgetName*/,
TQObject* parent, const char* name, bool readwrite,
bool /*onlyCutPaste*/, PMShell* shell )
: DCOPObject( "LibraryBrowserIface" ),
KParts::ReadWritePart( parent, name ),
m_commandManager( this )
setPluginLoadingMode( LoadPlugins );
setInstance( PMFactory::instance( ), false );
m_pActiveObject = 0;
m_canDecode = false;
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_numAddedObjects = 0;
m_numInsertErrors = 0;
m_pSymbolTable = 0;
m_bCameraListUpToDate = true;
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
m_pPovrayWidget = 0;
m_pView = 0;
m_pShell = shell;
m_pScene = new PMScene( this );
m_onlyCopyPaste = true;
// call inits to invoke all other construction parts
setReadWrite( readwrite );
if( isReadWrite( ) )
setXMLFile( "kpovmodelerui.rc" );
setXMLFile( "kpovmodelerbrowser.rc" );
m_pPrototypeManager = new PMPrototypeManager( this );
m_pInsertRuleSystem = new PMInsertRuleSystem( this );
m_pIOManager = new PMIOManager( this );
m_pInsertRuleSystem->loadRules( "baseinsertrules.xml" );
m_pSymbolTable = new PMSymbolTable( );
initCopyPasteActions( );
connect( &m_commandManager, TQT_SIGNAL( objectChanged( PMObject*, const int, TQObject* ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotObjectChanged( PMObject*, const int, TQObject* ) ) );
PMPluginManager::theManager( )->registerPart( this );
emit refresh( );
PMPart::~PMPart( )
delete m_pExtension;
deleteContents( );
delete m_pSymbolTable;
delete m_pPovrayWidget;
PMPluginManager::theManager( )->removePart( this );
void PMPart::initCopyPasteActions( )
// setup edit menu
m_pCutAction = KStdAction::cut( this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditCut( ) ), actionCollection( ) );
m_pCopyAction = KStdAction::copy( this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditCopy( ) ), actionCollection( ) );
m_pPasteAction = KStdAction::paste( this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditPaste( ) ), actionCollection( ) );
m_pDeleteAction =
new KAction( i18n( "Delete" ), "edittrash", TQt::Key_Delete,
this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditDelete( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "edit_delete" );
m_pCutAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pCopyAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pPasteAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pDeleteAction->setEnabled( false );
void PMPart::initActions( )
// file menu
m_pImportAction = new KAction( i18n( "Import..." ), 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( slotFileImport( ) ), actionCollection( ),
"file_import" );
m_pExportAction = new KAction( i18n( "&Export..." ), 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( slotFileExport( ) ), actionCollection( ),
"file_export" );
initCopyPasteActions( );
m_onlyCopyPaste = false;
m_pRenderComboAction = new PMComboAction( i18n( "Render Modes" ), 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotRenderMode( int ) ),
actionCollection( ), "view_render_combo" );
m_pRenderComboAction->setMinimumWidth( 250 );
connect( m_pRenderComboAction, TQT_SIGNAL( plugged( ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotRenderModeActionPlugged( ) ) );
m_pRenderAction = new KAction( i18n( "Render" ), "pmrender", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotRender( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "view_render" );
m_pRenderSettingsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Render Modes..." ), "pmrendersettings", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotRenderSettings( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "view_render_settings" );
m_pViewRenderWindowAction = new KAction( i18n( "Render Window" ), 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotViewRenderWindow( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "view_render_window" );
m_pVisibilityLabelAction = new PMLabelAction( i18n( "Visibility level:" ) + TQString( " " ), actionCollection( ), "view_visibility_label" );
m_pVisibilityLevelAction = new PMSpinBoxAction( i18n( "Visibility Level" ),
0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotVisibilityLevelChanged( int ) ),
actionCollection( ), "view_visibility_level" );
connect( m_pVisibilityLevelAction, TQT_SIGNAL( plugged( ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotVisibilityActionPlugged( ) ) );
m_pGlobalDetailLabelAction = new PMLabelAction( i18n( "Global detail:" ) + TQString( " " ), actionCollection( ), "global_detail_label" );
m_pGlobalDetailAction = new KSelectAction( i18n("Global Detail Level"), KShortcut(), actionCollection(), "global_detail_level" );
TQStringList strList;
strList.append( i18n( "Very Low" ) );
strList.append( i18n( "Low" ) );
strList.append( i18n( "Medium" ) );
strList.append( i18n( "High" ) );
strList.append( i18n( "Very High" ) );
m_pGlobalDetailAction->setItems( strList );
connect( m_pGlobalDetailAction, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotGlobalDetailLevelChanged( int ) ) );
// new objects
if( isReadWrite( ) )
m_pNewGlobalSettingsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Global Settings" ), "pmglobalsettings", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewGlobalSettings( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_globalsettings" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewGlobalSettingsAction );
m_pNewSkySphereAction = new KAction( i18n( "Sky Sphere" ), "pmskysphere", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSkySphere( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_skysphere" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSkySphereAction );
m_pNewRainbowAction = new KAction( i18n( "Rainbow" ), "pmrainbow", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewRainbow( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_rainbow" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewRainbowAction );
m_pNewFogAction = new KAction( i18n( "Fog" ), "pmfog", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewFog( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_fog" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewFogAction );
m_pNewInteriorAction = new KAction( i18n( "Interior" ), "pminterior", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewInterior( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_interior" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewInteriorAction );
m_pNewMediaAction = new KAction( i18n( "Media" ), "pmmedia", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMedia( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_media" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMediaAction );
m_pNewDensityAction = new KAction( i18n( "Density" ), "pmdensity", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDensity( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_density" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDensityAction );
m_pNewMaterialAction = new KAction( i18n( "Material" ), "pmmaterial", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMaterial( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_material" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMaterialAction );
m_pNewBoxAction = new KAction( i18n( "Box" ), "pmbox", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBox( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_box" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBoxAction );
m_pNewSphereAction = new KAction( i18n( "Sphere" ), "pmsphere", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSphere( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_sphere" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSphereAction );
m_pNewCylinderAction = new KAction( i18n( "Cylinder" ), "pmcylinder", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewCylinder( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_cylinder" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewCylinderAction );
m_pNewConeAction = new KAction( i18n( "Cone" ), "pmcone", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewCone( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_cone" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewConeAction );
m_pNewTorusAction = new KAction( i18n( "Torus" ), "pmtorus", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTorus( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_torus" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTorusAction );
m_pNewLatheAction = new KAction( i18n( "Lathe" ), "pmlathe", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewLathe( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_lathe" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewLatheAction );
m_pNewPrismAction = new KAction( i18n( "Prism" ), "pmprism", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPrism( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_prism" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPrismAction );
m_pNewSurfaceOfRevolutionAction = new KAction( i18n( "Surface of Revolution" ), "pmsor", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSurfaceOfRevolution( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_surfaceofrevolution" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSurfaceOfRevolutionAction );
m_pNewSuperquadricEllipsoidAction = new KAction( i18n( "Superquadric Ellipsoid" ), "pmsqe", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSuperquadricEllipsoid( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_superquadricellipsoid" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSuperquadricEllipsoidAction );
m_pNewJuliaFractalAction = new KAction( i18n( "Julia Fractal" ), "pmjuliafractal", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewJuliaFractal( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_juliafractal" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewJuliaFractalAction );
m_pNewHeightFieldAction = new KAction( i18n( "Height Field" ), "pmheightfield", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewHeightField( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_heightfield" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewHeightFieldAction );
m_pNewTextAction = new KAction( i18n( "Text" ), "pmtext", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewText( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_text" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTextAction );
m_pNewBlobAction = new KAction( i18n( "Blob" ), "pmblob", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBlob( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_blob" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBlobAction );
m_pNewBlobSphereAction = new KAction( i18n( "Blob Sphere" ), "pmblobsphere", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBlobSphere( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_blobsphere" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBlobSphereAction );
m_pNewBlobCylinderAction = new KAction( i18n( "Blob Cylinder" ), "pmblobcylinder", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBlobCylinder( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_blobcylinder" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBlobCylinderAction );
m_pNewPlaneAction = new KAction( i18n( "Plane" ), "pmplane", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPlane( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_plane" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPlaneAction );
m_pNewPolynomAction = new KAction( i18n( "Polynom" ), "pmpolynom", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPolynom( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_polynom" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPolynomAction );
m_pNewDeclareAction = new KAction( i18n( "Declaration" ), "pmdeclare", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDeclare( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_declare" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDeclareAction );
m_pNewObjectLinkAction = new KAction( i18n( "Object Link" ), "pmobjectlink", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewObjectLink( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_objectlink" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewObjectLinkAction );
m_pNewUnionAction = new KAction( i18n( "Union" ), "pmunion", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewUnion( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_union" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewUnionAction );
m_pNewIntersectionAction = new KAction( i18n( "Intersection" ), "pmintersection", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewIntersection( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_intersection" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewIntersectionAction );
m_pNewDifferenceAction = new KAction( i18n( "Difference" ), "pmdifference", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDifference( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_difference" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDifferenceAction );
m_pNewMergeAction = new KAction( i18n( "Merge" ), "pmmerge", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMerge( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_merge" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMergeAction );
m_pNewBoundedByAction = new KAction( i18n( "Bounded By" ), "pmboundedby", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBoundedBy( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_boundedby" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBoundedByAction );
m_pNewClippedByAction = new KAction( i18n( "Clipped By" ), "pmclippedby", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewClippedBy( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_clippedby" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewClippedByAction );
m_pNewLightAction = new KAction( i18n( "Light" ), "pmlight", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewLight( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_light" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewLightAction );
m_pNewLooksLikeAction = new KAction( i18n( "Looks Like" ), "pmlookslike", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewLooksLike( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_lookslike" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewLooksLikeAction );
m_pNewProjectedThroughAction = new KAction( i18n( "Projected Through" ), "pmprojectedthrough", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewProjectedThrough( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_projectedthrough" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewProjectedThroughAction );
m_pNewBicubicPatchAction = new KAction( i18n( "Bicubic Patch" ), "pmbicubicpatch", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBicubicPatch( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_bicubicpatch" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBicubicPatchAction );
m_pNewDiscAction = new KAction( i18n( "Disc" ), "pmdisc", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDisc( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_disc" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDiscAction );
m_pNewTriangleAction = new KAction( i18n( "Triangle" ), "pmtriangle", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTriangle( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_triangle" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTriangleAction );
m_pNewCameraAction = new KAction( i18n( "Camera" ), "pmcamera", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewCamera( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_camera" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewCameraAction );
m_pNewTextureAction = new KAction( i18n( "Texture" ), "pmtexture", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTexture( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_texture" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTextureAction );
m_pNewPigmentAction = new KAction( i18n( "Pigment" ), "pmpigment", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPigment( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_pigment" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPigmentAction );
m_pNewNormalAction = new KAction( i18n( "Normal" ), "pmnormal", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewNormal( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_normal" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewNormalAction );
m_pNewSolidColorAction = new KAction( i18n( "Solid Color" ), "pmsolidcolor", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSolidColor( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_solidcolor" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSolidColorAction );
m_pNewTextureListAction = new KAction( i18n( "Texture List" ), "pmtexturelist", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTextureList( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_texturelist" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTextureListAction );
m_pNewColorListAction = new KAction( i18n( "Color List" ), "pmcolorlist", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewColorList( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_colorlist" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewColorListAction );
m_pNewPigmentListAction = new KAction( i18n( "Pigment List" ), "pmpigmentlist", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPigmentList( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_pigmentlist" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPigmentListAction );
m_pNewNormalListAction = new KAction( i18n( "Normal List" ), "pmnormallist", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewNormalList( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_normallist" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewNormalListAction );
m_pNewDensityListAction = new KAction( i18n( "Density List" ), "pmdensitylist", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDensityList( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_densitylist" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDensityListAction );
m_pNewFinishAction = new KAction( i18n( "Finish" ), "pmfinish", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewFinish( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_finish" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewFinishAction );
m_pNewPatternAction = new KAction( i18n( "Pattern" ), "pmpattern", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPattern( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_pattern" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPatternAction );
m_pNewBlendMapModifiersAction = new KAction( i18n( "Blend Map Modifiers" ), "pmblendmapmodifiers", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBlendMapModifiers( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_blendmapmodifiers" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBlendMapModifiersAction );
m_pNewTextureMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Texture Map" ), "pmtexturemap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTextureMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_texturemap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTextureMapAction );
m_pNewMaterialMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Material Map" ), "pmmaterialmap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMaterialMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_materialmap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMaterialMapAction );
m_pNewPigmentMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Pigment Map" ), "pmpigmentmap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPigmentMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_pigmentmap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPigmentMapAction );
m_pNewColorMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Color Map" ), "pmcolormap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewColorMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_colormap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewColorMapAction );
m_pNewNormalMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Normal Map" ), "pmnormalmap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewNormalMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_normalmap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewNormalMapAction );
m_pNewBumpMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Bump Map" ), "pmbumpmap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewBumpMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_bumpmap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewBumpMapAction );
m_pNewSlopeMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Slope Map" ), "pmslopemap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSlopeMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_slopemap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSlopeMapAction );
m_pNewDensityMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Density Map" ), "pmdensitymap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewDensityMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_densitymap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewDensityMapAction );
m_pNewSlopeAction = new KAction( i18n( "Slope" ), "pmslope", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSlope( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_slope" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSlopeAction );
m_pNewWarpAction = new KAction( i18n( "Warp" ), "pmwarp", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewWarp( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_warp" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewWarpAction );
m_pNewImageMapAction = new KAction( i18n( "Image Map" ), "pmimagemap", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewImageMap( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_imagemap" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewImageMapAction );
m_pNewQuickColorAction = new KAction( i18n( "QuickColor" ), "pmquickcolor", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewQuickColor( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_quickcolor" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewQuickColorAction );
m_pNewTranslateAction = new KAction( i18n( "Translate" ), "pmtranslate", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewTranslate( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_translate" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewTranslateAction );
m_pNewScaleAction = new KAction( i18n( "Scale" ), "pmscale", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewScale( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_scale" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewScaleAction );
m_pNewRotateAction = new KAction( i18n( "Rotate" ), "pmrotate", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewRotate( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_rotate" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewRotateAction );
m_pNewMatrixAction = new KAction( i18n( "Matrix" ), "pmmatrix", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMatrix( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_povraymatrix" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMatrixAction );
m_pNewCommentAction = new KAction( i18n( "Comment" ), "pmcomment", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewComment( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_comment" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewCommentAction );
m_pNewRawAction = new KAction( i18n( "Raw Povray" ), "pmraw", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewRaw( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_raw" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewRawAction );
// POV-Ray 3.5 objects
m_pNewIsoSurfaceAction = new KAction( i18n( "Iso Surface" ), "pmisosurface", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewIsoSurface( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_isosurface" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewIsoSurfaceAction );
m_pNewRadiosityAction = new KAction( i18n( "Radiosity" ), "pmradiosity", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewRadiosity( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_radiosity" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewRadiosityAction );
m_pNewGlobalPhotonsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Global Photons" ), "pmglobalphotons", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewGlobalPhotons( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_globalphotons" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewGlobalPhotonsAction );
m_pNewPhotonsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Photons" ), "pmphotons", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPhotons( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_photons" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewPhotonsAction );
m_pNewLightGroupAction = new KAction( i18n( "Light Group" ), "pmlightgroup", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewLightGroup( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_lightgroup" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewLightGroupAction );
m_pNewInteriorTextureAction = new KAction( i18n( "Interior Texture" ), "pminteriortexture", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewInteriorTexture( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_interiortexture" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewInteriorTextureAction );
m_pNewSphereSweepAction = new KAction( i18n( "Sphere Sweep" ), "pmspheresweep", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewSphereSweep( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_spheresweep" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewSphereSweepAction );
m_pNewMeshAction = new KAction( i18n( "Mesh" ), "pmmesh", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewMesh( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "new_mesh" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pNewMeshAction );
m_pSearchLibraryObjectAction = new KAction( i18n( "Search Object" ), "pmsearchlibrary", 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotSearchLibraryObject( ) ),
actionCollection( ), "search_library_object" );
m_readWriteActions.append( m_pSearchLibraryObjectAction );
m_pUndoAction = KStdAction::undo( this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditUndo( ) ), actionCollection( ) );
m_pRedoAction = KStdAction::redo( this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditRedo( ) ), actionCollection( ) );
m_pUndoAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pRedoAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pNewGlobalSettingsAction = 0;
m_pNewSkySphereAction = 0;
m_pNewRainbowAction = 0;
m_pNewFogAction = 0;
m_pNewInteriorAction = 0;
m_pNewMediaAction = 0;
m_pNewDensityAction = 0;
m_pNewMaterialAction = 0;
m_pNewBoxAction = 0;
m_pNewSphereAction = 0;
m_pNewCylinderAction = 0;
m_pNewConeAction = 0;
m_pNewTorusAction = 0;
m_pNewLatheAction = 0;
m_pNewPrismAction = 0;
m_pNewSurfaceOfRevolutionAction = 0;
m_pNewSuperquadricEllipsoidAction = 0;
m_pNewJuliaFractalAction = 0;
m_pNewHeightFieldAction = 0;
m_pNewTextAction = 0;
m_pNewBlobAction = 0;
m_pNewBlobSphereAction = 0;
m_pNewBlobCylinderAction = 0;
m_pNewPlaneAction = 0;
m_pNewPolynomAction = 0;
m_pNewDeclareAction = 0;
m_pNewObjectLinkAction = 0;
m_pNewDiscAction = 0;
m_pNewBicubicPatchAction = 0;
m_pNewTriangleAction = 0;
m_pNewUnionAction = 0;
m_pNewDifferenceAction = 0;
m_pNewIntersectionAction = 0;
m_pNewMergeAction = 0;
m_pNewBoundedByAction = 0;
m_pNewClippedByAction = 0;
m_pNewLightAction = 0;
m_pNewLooksLikeAction = 0;
m_pNewProjectedThroughAction = 0;
m_pNewCameraAction = 0;
m_pNewTextureAction = 0;
m_pNewPigmentAction = 0;
m_pNewNormalAction = 0;
m_pNewSolidColorAction = 0;
m_pNewFinishAction = 0;
m_pNewTextureListAction = 0;
m_pNewColorListAction = 0;
m_pNewPigmentListAction = 0;
m_pNewNormalListAction = 0;
m_pNewDensityListAction = 0;
m_pNewPatternAction = 0;
m_pNewBlendMapModifiersAction = 0;
m_pNewTextureMapAction = 0;
m_pNewMaterialMapAction = 0;
m_pNewPigmentMapAction = 0;
m_pNewColorMapAction = 0;
m_pNewNormalMapAction = 0;
m_pNewBumpMapAction = 0;
m_pNewSlopeMapAction = 0;
m_pNewDensityMapAction = 0;
m_pNewWarpAction = 0;
m_pNewImageMapAction = 0;
m_pNewSlopeAction = 0;
m_pNewTranslateAction = 0;
m_pNewScaleAction = 0;
m_pNewRotateAction = 0;
m_pNewMatrixAction = 0;
m_pNewCommentAction = 0;
m_pNewRawAction = 0;
m_pNewIsoSurfaceAction = 0;
m_pNewRadiosityAction = 0;
m_pNewGlobalPhotonsAction = 0;
m_pNewPhotonsAction = 0;
m_pNewLightGroupAction = 0;
m_pNewInteriorTextureAction = 0;
m_pNewSphereSweepAction = 0;
m_pNewMeshAction = 0;
// POV-Ray
m_pUndoAction = 0;
m_pRedoAction = 0;
void PMPart::updateNewObjectActions( )
if( isReadWrite( ) && !m_onlyCopyPaste )
TQPtrListIterator<PMMetaObject> it =
m_pPrototypeManager->prototypeIterator( );
KAction* action;
bool enable;
bool readWriteParent = false;
if( m_pActiveObject )
if( m_pActiveObject->parent( ) )
if( !m_pActiveObject->parent( )->isReadOnly( ) )
readWriteParent = true;
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
// get the action object for that type of PMObject
// action names are "new_" + povray name
// (like new_box, new_sphere ...)
TQString actionName = "new_" + it.current( )->className( ).lower( );
action = actionCollection( )->action( actionName.latin1( ) );
if( action )
if( m_pActiveObject )
TQString insertName = it.current( )->className( );
enable = m_pActiveObject->canInsert( insertName, 0 );
if( !enable )
if( m_pActiveObject->lastChild( ) )
enable = m_pActiveObject->canInsert( insertName, m_pActiveObject->lastChild( ) );
if( !enable )
if( readWriteParent )
enable |= m_pActiveObject->parent( )->canInsert( insertName, m_pActiveObject );
enable = false;
action->setEnabled( enable );
// special treatment for csg actions
if( m_pActiveObject )
enable = m_pActiveObject->canInsert( TQString( "CSG" ), 0 );
if( !enable )
if( m_pActiveObject->lastChild( ) )
enable = m_pActiveObject->canInsert( TQString( "CSG" ), m_pActiveObject->lastChild( ) );
if( !enable )
if( readWriteParent )
enable = m_pActiveObject->parent( )->canInsert( TQString( "CSG" ), m_pActiveObject );
enable = false;
m_pNewUnionAction->setEnabled( enable );
m_pNewIntersectionAction->setEnabled( enable );
m_pNewDifferenceAction->setEnabled( enable );
m_pNewMergeAction->setEnabled( enable );
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
void PMPart::disableReadWriteActions( )
TQPtrListIterator<KAction> it( m_readWriteActions);
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
it.current( )->setEnabled( false );
void PMPart::initDocument( )
newDocument( );
void PMPart::initView( TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
if( !m_pShell )
// a part inside konqueror
// simple tqlayout
m_pView = new PMView( this, parent, name );
m_pView->show( );
setWidget( m_pView );
// inside a PMShell
// the shell will create the view
void PMPart::saveConfig( KConfig* cfg )
if( m_pView )
m_pView->saveConfig( cfg );
PMErrorDialog::saveConfig( cfg );
PMRenderModesDialog::saveConfig( cfg );
PMRenderModeDialog::saveConfig( cfg );
PMPovrayOutputWidget::saveConfig( cfg );
PMRenderManager::theManager( )->saveConfig( cfg );
PMGLView::saveConfig( cfg );
PMDialogEditBase::saveConfig( cfg );
PMControlPoint::saveConfig( cfg );
PMPovrayRenderWidget::saveConfig( cfg );
PMSettingsDialog::saveConfig( cfg );
PMLibraryHandleEdit::saveConfig( cfg );
PMDocumentationMap::theMap( )->saveConfig( cfg );
PMLibraryManager::theManager( )->saveConfig(cfg );
cfg->setGroup( "Rendering" );
cfg->writeEntry( "SphereUSteps", PMSphere::uSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SphereVSteps", PMSphere::vSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "CylinderSteps", PMCylinder::steps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "ConeSteps", PMCone::steps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "DiscSteps", PMDisc::steps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "BlobSphereUSteps", PMBlobSphere::uSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "BlobSphereVSteps", PMBlobSphere::vSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "BlobCylinderUSteps", PMBlobCylinder::uSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "BlobCylinderVSteps", PMBlobCylinder::vSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "TorusUSteps", PMTorus::uSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "TorusVSteps", PMTorus::vSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "LatheSSteps", PMLathe::sSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "LatheRSteps", PMLathe::rSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SorSSteps", PMSurfaceOfRevolution::sSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SorRSteps", PMSurfaceOfRevolution::rSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "PrismSSteps", PMPrism::sSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "PlaneSize", PMPlane::planeSize( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SqeUSteps", PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::uSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SqeVSteps", PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::vSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SphereSweepRSteps", PMSphereSweep::rSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "SphereSweepSSteps", PMSphereSweep::sSteps( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "HeightFieldVariance", PMHeightField::variance( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "GlobalDetailLevel", PMDetailObject::globalDetailLevel( ) );
cfg->writeEntry( "DirectRendering", PMGLView::isDirectRenderingEnabled( ) );
void PMPart::restoreConfig( KConfig* cfg )
if( m_pView )
m_pView->restoreConfig( cfg );
PMErrorDialog::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMRenderModesDialog::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMRenderModeDialog::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMPovrayOutputWidget::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMRenderManager::theManager( )->restoreConfig( cfg );
PMGLView::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMDialogEditBase::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMControlPoint::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMPovrayRenderWidget::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMSettingsDialog::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMLibraryHandleEdit::restoreConfig( cfg );
PMDocumentationMap::theMap( )->restoreConfig( cfg );
PMLibraryManager::theManager( )->restoreConfig(cfg );
cfg->setGroup( "Rendering" );
PMSphere::setUSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SphereUSteps", c_defaultSphereUSteps ) );
PMSphere::setVSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SphereVSteps", c_defaultSphereVSteps ) );
PMCylinder::setSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "CylinderSteps", c_defaultCylinderSteps ) );
PMCone::setSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "ConeSteps", c_defaultConeSteps ) );
PMTorus::setUSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "TorusUSteps", c_defaultTorusUSteps ) );
PMTorus::setVSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "TorusVSteps", c_defaultTorusVSteps ) );
PMLathe::setSSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "LatheSSteps", c_defaultLatheSSteps ) );
PMLathe::setRSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "LatheRSteps", c_defaultLatheRSteps ) );
PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setSSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SorSSteps", c_defaultSurfaceOfRevolutionSSteps ) );
PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setRSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SorRSteps", c_defaultSurfaceOfRevolutionRSteps ) );
PMPrism::setSSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "PrismSSteps", c_defaultPrismSSteps ) );
PMPlane::setPlaneSize( cfg->readDoubleNumEntry( "PlaneSize", c_defaultPlaneSize ) );
PMDisc::setSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "DiscSteps", c_defaultDiscSteps ) );
PMBlobSphere::setUSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "BlobSphereUSteps", c_defaultBlobSphereUSteps ) );
PMBlobSphere::setVSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "BlobSphereVSteps", c_defaultBlobSphereVSteps ) );
PMBlobCylinder::setUSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "BlobCylinderUSteps", c_defaultBlobCylinderUSteps ) );
PMBlobCylinder::setVSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "BlobCylinderVSteps", c_defaultBlobCylinderVSteps ) );
PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setUSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SqeUSteps", c_defaultSuperquadricEllipsoidUSteps ) );
PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setVSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SqeVSteps", c_defaultSuperquadricEllipsoidVSteps ) );
PMSphereSweep::setRSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SphereSweepRSteps", c_defaultSphereSweepRSteps ) );
PMSphereSweep::setSSteps( cfg->readNumEntry( "SphereSweepSSteps", c_defaultSphereSweepSSteps ) );
PMHeightField::setVariance( cfg->readNumEntry( "HeightFieldVariance", c_defaultHeightFieldVariance ) );
PMDetailObject::setGlobalDetailLevel( cfg->readNumEntry( "GlobalDetailLevel", c_defaultDetailObjectGlobalDetailLevel ) );
m_pGlobalDetailAction->setCurrentItem( PMDetailObject::globalDetailLevel( ) - 1 );
if( PMGLView::isDirectRenderingEnabled( ) ) // otherwise it was disabled with a command line switch
PMGLView::enableDirectRendering( cfg->readBoolEntry( "DirectRendering", true ) );
bool PMPart::openFile( )
TQIODevice* dev = KFilterDev::deviceForFile( m_file, "application/x-gzip" );
bool success = true;
PMObjectList list;
deleteContents( );
setModified( false );
if( dev && dev->open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
PMXMLParser parser( this, dev );
parser.parse( &list, 0, 0 );
if( parser.errors( ) || parser.warnings( ) )
PMErrorDialog dlg( parser.messages( ), parser.errorFlags( ) );
// still try to insert the correct parsed objects?
success = ( dlg.exec( ) == TQDialog::Accepted );
if( success )
PMObject* obj = list.first( );
if( obj )
if( obj->type( ) == "Scene" )
m_pScene = ( PMScene* ) obj;
success = false;
success = false;
success = false;
if( !success )
m_url = KURL( );
newDocument( );
m_pScene->setReadOnly( !isReadWrite( ) );
if( !isReadWrite( ) )
disableReadWriteActions( );
m_bCameraListUpToDate = false;
emit refresh( );
updateRenderModes( );
updateVisibilityLevel( );
slotObjectChanged( m_pScene, PMCNewSelection, this );
if( dev )
delete dev;
return success;
bool PMPart::saveFile( )
bool success = false;
TQIODevice* dev = KFilterDev::deviceForFile( m_file, "application/x-gzip" );
if( dev && dev->open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
TQDomDocument doc( "KPOVMODELER" );
TQDomElement e = ( ( PMObject* )m_pScene)->serialize( doc );
doc.appendChild( e );
TQTextStream str( dev );
str << doc;
dev->close( );
setModified( false );
success = true;
if( dev )
delete dev;
return success;
bool PMPart::exportPovray( const KURL& url )
KTempFile* tempFile = 0;
TQFile* file = 0;
bool ok = true;
if( !url.isValid( ) )
return false;
if( url.isLocalFile( ) )
// Local file
file = new TQFile( url.path( ) );
if( !file->open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
ok = false;
// Remote file
// provide a temp file
tempFile = new KTempFile( );
if( tempFile->status( ) != 0 )
ok = false;
file = tempFile->file( );
if( ok )
PMPovray35Format format;
PMSerializer* dev = format.newSerializer( TQT_TQIODEVICE(file) );
dev->serialize( m_pScene );
delete dev;
if( tempFile )
tempFile->close( );
ok = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile->name( ), url, (TQWidget*) 0 );
tempFile->unlink( );
file = 0;
file->close( );
delete file;
delete tempFile;
return ok;
TQString PMPart::activeObjectName( )
TQString result = "";
PMObject* tmpObj;
PMObject* testSib;
int idx = 0;
tmpObj = activeObject( );
while( tmpObj != m_pScene && tmpObj )
// count previous siblings of the same type (for array like entries)
testSib = tmpObj;
while( ( testSib = testSib->prevSibling( ) ) )
if( testSib->type( ) == tmpObj->type( ) )
// prepend to result
if( idx != 0 )
result = tmpObj->type( ) + "[" + TQString::number( idx ) + "]/" + result;
result = tmpObj->type( ) + "/" + result;
// go up in the scene
tmpObj = tmpObj->parent( );
idx = 0;
// Make the object name an absolute name
result = "/" + result;
return result;
bool PMPart::setActiveObject( const TQString& name )
PMObject* tmpObj;
PMObject* tmpSibling;
int pos, siblingIndex, objIndex, firstBracket, lastBracket;
TQString objPath;
TQString pathElem;
// check if it's a absolute object name
if( name[0] == '/' )
tmpObj = m_pScene;
objPath = name.mid( 1 ); // clear that first character
tmpObj = activeObject( );
// get the first element
pos = objPath.find( '/' );
if( pos != -1 )
pathElem = objPath.mid( 0, pos );
objPath = objPath.mid( pos + 1 );
pathElem = objPath;
objPath = TQString();
while( !pathElem.isNull( ) )
if( !pathElem.isEmpty( ) )
// Special treatment for brackets
firstBracket = pathElem.find( '[' );
if( firstBracket != -1 )
lastBracket = pathElem.findRev( ']' );
objIndex = pathElem.mid( firstBracket + 1, lastBracket - firstBracket - 1).toInt( );
pathElem = pathElem.left( firstBracket );
objIndex = 0;
// Iterate the tqchildren for this element. We stop when there are no more siblings
// or the object is of the correct type and it's index count is also correct
siblingIndex = 0;
tmpSibling = tmpObj->firstChild( );
for( ; tmpSibling && ( tmpSibling->type( ) != pathElem || siblingIndex != objIndex );
tmpSibling = tmpSibling->nextSibling( ) )
// Found an object of the type we are looking for
if( tmpSibling->type( ) == pathElem )
if( tmpSibling )
tmpObj = tmpSibling;
// No correct sibling
return false;
// Get the next element
pos = objPath.find( '/' );
if( pos != -1 )
pathElem = objPath.mid( 0, pos );
objPath = objPath.mid( pos + 1 );
pathElem = objPath;
objPath = TQString();
if( tmpObj )
slotObjectChanged( tmpObj, PMCNewSelection, this );
return true;
return false;
TQStringList PMPart::getProperties( )
PMObject* curObj = activeObject( );
// Ensure that there is an active object
if( !curObj )
return TQStringList( );
return curObj->properties( );
bool PMPart::setProperty( const TQString& name, const PMVariant& value )
PMObject* curObj = activeObject( );
// Ensure that there is an active object
if( !curObj )
return false;
curObj->setProperty( name, value );
slotObjectChanged( curObj, PMCNewSelection, this );
return true;
bool PMPart::setProperty( const TQString& name, const TQString& value )
PMObject* curObj = activeObject( );
PMVariant variant;
// Ensure that there is an active object
if( !curObj )
return false;
variant.fromString( curObj->property( name ).dataType( ), value );
curObj->setProperty( name, variant );
slotObjectChanged( curObj, PMCNewSelection, this );
return true;
const PMVariant PMPart::getProperty( const TQString& name )
PMObject* curObj = activeObject( );
// Ensure that there is an active object
if( !curObj )
return PMVariant( );
return curObj->property( name );
const TQString PMPart::getPropertyStr( const TQString& name )
PMObject* curObj = activeObject( );
// Ensure that there is an active object
if( !curObj )
return PMVariant( ).asString( );
return curObj->property( name ).asString( );
const PMObjectList& PMPart::selectedObjects( )
uint numObjects = m_selectedObjects.count( );
uint numOrdered = 0;
bool stop = false;
PMObject* tmp;
TQPtrStack<PMObject> stack;
if( !m_sortedListUpToDate )
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
if( numObjects == 1 )
m_sortedSelectedObjects.append( m_selectedObjects.first( ) );
else if( numObjects > 1 )
tmp = m_pScene;
if( !tmp )
if( !stack.isEmpty( ) )
tmp = stack.pop( );
if( tmp == m_pScene )
stop = true;
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
stop = true;
else if( tmp->isSelected( ) )
m_sortedSelectedObjects.append( tmp );
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
else if( tmp->selectedChildren( ) > 0 )
stack.push( tmp );
tmp = tmp->firstChild( );
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
while( !stop && ( numOrdered < numObjects ) );
m_sortedListUpToDate = true;
return m_sortedSelectedObjects;
int PMPart::whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const PMObjectList& list )
// if you change this function, change
// whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const TQStringList& ), too
int canInsertAsFirstChild = 0;
int canInsertAsLastChild = 0;
int canInsertAsSibling = 0;
int insertAs = 0;
int insertPossibilities = 0;
if( !obj->isReadOnly( ) )
canInsertAsFirstChild = obj->canInsert( list, 0 );
if( obj->lastChild( ) )
canInsertAsLastChild = obj->canInsert( list, obj->lastChild( ) );
if( canInsertAsFirstChild > 0 )
// some objects can be inserted as child
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild;
if( canInsertAsLastChild > 0 )
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild;
if( obj->parent( ) )
PMObject* p = obj->parent( );
if( !p->isReadOnly( ) )
canInsertAsSibling = p->canInsert( list, obj );
if( canInsertAsSibling > 0 )
// some objects can be inserted as siblings
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMISibling;
if( insertPossibilities > 1 )
int count = ( int ) list.count( );
// more than one possibilities, ask user
insertAs = PMInsertPopup::choosePlace(
widget( ), count > 1, insertAs,
canInsertAsFirstChild == count,
canInsertAsLastChild == count,
canInsertAsSibling == count );
else if( insertPossibilities == 0 )
insertAs = PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild;
return insertAs;
int PMPart::whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const TQStringList& list )
// if you change this function, change
// whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const PMObjectList ), too
int canInsertAsFirstChild = 0;
int canInsertAsLastChild = 0;
int canInsertAsSibling = 0;
int insertAs = 0;
int insertPossibilities = 0;
if( !obj->isReadOnly( ) )
canInsertAsFirstChild = obj->canInsert( list, 0 );
if( obj->lastChild( ) )
canInsertAsLastChild = obj->canInsert( list, obj->lastChild( ) );
if( canInsertAsFirstChild > 0 )
// some objects can be inserted as child
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild;
if( canInsertAsLastChild > 0 )
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild;
if( obj->parent( ) )
PMObject* p = obj->parent( );
if( !p->isReadOnly( ) )
canInsertAsSibling = p->canInsert( list, obj );
if( canInsertAsSibling > 0 )
// some objects can be inserted as siblings
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMISibling;
if( insertPossibilities > 1 )
int count = ( int ) list.count( );
// more than one possibilities, ask user
insertAs = PMInsertPopup::choosePlace(
widget( ), count > 1, insertAs,
canInsertAsFirstChild == count,
canInsertAsLastChild == count,
canInsertAsSibling == count );
else if( insertPossibilities == 0 )
insertAs = PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild;
return insertAs;
int PMPart::whereToInsert( PMObject* obj )
int insertAs = 0;
int insertPossibilities = 0;
if( obj->parent( ) )
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMISibling;
if( obj->isA( "CompositeObject" ) )
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild;
if( obj->firstChild( ) )
insertAs |= PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild;
if( insertAs && ( insertPossibilities > 1 ) )
insertAs = PMInsertPopup::choosePlace( widget( ), true, insertAs );
return insertAs;
void PMPart::slotFileImport( )
TQString fileName;
PMIOFormat* selectedFormat = 0;
fileName = PMFileDialog::getImportFileName( 0, this, selectedFormat );
if( !fileName.isEmpty( ) && selectedFormat )
TQFile file( fileName );
if( IO_ReadOnly ) )
PMParser* newParser = selectedFormat->newParser( this, TQT_TQIODEVICE(&file) );
if( newParser )
if( m_pActiveObject )
insertFromParser( i18n( "Import %1" ).tqarg( selectedFormat->description( ) ),
newParser, m_pActiveObject );
insertFromParser( i18n( "Import %1" ).tqarg( selectedFormat->description( ) ),
newParser, m_pScene );
delete newParser;
KMessageBox::error( 0, tr( "Couldn't open the selected file\n"
"Permission denied!" ) );
void PMPart::slotFileExport( )
emit aboutToSave( );
TQString fileName, filter;
PMIOFormat* selectedFormat = 0;
fileName = PMFileDialog::getExportFileName( 0, this, selectedFormat, filter );
if( !fileName.isEmpty( ) && selectedFormat )
TQByteArray baData;
TQBuffer buffer( baData ); IO_WriteOnly );
PMSerializer* newSer = selectedFormat->newSerializer( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&buffer) );
if( newSer )
newSer->serialize( m_pScene );
newSer->close( );
bool success = !( newSer->warnings( ) || newSer->errors( ) );
if( !success )
// there were errors, display them
PMErrorDialog dlg( newSer->messages( ), newSer->errorFlags( ) );
// still try to export?
success = ( dlg.exec( ) == TQDialog::Accepted );
if( success )
TQFileInfo info( fileName );
if( info.extension( ).isEmpty( ) )
fileName += filter.right( filter.length( ) - 1 ); // remove '*'
TQFile file( fileName );
if( IO_WriteOnly ) )
file.writeBlock( baData );
file.close( );
KMessageBox::error( 0, tr( "Couldn't export to the selected file\n"
"Permission denied!" ) );
delete newSer;
void PMPart::slotEditCut( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Cutting selection..." ) );
const PMObjectList& sortedList = selectedObjects( );
if( sortedList.count( ) > 0 )
TQApplication::tqclipboard( )->setData( new PMObjectDrag( this, sortedList ) );
removeSelection( i18n( "Cut" ) );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
void PMPart::slotEditDelete( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Deleting selection..." ) );
removeSelection( i18n( "Delete" ) );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
void PMPart::slotEditCopy( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Copying selection to clipboard..." ) );
const PMObjectList& sortedList = selectedObjects( );
if( sortedList.count( ) > 0 )
TQApplication::tqclipboard( )->setData( new PMObjectDrag( this, sortedList ) );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
bool PMPart::dragMoveSelectionTo( PMObject* obj )
if( obj == 0 )
return removeSelection( i18n( "Drag" ) );
const PMObjectList& sortedList = selectedObjects( );
PMMoveCommand* command = 0;
int insertAs = whereToInsert( obj, sortedList );
if( insertAs > 0 )
PMObject* hlp;
bool stop;
switch( insertAs )
case PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild:
command = new PMMoveCommand( sortedList, obj, 0 );
case PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild:
hlp = obj->lastChild( );
stop = false;
while( hlp && !stop )
if( hlp->isSelected( ) )
hlp = hlp->prevSibling( );
stop = true;
command = new PMMoveCommand( sortedList, obj, hlp );
case PMInsertPopup::PMISibling:
command = new PMMoveCommand( sortedList, obj->parent( ), obj );
if( command )
command->setText( i18n( "Drag" ) );
return executeCommand( command );
return false;
bool PMPart::removeSelection( const TQString& type )
PMDeleteCommand* cmd = 0;
const PMObjectList& sortedList = selectedObjects( );
if( sortedList.count( ) > 0 )
cmd = new PMDeleteCommand( sortedList );
cmd->setText( type );
return executeCommand( cmd );
return false;
bool PMPart::drop( PMObject* obj, TQMimeSource* mime )
return pasteOrDrop( i18n( "Drop" ), mime, obj );
void PMPart::slotEditPaste( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Inserting clipboard contents..." ) );
pasteOrDrop( i18n( "Paste" ), tqApp->tqclipboard( )->data( ),
m_pActiveObject );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
bool PMPart::pasteOrDrop( const TQString& type, TQMimeSource* mime, PMObject* obj )
bool success = false;
if( mime && obj)
PMParser* parser = PMObjectDrag::newParser( mime, this );
if( parser )
success = insertFromParser( type, parser, obj );
return success;
bool PMPart::insertFromParser( const TQString& type, PMParser* parser,
PMObject* obj )
PMObjectList list;
bool success = true;
int insertAs = 0;
PMAddCommand* command = 0;
// try to parse
if( parser->canQuickParse( ) )
TQStringList types;
parser->quickParse( types );
success = !( parser->warnings( ) || parser->errors( ) );
if( !success )
// there were errors, display them
PMErrorDialog dlg( parser->messages( ), parser->errorFlags( ) );
// still try to insert the correct parsed objects?
success = ( dlg.exec( ) == TQDialog::Accepted );
if( success && ( types.count( ) > 0 ) )
insertAs = whereToInsert( obj, types );
insertAs = whereToInsert( obj );
if( success && insertAs )
PMObject* parent = 0;
PMObject* after = 0;
switch( insertAs )
case PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild:
parent = obj;
after = 0;
case PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild:
parent = obj;
after = obj->lastChild( );
case PMInsertPopup::PMISibling:
parent = obj->parent( );
after = obj;
parent = obj;
after = 0;
parser->parse( &list, parent, after );
success = !( parser->warnings( ) || parser->errors( ) );
if( !success )
// there were errors, display them
PMErrorDialog dlg( parser->messages( ), parser->errorFlags( ) );
// still try to insert the correct parsed objects?
success = ( dlg.exec( ) == TQDialog::Accepted );
if( list.count( ) > 0 )
if( success )
// parsing was successful
command = new PMAddCommand( list, parent, after );
command->setText( type );
success = executeCommand( command );
// parsed objects will not be inserted
// remove all links
PMObjectListIterator it( list );
PMDeclare* decl = 0;
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
PMRecursiveObjectIterator rit( it.current( ) );
for( ; rit.current( ); ++rit )
decl = rit.current( )->linkedObject( );
if( decl )
decl->removeLinkedObject( rit.current( ) );
if( !command )
// delete all parsed objects
list.setAutoDelete( true );
list.clear( );
return success && insertAs;
void PMPart::slotEditUndo( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Undo last change..." ) );
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
m_commandManager.undo( );
if( m_pNewSelection )
slotObjectChanged( m_pNewSelection, PMCNewSelection, this );
if( !isModified( ) )
setModified( true );
if( m_updateNewObjectActions )
updateNewObjectActions( );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
void PMPart::slotEditRedo( )
emit setStatusBarText( i18n( "Redo last change..." ) );
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
m_commandManager.redo( );
if( m_pNewSelection )
slotObjectChanged( m_pNewSelection, PMCNewSelection, this );
if( !isModified( ) )
setModified( true );
if( m_updateNewObjectActions )
updateNewObjectActions( );
emit setStatusBarText( "" );
bool PMPart::executeCommand( PMCommand* cmd )
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_numAddedObjects = 0;
m_numInsertErrors = 0;
m_insertErrorDetails.clear( );
m_updateNewObjectActions = false;
if( isReadWrite( ) && cmd )
bool execute = true;
int flags = cmd->errorFlags( this );
if( flags )
PMErrorDialog dlg( cmd->messages( ), flags );
execute = ( dlg.exec( ) == TQDialog::Accepted );
if( execute )
m_commandManager.execute( cmd );
if( m_pNewSelection )
slotObjectChanged( m_pNewSelection, PMCNewSelection, this );
if( !isModified( ) )
setModified( true );
if( m_numInsertErrors > 0 )
m_insertErrorDetails.sort( );
PMInsertErrorDialog dlg( m_numAddedObjects, m_numInsertErrors,
m_insertErrorDetails );
dlg.exec( );
if( m_updateNewObjectActions )
updateNewObjectActions( );
return true;
delete cmd;
return false;
void PMPart::slotObjectChanged( PMObject* obj, const int m,
TQObject* sender )
int mode = m;
bool selectionChanged = false;
bool changeControlPoints = false;
PMObject* oldActive = m_pActiveObject;
if( mode & PMCNewSelection )
if( !obj )
clearSelection( );
selectionChanged = true;
m_pActiveObject = 0;
clearSelection( );
obj->setSelected( true );
m_selectedObjects.append( obj );
selectionChanged = true;
m_pActiveObject = obj;
else if( ( mode & PMCSelected ) && !obj->isSelected( ) )
if( obj->isSelectable( ) )
if( obj->selectedChildren( ) > 0 )
TQPtrStack<PMObject> stack;
PMObject* tmp = obj->firstChild( );
bool stop = false;
if( !tmp )
if( !stack.isEmpty( ) )
tmp = stack.pop( );
if( tmp == obj )
stop = true;
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
stop = true;
else if( tmp->isSelected( ) )
tmp->setSelected( false );
m_selectedObjects.removeRef( tmp );
emit objectChanged( tmp, PMCDeselected, this );
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
else if( tmp->selectedChildren( ) > 0 )
stack.push( tmp );
tmp = tmp->firstChild( );
tmp = tmp->nextSibling( );
while( !stop );
obj->setSelected( true );
m_selectedObjects.append( obj );
selectionChanged = true;
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
m_pActiveObject = 0;
kdError( PMArea ) << "(PMPart::slotObjectChanged) object is not selectable!" << "\n";
mode = mode & ( ~( PMCSelected | PMCNewSelection ) );
else if( mode & PMCDeselected )
// no problems here
m_selectedObjects.removeRef( obj );
obj->setSelected( false );
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
selectionChanged = true;
m_pActiveObject = 0;
if( mode & PMCRemove )
if( obj->parent( ) )
if( obj->parent( ) == m_pActiveObject )
m_updateNewObjectActions = true;
if( m_pNewSelection == obj )
if( obj->nextSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->nextSibling( );
else if( obj->prevSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->nextSibling( );
else if( obj->parent( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->parent( );
m_pNewSelection = 0;
if( m_selectedObjects.containsRef( obj ) )
m_selectedObjects.removeRef( obj );
if( m_selectedObjects.isEmpty( ) )
if( obj->nextSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->nextSibling( );
else if( obj->prevSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->prevSibling( );
else if( obj->parent( ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj->parent( );
m_pNewSelection = 0;
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
selectionChanged = true;
if( m_pActiveObject == obj )
m_pActiveObject = 0;
if( obj->isA( "Declare" ) )
PMDeclare* decl = ( PMDeclare* ) obj;
m_pSymbolTable->remove( decl->id( ) );
if( obj->type( ) == "Camera" )
m_cameras.removeRef( ( PMCamera* ) obj );
if( mode & PMCAdd )
if( !( mode & PMCInsertError ) )
m_pNewSelection = obj;
if( obj->isA( "Declare" ) )
PMDeclare* decl = ( PMDeclare* ) obj;
PMSymbol* s = m_pSymbolTable->find( decl->id( ) );
if( !s )
m_pSymbolTable->insert( decl->id( ),
new PMSymbol( decl->id( ), decl ) );
if( obj->type( ) == "Camera" )
m_bCameraListUpToDate = false;
if( obj->parent( ) )
if( obj->parent( ) == m_pActiveObject )
m_updateNewObjectActions = true;
if( mode & PMCData )
m_updateNewObjectActions = true;
if( mode & PMCViewStructure )
changeControlPoints = true;
if( mode & PMCInsertError )
TQString detail;
detail = obj->description( ) + TQString( " " ) + obj->name( );
m_insertErrorDetails.append( detail );
if( obj->isA( "Declare" ) )
PMDeclare* decl = ( PMDeclare* ) obj;
m_pSymbolTable->remove( decl->id( ) );
if( selectionChanged )
m_sortedListUpToDate = false;
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
int c = m_selectedObjects.count( );
if( m_pScene->isSelected( ) )
c = m_pScene->countChildren( );
m_pCopyAction->setEnabled( c > 0 );
if( isReadWrite( ) )
m_pCutAction->setEnabled( c > 0 );
m_pDeleteAction->setEnabled( c > 0 );
m_pPasteAction->setEnabled( m_pActiveObject && m_canDecode );
updateNewObjectActions( );
if( ( oldActive != m_pActiveObject ) || changeControlPoints )
updateControlPoints( oldActive );
emit objectChanged( m_pActiveObject, PMCNewControlPoints, this );
mode |= ( PMCNewControlPoints | PMCControlPointSelection );
emit objectChanged( obj, mode, sender );
void PMPart::slotIDChanged( PMObject* obj, const TQString& oldID )
if( obj->isA( "Declare" ) )
PMDeclare* d = ( PMDeclare* ) obj;
PMSymbol* s = m_pSymbolTable->find( oldID );
if( s )
if( s->type( ) == PMSymbol::Object )
if( s->object( ) == obj )
m_pSymbolTable->take( oldID );
s->setId( d->id( ) );
m_pSymbolTable->insert( s->id( ), s );
kdError( PMArea ) << "PMPart::slotIDChanged: Symbol "
<< oldID << " points to wrong object.\n";
kdError( PMArea ) << "PMPart::slotIDChanged: Symbol "
<< oldID << " has wrong type.\n";
kdError( PMArea ) << "PMPart::slotIDChanged: Symbol "
<< oldID << " not found.\n";
void PMPart::slotNewObject( PMObject* newObject, int insertAs )
PMObjectList list;
list.append( newObject );
PMCommand* command = 0;
if( m_pActiveObject )
// If no position was specified ask the user
if( insertAs <= 0 )
insertAs = whereToInsert( m_pActiveObject, list );
// If either through a parameter or by user action a position was selected
if( insertAs > 0 )
// insert the object in the position indicated
switch( insertAs )
case PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild:
command = new PMAddCommand( list, m_pActiveObject, 0 );
case PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild:
command = new PMAddCommand( list, m_pActiveObject,
m_pActiveObject->lastChild( ) );
case PMInsertPopup::PMISibling:
command = new PMAddCommand( list,
m_pActiveObject->parent( ),
m_pActiveObject );
command = new PMAddCommand( list, m_pActiveObject, 0 );
executeCommand( command );
list.clear( );
delete newObject;
list.clear( );
delete newObject;
void PMPart::slotNewObject( const TQString& type )
PMObject* newObject = m_pPrototypeManager->newObject( type );
if( newObject )
slotNewObject( newObject );
void PMPart::slotNewObject( const TQString& type, const TQString& pos )
PMObject* newObject = m_pPrototypeManager->newObject( type );
if( newObject )
if( pos == "FirstChild" )
slotNewObject( newObject, PMInsertPopup::PMIFirstChild );
else if( pos == "LastChild" )
slotNewObject( newObject, PMInsertPopup::PMILastChild );
else if( pos == "Sibling" )
slotNewObject( newObject, PMInsertPopup::PMISibling );
slotNewObject( newObject );
TQStringList PMPart::getObjectTypes( )
TQStringList result;
TQPtrListIterator<PMMetaObject> it = m_pPrototypeManager->prototypeIterator( );
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
result.append( it.current( )->className( ) );
return result;
void PMPart::slotNewTransformedObject( PMObject* o )
if( o )
if( o->canInsert( TQString( "Scale" ), o->lastChild( ) ) )
o->appendChild( new PMScale( this ) );
if( o->canInsert( TQString( "Rotate" ), o->lastChild( ) ) )
o->appendChild( new PMRotate( this ) );
if( o->canInsert( TQString( "Translate" ), o->lastChild( ) ) )
o->appendChild( new PMTranslate( this ) );
slotNewObject( o );
void PMPart::slotNewGlobalSettings( )
slotNewObject( new PMGlobalSettings( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSkySphere( )
slotNewObject( new PMSkySphere( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewRainbow( )
slotNewObject( new PMRainbow( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewFog( )
slotNewObject( new PMFog( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewInterior( )
slotNewObject( new PMInterior( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMedia( )
slotNewObject( new PMMedia( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDensity( )
slotNewObject( new PMDensity( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMaterial( )
slotNewObject( new PMMaterial( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBox( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMBox( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSphere( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMSphere( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewCylinder( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMCylinder( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPlane( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMPlane( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPolynom( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMPolynom( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewCone( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMCone( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewTorus( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMTorus( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewLathe( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMLathe( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPrism( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMPrism( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSurfaceOfRevolution( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMSurfaceOfRevolution( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSuperquadricEllipsoid( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMSuperquadricEllipsoid( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewJuliaFractal( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMJuliaFractal( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewHeightField( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMHeightField( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewText( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMText( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBlob( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMBlob( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBlobSphere( )
slotNewObject( new PMBlobSphere( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBlobCylinder( )
slotNewObject( new PMBlobCylinder( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDeclare( )
PMDeclare* obj = new PMDeclare( this );
m_pSymbolTable->findNewID( i18n( "Declare" ), obj );
slotNewObject( obj );
void PMPart::slotNewObjectLink( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMObjectLink( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewUnion( )
slotNewObject( new PMCSG( this, PMCSG::CSGUnion ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDifference( )
slotNewObject( new PMCSG( this, PMCSG::CSGDifference ) );
void PMPart::slotNewIntersection( )
slotNewObject( new PMCSG( this, PMCSG::CSGIntersection ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMerge( )
slotNewObject( new PMCSG( this, PMCSG::CSGMerge ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBoundedBy( )
slotNewObject( new PMBoundedBy( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewClippedBy( )
slotNewObject( new PMClippedBy( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewLight( )
slotNewObject( new PMLight( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewLooksLike( )
slotNewObject( new PMLooksLike( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewProjectedThrough( )
slotNewObject( new PMProjectedThrough( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDisc( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMDisc( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBicubicPatch( )
slotNewTransformedObject( new PMBicubicPatch( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewTriangle( )
slotNewObject( new PMTriangle( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewCamera( )
PMCamera* c = new PMCamera( this );
c->setAngle( 45.0 );
c->setLocation( PMVector( 5.0, 5.0, -5.0 ) );
c->setLookAt( PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
slotNewObject( c );
void PMPart::slotNewTexture( )
slotNewObject( new PMTexture( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPigment( )
slotNewObject( new PMPigment( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewNormal( )
slotNewObject( new PMNormal( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSolidColor( )
slotNewObject( new PMSolidColor( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewTextureList( )
slotNewObject( new PMTextureList( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewColorList( )
slotNewObject( new PMColorList( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPigmentList( )
slotNewObject( new PMPigmentList( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewNormalList( )
slotNewObject( new PMNormalList( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDensityList( )
slotNewObject( new PMDensityList( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewFinish( )
slotNewObject( new PMFinish( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewWarp( )
slotNewObject( new PMWarp( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewImageMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMImageMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPattern( )
slotNewObject( new PMPattern( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBlendMapModifiers( )
slotNewObject( new PMBlendMapModifiers( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewTextureMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMTextureMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMaterialMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMMaterialMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewColorMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMColorMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPigmentMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMPigmentMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewNormalMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMNormalMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewBumpMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMBumpMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSlopeMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMSlopeMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewDensityMap( )
slotNewObject( new PMDensityMap( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSlope( )
slotNewObject( new PMSlope( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewQuickColor( )
slotNewObject( new PMQuickColor( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewTranslate( )
slotNewObject( new PMTranslate( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewScale( )
slotNewObject( new PMScale( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewRotate( )
slotNewObject( new PMRotate( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMatrix( )
slotNewObject( new PMPovrayMatrix( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewComment( )
slotNewObject( new PMComment( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewRaw( )
slotNewObject( new PMRaw( this ) );
// POV-Ray 3.5 objects
void PMPart::slotNewIsoSurface( )
slotNewObject( new PMIsoSurface( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewRadiosity( )
slotNewObject( new PMRadiosity( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewGlobalPhotons( )
slotNewObject( new PMGlobalPhotons( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewPhotons( )
slotNewObject( new PMPhotons( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewLightGroup( )
slotNewObject( new PMLightGroup( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewInteriorTexture( )
slotNewObject( new PMInteriorTexture( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewSphereSweep( )
slotNewObject( new PMSphereSweep( this ) );
void PMPart::slotNewMesh( )
slotNewObject( new PMMesh( this ) );
void PMPart::slotSearchLibraryObject( )
PMLibraryObjectSearch* aux = new PMLibraryObjectSearch( NULL );
aux->show( );
void PMPart::slotClipboardDataChanged( )
if( isReadWrite( ) )
m_canDecode = PMObjectDrag::canDecode( tqApp->tqclipboard( )->data( ), this );
m_pPasteAction->setEnabled( m_canDecode && m_pActiveObject );
m_pPasteAction->setEnabled( false );
void PMPart::clearSelection( )
PMObjectListIterator it( m_selectedObjects );
if( it.current( ) )
if( it.current( )->nextSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->nextSibling( );
else if( it.current( )->prevSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->prevSibling( );
else if( it.current( )->parent( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->parent( );
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
it.current( )->setSelected( false );
if( m_pNewSelection == it.current( ) )
if( it.current( )->nextSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->nextSibling( );
else if( it.current( )->prevSibling( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->prevSibling( );
else if( it.current( )->parent( ) )
m_pNewSelection = it.current( )->parent( );
m_selectedObjects.clear( );
m_sortedListUpToDate = true;
bool PMPart::newDocument( )
deleteContents( );
setModified( false );
m_pScene = new PMScene( this );
PMGlobalSettings* gs = new PMGlobalSettings( this );
gs->setAssumedGamma( 1.5 );
m_pScene->appendChild( gs );
PMBox* b = new PMBox( this );
m_pScene->appendChild( b );
PMPigment* p = new PMPigment( this );
b->appendChild( p );
PMSolidColor* c = new PMSolidColor( this );
c->setColor( PMColor( 0.3, 1.0, 0.3 ) );
p->appendChild( c );
PMScale* s = new PMScale( this );
b->appendChild( s );
PMRotate* r = new PMRotate( this );
b->appendChild( r );
PMTranslate* t = new PMTranslate( this );
t->setTranslation( PMVector( 0, 0.5, 0 ) );
b->appendChild( t );
PMLight* l = new PMLight( this );
l->setLocation( PMVector( 4.0, 5.0, -5.0 ) );
m_pScene->appendChild( l );
PMCamera* ca = new PMCamera( this );
ca->setAngle( 45.0 );
ca->setLocation( PMVector( 5.0, 5.0, -5.0 ) );
ca->setLookAt( PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
m_pScene->appendChild( ca );
m_bCameraListUpToDate = false;
m_pScene->setReadOnly( !isReadWrite( ) );
PMRenderMode* mode = new PMRenderMode( );
mode->setDescription( i18n( "Default" ) );
m_pScene->renderModes( )->append( mode );
emit refresh( );
updateRenderModes( );
updateVisibilityLevel( );
slotObjectChanged( m_pScene, PMCNewSelection, this );
return true;
void PMPart::closeDocument( )
m_url = KURL( );
void PMPart::deleteContents( )
emit clear( );
if( isReadWrite( ) )
m_commandManager.clear( );
m_selectedObjects.clear( );
m_sortedSelectedObjects.clear( );
m_sortedListUpToDate = true;
m_pActiveObject = 0;
m_pNewSelection = 0;
if( m_pScene )
delete m_pScene;
m_pScene = 0;
if( m_pSymbolTable )
delete m_pSymbolTable;
m_pSymbolTable = new PMSymbolTable( );
m_cameras.clear( );
m_bCameraListUpToDate = true;
void PMPart::slotUpdateUndoRedo( const TQString& undo, const TQString& redo )
if( isReadWrite( ) )
if( m_pUndoAction )
if( undo.isNull( ) )
m_pUndoAction->setText( i18n( "Undo" ) );
m_pUndoAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pUndoAction->setText( i18n( "Undo" ) + " " + undo );
m_pUndoAction->setEnabled( true );
if( m_pRedoAction )
if( redo.isNull( ) )
m_pRedoAction->setText( i18n( "Redo" ) );
m_pRedoAction->setEnabled( false );
m_pRedoAction->setText( i18n( "Redo" ) + " " + redo );
m_pRedoAction->setEnabled( true );
void PMPart::setScene( PMScene* scene )
deleteContents( );
m_pScene = scene;
emit refresh( );
slotObjectChanged( m_pScene, PMCNewSelection, this );
void PMPart::setModified( )
KParts::ReadWritePart::setModified( );
emit modified( );
void PMPart::setModified( bool m )
KParts::ReadWritePart::setModified( m );
emit modified( );
PMCamera* PMPart::firstCamera( )
if( !m_bCameraListUpToDate )
updateCameraList( );
return m_cameras.first( );
TQPtrListIterator<PMCamera> PMPart::cameras( )
if( !m_bCameraListUpToDate )
updateCameraList( );
return TQPtrListIterator<PMCamera>( m_cameras );
void PMPart::updateCameraList( )
m_cameras.clear( );
PMObject* obj;
for( obj = m_pScene->firstChild( ); obj; obj = obj->nextSibling( ) )
if( obj->type( ) == "Camera" )
m_cameras.append( ( PMCamera* ) obj );
m_bCameraListUpToDate = true;
void PMPart::slotRender( )
PMRenderMode* m = m_pScene->renderModes( )->current( );
if( m )
emit aboutToRender( );
TQByteArray a;
TQBuffer buffer( a ); IO_WriteOnly );
PMPovray35Format format;
PMSerializer* dev = format.newSerializer( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&buffer) );
dev->serialize( m_pScene );
delete dev;
if( !m_pPovrayWidget )
m_pPovrayWidget = new PMPovrayWidget( );
if( m_pPovrayWidget->render( a, *m, url( ) ) )
m_pPovrayWidget->show( );
m_pPovrayWidget->raise( );
void PMPart::slotRenderSettings( )
PMRenderModesDialog dlg( m_pScene->renderModes( ), widget( ) );
int result = dlg.exec( );
if( result == TQDialog::Accepted )
if( isReadWrite( ) )
setModified( true );
updateRenderModes( );
void PMPart::slotViewRenderWindow( )
if( !m_pPovrayWidget )
m_pPovrayWidget = new PMPovrayWidget( );
m_pPovrayWidget->show( );
m_pPovrayWidget->raise( );
void PMPart::slotRenderMode( int index )
PMRenderModeList* list = m_pScene->renderModes( );
list->at( index );
emit activeRenderModeChanged( );
void PMPart::updateRenderModes( )
if( m_pScene )
PMRenderModeList* list = m_pScene->renderModes( );
PMRenderModeListIterator it( *list );
TQComboBox* box = m_pRenderComboAction->combo( );
if( box )
bool b = box->signalsBlocked( );
box->blockSignals( true );
box->clear( );
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
box->insertItem( it.current( )->description( ) );
box->setCurrentItem( list->at( ) );
box->updateGeometry( );
box->blockSignals( b );
emit activeRenderModeChanged( );
void PMPart::slotRenderModeActionPlugged( )
updateRenderModes( );
// connect( m_pRenderComboAction->combo( ), TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
// TQT_SLOT( slotRenderMode( int ) ) );
void PMPart::slotVisibilityLevelChanged( int l )
if( m_pScene->visibilityLevel( ) != l )
m_pScene->setVisibilityLevel( l );
if( isReadWrite( ) )
setModified( true );
emit objectChanged( m_pScene, PMCViewStructure, this );
void PMPart::slotVisibilityActionPlugged( )
if( m_pVisibilityLevelAction )
TQSpinBox* box = m_pVisibilityLevelAction->spinBox( );
if( box )
box->setMinValue( -1000 );
box->setMaxValue( 1000 );
updateVisibilityLevel( );
void PMPart::updateVisibilityLevel( )
if( m_pVisibilityLevelAction )
TQSpinBox* box = m_pVisibilityLevelAction->spinBox( );
if( box && m_pScene )
bool sb = box->signalsBlocked( );
box->blockSignals( true );
box->setValue( m_pScene->visibilityLevel( ) );
box->blockSignals( sb );
void PMPart::slotGlobalDetailLevelChanged( int level )
PMDetailObject::setGlobalDetailLevel( level + 1 );
emit objectChanged( m_pScene, PMCViewStructure, this );
void PMPart::updateControlPoints( PMObject* oldActive )
PMControlPointList newCPs;
if( m_pActiveObject )
m_pActiveObject->controlPoints( newCPs );
if( m_pActiveObject == oldActive )
// check if the control points are the same
bool same = true;
PMControlPointListIterator oit( m_controlPoints );
PMControlPointListIterator nit( newCPs );
while( same && oit.current( ) && nit.current( ) )
if( oit.current( )->id( ) != nit.current( )->id( ) )
same = false;
if( oit.current( ) || nit.current( ) )
same = false;
if( same )
// set the old selection
oit.toFirst( );
nit.toFirst( );
while( oit.current( ) && nit.current( ) )
nit.current( )->setSelected( oit.current( )->selected( ) );
m_controlPoints.clear( );
m_controlPoints = newCPs;
void PMPart::slotAboutToSave( )
emit aboutToSave( );
#include "pmpart.moc"