videodevice . cpp - Kopete Video Device Low - level Support
Copyright ( c ) 2005 - 2006 by Cl á udio da Silveira Pinheiro < taupter @ gmail . com >
Kopete ( c ) 2002 - 2003 by the Kopete developers < kopete - devel @ kde . org >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either *
* version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# include <assert.h>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <cerrno>
# include <cstring>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <tdelocale.h>
# include <tqdir.h>
# include "videodevice.h"
# include "videodevicepool.h"
# define CLEAR(x) memset (&(x), 0, sizeof (x))
namespace Kopete {
namespace AV {
VideoDevicePool * VideoDevicePool : : s_self = NULL ;
__u64 VideoDevicePool : : m_clients = 0 ;
VideoDevicePool * VideoDevicePool : : self ( )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " libkopete (avdevice): self() called " < < endl ;
if ( s_self = = NULL )
s_self = new VideoDevicePool ;
if ( s_self )
m_clients = 0 ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " libkopete (avdevice): self() exited successfuly. m_clients = " < < m_clients < < endl ;
return s_self ;
VideoDevicePool : : VideoDevicePool ( )
VideoDevicePool : : ~ VideoDevicePool ( )
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : open ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : open ( )
/// @todo implement me
m_ready . lock ( ) ;
if ( ! m_videodevice . size ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open(): No devices found. Must scan for available devices. " < < m_current_device < < endl ;
scanDevices ( ) ;
if ( ! m_videodevice . size ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open(): No devices found. bailing out. " < < m_current_device < < endl ;
m_ready . unlock ( ) ;
if ( m_current_device > = m_videodevice . size ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open(): Device out of scope ( " < < m_current_device < < " ). Defaulting to the first one. " < < endl ;
m_current_device = 0 ;
int isopen = m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . open ( ) ;
if ( isopen = = EXIT_SUCCESS )
loadConfig ( ) ; // Temporary hack. The open() seems to clean the input parameters. Need to find a way to fix it.
m_clients + + ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Number of clients: " < < m_clients < < endl ;
m_ready . unlock ( ) ;
return isopen ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : open ( int device )
int VideoDevicePool : : open ( unsigned int device )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open( " < < device < < " ) called. " < < endl ;
if ( device > = m_videodevice . size ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open( " < < device < < " ): Device does not exist. " < < endl ;
close ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open( " < < device < < " ) Setting m_current_Device to " < < device < < endl ;
m_current_device = device ;
saveConfig ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " open( " < < device < < " ) Calling open(). " < < endl ;
return open ( ) ;
bool VideoDevicePool : : isOpen ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . isOpen ( ) ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : showDeviceCapabilities ( int device )
int VideoDevicePool : : showDeviceCapabilities ( unsigned int device )
return m_videodevice [ device ] . showDeviceCapabilities ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : width ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . width ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : minWidth ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . minWidth ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : maxWidth ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . maxWidth ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : height ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . height ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : minHeight ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . minHeight ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : maxHeight ( )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . maxHeight ( ) ;
int VideoDevicePool : : setSize ( int newwidth , int newheight )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setSize ( newwidth , newheight ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::setSize() fallback for no device. " < < endl ;
m_buffer . width = newwidth ;
m_buffer . height = newheight ;
m_buffer . pixelformat = PIXELFORMAT_RGB24 ;
m_buffer . data . resize ( m_buffer . width * m_buffer . height * 3 ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::setSize() buffer size: " < < m_buffer . data . size ( ) < < endl ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : close ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : close ( )
/// @todo implement me
if ( m_clients )
m_clients - - ;
if ( ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) ) & & ( ! m_clients ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . close ( ) ;
if ( m_clients )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::close() The video device is still in use. " < < endl ;
if ( currentDevice ( ) > = m_videodevice . size ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::close() Current device out of range. " < < endl ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : startCapturing ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : startCapturing ( )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " startCapturing() called. " < < endl ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . startCapturing ( ) ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : stopCapturing ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : stopCapturing ( )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . stopCapturing ( ) ;
// Implementation of the methods that get / set input's adjustment parameters
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getBrightness ( )
float VideoDevicePool : : getBrightness ( )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getBrightness ( ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setBrightness ( float brightness )
float VideoDevicePool : : setBrightness ( float brightness )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setBrightness ( brightness ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getContrast ( )
float VideoDevicePool : : getContrast ( )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getContrast ( ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setContrast ( float contrast )
float VideoDevicePool : : setContrast ( float contrast )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setContrast ( contrast ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getSaturation ( )
float VideoDevicePool : : getSaturation ( )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getSaturation ( ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setSaturation ( float saturation )
float VideoDevicePool : : setSaturation ( float saturation )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setSaturation ( saturation ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getWhiteness ( )
float VideoDevicePool : : getWhiteness ( )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getWhiteness ( ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setWhiteness ( float whiteness )
float VideoDevicePool : : setWhiteness ( float whiteness )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setWhiteness ( whiteness ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getHue ( )
float VideoDevicePool : : getHue ( )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getHue ( ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setHue ( float hue )
float VideoDevicePool : : setHue ( float hue )
if ( currentDevice ( ) < m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setHue ( hue ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getAutoBrightnessContrast ( )
bool VideoDevicePool : : getAutoBrightnessContrast ( )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getAutoBrightnessContrast ( ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setAutoBrightnessContrast ( bool brightnesscontrast )
bool VideoDevicePool : : setAutoBrightnessContrast ( bool brightnesscontrast )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::setAutoBrightnessContrast( " < < brightnesscontrast < < " ) called. " < < endl ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setAutoBrightnessContrast ( brightnesscontrast ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getAutoColorCorrection ( )
bool VideoDevicePool : : getAutoColorCorrection ( )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getAutoColorCorrection ( ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setAutoColorCorrection ( bool colorcorrection )
bool VideoDevicePool : : setAutoColorCorrection ( bool colorcorrection )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::setAutoColorCorrection( " < < colorcorrection < < " ) called. " < < endl ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setAutoColorCorrection ( colorcorrection ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getIMageAsMirror ( )
bool VideoDevicePool : : getImageAsMirror ( )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getImageAsMirror ( ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : setImageAsMirror ( bool imageasmirror )
bool VideoDevicePool : : setImageAsMirror ( bool imageasmirror )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::setImageAsMirror( " < < imageasmirror < < " ) called. " < < endl ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setImageAsMirror ( imageasmirror ) ;
return false ;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getFrame ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : getFrame ( )
// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "VideoDevicePool::getFrame() called." << endl;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getFrame ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::getFrame() fallback for no device. " < < endl ;
for ( unsigned int loop = 0 ; loop < m_buffer . data . size ( ) ; loop + = 3 )
m_buffer . data [ loop ] = 255 ;
m_buffer . data [ loop + 1 ] = 0 ;
m_buffer . data [ loop + 2 ] = 0 ;
// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "VideoDevicePool::getFrame() exited successfuly." << endl;
\ fn VideoDevicePool : : getTQImage ( TQImage * qimage )
int VideoDevicePool : : getImage ( TQImage * qimage )
// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "VideoDevicePool::getImage() called." << endl;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . getImage ( qimage ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::getImage() fallback for no device. " < < endl ;
qimage - > create ( m_buffer . width , m_buffer . height , 32 , TQImage : : IgnoreEndian ) ;
uchar * bits = qimage - > bits ( ) ;
switch ( m_buffer . pixelformat )
case PIXELFORMAT_NONE : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_GREY : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB332 : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB555 : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB555X : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB565 : break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB565X : break ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::getImage() fallback for no device - RGB24. " < < endl ;
int step = 0 ;
for ( int loop = 0 ; loop < qimage - > numBytes ( ) ; loop + = 4 )
bits [ loop ] = m_buffer . data [ step ] ;
bits [ loop + 1 ] = m_buffer . data [ step + 1 ] ;
bits [ loop + 2 ] = m_buffer . data [ step + 2 ] ;
bits [ loop + 3 ] = 255 ;
step + = 3 ;
break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_BGR24 : break ;
int step = 0 ;
for ( int loop = 0 ; loop < qimage - > numBytes ( ) ; loop + = 4 )
bits [ loop ] = m_buffer . data [ step + 2 ] ;
bits [ loop + 1 ] = m_buffer . data [ step + 1 ] ;
bits [ loop + 2 ] = m_buffer . data [ step ] ;
bits [ loop + 3 ] = 255 ;
step + = 3 ;
break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_RGB32 : memcpy ( bits , & m_buffer . data [ 0 ] , m_buffer . data . size ( ) ) ;
break ;
case PIXELFORMAT_BGR32 : break ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::getImage() exited successfuly. " < < endl ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : selectInput ( int input )
int VideoDevicePool : : selectInput ( int newinput )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " VideoDevicePool::selectInput( " < < newinput < < " ) called. " < < endl ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . selectInput ( newinput ) ;
return 0 ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : setInputParameters ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : setInputParameters ( )
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . setInputParameters ( ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : fillDeviceKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
int VideoDevicePool : : fillDeviceKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " fillInputKComboBox: Called. " < < endl ;
combobox - > clear ( ) ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
for ( unsigned int loop = 0 ; loop < m_videodevice . size ( ) ; loop + + )
combobox - > insertItem ( m_videodevice [ loop ] . m_name ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " DeviceKCombobox: Added device " < < loop < < " : " < < m_videodevice [ loop ] . m_name < < endl ;
combobox - > setCurrentItem ( currentDevice ( ) ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : fillInputKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
int VideoDevicePool : : fillInputKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " fillInputKComboBox: Called. " < < endl ;
combobox - > clear ( ) ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
if ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . inputs ( ) > 0 )
for ( unsigned int loop = 0 ; loop < m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . inputs ( ) ; loop + + )
combobox - > insertItem ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . name ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " InputKCombobox: Added input " < < loop < < " : " < < m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . name < < " (tuner: " < < m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . hastuner < < " ) " < < endl ;
combobox - > setCurrentItem ( currentInput ( ) ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : fillStandardKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
int VideoDevicePool : : fillStandardKComboBox ( KComboBox * combobox )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " fillInputKComboBox: Called. " < < endl ;
combobox - > clear ( ) ;
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
if ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . inputs ( ) > 0 )
for ( unsigned int loop = 0 ; loop < 25 ; loop + + )
if ( ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ currentInput ( ) ] . m_standards ) & ( 1 < < loop ) )
combobox - > insertItem ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . signalStandardName ( 1 < < loop ) ) ;
case STANDARD_PAL_B1 : return V4L2_STD_PAL_B1 ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_G : return V4L2_STD_PAL_G ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_H : return V4L2_STD_PAL_H ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_I : return V4L2_STD_PAL_I ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_D : return V4L2_STD_PAL_D ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_D1 : return V4L2_STD_PAL_D1 ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_K : return V4L2_STD_PAL_K ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_M : return V4L2_STD_PAL_M ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_N : return V4L2_STD_PAL_N ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_Nc : return V4L2_STD_PAL_Nc ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_60 : return V4L2_STD_PAL_60 ; break ;
case STANDARD_NTSC_M : return V4L2_STD_NTSC_M ; break ;
case STANDARD_NTSC_M_JP : return V4L2_STD_NTSC_M_JP ; break ;
case STANDARD_NTSC_443 : return V4L2_STD_NTSC ; break ; // Using workaround value because my videodev2.h header seems to not include this standard in struct __u64 v4l2_std_id
case STANDARD_SECAM_B : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_B ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_D : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_D ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_G : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_G ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_H : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_H ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_K : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_K ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_K1 : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_K1 ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_L : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_L ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_LC : return V4L2_STD_SECAM ; break ; // Using workaround value because my videodev2.h header seems to not include this standard in struct __u64 v4l2_std_id
case STANDARD_ATSC_8_VSB : return V4L2_STD_ATSC_8_VSB ; break ; // ATSC/HDTV Standard officially not supported by V4L2 but exists in videodev2.h
case STANDARD_ATSC_16_VSB : return V4L2_STD_ATSC_16_VSB ; break ; // ATSC/HDTV Standard officially not supported by V4L2 but exists in videodev2.h
case STANDARD_PAL_BG : return V4L2_STD_PAL_BG ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL_DK : return V4L2_STD_PAL_DK ; break ;
case STANDARD_PAL : return V4L2_STD_PAL ; break ;
case STANDARD_NTSC : return V4L2_STD_NTSC ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM_DK : return V4L2_STD_SECAM_DK ; break ;
case STANDARD_SECAM : return V4L2_STD_SECAM ; break ;
case STANDARD_525_60 : return V4L2_STD_525_60 ; break ;
case STANDARD_625_50 : return V4L2_STD_625_50 ; break ;
case STANDARD_ALL : return V4L2_STD_ALL ; break ;
combobox - > insertItem ( m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . name ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " StandardKCombobox: Added input " < < loop < < " : " < < m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . name < < " (tuner: " < < m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . m_input [ loop ] . hastuner < < " ) " < < endl ; */
combobox - > setCurrentItem ( currentInput ( ) ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : scanDevices ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : scanDevices ( )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " called " < < endl ;
# if (defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)) && defined(ENABLE_AV)
TQDir videodevice_dir ;
// Check *video* symlinks in /dev/v4l/by-id
const TQString videodevice_dir_path = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " /dev/v4l/by-id/ " ) ;
const TQString videodevice_dir_filter = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " *video* " ) ;
VideoDevice videodevice ;
m_videodevice . clear ( ) ;
m_modelvector . clear ( ) ;
videodevice_dir . setPath ( videodevice_dir_path ) ;
videodevice_dir . setNameFilter ( videodevice_dir_filter ) ;
videodevice_dir . setFilter ( TQDir : : System | TQDir : : Readable | TQDir : : Writable ) ;
videodevice_dir . setSorting ( TQDir : : Name ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Looking for devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < endl ;
const TQFileInfoList * list = videodevice_dir . entryInfoList ( ) ;
if ( ! list )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Found no suitable devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < endl ;
TQDir videodevice_dir ;
// Alternatively, check all block devices starting with 'video' in /dev
const TQString videodevice_dir_path = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " /dev/ " ) ;
const TQString videodevice_dir_filter = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " video* " ) ;
VideoDevice videodevice ;
videodevice_dir . setPath ( videodevice_dir_path ) ;
videodevice_dir . setNameFilter ( videodevice_dir_filter ) ;
videodevice_dir . setFilter ( TQDir : : System | TQDir : : NoSymLinks | TQDir : : Readable | TQDir : : Writable ) ;
videodevice_dir . setSorting ( TQDir : : Name ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Looking for devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < endl ;
const TQFileInfoList * list = videodevice_dir . entryInfoList ( ) ;
if ( ! list )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Found no suitable devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < endl ;
TQFileInfoListIterator fileiterator ( * list ) ;
TQFileInfo * fileinfo ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " scanning devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < " ... " < < endl ;
while ( ( fileinfo = fileiterator . current ( ) ) ! = 0 )
videodevice . setFileName ( fileinfo - > absFilePath ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Found device " < < videodevice . full_filename < < endl ;
videodevice . open ( ) ; // It should be opened with O_NONBLOCK (it's a FIFO) but I dunno how to do it using TQFile
if ( videodevice . isOpen ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " File " < < videodevice . full_filename < < " was opened successfuly " < < endl ;
// This must be changed to proper code to handle multiple devices of the same model. It currently simply add models without proper checking
videodevice . close ( ) ;
videodevice . m_modelindex = m_modelvector . addModel ( videodevice . m_model ) ; // Adds device to the device list and sets model number
m_videodevice . push_back ( videodevice ) ;
+ + fileiterator ;
m_current_device = 0 ;
loadConfig ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " exited successfuly " < < endl ;
TQFileInfoListIterator fileiterator ( * list ) ;
TQFileInfo * fileinfo ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " scanning devices in " < < videodevice_dir_path < < " ... " < < endl ;
while ( ( fileinfo = fileiterator . current ( ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( fileinfo - > isSymLink ( ) ) {
TQFileInfo realfileinfo ( videodevice_dir_path + fileinfo - > readLink ( ) ) ;
videodevice . setFileName ( realfileinfo . absFilePath ( ) ) ;
} else {
videodevice . setFileName ( fileinfo - > absFilePath ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Found device " < < videodevice . full_filename < < endl ;
videodevice . open ( ) ; // It should be opened with O_NONBLOCK (it's a FIFO) but I dunno how to do it using TQFile
if ( videodevice . isOpen ( ) )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " File " < < videodevice . full_filename < < " was opened successfuly " < < endl ;
// This must be changed to proper code to handle multiple devices of the same model. It currently simply add models without proper checking
videodevice . close ( ) ;
videodevice . m_modelindex = m_modelvector . addModel ( videodevice . m_model ) ; // Adds device to the device list and sets model number
m_videodevice . push_back ( videodevice ) ;
+ + fileiterator ;
m_current_device = 0 ;
loadConfig ( ) ;
# endif
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " exited successfuly " < < endl ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : hasDevices ( )
bool VideoDevicePool : : hasDevices ( )
/// @todo implement me
if ( m_videodevice . size ( ) )
return true ;
return false ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : size ( )
size_t VideoDevicePool : : size ( )
/// @todo implement me
return m_videodevice . size ( ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : currentDevice ( )
unsigned int VideoDevicePool : : currentDevice ( )
/// @todo implement me
return m_current_device ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : currentInput ( )
int VideoDevicePool : : currentInput ( )
/// @todo implement me
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . currentInput ( ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : currentInput ( )
unsigned int VideoDevicePool : : inputs ( )
/// @todo implement me
return m_videodevice [ currentDevice ( ) ] . inputs ( ) ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : loadConfig ( )
void VideoDevicePool : : loadConfig ( )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " called " < < endl ;
if ( ( hasDevices ( ) ) & & ( m_clients = = 0 ) )
TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal : : config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Video Device Settings " ) ;
const TQString currentdevice = config - > readEntry ( " Current Device " , TQString ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Current device: " < < currentdevice < < endl ;
// m_current_device = 0; // Must check this thing because of the fact that multiple loadConfig in other methodas can do bad things. Watch out!
VideoDeviceVector : : iterator vditerator ;
for ( vditerator = m_videodevice . begin ( ) ; vditerator ! = m_videodevice . end ( ) ; + + vditerator )
const TQString modelindex = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_name ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) ;
if ( modelindex = = currentdevice )
m_current_device = vditerator - m_videodevice . begin ( ) ;
// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "This place will be used to set " << modelindex << " as the current device ( " << (vditerator - m_videodevice.begin()) << " )." << endl;
const TQString name = config - > readEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Name " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_name ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) ) , ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) ;
const int currentinput = config - > readNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Current input " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_name ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) ) , 0 ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Device name: " < < name < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Device current input: " < < currentinput < < endl ;
( * vditerator ) . selectInput ( currentinput ) ;
for ( size_t input = 0 ; input < ( * vditerator ) . m_input . size ( ) ; input + + )
const float brightness = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Brightness " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , 0.5 ) ;
const float contrast = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Contrast " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , 0.5 ) ;
const float saturation = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Saturation " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , 0.5 ) ;
const float whiteness = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Whiteness " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , 0.5 ) ;
const float hue = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Hue " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , 0.5 ) ;
const bool autobrightnesscontrast = config - > readBoolEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 AutoBrightnessContrast " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , false ) ;
const bool autocolorcorrection = config - > readBoolEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 AutoColorCorrection " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , false ) ;
const bool imageasmirror = config - > readBoolEntry ( ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 mageAsMirror " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ) , false ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setBrightness ( brightness ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setContrast ( contrast ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setSaturation ( saturation ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setHue ( hue ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setAutoBrightnessContrast ( autobrightnesscontrast ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setAutoColorCorrection ( autocolorcorrection ) ;
( * vditerator ) . setImageAsMirror ( imageasmirror ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Brightness: " < < brightness < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Contrast : " < < contrast < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Saturation: " < < saturation < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Whiteness : " < < whiteness < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Hue : " < < hue < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " AutoBrightnessContrast: " < < autobrightnesscontrast < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " AutoColorCorrection : " < < autocolorcorrection < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " ImageAsMirror : " < < imageasmirror < < endl ;
\ fn Kopete : : AV : : VideoDevicePool : : saveConfig ( )
void VideoDevicePool : : saveConfig ( )
/// @todo implement me
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < k_funcinfo < < " called " < < endl ;
if ( hasDevices ( ) )
TDEConfig * config = TDEGlobal : : config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Video Device Settings " ) ;
/* if(m_modelvector.size())
VideoDeviceModelPool : : m_devicemodel : : iterator vmiterator ;
for ( vmiterator = m_modelvector . begin ( ) ; vmiterator ! = m_modelvector . end ( ) ; + + vmiterator )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Device Model: " < < ( * vmiterator ) . model < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Device Count: " < < ( * vmiterator ) . count < < endl ;
// Stores what is the current video device in use
const TQString currentdevice = TQString ( TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 " ) ) . arg ( m_videodevice [ m_current_device ] . m_model ) . arg ( m_videodevice [ m_current_device ] . m_modelindex ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " Current Device " , currentdevice ) ;
VideoDeviceVector : : iterator vditerator ;
for ( vditerator = m_videodevice . begin ( ) ; vditerator ! = m_videodevice . end ( ) ; + + vditerator )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Name: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_name < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Current input: " < < ( * vditerator ) . currentInput ( ) < < endl ;
// Stores current input for the given video device
const TQString name = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Name " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) ;
const TQString currentinput = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Current input " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( name , ( * vditerator ) . m_name ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( currentinput , ( * vditerator ) . currentInput ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t input = 0 ; input < ( * vditerator ) . m_input . size ( ) ; input + + )
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Brightness: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getBrightness ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Contrast : " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getContrast ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Saturation: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getSaturation ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Whiteness : " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getWhiteness ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Hue : " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getHue ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Automatic brightness / contrast: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getAutoBrightnessContrast ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < " Model: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_model < < " :Index: " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex < < " :Input: " < < input < < " :Automatic color correction : " < < ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getAutoColorCorrection ( ) < < endl ;
// Stores configuration about each channel
const TQString brightness = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Brightness " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString contrast = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Contrast " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString saturation = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Saturation " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString whiteness = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Whiteness " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString hue = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 Hue " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString autobrightnesscontrast = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 AutoBrightnessContrast " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString autocolorcorrection = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 AutoColorCorrection " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
const TQString imageasmirror = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( " Model %1 Device %2 Input %3 ImageAsMirror " ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_model ) . arg ( ( * vditerator ) . m_modelindex ) . arg ( input ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( brightness , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getBrightness ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( contrast , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getContrast ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( saturation , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getSaturation ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( whiteness , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getWhiteness ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( hue , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getHue ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( autobrightnesscontrast , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getAutoBrightnessContrast ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( autocolorcorrection , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getAutoColorCorrection ( ) ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( imageasmirror , ( * vditerator ) . m_input [ input ] . getImageAsMirror ( ) ) ;
config - > sync ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 14010 ) < < endl ;