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class for decoders
Copyright (C) 1999 Martin Vogt
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package
#include "videoDecoder.h"
#include "mpegVideoStream.h"
#include "decoderTables.h"
#include "slice.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "../util/mmx/mmx.h"
#include "mmxidct.h"
#include "picture.h"
/* Special values for DCT Coefficients */
#define END_OF_BLOCK 62
#define ESCAPE 61
/* DCT coeff tables. */
#define RUN_MASK 0xfc00
#define LEVEL_MASK 0x03f0
#define NUM_MASK 0x000f
#define RUN_SHIFT 10
#define LEVEL_SHIFT 4
#define RUNTYPE char
class DecoderClass {
int lmmx;
int zigzag_direct[256];
/* Block structure. */
short int dct_recon[8][8]; /* Reconstructed dct coeff matrix. */
int dct_dc_y_past; /* Past lum. dc dct coefficient. */
int dct_dc_cr_past; /* Past cr dc dct coefficient. */
int dct_dc_cb_past; /* Past cb dc dct coefficient. */
short int *reconptr; /* reconptr = dct_recon[0]; */
class VideoDecoder* vid_stream;
class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream;
DecoderClass(class VideoDecoder* vid_stream,
class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream);
int decodeDCTDCSizeLum();
int decodeDCTDCSizeChrom();
int decodeMotionVectors();
int decodeCBP();
inline short int* getDCT() { return ((short int*) &(dct_recon[0][0]));}
void resetDCT();
void decodeMBTypeB(int& quant,int& motion_fwd,
int& motion_bwd,int& pat,int& intra);
void decodeMBTypeI(int& quant,int& motion_fwd,
int& motion_bwd,int& pat,int& intra);
void decodeMBTypeP(int& quant,int& motion_fwd,
int& motion_bwd,int& pat,int& intra);
void ParseReconBlock(int& n,int& mb_intra,unsigned int& quant_scale,
int& lflag,
unsigned int* iqmatrixptr,
unsigned int* niqmatrixptr);
int decodeMBAddrInc();
void print();
inline void decodeDCTCoeff(unsigned short int* dct_coeff_tbl,
unsigned RUNTYPE& run,
int& level);