You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
6.8 KiB

// PreScanOutputDev.cpp
// Copyright 2005 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#include <aconf.h>
#pragma implementation
#include <math.h>
#include "GlobalParams.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "Link.h"
#include "PreScanOutputDev.h"
// PreScanOutputDev
PreScanOutputDev::PreScanOutputDev() {
PreScanOutputDev::~PreScanOutputDev() {
void PreScanOutputDev::startPage(int /*pageNum*/, GfxState * /*state*/) {
void PreScanOutputDev::endPage() {
void PreScanOutputDev::stroke(GfxState *state) {
double *dash;
int dashLen;
double dashStart;
check(state->getStrokeColorSpace(), state->getStrokeColor(),
state->getStrokeOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
state->getLineDash(&dash, &dashLen, &dashStart);
if (dashLen != 0) {
gdi = gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::fill(GfxState *state) {
check(state->getFillColorSpace(), state->getFillColor(),
state->getFillOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
void PreScanOutputDev::eoFill(GfxState *state) {
check(state->getFillColorSpace(), state->getFillColor(),
state->getFillOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
void PreScanOutputDev::clip(GfxState * /*state*/) {
//~ check for a rectangle "near" the edge of the page;
//~ else set gdi to false
void PreScanOutputDev::eoClip(GfxState * /*state*/) {
//~ see clip()
void PreScanOutputDev::beginStringOp(GfxState *state) {
int render;
GfxFont *font;
double m11, m12, m21, m22;
Ref embRef;
DisplayFontParam *dfp;
GBool simpleTTF;
render = state->getRender();
if (!(render & 1)) {
check(state->getFillColorSpace(), state->getFillColor(),
state->getFillOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
if ((render & 3) == 1 || (render & 3) == 2) {
check(state->getStrokeColorSpace(), state->getStrokeColor(),
state->getStrokeOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
font = state->getFont();
state->getFontTransMat(&m11, &m12, &m21, &m22);
simpleTTF = fabs(m11 + m22) < 0.01 &&
m11 > 0 &&
fabs(m12) < 0.01 &&
fabs(m21) < 0.01 &&
fabs(state->getHorizScaling() - 1) < 0.001 &&
(font->getType() == fontTrueType ||
font->getType() == fontTrueTypeOT) &&
(font->getEmbeddedFontID(&embRef) ||
font->getExtFontFile() ||
(font->getName() &&
(dfp = globalParams->getDisplayFont(font->getName())) &&
dfp->kind == displayFontTT));
if (simpleTTF) {
//~ need to create a FoFiTrueType object, and check for a Unicode cmap
if (state->getRender() != 0 || !simpleTTF) {
gdi = gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::endStringOp(GfxState * /*state*/) {
GBool PreScanOutputDev::beginType3Char(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*x*/, double /*y*/,
double /*dx*/, double /*dy*/,
CharCode /*code*/, Unicode * /*u*/, int /*uLen*/) {
// return false so all Type 3 chars get rendered (no caching)
return gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::endType3Char(GfxState * /*state*/) {
void PreScanOutputDev::drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object * /*ref*/, Stream *str,
int width, int height, GBool /*invert*/,
GBool inlineImg) {
int i, j;
check(state->getFillColorSpace(), state->getFillColor(),
state->getFillOpacity(), state->getBlendMode());
gdi = gFalse;
if (inlineImg) {
j = height * ((width + 7) / 8);
for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)
void PreScanOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState *state, Object * /*ref*/, Stream *str,
int width, int height,
GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
int * /*maskColors*/, GBool inlineImg) {
GfxColorSpace *colorSpace;
int i, j;
colorSpace = colorMap->getColorSpace();
if (colorSpace->getMode() == csIndexed) {
colorSpace = ((GfxIndexedColorSpace *)colorSpace)->getBase();
if (colorSpace->getMode() != csDeviceGray &&
colorSpace->getMode() != csCalGray) {
gray = gFalse;
mono = gFalse;
if (state->getBlendMode() != gfxBlendNormal) {
transparency = gTrue;
gdi = gFalse;
if (inlineImg) {
j = height * ((width * colorMap->getNumPixelComps() *
colorMap->getBits() + 7) / 8);
for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)
void PreScanOutputDev::drawMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object * /*ref*/,
Stream * /*str*/,
int /*width*/, int /*height*/,
GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
Stream * /*maskStr*/,
int /*maskWidth*/, int /*maskHeight*/,
GBool /*maskInvert*/) {
GfxColorSpace *colorSpace;
colorSpace = colorMap->getColorSpace();
if (colorSpace->getMode() == csIndexed) {
colorSpace = ((GfxIndexedColorSpace *)colorSpace)->getBase();
if (colorSpace->getMode() != csDeviceGray &&
colorSpace->getMode() != csCalGray) {
gray = gFalse;
mono = gFalse;
if (state->getBlendMode() != gfxBlendNormal) {
transparency = gTrue;
gdi = gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::drawSoftMaskedImage(GfxState * /*state*/, Object * /*ref*/,
Stream * /*str*/,
int /*width*/, int /*height*/,
GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
Stream * /*maskStr*/,
int /*maskWidth*/, int /*maskHeight*/,
GfxImageColorMap * /*maskColorMap*/) {
GfxColorSpace *colorSpace;
colorSpace = colorMap->getColorSpace();
if (colorSpace->getMode() == csIndexed) {
colorSpace = ((GfxIndexedColorSpace *)colorSpace)->getBase();
if (colorSpace->getMode() != csDeviceGray &&
colorSpace->getMode() != csCalGray) {
gray = gFalse;
mono = gFalse;
transparency = gTrue;
gdi = gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::beginTransparencyGroup(
GfxState * /*state*/, double * /*bbox*/,
GfxColorSpace * /*blendingColorSpace*/,
GBool /*isolated*/, GBool /*knockout*/,
GBool /*forSoftMask*/) {
transparency = gTrue;
gdi = gFalse;
void PreScanOutputDev::check(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace, GfxColor *color,
double opacity, GfxBlendMode blendMode) {
GfxRGB rgb;
if (colorSpace->getMode() == csPattern) {
mono = gFalse;
gray = gFalse;
gdi = gFalse;
} else {
colorSpace->getRGB(color, &rgb);
if (rgb.r != rgb.g || rgb.g != rgb.b || rgb.b != rgb.r) {
mono = gFalse;
gray = gFalse;
} else if (!((rgb.r == 0 && rgb.g == 0 && rgb.b == 0) ||
(rgb.r == gfxColorComp1 &&
rgb.g == gfxColorComp1 &&
rgb.b == gfxColorComp1))) {
mono = gFalse;
if (opacity != 1 || blendMode != gfxBlendNormal) {
transparency = gTrue;
void PreScanOutputDev::clearStats() {
mono = gTrue;
gray = gTrue;
transparency = gFalse;
gdi = gTrue;