You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

379 lines
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* jabbercontact.cpp - Regular Kopete Jabber protocol contact
* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Till Gerken <>
* Copyright (c) 2006 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
* Kopete (c) by the Kopete developers <>
* *************************************************************************
* * *
* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* * (at your option) any later version. *
* * *
* *************************************************************************
#include "jabbergroupcontact.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include "jabberprotocol.h"
#include "jabberaccount.h"
#include "jabberclient.h"
#include "jabberfiletransfer.h"
#include "jabbergroupchatmanager.h"
#include "jabbergroupmembercontact.h"
#include "jabbercontactpool.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "xmpp_tasks.h"
* JabberGroupContact constructor
JabberGroupContact::JabberGroupContact (const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem, JabberAccount *account, Kopete::MetaContact * mc)
: JabberBaseContact ( XMPP::RosterItem ( rosterItem.jid().userHost () ), account, mc) , mNick( rosterItem.jid().resource() )
setIcon( "jabber_group" );
// initialize here, we need it set before we instantiate the manager below
mManager = 0;
setFileCapable ( false );
* Add our own nick as first subcontact (we need to do that here
* because we need to set this contact as myself() of the message
* manager).
mSelfContact = addSubContact ( rosterItem );
* Instantiate a new message manager without members.
mManager = new JabberGroupChatManager ( protocol (), mSelfContact,
Kopete::ContactPtrList (), XMPP::Jid ( rosterItem.jid().userHost () ) );
connect ( mManager, TQT_SIGNAL ( closing ( Kopete::ChatSession* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotChatSessionDeleted () ) );
connect ( account->myself() , TQT_SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact*, const Kopete::OnlineStatus&, const Kopete::OnlineStatus& ) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT(slotStatusChanged() ) ) ;
* FIXME: The first contact in the list of the message manager
* needs to be our own contact. This is a flaw in the Kopete
* API because it can't deal with group chat properly.
* If we are alone in a room, we are myself() already and members()
* is empty. This makes at least the history plugin crash.
mManager->addContact ( this );
* Let's construct the window:
* otherwise, the ref count of maznager is equal to zero.
* and if we receive a message before the window is shown,
* it will be deleted and we will be out of the channel
* In all case, there are no reason to don't show it.
mManager->view( true , "kopete_chatwindow" );
JabberGroupContact::~JabberGroupContact ()
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
for ( Kopete::Contact *contact = mContactList.first (); contact; contact = () )
mManager->removeContact( contact );*/
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "Deleting KC " << contact->contactId () << endl;
for ( Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact = mMetaContactList.first (); metaContact; metaContact = () )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "Deleting KMC " << metaContact->metaContactId () << endl;
TQPtrList<KAction> *JabberGroupContact::customContextMenuActions ()
TQPtrList<KAction> *actionCollection = new TQPtrList<KAction>();
KAction *actionSetNick = new KAction (i18n ("Change nick name"), 0, 0, this, TQT_SLOT (slotChangeNick()), this, "jabber_changenick");
actionCollection->append( actionSetNick );
return actionCollection;
Kopete::ChatSession *JabberGroupContact::manager ( Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags canCreate )
if(!mManager && canCreate == Kopete::Contact::CanCreate)
kdWarning (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "somehow, the chat manager was removed, and the contact is still there" << endl;
mManager = new JabberGroupChatManager ( protocol (), mSelfContact,
Kopete::ContactPtrList (), XMPP::Jid ( rosterItem().jid().userHost() ) );
mManager->addContact ( this );
connect ( mManager, TQT_SIGNAL ( closing ( Kopete::ChatSession* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotChatSessionDeleted () ) );
//if we have to recreate the manager, we probably have to connect again to the chat.
return mManager;
void JabberGroupContact::handleIncomingMessage (const XMPP::Message & message)
// message type is always chat in a groupchat
TQString viewType = "kopete_chatwindow";
Kopete::Message *newMessage = 0L;
kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "Received a message" << endl;
* Don't display empty messages, these were most likely just carrying
* event notifications or other payload.
if ( message.body().isEmpty () )
manager(CanCreate); //force to create mManager
Kopete::ContactPtrList contactList = manager()->members();
// check for errors
if ( message.type () == "error" )
newMessage = new Kopete::Message( message.timeStamp (), this, contactList,
i18n("Your message could not be delivered: \"%1\", Reason: \"%2\"").
arg ( message.body () ).arg ( message.error().text ),
message.subject(), Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText, viewType );
// retrieve and reformat body
TQString body = message.body ();
if( !message.xencrypted().isEmpty () )
body = TQString ("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n") + message.xencrypted () + TQString ("\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n");
// locate the originating contact
JabberBaseContact *subContact = account()->contactPool()->findExactMatch ( message.from () );
if ( !subContact )
kdWarning (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "the contact is not in the list : " << message.from().full()<< endl;
* We couldn't find the contact for this message. That most likely means
* that it originated from a history backlog or something similar and
* the sending person is not in the channel anymore. We need to create
* a new contact for this which does not show up in the manager.
subContact = addSubContact ( XMPP::RosterItem ( message.from () ), false );
// convert XMPP::Message into Kopete::Message
newMessage = new Kopete::Message ( message.timeStamp (), subContact, contactList, body,
message.subject (),
subContact != mManager->myself() ? Kopete::Message::Inbound : Kopete::Message::Outbound,
Kopete::Message::PlainText, viewType );
// append message to manager
mManager->appendMessage ( *newMessage );
delete newMessage;
JabberBaseContact *JabberGroupContact::addSubContact ( const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem, bool addToManager )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "Adding new subcontact " << rosterItem.jid().full () << " to room " << mRosterItem.jid().full () << endl;
// see if this contact already exists, skip creation otherwise
JabberBaseContact *subContact = dynamic_cast<JabberGroupMemberContact *>( account()->contactPool()->findExactMatch ( rosterItem.jid () ) );
if ( subContact )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "Contact already exists, not adding again." << endl;
return subContact;
// Create new meta contact that holds the group chat contact.
Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact = new Kopete::MetaContact ();
metaContact->setTemporary ( true );
mMetaContactList.append ( metaContact );
// now add contact to the pool, no dirty flag
subContact = account()->contactPool()->addGroupContact ( rosterItem, false, metaContact, false );
* Add the contact to our message manager first. We need
* to check the pointer for validity, because this method
* gets called from the constructor, where the manager
* does not exist yet.
if ( mManager && addToManager )
mManager->addContact ( subContact );
// now, add the contact also to our own list
mContactList.append ( subContact );
connect(subContact , TQT_SIGNAL(contactDestroyed(Kopete::Contact*)) , this , TQT_SLOT(slotSubContactDestroyed(Kopete::Contact*)));
return subContact;
void JabberGroupContact::removeSubContact ( const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "Removing subcontact " << rosterItem.jid().full () << " from room " << mRosterItem.jid().full () << endl;
// make sure that subcontacts are only removed from the room contact, which has no resource
if ( !mRosterItem.jid().resource().isEmpty () )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "WARNING: Trying to remove subcontact from subcontact!" << endl;
// find contact in the pool
JabberGroupMemberContact *subContact = dynamic_cast<JabberGroupMemberContact *>( account()->contactPool()->findExactMatch ( rosterItem.jid () ) );
if ( !subContact )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "WARNING: Subcontact couldn't be located!" << endl;
if(mManager && subContact->contactId() == mManager->myself()->contactId() )
//impossible to remove myself, or we will die
//subContact->setNickName( mNick ); //this is even worse than nothing
// remove the contact from the message manager first
mManager->removeContact ( subContact );
// remove the contact's meta contact from our internal list
mMetaContactList.remove ( subContact->metaContact () );
// remove the contact from our internal list
mContactList.remove ( subContact );
// delete the meta contact first
delete subContact->metaContact ();
// finally, delete the contact itself from the pool
account()->contactPool()->removeContact ( rosterItem.jid () );
void JabberGroupContact::sendFile ( const KURL &sourceURL, const TQString &/*fileName*/, uint /*fileSize*/ )
TQString filePath;
// if the file location is null, then get it from a file open dialog
if ( !sourceURL.isValid () )
filePath = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString::null , "*", 0L, i18n ( "Kopete File Transfer" ) );
filePath = sourceURL.path(-1);
TQFile file ( filePath );
if ( file.exists () )
// send the file
new JabberFileTransfer ( account (), this, filePath );
void JabberGroupContact::slotChatSessionDeleted ()
mManager = 0;
if ( account()->isConnected () )
account()->client()->leaveGroupChat ( mRosterItem.jid().host (), mRosterItem.jid().user () );
//deleteLater(); //we will be deleted later when the the account will know we have left
void JabberGroupContact::slotStatusChanged( )
if( !account()->isConnected() )
//we need to remove all contact, because when we connect again, we will not receive the notificaion they are gone.
TQPtrList<Kopete::Contact> copy_contactlist=mContactList;
for ( Kopete::Contact *contact = copy_contactlist.first (); contact; contact = () )
removeSubContact( XMPP::Jid(contact->contactId()) );
if( !isOnline() )
//HACK WORKAROUND XMPP::client->d->groupChatList must contains us.
account()->client()->joinGroupChat( rosterItem().jid().host() , rosterItem().jid().user() , mNick );
//TODO: away message
XMPP::Status newStatus = account()->protocol()->kosToStatus( account()->myself()->onlineStatus() );
account()->client()->setGroupChatStatus( rosterItem().jid().host() , rosterItem().jid().user() , newStatus );
void JabberGroupContact::slotChangeNick( )
bool ok;
TQString futureNewNickName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Change nickanme - Jabber Plugin" ),
i18n( "Please enter the new nick name you want to have on the room <i>%1</i>" ).arg(rosterItem().jid().userHost()),
mNick, &ok );
if ( !ok || !account()->isConnected())
XMPP::Status status = account()->protocol()->kosToStatus( account()->myself()->onlineStatus() );
account()->client()->changeGroupChatNick( rosterItem().jid().host() , rosterItem().jid().user() , mNick , status);
void JabberGroupContact::slotSubContactDestroyed( Kopete::Contact * deadContact )
kdDebug ( JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "cleaning dead subcontact " << deadContact->contactId() << " from room " << mRosterItem.jid().full () << endl;
mMetaContactList.remove ( deadContact->metaContact () );
mContactList.remove ( deadContact );
#include "jabbergroupcontact.moc"