You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
9.0 KiB

#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <noatun/stdaction.h>
#include "htmlexport.h"
extern "C"
TDE_EXPORT Plugin *create_plugin()
return new HTMLExport();
HTMLExport::HTMLExport(): TQObject(0, "HTMLExport"), Plugin()
mAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Export Playlist..."), "document-save-as", 0,
this, TQ_SLOT(slotExport()), this, "exportlist");
new Prefs(this);
config = TDEGlobal::config();
void HTMLExport::slotExport()
// init readConfig
// get output target
KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(TQString(),
i18n("Export Playlist"));
// write into tempfile
KTempFile temp;
TQFile file(;;
TQTextStream str(&file);
str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
str << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">" << endl;
str << "<!-- Generated by Noatun " << NOATUN_MAJOR << "." << NOATUN_MINOR << "." << NOATUN_PATCHLEVEL << " -->" << endl;
str << endl;
str << "<html>" << endl;
str << "<head>" << endl;
str << "\t<title>" << i18n("Noatun Playlist") << "</title>" << endl;
str << "\t<style type=\"text/css\">" << endl;
str << "\t\t<!--" << endl;
// Set the heading color
str << "\t\th1 { color:#"<< getColorByEntry("headColor")<<"; }" << endl;
// Optionally set the background image
if (!config->readPathEntry( "bgImgPath" ).stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
// Image
str << "\t\tp,li { color:#"<< getColorByEntry("txtColor") << "; }" << endl;
str << "\t\tbody { background-image: url(\"" << config->readPathEntry( "bgImgPath" ) << "\"); }" << endl;
else {
// Color
str << "\t\tp,li,body { color:#"<< getColorByEntry("txtColor");
str << "; background-color:#" << getColorByEntry( "bgColor" ) << "; }" << endl;
// Links are text colored, too
str << "\t\ta { color:#" << getColorByEntry("txtColor") << "; }" << endl;
if (getColorByEntry("hoverColor") != getColorByEntry("txtColor"))
str << "\t\ta:hover { color:#"<< getColorByEntry("hoverColor")<<"; }"<< endl;
str << "\t\t-->" << endl;
str << "\t</style>" << endl;
str << "</head>" << endl;
str << endl;
str << "<body>" << endl;
str << "\t<h1>" << i18n("Noatun Playlist") << "</h1>" << endl;
// Cache the config settings used in the big loop
bool link_entries = config->readBoolEntry( "linkEntries" );
bool number_entries = config->readBoolEntry( "numberEntries" );
if (number_entries)
str << "\t\t<ol>" << endl;
str << "\t\t<p>" << endl;
for (PlaylistItem item = napp->playlist()->getFirst();item;item = napp->playlist()->getAfter(item)) {
str << "\t\t\t";
if (number_entries)
str << "<li>";
if (link_entries)
str << "<a href=\"" << htmlEscape(item.file()) << "\">";
str << htmlEscape(item.title());
if (link_entries)
str << "</a>";
if (number_entries)
str << "</li>" << endl;
str << "<br />" << endl;
if (number_entries)
str << "\t\t</ol>" << endl;
str << "\t\t</p>" << endl;
str << "\t</body>" << endl;
str << "</html>" << endl;
// tempfile -> userdefined file
TDEIO::NetAccess::upload(, url, 0);
TQString HTMLExport::htmlEscape(const TQString &source) {
// Escape characters that need to be escaped
TQString temp = source;
temp.replace( TQRegExp("&"), "&amp;" );
temp.replace( TQRegExp("<"), "&lt;" );
temp.replace( TQRegExp(">"), "&gt;" );
return temp;
TQString HTMLExport::getColorByEntry(TQString s)
TQString res;
TQString tmp;
TQColor c;
// init readConfig
c = config->readColorEntry( s );
tmp = TQString::number(, 16);
if (tmp.length()==1) tmp="0"+tmp;
res = tmp;
tmp = TQString::number(, 16);
if (tmp.length()==1) tmp="0"+tmp;
res += tmp;
tmp = TQString::number(, 16);
if (tmp.length()==1) tmp="0"+tmp;
res += tmp;
return res;
//////////////////////////////////// Settings ////////////////////////////////////
Prefs::Prefs(TQObject *parent)
: CModule(i18n("Playlist Export"), i18n("Colors & Settings for HTML Export"), "text-html", parent)
// Init Config
TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
// Set default values
if ( !config->hasKey( "headColor" ) )
config->writeEntry( "headColor", TQColor( black ) ) ;
if ( !config->hasKey( "hoverColor" ) )
config->writeEntry( "hoverColor", TQColor( black ) );
if ( !config->hasKey( "bgColor" ) )
config->writeEntry( "bgColor", TQColor( white ) ) ;
if ( !config->hasKey( "txtColor" ) )
config->writeEntry( "txtColor", TQColor( black ) );
// Draw Stuff and insert Settings
TQVBoxLayout *top = new TQVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(),
KDialog::spacingHint() );
colorBox = new TQGroupBox( i18n( "HTML Color Settings" ), this, "colorBox" );
bgcolorLabel = new TQGridLayout( colorBox, 2, 5,
KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() );
headColorSelect = new KColorButton( colorBox, "headColorSelect" );
hoverColorSelect = new KColorButton( colorBox, "hoverColorSelect" );
bgColorSelect = new KColorButton( colorBox, "bgColorSelect" );
txtColorSelect = new KColorButton( colorBox, "txtColorSelect" );
txtColorLabel = new TQLabel( colorBox, "txtColorLabel" );
txtColorLabel->setText( i18n( "Text:" ) );
txtColorLabel->setAlignment( int( TQLabel::AlignVCenter | TQLabel::AlignRight ) );
bgColorLabel = new TQLabel( colorBox, "bgColorLabel" );
bgColorLabel->setText( i18n( "Background:" ) );
bgColorLabel->setAlignment( int( TQLabel::AlignVCenter | TQLabel::AlignRight ) );
headColorLabel = new TQLabel( colorBox, "headColorLabel" );
headColorLabel->setText( i18n( "Heading:" ) );
headColorLabel->setAlignment( int( TQLabel::AlignVCenter | TQLabel::AlignRight ) );
hoverColorLabel = new TQLabel( colorBox, "hoverColorLabel" );
hoverColorLabel->setText( i18n( "Link hover:" ) );
hoverColorLabel->setAlignment( int( TQLabel::AlignVCenter | TQLabel::AlignRight ) );
bgcolorLabel->setRowStretch(0, 1);
// Makes the spacing nice
bgcolorLabel->setColStretch(1, 2);
bgcolorLabel->setColStretch(2, 1);
bgcolorLabel->setColStretch(4, 2);
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( txtColorLabel, 0, 0 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( txtColorSelect, 0, 1 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( headColorLabel, 1, 0 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( headColorSelect, 1, 1 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( bgColorLabel, 0, 3 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( bgColorSelect, 0, 4 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( hoverColorLabel, 1, 3 );
bgcolorLabel->addWidget( hoverColorSelect, 1, 4 );
// Set up the Background Image frame
bgPicBox = new TQHGroupBox( i18n( "Background Image"), this, "bgPicBox" );
// Set up the URL requestor
bgPicPath = new KURLRequester ( bgPicBox, "bgPicPath" );
// Set up the URL requestor's file dialog
bgPicPath->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly);
bgPicPath->setFilter("image/gif image/jpeg image/gif image/png image/svg+xml image/tiff");
linkEntries = new TQCheckBox( this, "linkEntries" );
linkEntries->setText( i18n( "Hyper&link playlist entries to their URL" ) );
linkEntries->setTristate( false );
numberEntries = new TQCheckBox( this, "numberEntries" );
numberEntries->setText( i18n( "&Number playlist entries" ) );
numberEntries->setTristate( false );
top->addWidget( colorBox );
top->addWidget( bgPicBox );
top->addWidget( linkEntries );
top->addWidget( numberEntries );
void Prefs::save()
TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
TQString bgRealURL = bgPicPath->url();
if (bgRealURL[0] == '/')
bgRealURL = "file:" + bgRealURL;
config->setGroup( "HTMLExport" );
config->writeEntry( "bgColor", bgColorSelect->color() );
config->writeEntry( "txtColor", txtColorSelect->color() );
config->writeEntry( "headColor", headColorSelect->color() );
config->writeEntry( "hoverColor", hoverColorSelect->color() );
config->writePathEntry( "bgImgPath", bgRealURL );
config->writeEntry( "linkEntries", linkEntries->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "numberEntries", numberEntries->isChecked() );
void Prefs::reopen()
TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
headColorSelect->setColor(config->readColorEntry( "headColor" ) );
hoverColorSelect->setColor( config->readColorEntry( "hoverColor" ) );
bgColorSelect->setColor( config->readColorEntry( "bgColor" ) );
txtColorSelect->setColor( config->readColorEntry( "txtColor" ) );
bgPicPath->setURL( config->readPathEntry( "bgImgPath" ) );
numberEntries->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "numberEntries" ) );
linkEntries->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "linkEntries" ) );
#include "htmlexport.moc"