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concret OutputClass for yaf text consol player
Copyright (C) 1999 Martin Vogt
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package
// If we build mpeglib we include the path absolute
// otherwise we must have installed the includes (eg /usr/include/mpeglib)
#include "../../../lib/output/avSyncer.h"
#include "../../../lib/output/pluginInfo.h"
#include "../../../lib/decoder/decoderPlugin.h"
#include "../../../lib/input/inputPlugin.h"
#include "../../../lib/output/outPlugin.h"
#include <mpeglib/output/avSyncer.h>
#include <mpeglib/output/pluginInfo.h>
#include <mpeglib/decoder/decoderPlugin.h>
#include <mpeglib/input/inputPlugin.h>
#include <mpeglib/output/outPlugin.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <kdemacros.h>
// If you get compile errors when using mpeglib
// simply remove the yaf dependencies
#include "../yafcore/inputInterface.h"
class KDE_EXPORT YafOutputStream : public OutputStream {
long bytes;
int lInternalDevice;
long allWrite;
int lOpen;
int sd;
struct sockaddr_un sockad;
const char* filename;
OutputStream* directOutput;
int fd[2];
InputInterface* input;
int writeToBuffer;
// to the filedescriptor we write status messages from
// the thread. This makes it thread safe
YafOutputStream(InputInterface* input);
// Audio Output
int audioSetup(int frequency,int stereo,int sign,int big,int sixteen);
void audioClose(void);
int audioPlay(TimeStamp* startStamp,
TimeStamp* endStamp,char *buffer, int size);
void audioFlush();
void audioOpen();
int getPreferredDeliverSize();
// Video part (no yaf protocol for this)
// Maybe in a future version we distribute this interface
// over shared mem or something, but for now
// a video player must include the mpeg video lib directly
// we forward the calls to the direct output
int openWindow(int width, int height,const char *title);
void closeWindow();
void flushWindow();
PictureArray* lockPictureArray();
void unlockPictureArray(PictureArray* pictureArray);
int getFrameusec();
int getDepth();
int getOutputInit();
void setOutputInit(int lInit);
// Info Output
void writeInfo(PluginInfo* pluginInfo);
void config(const char* key,const char* value,void* user_data);
// additional functionality (needed for the yaf-protocol)
void setBytesCounter(long value);
int isOpenStream();
void setStreamFile(const char* filename);
int openStream();
int closeStream();
void internalDevice(int lInternal);
long getBytesCounter();
long getAllWriteCounter();