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Kopete Oscar Protocol
client.h - The main interface for the Oscar protocol
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by Matt Rogers <>
Based on code Copyright (c) 2004 SuSE Linux AG <>
Based on Iris, Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges
Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "kopete_export.h"
#include "rtf2html.h"
#include "transfer.h"
#include "icquserinfo.h"
#include "userdetails.h"
#include "oscartypeclasses.h"
#include "oscarmessage.h"
class Connection;
class StageOneLoginTask;
class StageTwoLoginTask;
class SSIManager;
class UserDetails;
class QString;
class Task;
class QTextCodec;
namespace Oscar
class Settings;
class KOPETE_EXPORT Client : public QObject
class CodecProvider {
virtual ~CodecProvider() {}
virtual TQTextCodec* codecForContact( const TQString& contactName ) const = 0;
virtual TQTextCodec* codecForAccount() const = 0;
enum ErrorCodes {
NoError = 0,
NotConnectedError = 1,
NonFatalProtocolError = 2,
FatalProtocolError = 3
enum AIMStatus { Online = 0, Away };
enum ICQStatus { ICQOnline = 0, ICQAway, ICQNotAvailable, ICQOccupied, ICQDoNotDisturb, ICQFreeForChat };
Client(TQObject *parent=0);
* Get the settings object for this client instance
Oscar::Settings* clientSettings() const;
* Start a connection to the server using the supplied @ref ClientStream.
* This is only a transport layer connection.
* @param s initialised connection object to use for the connection.
* @param server the server to connect to - but this is also set on the connector used to construct the clientstream??
* @param auth indicate whether we're connecting to the authorizer or the bos server
void connectToServer( Connection *c, const TQString& server, bool auth = true );
* Start the login process for Oscar
* @param host - probably could obtain this back from the connector - used for outgoing tasks to determine destination
* @param user The user name to log in as.
* @param pass The password to use when logging in
void start( const TQString &host, const uint port, const TQString &userId, const TQString &pass );
/** Logout and disconnect */
void close();
/** Set our status for AIM */
void setStatus( AIMStatus status, const TQString &message = TQString::null );
/** Set our status for ICQ */
void setStatus( DWORD status, const TQString &message = TQString::null );
/** Retrieve our user info */
UserDetails ourInfo() const;
* Remove a group to the contact list
* \param groupName the name of the group to remove
* \return true if the group removal was successful
void removeGroup( const TQString& groupName );
* Add a group from the contact list
* \param groupName the name of the group to add
* \return true if the group addition was successful
void addGroup( const TQString& groupName );
* Add a contact to the contact list
* \param contactName the screen name of the new contact to add
* \return true if the contact addition was successful
void addContact( const TQString& contactName, const TQString& groupName );
* Remove a contact from the contact list
* \param contactName the screen name of the contact to remove
* \return true if the contact removal was successful
void removeContact( const TQString &contactName );
* Rename a group on the contact list
* \param oldGroupName the old group name
* \param newGroupName the new group name
void renameGroup( const TQString& oldGroupName, const TQString& newGroupName );
* Modify an SSI item on the SSI list
* \param item the item to send to the server
void modifySSIItem( const Oscar::SSI& oldItem, const Oscar::SSI& newItem );
* Change a contact's group on the server
* \param contact the contact to change
* \param newGroup the new group to move the contact to
void changeContactGroup( const TQString& contact, const TQString& newGroupName );
* Send a message to a contact
* \param msg the message to be sent
* \param auto the message is an autoresponse message, default to false
void sendMessage( const Oscar::Message& msg, bool isAuto = false );
* Request authorization from a contact
* \param contactid the id of the contact to request auth from
* \param reason the reason for this authorization request
void requestAuth( const TQString& contactid, const TQString& reason );
* Grant or decline authorization to a contact
* \param contactid the id of the contact to grant/decline authorization
* \param reason the reason to grant/decline authorization
* \param auth grant or decline authorization
void sendAuth( const TQString& contactid, const TQString& reason, bool auth=true );
* Request full user info from an ICQ contact
* \param contactId the UIN of the contact to get info for
void requestFullInfo( const TQString& contactId );
* Request short info for an ICQ contact
* \param contactId the UIN of the contact to get info for
void requestShortInfo( const TQString& contactId );
* Send a warning to the OSCAR servers about a contact
* \param contact the contact to send the warning to
* \param anon indicate whether to do it anonymously
void sendWarning( const TQString& contact, bool anonymous );
* Get the general ICQ info for a client
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQGeneralUserInfo getGeneralInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the work info for a contact
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQWorkUserInfo getWorkInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the email info for a contact
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQEmailInfo getEmailInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the additional info available for a contact
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQMoreUserInfo getMoreInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the interest info available for a contact
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQInterestInfo getInterestInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the short info available for an icq contact
* \param contact the contact to get info for
ICQShortInfo getShortInfo( const TQString& contact );
* Get the list of chat room exchanges we have
TQValueList<int> chatExchangeList() const;
* Request the aim profile
* \param contact the contact to get info for
void requestAIMProfile( const TQString& contact );
* Request the aim away message
* \param contact the contact to get info for
void requestAIMAwayMessage( const TQString& contact );
* Add the icq away message request to queue
* \param contact the contact to get info for
void addICQAwayMessageRequest( const TQString& contact, ICQStatus contactStatus );
* Remove the icq away message request from queue
* \param contact the contact to get info for
void removeICQAwayMessageRequest( const TQString& contact );
/** Request the extended status info */
void requestStatusInfo( const TQString& contact );
//! Run a whitepages search
void whitePagesSearch( const ICQWPSearchInfo& info );
//! Run a UIN search
void uinSearch( const TQString& uin );
//! Update the user's AIM profile
void updateProfile( const TQString& profile );
//! Get buddy icon information for a person
void requestBuddyIcon( const TQString& user, const TQByteArray& hash, BYTE hashType );
//! Start a server redirect for a different service
void requestServerRedirect( WORD family, WORD e = 0, TQByteArray c = TQByteArray(),
WORD instance = 0, const TQString& room = TQString::null );
//! Start uploading a buddy icon
void sendBuddyIcon( const TQByteArray& imageData );
void joinChatRoom( const TQString& roomName, int exchange );
void setIgnore( const TQString& user, bool ignore );
void setVisibleTo( const TQString& user, bool visible );
void setInvisibleTo( const TQString& user, bool invisible );
/** Accessors needed for login */
TQString host();
int port();
/** Send a typing notification */
void sendTyping( const TQString & contact, bool typing );
/** Make a connection to the icon server */
void connectToIconServer();
bool hasIconConnection() const;
/** We've finished chatting in a chat room, disconnect from it */
void disconnectChatRoom( WORD exchange, const TQString& room );
/** Set codec provider */
void setCodecProvider( CodecProvider* codecProvider );
/** Set pointer to version info */
void setVersion( const Oscar::ClientVersion* version );
* Print a debug statement
void debug( const TQString &str );
/** Have we logged in yet? */
bool isActive() const;
/** Accessor for the SSI Manager */
SSIManager* ssiManager() const;
/** Return version info */
const Oscar::ClientVersion* version() const;
/** The current user's user ID */
TQString userId() const;
/** The current user's password */
TQString password() const;
/** The current status message (a.k.a. away message) */
TQString statusMessage() const;
/** Change the current status message w/o changing status */
void setStatusMessage( const TQString &message );
/** ICQ Settings */
bool isIcq() const;
void setIsIcq( bool isIcq );
/** Host's IP address */
TQCString ipAddress() const;
/** Notify that a task error was received */
void notifyTaskError( const Oscar::SNAC& s, int errCode, bool fatal );
/** Notify that a socket error has occured */
void notifySocketError( int errCode, const TQString& msg );
/** Notifies that the login process has succeeded. */
void loggedIn();
/** Notifies that the login process has failed */
void loginFailed();
/** Notifies tasks and account so they can react properly */
void disconnected();
/** We were disconnected because we connected elsewhere */
void connectedElsewhere();
/** We have our own user info */
void haveOwnInfo();
/** We have our SSI list */
void haveSSIList();
/** a user is online. */
void userIsOnline( const TQString& );
/** a user is offline. */
void userIsOffline( const TQString& );
/** we've received a message */
void messageReceived( const Oscar::Message& );
/** we've received an authorization request */
void authRequestReceived( const TQString& contact, const TQString& reason );
/** we've received an authorization reply */
void authReplyReceived( const TQString& contact, const TQString& reason, bool auth );
* we've received an error from a task and need to notify somebody
void taskError( const Oscar::SNAC& s, int errCode, bool fatal );
* we've received a socket error and need to notify somebody
void socketError( int errCode, const TQString& msg );
void receivedIcqShortInfo( const TQString& contact );
void receivedIcqLongInfo( const TQString& contact );
void receivedProfile( const TQString& contact, const TQString& profile );
void receivedAwayMessage( const TQString& contact, const TQString& message );
void receivedAwayMessage( const Oscar::Message& message );
void receivedUserInfo( const TQString& contact, const UserDetails& details );
/** We warned a user */
void userWarned( const TQString& contact, Q_UINT16 increase, Q_UINT16 newLevel );
/** Search signals */
void gotSearchResults( const ICQSearchResult& );
void endOfSearch( int);
/* Typing signals */
void userStartedTyping( const TQString& contact );
void userStoppedTyping( const TQString& contact );
/* Buddy icons */
void haveIconForContact( const TQString&, TQByteArray iconData );
void iconServerConnected();
void iconNeedsUploading();
/* Chat rooms */
void chatNavigationConnected();
void chatRoomConnected( WORD, const TQString& );
void userJoinedChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString& room, const TQString& contact );
void userLeftChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString& room, const TQString& contact );
/* service redirection */
void redirectionFinished( WORD );
protected slots:
/** Singleshot timer to start stage two login */
void startStageTwo();
* A login task finished. For stage one, this means we've either errored
* out, or gotten a cookie. For stage two, this means we've either done
* something wrong, or we're successfully connected
void lt_loginFinished();
/** Stream connected for stage two login */
void streamConnected();
/** We have our own user info */
void haveOwnUserInfo();
/** Service setup finished */
void serviceSetupFinished();
/** we have icq info for a contact */
void receivedIcqInfo( const TQString& contact, unsigned int type );
/** we have normal user info for a contact */
void receivedInfo( Q_UINT16 sequence );
/** received a message of some kind */
void receivedMessage( const Oscar::Message& msg );
void offlineUser( const TQString&, const UserDetails& );
void haveServerForRedirect( const TQString& host, const TQByteArray& cookie, WORD family );
void serverRedirectFinished();
void checkRedirectionQueue( WORD );
void requestChatNavLimits();
* Set the list of chat room exchanges we have
void setChatExchangeList( const TQValueList<int>& exchanges );
* set up the connection to a chat room
void setupChatConnection( WORD, TQByteArray, WORD, const TQString& );
void determineDisconnection( int, const TQString& );
void nextICQAwayMessageRequest();
/** Initialize some static tasks */
void initializeStaticTasks();
/** Delete the static tasks */
void deleteStaticTasks();
Connection* createConnection( const TQString& host, const TQString& port );
* Request the icq away message
* \param contact the contact to get info for
//TODO only made a default for testing w/o frontend
void requestICQAwayMessage( const TQString& contact, ICQStatus contactStatus = ICQAway );
class ClientPrivate;
ClientPrivate* d;
StageOneLoginTask* m_loginTask;
StageTwoLoginTask* m_loginTaskTwo;
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