statisticsdialog . cpp - Kopete History Dialog
Copyright ( c ) 2003 - 2004 by Marc Cramdal < marc . cramdal @ gmail . com >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# include <tqtabwidget.h>
# include <tqwidget.h>
# include <tqhbox.h>
# include <tqlayout.h>
# include <tqpushbutton.h>
# include <tqtextedit.h>
# include <tqcombobox.h>
# include <tqstring.h>
# include "kdialogbase.h"
# include "klocale.h"
# include "tdelistview.h"
# include "tdehtml_part.h"
# include "kstandarddirs.h"
# include "kdatepicker.h"
# include "ktimewidget.h"
# include "kopetemetacontact.h"
# include "kopeteonlinestatus.h"
# include "statisticsdialog.h"
# include "statisticscontact.h"
# include "statisticswidget.h"
# include "statisticsplugin.h"
# include "statisticsdb.h"
StatisticsDialog : : StatisticsDialog ( StatisticsContact * contact , StatisticsDB * db , TQWidget * parent ,
const char * name ) : KDialogBase ( parent , name , false ,
i18n ( " Statistics for %1 " ) . arg ( contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) , Close , Close ) , m_db ( db ) , m_contact ( contact )
mainWidget = new StatisticsWidget ( this ) ;
setMainWidget ( mainWidget ) ;
setMinimumWidth ( 640 ) ;
setMinimumHeight ( 400 ) ;
adjustSize ( ) ;
TQHBox * hbox = new TQHBox ( this ) ;
generalHTMLPart = new TDEHTMLPart ( hbox ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > setOnlyLocalReferences ( true ) ;
connect ( generalHTMLPart - > browserExtension ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( openURLRequestDelayed ( const KURL & , const KParts : : URLArgs & ) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT ( slotOpenURLRequest ( const KURL & , const KParts : : URLArgs & ) ) ) ;
mainWidget - > tabWidget - > insertTab ( hbox , i18n ( " General " ) , 0 ) ;
mainWidget - > tabWidget - > setCurrentPage ( 0 ) ;
mainWidget - > timePicker - > setTime ( TQTime : : currentTime ( ) ) ;
mainWidget - > datePicker - > setDate ( TQDate : : currentDate ( ) ) ;
connect ( mainWidget - > askButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotAskButtonClicked ( ) ) ) ;
setFocus ( ) ;
setEscapeButton ( Close ) ;
generatePageGeneral ( ) ;
// We only generate pages when the user clicks on a link
void StatisticsDialog : : slotOpenURLRequest ( const KURL & url , const KParts : : URLArgs & )
if ( url . protocol ( ) = = " main " )
generatePageGeneral ( ) ;
else if ( url . protocol ( ) = = " dayofweek " )
generatePageForDay ( url . path ( ) . toInt ( ) ) ;
else if ( url . protocol ( ) = = " monthofyear " )
generatePageForMonth ( url . path ( ) . toInt ( ) ) ;
/*void StatisticsDialog::parseTemplate(TQString Template)
TQString fileString = : : locate ( " appdata " , " kopete_statistics.template.html " ) ;
TQString templateString ;
TQFile file ( file ) ;
if ( file . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
TQTextStream stream ( & file ) ;
templateString = stream . read ( ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
// The template is loaded in templateString now.
templateString . strReplace (
} */
void StatisticsDialog : : generatePageForMonth ( const int monthOfYear )
TQStringList values = m_db - > query ( TQString ( " SELECT status, datetimebegin, datetimeend "
" FROM contactstatus WHERE metacontactid LIKE '%1' ORDER BY datetimebegin; " ) . arg ( m_contact - > statisticsContactId ( ) ) ) ;
TQStringList values2 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < values . count ( ) ; i + = 3 )
TQDateTime dateTimeBegin ;
dateTimeBegin . setTime_t ( values [ i + 1 ] . toInt ( ) ) ;
/// @todo Same as for Day, check if second datetime is on the same month
if ( dateTimeBegin . date ( ) . month ( ) = = monthOfYear )
values2 . push_back ( values [ i ] ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i + 1 ] ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i + 2 ] ) ;
generatePageFromTQStringList ( values2 , TQDate : : longMonthName ( monthOfYear ) ) ;
void StatisticsDialog : : generatePageForDay ( const int dayOfWeek )
TQStringList values = m_db - > query ( TQString ( " SELECT status, datetimebegin, datetimeend "
" FROM contactstatus WHERE metacontactid LIKE '%1' ORDER BY datetimebegin; " ) . arg ( m_contact - > statisticsContactId ( ) ) ) ;
TQStringList values2 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < values . count ( ) ; i + = 3 )
TQDateTime dateTimeBegin ;
dateTimeBegin . setTime_t ( values [ i + 1 ] . toInt ( ) ) ;
TQDateTime dateTimeEnd ;
dateTimeEnd . setTime_t ( values [ i + 2 ] . toInt ( ) ) ;
if ( dateTimeBegin . date ( ) . dayOfWeek ( ) = = dayOfWeek )
if ( dateTimeEnd . date ( ) . dayOfWeek ( ) ! = dayOfWeek )
// Day of week is not the same at beginning and at end of the event
values2 . push_back ( values [ i ] ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i + 1 ] ) ;
// datetime from value[i+1]
dateTimeBegin = TQDateTime ( dateTimeBegin . date ( ) , TQTime ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
dateTimeBegin . addSecs ( dateTimeBegin . time ( ) . secsTo ( TQTime ( 23 , 59 , 59 ) ) ) ;
values2 . push_back ( TQString : : number ( dateTimeBegin . toTime_t ( ) ) ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i ] ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i + 1 ] ) ;
values2 . push_back ( values [ i + 2 ] ) ;
generatePageFromTQStringList ( values2 , TQDate : : longDayName ( dayOfWeek ) ) ;
/// @todo chart problem at midnight.
void StatisticsDialog : : generatePageFromTQStringList ( TQStringList values , const TQString & subTitle )
generalHTMLPart - > begin ( ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <html><head><style>.bar { margin:0px;} "
" body "
" { "
" font-size:11px "
" } "
" .chart " // Style for the charts
" { height:100px; "
" border-left:1px solid #999; "
" border-bottom:1px solid #999; "
" vertical-align:bottom; "
" } "
" .statgroup " // Style for groups of similar statistics
" { margin-bottom:10px; "
" background-color:white; "
" border-left: 5px solid #369; "
" border-top: 1px dashed #999; "
" border-bottom: 1px dashed #999; "
" margin-left: 10px; "
" margin-right: 5px; "
" padding:3px 3px 3px 10px;} "
" </style></head><body> " +
i18n ( " <h1>Statistics for %1</h1> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) +
" <h3>%1</h3><hr> " ) . arg ( subTitle ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" ><b><a href= \" main:generalinfo \" title= \" General summary view \" >General</a></b><br> "
" <span title= \" Select the a day or a month to view the stat for \" ><b>Days: </b> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:1 \" >Monday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:2 \" >Tuesday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:3 \" >Wednesday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:4 \" >Thursday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:5 \" >Friday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:6 \" >Saturday</a> "
" <a href= \" dayofweek:7 \" >Sunday</a><br> "
" <b>Months: </b> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:1 \" >January</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:2 \" >February</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:3 \" >March</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:4 \" >April</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:5 \" >May</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:6 \" >June</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:7 \" >July</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:8 \" >August</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:9 \" >September</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:10 \" >October</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:11 \" >November</a> "
" <a href= \" monthofyear:12 \" >December</a> "
" </span></div><br> " ) ) ;
// mainWidget->listView->addColumn(i18n("Status"));
// mainWidget->listView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date"));
// mainWidget->listView->addColumn(i18n("End Date"));
// mainWidget->listView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date"));
// mainWidget->listView->addColumn(i18n("End Date"));
TQString todayString ;
todayString . append ( i18n ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" title= \" Contact status history for today \" ><h2>Today</h2><table width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td>Status</td><td>From</td><td>To</td></tr> " ) ) ;
bool today ;
int totalTime = 0 ; // this is in seconds
int totalAwayTime = 0 ; // this is in seconds
int totalOnlineTime = 0 ; // this is in seconds
int totalOfflineTime = 0 ; // idem
int hours [ 24 ] ; // in seconds, too
int iMaxHours = 0 ;
int hoursOnline [ 24 ] ; // this is in seconds
int iMaxHoursOnline = 0 ;
int hoursAway [ 24 ] ; // this is in seconds
int iMaxHoursAway = 0 ;
int hoursOffline [ 24 ] ; // this is in seconds. Hours where we are sure contact is offline
int iMaxHoursOffline = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i + + )
hours [ i ] = 0 ;
hoursOnline [ i ] = 0 ;
hoursAway [ i ] = 0 ;
hoursOffline [ i ] = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < values . count ( ) ; i + = 3 /* because SELECT 3 columns */ )
/* Here we try to interpret one database entry...
What ' s important here , is to not count two times the same hour for instance
This is why there are some if in all this stuff ; - )
// it is the STARTDATE from the database
TQDateTime dateTime1 ;
dateTime1 . setTime_t ( values [ i + 1 ] . toInt ( ) ) ;
// it is the ENDDATE from the database
TQDateTime dateTime2 ;
dateTime2 . setTime_t ( values [ i + 2 ] . toInt ( ) ) ;
if ( dateTime1 . date ( ) = = TQDate : : currentDate ( ) | | dateTime2 . date ( ) = = TQDate : : currentDate ( ) )
today = true ;
else today = false ;
totalTime + = dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) ;
if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online )
totalOnlineTime + = dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Away )
totalAwayTime + = dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Offline )
totalOfflineTime + = dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) ;
* To build the chart / hours
// Number of hours between dateTime1 and dateTime2
int nbHours = ( int ) ( dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) / 3600.0 ) ;
uint tempHour =
dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) = = dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( )
? dateTime1 . secsTo ( dateTime2 ) // (*)
: 3600 - dateTime1 . time ( ) . minute ( ) * 60 - dateTime1 . time ( ) . second ( ) ;
hours [ dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online )
hoursOnline [ dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Away )
hoursAway [ dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Offline )
hoursOffline [ dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
for ( int j = dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) + 1 ; j < dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) + nbHours - 1 ; j + + )
hours [ j % 24 ] + = 3600 ;
if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online )
hoursOnline [ j % 24 ] + = 3600 ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Away )
hoursAway [ j % 24 ] + = 3600 ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Offline )
hoursOffline [ j % 24 ] + = 3600 ;
if ( dateTime1 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ! = dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( ) )
// We dont want to count this if the hour from dateTime2 is the same than the one from dateTime1
// since it as already been taken in account in the (*) instruction
tempHour = dateTime2 . time ( ) . minute ( ) * 60 + dateTime2 . time ( ) . second ( ) ;
hours [ dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online )
hoursOnline [ dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Away )
hoursAway [ dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Offline )
hoursOffline [ dateTime2 . time ( ) . hour ( ) ] + = tempHour ;
TQString color ;
if ( today )
TQString status ;
if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online )
color = " blue " ;
status = i18n ( " Online " ) ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Away )
color = " navy " ;
status = i18n ( " Away " ) ;
else if ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : statusStringToType ( values [ i ] ) = = Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Offline )
color = " gray " ;
status = i18n ( " Offline " ) ;
else color = " white " ;
todayString . append ( TQString ( " <tr style= \" color:%1 \" ><td>%2</td><td>%3</td><td>%4</td></tr> " ) . arg ( color , status , dateTime1 . time ( ) . toString ( ) , dateTime2 . time ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
// We add a listview item to the log list
// TQDateTime listViewDT1, listViewDT2;
// listViewDT1.setTime_t(values[i+1].toInt());
// listViewDT2.setTime_t(values[i+2].toInt());
// new TDEListViewItem(mainWidget->listView, values[i], values[i+1], values[i+2], listViewDT1.toString(), listViewDT2.toString());
todayString . append ( " </table></div> " ) ;
// Get the max from the hours*
for ( uint i = 1 ; i < 24 ; i + + )
if ( hours [ iMaxHours ] < hours [ i ] )
iMaxHours = i ;
if ( hoursOnline [ iMaxHoursOnline ] < hoursOnline [ i ] )
iMaxHoursOnline = i ;
if ( hoursOffline [ iMaxHoursOffline ] < hoursOffline [ i ] )
iMaxHoursOffline = i ;
if ( hoursAway [ iMaxHoursAway ] < hoursAway [ i ] )
iMaxHoursAway = i ;
* Here we really generate the page
// Some "total times"
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The total time I have been able to see %1 status \" > "
" Total seen time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( stringFromSeconds ( totalTime ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The total time I have seen %1 online \" > "
" Total online time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( stringFromSeconds ( totalOnlineTime ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The total time I have seen %1 away \" >Total busy time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( stringFromSeconds ( totalAwayTime ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The total time I have seen %1 offline \" >Total offline time :</b> %2 hour(s) " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( stringFromSeconds ( totalOfflineTime ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </div> " ) ) ;
if ( subTitle = = i18n ( " General information " ) )
* General stats that should not be shown on " day " or " month " pages
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b>Average message length :</b> %1 characters<br> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > messageLength ( ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b>Time between two messages : </b> %1 second(s) " ) . arg ( m_contact - > timeBetweenTwoMessages ( ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </div> " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The last time you talked with %1 \" >Last talk :</b> %2<br> " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > formatDateTime ( m_contact - > lastTalk ( ) ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " <b title= \" The last time I have seen %1 online or away \" >Last time contact was present :</b> %2 " ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > formatDateTime ( m_contact - > lastPresent ( ) ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </div> " ) ) ;
//generalHTMLPart->write(TQString("<div class=\"statgroup\">"));
//generalHTMLPart->write(i18n("<b title=\"%1 uses to set his status online at these hours (EXPERIMENTAL)\">Main online events :</b><br>").arg(m_contact->metaContact()->displayName()));
//TQValueList<TQTime> mainEvents = m_contact->mainEvents(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online);
//for (uint i=0; i<mainEvents.count(); i++)
generalHTMLPart - > write ( " <div title= \" " + i18n ( " Current status " ) + " \" class= \" statgroup \" > " ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( i18n ( " Is <b>%1</b> since <b>%2</b> " ) . arg (
Kopete : : OnlineStatus ( m_contact - > oldStatus ( ) ) . description ( ) ,
TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > formatDateTime ( m_contact - > oldStatusDateTime ( ) ) ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </div> " ) ) ;
* Chart which show the hours where plugin has seen this contact online
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <div class= \" statgroup \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <table width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td colspan= \" 3 \" > " ) + i18n ( " When have I seen this contact ? " ) + TQString ( " </td></tr> " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <tr><td height= \" 200 \" valign= \" bottom \" colspan= \" 3 \" class= \" chart \" > " ) ) ;
TQString chartString ;
TQString colorPath = : : locate ( " appdata " , " pics/statistics/black.png " ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i + + )
int hrWidth = tqRound ( ( double ) hours [ i ] / ( double ) hours [ iMaxHours ] * 100. ) ;
chartString + = TQString ( " <img class= \" margin:0px; \" height= \" " )
+ ( totalTime ? TQString : : number ( hrWidth ) : TQString : : number ( 0 ) )
+ TQString ( " \" src= \" file:// " )
+ colorPath
+ " \" width= \" 4% \" title= \" "
+ i18n ( " Between %1:00 and %2:00, I was able to see %3 status %4% of the hour. " ) . arg ( i ) . arg ( ( i + 1 ) % 24 ) . arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) . arg ( hrWidth )
+ TQString ( " \" > " ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( chartString ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </td></tr> " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " <tr> "
" <td> " ) + i18n ( " Online time " ) + TQString ( " </td><td> " ) + i18n ( " Away time " ) + TQString ( " </td><td> " ) + i18n ( " Offline time " ) + TQString ( " </td> "
" </tr> "
" <td valign= \" bottom \" width= \" 33% \" class= \" chart \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( generateHTMLChart ( hoursOnline , hoursAway , hoursOffline , i18n ( " online " ) , " blue " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </td><td valign= \" bottom \" width= \" 33% \" class= \" chart \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( generateHTMLChart ( hoursAway , hoursOnline , hoursOffline , i18n ( " away " ) , " navy " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </td><td valign= \" bottom \" width= \" 33% \" class= \" chart \" > " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( generateHTMLChart ( hoursOffline , hoursAway , hoursOnline , i18n ( " offline " ) , " gray " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </td></tr></table></div> " ) ) ;
if ( subTitle = = i18n ( " General information " ) )
/* On main page, show the different status of the contact today
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( todayString ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > write ( TQString ( " </body></html> " ) ) ;
generalHTMLPart - > end ( ) ;
void StatisticsDialog : : generatePageGeneral ( )
TQStringList values ;
values = m_db - > query ( TQString ( " SELECT status, datetimebegin, datetimeend "
" FROM contactstatus WHERE metacontactid LIKE '%1' ORDER BY datetimebegin; " )
. arg ( m_contact - > statisticsContactId ( ) ) ) ;
generatePageFromTQStringList ( values , i18n ( " General information " ) ) ;
TQString StatisticsDialog : : generateHTMLChart ( const int * hours , const int * hours2 , const int * hours3 , const TQString & caption , const TQString & color )
TQString chartString ;
TQString colorPath = : : locate ( " appdata " , " pics/statistics/ " + color + " .png " ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < 24 ; i + + )
int totalTime = hours [ i ] + hours2 [ i ] + hours3 [ i ] ;
int hrWidth = tqRound ( ( double ) hours [ i ] / ( double ) totalTime * 100. ) ;
chartString + = TQString ( " <img class= \" margin:0px; \" height= \" " )
+ ( totalTime ? TQString : : number ( hrWidth ) : TQString : : number ( 0 ) )
+ TQString ( " \" src= \" file:// " )
+ colorPath
+ " \" width= \" 4% \" title= \" " +
i18n ( " Between %1:00 and %2:00, I have seen %3 %4% %5. " ) .
arg ( i ) .
arg ( ( i + 1 ) % 24 ) .
arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) .
arg ( hrWidth ) .
arg ( caption )
+ " . \" > " ;
return chartString ;
TQString StatisticsDialog : : stringFromSeconds ( const int seconds )
int h , m , s ;
h = seconds / 3600 ;
m = ( seconds % 3600 ) / 60 ;
s = ( seconds % 3600 ) % 60 ;
return TQString : : number ( h ) + " : " + TQString : : number ( m ) + " : " + TQString : : number ( s ) ;
void StatisticsDialog : : slotAskButtonClicked ( )
if ( mainWidget - > questionComboBox - > currentItem ( ) = = 0 )
TQString text = i18n ( " 1 is date, 2 is contact name, 3 is online status " , " %1, %2 was %3 " )
. arg ( TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > formatDateTime ( TQDateTime ( mainWidget - > datePicker - > date ( ) , mainWidget - > timePicker - > time ( ) ) ) )
. arg ( m_contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) )
. arg ( m_contact - > statusAt ( TQDateTime ( mainWidget - > datePicker - > date ( ) , mainWidget - > timePicker - > time ( ) ) ) ) ;
mainWidget - > answerEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
else if ( mainWidget - > questionComboBox - > currentItem ( ) = = 1 )
mainWidget - > answerEdit - > setText ( m_contact - > mainStatusDate ( mainWidget - > datePicker - > date ( ) ) ) ;
else if ( mainWidget - > questionComboBox - > currentItem ( ) = = 2 )
// Next online
# include "statisticsdialog.moc"