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46 lines
905 B

# try to find an appropriate awk interpreter
if which mawk > /dev/null 2>&1; then
cmd_awk=`which mawk`;
if which awk > /dev/null 2>&1; then
cmd_awk=`which awk`;
echo "No suitable AWK interpreter found. Aborting."
exit 1
# make them
touch $1.h
touch $1.cpp
#start with copyright notices
cat ../COPYRIGHTS > $1.h
cat ../COPYRIGHTS > $1.cpp
# add define for multiple include problem
echo "" >> $1.h
echo "#ifndef $1_H" >> $1.h
echo "#define $1_H" >> $1.h
echo "" >> $1.h
echo "namespace KSVG" >> $1.h
echo "{" >> $1.h
echo "" >> $1.h
#include in .cpp + namespace
echo "" >> $1.cpp
echo "#include \"$1.h\"" >> $1.cpp
echo "#include \"$1Impl.h\"" >> $1.cpp
echo "" >> $1.cpp
echo "using namespace KSVG;" >> $1.cpp
echo "" >> $1.cpp
#go go go
$cmd_awk -f ../makeheader $1
$cmd_awk -f ../makecc $1
#add end of define
echo "};" >> $1.h
echo "" >> $1.h
echo "#endif" >> $1.h