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stores sequence header info, for reinit of stream
Copyright (C) 2000 Martin Vogt
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package
Some vcd do only have one sequence header for the whole
This means we must store this info even after a seek
which usually destroy the video stream object.
We then can re-init the video object with the values
we store here.
Here we have the "header" for an mpeg video stream.
class MpegVideoHeader {
unsigned int h_size; /* Horiz. size in pixels. */
unsigned int v_size; /* Vert. size in pixels. */
int mb_height; /* Vert. size in mblocks. */
int mb_width; /* Horiz. size in mblocks. */
int mb_size; /* mb_height*mb_width-1 */
unsigned char aspect_ratio; /* Code for aspect ratio. */
unsigned int bit_rate; /* Bit rate. */
unsigned int vbv_buffer_size; /* Minimum buffer size. */
int const_param_flag; /* Contrained parameter flag. */
float picture_rate; /* Parse off picture rate code*/
unsigned int intra_quant_matrix[8][8]; /* Quantization matrix for
intracoded frames. */
unsigned int non_intra_quant_matrix[8][8]; /* Quanitization matrix for
non intracoded frames. */
class MpegExtension* extension;
int parseSeq(class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream);
void copyTo(MpegVideoHeader* dest);
void print(char* description);
void init_quanttables();
inline int getMB_Height() { return mb_height;}
inline int getMB_Size() { return mb_size;}
inline int getMB_Width() { return mb_width;}
inline float getPictureRate() { return picture_rate ;}
double getPictureTime();
inline unsigned int* getIntra_quant_matrix() {
// printf("getI:%p\n",intra_quant_matrix[0]);
return intra_quant_matrix[0]; }
inline unsigned int* getNon_intra_quant_matrix() {
// printf("getN:%p\n",non_intra_quant_matrix[0]);
return non_intra_quant_matrix[0]; }
void init();