copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Andreas Zehender
email : zehender@kde.org
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "pmobjectdrag.h"
#include "pmobject.h"
#include "pmpart.h"
#include "pmpovrayparser.h"
#include "pmxmlparser.h"
#include "pmxmlhelper.h"
#include "pmdocumentformat.h"
#include "pmiomanager.h"
#include "pmserializer.h"
#include <tqbuffer.h>
#include <string.h>
const char* const c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat = "application/x-kpovmodeler";
PMObjectDrag::PMObjectDrag( PMPart* part, PMObject* object, TQWidget* dragSource,
const char* name )
: TQDragObject( dragSource, name )
TQByteArray modelerData;
TQTextStream s2( modelerData, IO_WriteOnly );
TQDomDocument doc( "KPOVMODELER" );
TQDomElement top = doc.createElement( "objects" );
doc.appendChild( top );
top.setAttribute( "majorFormat", c_majorDocumentFormat );
top.setAttribute( "minorFormat", c_minorDocumentFormat );
if( object->type( ) == "Scene" )
PMObject* o = object->firstChild( );
for( ; o; o = o->nextSibling( ) )
TQDomElement e = o->serialize( doc );
top.appendChild( e );
TQDomElement e = object->serialize( doc );
top.appendChild( e );
s2 << doc;
m_data.push_back( modelerData );
m_mimeTypes.push_back( c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat );
const TQPtrList<PMIOFormat>& formats = part->ioManager( )->formats( );
TQPtrListIterator<PMIOFormat> it( formats );
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
if( it.current( )->services( ) & PMIOFormat::Export )
TQByteArray data;
TQBuffer buffer( data );
buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly );
PMSerializer* ser = it.current( )->newSerializer( &buffer );
if( ser )
ser->serialize( object );
ser->close( );
delete ser;
buffer.close( );
m_data.push_back( data );
m_mimeTypes.push_back( it.current( )->mimeType( ) );
kdDebug( PMArea ) << "Added mime type " << it.current( )->mimeType( )
<< " " << data.size( ) << " bytes" << endl;
kdError( PMArea ) << "Format claims to support exporting, but doesn't provide a serializer" << endl;
buffer.close( );
PMObjectDrag::PMObjectDrag( PMPart* part, const PMObjectList& objList, TQWidget* dragSource,
const char* name )
: TQDragObject( dragSource, name )
TQByteArray modelerData;
TQTextStream s2( modelerData, IO_WriteOnly );
TQDomDocument doc( "KPOVMODELER" );
TQDomElement top = doc.createElement( "objects" );
doc.appendChild( top );
top.setAttribute( "majorFormat", c_majorDocumentFormat );
top.setAttribute( "minorFormat", c_minorDocumentFormat );
PMObjectListIterator it( objList );
for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
if( it.current( )->type( ) == "Scene" )
PMObject* o = it.current( )->firstChild( );
for( ; o; o = o->nextSibling( ) )
TQDomElement e = o->serialize( doc );
top.appendChild( e );
TQDomElement e = it.current( )->serialize( doc );
top.appendChild( e );
s2 << doc;
m_data.push_back( modelerData );
m_mimeTypes.push_back( c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat );
const TQPtrList<PMIOFormat>& formats = part->ioManager( )->formats( );
TQPtrListIterator<PMIOFormat> fit( formats );
for( ; fit.current( ); ++fit )
if( fit.current( )->services( ) & PMIOFormat::Export )
TQByteArray data;
TQBuffer buffer( data );
buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly );
PMSerializer* ser = fit.current( )->newSerializer( &buffer );
if( ser )
ser->serializeList( objList );
ser->close( );
delete ser;
buffer.close( );
m_data.push_back( data );
m_mimeTypes.push_back( fit.current( )->mimeType( ) );
kdDebug( PMArea ) << "Added mime type " << fit.current( )->mimeType( )
<< " " << data.size( ) << " bytes" << endl;
kdError( PMArea ) << "Format claims to support exporting, but doesn't provide a serializer" << endl;
buffer.close( );
PMObjectDrag::~PMObjectDrag( )
TQByteArray PMObjectDrag::encodedData( const char* format ) const
TQValueList<TQByteArray>::ConstIterator dit;
TQStringList::ConstIterator sit;
for( dit = m_data.begin( ), sit = m_mimeTypes.begin( );
dit != m_data.end( ) && sit != m_mimeTypes.end( ); ++dit, ++sit )
if( *sit == format )
return *dit;
TQByteArray empty;
return empty;
const char* PMObjectDrag::format( int i /*=0*/ ) const
if( i >= 0 && i < ( signed ) m_mimeTypes.size( ) )
return ( *m_mimeTypes.at( i ) ).latin1( );
return 0;
bool PMObjectDrag::canDecode( const TQMimeSource* e, PMPart* part )
if( e->provides( c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat ) )
return true;
const TQPtrList<PMIOFormat>& formats = part->ioManager( )->formats( );
TQPtrListIterator<PMIOFormat> fit( formats );
for( ; fit.current( ); ++fit )
if( fit.current( )->services( ) & PMIOFormat::Import &&
e->provides( fit.current( )->mimeType( ).latin1( ) ) )
return true;
return false;
PMParser* PMObjectDrag::newParser( const TQMimeSource* e, PMPart* part )
if( e->provides( c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat ) )
return new PMXMLParser( part, e->encodedData( c_kpmDocumentMimeFormat ) );
const TQPtrList<PMIOFormat>& formats = part->ioManager( )->formats( );
TQPtrListIterator<PMIOFormat> fit( formats );
for( ; fit.current( ); ++fit )
PMIOFormat* f = fit.current( );
TQString str = f->mimeType( );
const char* lat = str.latin1( );
if( f->services( ) & PMIOFormat::Import && e->provides( lat ) )
return f->newParser( part, e->encodedData( lat ) );
return 0;