You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
2.1 KiB

definition file for basic yaf commands
Copyright (C) 1998 Martin Vogt
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package
#include "commandTable.h" // defines CommandDesc-Struct...
// Command Numbers
#define _YAF_I_COMMAND 1
#define _YAF_I_MSG 2
#define _YAF_I_HELP 3
#define _YAF_I_RUNTIME 4
#define _YAF_I_QUIT 5
#define _YAF_I_PING 6
#define _YAF_I_PROTOCOL 7
#define _YAF_I_WHATIS 9
#define _YAF_I_SELECT_A_LAYER 10
#define _YAF_I_SELECT_V_LAYER 11
#define _YAF_I_PLAYTIME 12
#define _YAF_I_WRITE 13
#define _YAF_START 40
// The commands as String. The Syntax is :
// { lexternalUse,lReturnMsg,longName,shortName,number,helpText }
// lexternal use ist true when the text should be written when
// user enters "help"
static struct CommandDescriptionStruct yafCommands[]={
{0,1,"Command","",_YAF_I_COMMAND,"internal identifier"},
{0,1,"Msg","",_YAF_I_MSG,"identifier for unstructured String"},
{1,1,"help","h",_YAF_I_HELP,"show this help"},
{1,1,"ping","",_YAF_I_PING,"command tests if client is alive"},
{1,1,"runtime","r",_YAF_I_RUNTIME,"runtime [on|off] shows runtime infos"},
{1,1,"protocol","",_YAF_I_NOPROTOCOL,"internal protocol wrapper on [def]"},
{1,1,"noprotocol","",_YAF_I_PROTOCOL,"internal protocol wrapper off"},
{1,1,"whatis" ,"",_YAF_I_WHATIS,"gives a short introduction" },
{1,1,"audioLayer","", _YAF_I_SELECT_A_LAYER,
"selects audio layer from stream [0..31]"},
{1,1,"videoLayer" ,"", _YAF_I_SELECT_V_LAYER,
"selects video layer from stream [0..15]" },
{1,1,"playtime","", _YAF_I_PLAYTIME,
"retrives the current playtime" },
{1,1,"write","", _YAF_I_WRITE,
"writes stream to disk [on|off] default[off]" },
{1,1,"quit","q",_YAF_I_QUIT,"ends program"}
// How much Commands are in the Array :