You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
7.5 KiB

copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Andreas Zehender
email :
copyright : (C) 2002 by Luis Carvalho
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "pmsettingsdialog.h"
#include "pmpovraysettings.h"
#include "pmcolorsettings.h"
#include "pmgridsettings.h"
#include "pmobjectsettings.h"
#include "pmpreviewsettings.h"
#include "pmlayoutsettings.h"
#include "pmobjectlibrarysettings.h"
#include "pmpluginsettings.h"
#include "pmopenglsettings.h"
#include "pmrendermanager.h"
#include "pmdebug.h"
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
PMSettingsDialogPage::PMSettingsDialogPage( TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: TQWidget( parent, name )
TQSize PMSettingsDialog::s_size = TQSize( 640, 400 );
PMSettingsDialog::PMSettingsDialog( PMPart* part, TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: KDialogBase( TreeList, i18n( "Configure" ), Ok | Apply | Cancel | Default, Ok,
parent, name )
TQStringList sl;
TQWidget* w = 0;
PMSettingsDialogPage* p = 0;
m_pPart = part;
setShowIconsInTreeList( true );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Povray" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Povray Options" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigurepovray", 22 ) );
p = new PMPovraySettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
sl.append( i18n( "OpenGL" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "OpenGL Display Settings" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigureopengl", 22 ) );
p = new PMOpenGLSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
setFolderIcon( sl, SmallIcon( "pmconfiguregraphicalview", 22 ) );
sl.append( i18n( "Colors" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Color Settings" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigurecolors", 22 ) );
p = new PMColorSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
sl.append( i18n( "Grid" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Grid Settings" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfiguregrid", 22 ) );
p = new PMGridSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Graphical View" ) );
sl.append( i18n( "Objects" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Objects" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigureobjects", 22 ) );
p = new PMObjectSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Properties View" ) );
setFolderIcon( sl, SmallIcon( "pmconfiguredialogview", 22 ) );
sl.append( i18n( "Texture Preview" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Texture Previews" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfiguretexturepreview", 22 ) );
p = new PMPreviewSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "View Layout" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for View Layouts" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigureviewtqlayout", 22 ) );
p = new PMLayoutSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Object Libraries" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Display Settings for Object Libraries" ),
SmallIcon( "pmconfigureobjectlibrary", 22 ) );
p = new PMObjectLibrarySettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
sl.clear( );
sl.append( i18n( "Plugins" ) );
w = addVBoxPage( sl, i18n( "Plugin Settings" ) );
p = new PMPluginSettings( w );
registerPage( w, p );
displaySettings( );
resize( s_size );
void PMSettingsDialog::displaySettings( )
TQValueList<PMRegisteredSettingsPage>::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_pages.begin( ); it != m_pages.end( ); ++it )
( *it ).page->displaySettings( );
void PMSettingsDialog::slotCancel( )
TQDialog::reject( );
void PMSettingsDialog::slotApply( )
if( validateData( ) )
saveSettings( );
void PMSettingsDialog::slotOk( )
if( validateData( ) )
saveSettings( );
TQDialog::accept( );
void PMSettingsDialog::slotDefault( )
int currentPage = activePageIndex( );
PMSettingsDialogPage* page = 0;
TQValueList<PMRegisteredSettingsPage>::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_pages.begin( ); it != m_pages.end( ) && !page; ++it )
if( ( *it ).index == currentPage )
page = ( *it ).page;
if( page )
page->displayDefaults( );
bool PMSettingsDialog::validateData( )
bool valid = true;
TQValueList<PMRegisteredSettingsPage>::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_pages.begin( ); it != m_pages.end( ) && valid; ++it )
valid = ( *it ).page->validateData( );
return valid;
void PMSettingsDialog::saveSettings( )
m_tqrepaint = false;
TQValueList<PMRegisteredSettingsPage>::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_pages.begin( ); it != m_pages.end( ); ++it )
( *it ).page->applySettings( );
if( m_tqrepaint )
PMRenderManager* rm = PMRenderManager::theManager( );
rm->slotRenderingSettingsChanged( );
void PMSettingsDialog::saveConfig( KConfig* cfg )
cfg->setGroup( "Appearance" );
cfg->writeEntry( "SettingsDialogSize", s_size );
void PMSettingsDialog::restoreConfig( KConfig* cfg )
cfg->setGroup( "Appearance" );
TQSize defaultSize( 640, 400 );
s_size = cfg->readSizeEntry( "SettingsDialogSize", &defaultSize );
void PMSettingsDialog::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* ev )
s_size = ev->size( );
void PMSettingsDialog::registerPage( TQWidget* topPage,
PMSettingsDialogPage* page )
int i = pageIndex( topPage );
if( i < 0 )
kdError( PMArea ) << "PMSettingsDialog: Registered settings page"
<< " not found" << endl;
m_pages.push_back( PMRegisteredSettingsPage( topPage, page, i ) );
connect( page, TQT_SIGNAL( repaintViews( ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotRepaint( ) ) );
connect( page, TQT_SIGNAL( showMe( ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotShowPage( ) ) );
void PMSettingsDialog::slotRepaint( )
m_tqrepaint = true;
void PMSettingsDialog::slotShowPage( )
const TQObject* w = TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>(sender( )));
if( w )
int index = findPage( ( const PMSettingsDialogPage* ) w );
if( index >= 0 )
showPage( index );
int PMSettingsDialog::findPage( const PMSettingsDialogPage* p )
int index = -1;
TQValueList<PMRegisteredSettingsPage>::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_pages.begin( ); it != m_pages.end( ) && index < 0; ++it )
if( ( *it ).page == p )
index = ( *it ).index;
return index;
#include "pmsettingsdialog.moc"