#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,92)
#include <kuser.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "ksopts.h"
KSOptions *KSOptions::s_options = 0;
bool KSOChannel::applyGlobally = false;
displayMode = MDI;
autoCreateWin = true;
autoCreateWinForNotice = false;
nickCompletion = true;
displayTopic = true;
oneLineEntry = true;
runDocked = false;
// timeStamp = true;
// beepNotify = true;
colorPicker = true;
autoRejoin = false;
windowLength = 200;
// logging = false;
// beepOnMsg = false;
publicAway = true;
// topicShow = true;
useColourNickList = false;
dockPopups = true;
autoSaveHistory = true;
TQPixmap KSOGeneral::backgroundPixmap()
if ( m_backgroundPixmap.isNull() && !backgroundFile.isEmpty() )
m_backgroundPixmap = TQPixmap( backgroundFile );
return m_backgroundPixmap;
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,92)
KUser user;
nick = user.loginName();
userID = user.loginName();
realName = user.fullName();
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid( getuid() );
if ( pw )
nick = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( pw->pw_name );
userID = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( pw->pw_name );
realName = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( pw->pw_gecos ).section( ',', 0, 0 );
textColor = TQt::black;
linkColor = TQt::blue;
infoColor = TQt::blue;
channelColor = TQt::green;
errorColor = TQt::red;
ksircColors = true;
mircColors = false;
nickColourization = false;
ownNickBold = false;
ownNickUl = true;
ownNickRev = false;
msg1Regex = false;
msg2Regex = false;
backgroundColor = kapp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Mid );
selBackgroundColor = kapp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Highlight );
selForegroundColor = kapp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::HighlightedText );
ircColors[0] = TQt::white;
ircColors[1] = TQt::black;
ircColors[2] = TQt::darkBlue;
ircColors[3] = TQt::darkGreen;
ircColors[4] = TQt::red;
ircColors[5] = TQColor ( 165, 42, 42 );
ircColors[6] = TQt::darkMagenta;
ircColors[7] = TQColor( 255, 0x7b, 00 );
ircColors[8] = TQt::yellow;
ircColors[9] = TQt::green;
ircColors[10] = TQt::darkCyan;
ircColors[11] = TQt::cyan;
ircColors[12] = TQt::blue;
ircColors[13] = TQColor( 255, 0, 255 );
ircColors[14] = TQt::gray;
ircColors[15] = TQt::lightGray;
uint i;
for(i = 0; i < numColors; i++){
nickHighlight[i] = true;
colourTheme = "Custom";
timeStamp = false;
beepNotify = false;
beepOnMsg = false;
logging = false;
topicShow = true;
filterJoinPart = false;
applyGlobally = false;
encoding = "Default";
void KSOptions::load( int sections )
KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
conf->setGroup( "ServerController" );
tqgeometry = conf->readRectEntry( "Size" );
// Using the fields itself as default values as they are already
// set to the defaults.
if ( sections & General )
conf->setGroup( "General" );
int mode = conf->readNumEntry( "DisplayMode", static_cast<int>(displayMode) );
if (mode == 0)
displayMode = SDI;
displayMode = MDI;
autoCreateWin = conf->readBoolEntry( "AutoCreateWin", autoCreateWin );
autoCreateWinForNotice = conf->readBoolEntry( "AutoCreateWinForNotice", autoCreateWinForNotice );
nickCompletion = conf->readBoolEntry( "NickCompletion", nickCompletion );
displayTopic = conf->readBoolEntry( "DisplayTopic", displayTopic );
oneLineEntry = conf->readBoolEntry( "OneLineEntry", oneLineEntry );
runDocked = conf->readBoolEntry( "runDocked", runDocked );
// timeStamp = conf->readBoolEntry( "TimeStamp", timeStamp );
// beepNotify = conf->readBoolEntry( "BeepNotify", beepNotify );
colorPicker = conf->readBoolEntry( "ColourPicker", colorPicker );
autoRejoin = conf->readBoolEntry( "AutoRejoin", autoRejoin );
windowLength = conf->readNumEntry( "WindowLength", windowLength );
backgroundFile = conf->readPathEntry( "BackgroundFile", backgroundFile );
// logging = conf->readBoolEntry( "Logging", logging );
// beepOnMsg = conf->readBoolEntry( "BeepOnMessage", false );
publicAway = conf->readBoolEntry( "PublicAway", publicAway );
// topicShow = conf->readBoolEntry("TopicShow", topicShow);
useColourNickList = conf->readBoolEntry("ColourNickList", useColourNickList);
dockPopups = conf->readBoolEntry("dockPopups", dockPopups);
autoSaveHistory = conf->readBoolEntry("autoSaveHistory", autoSaveHistory);
if ( sections & Startup )
conf->setGroup( "StartUp" );
if ( sections & Colors )
if ( !conf->hasGroup( "ColorScheme" ) && conf->hasGroup( "Colours" ) )
conf->setGroup( "Colours" );
textColor = conf->readColorEntry( "text", &textColor );
infoColor = conf->readColorEntry( "info", &infoColor );
channelColor = conf->readColorEntry( "chan", &channelColor );
errorColor = conf->readColorEntry( "error", &errorColor );
int c = conf->readNumEntry( "uscolour", -1 );
if ( c >= 0 && c < 16 )
ownNickColor = ircColors[c];
c = conf->readNumEntry( "nickfcolour", -1 );
if ( c >= 0 && c < 16 )
nickForeground = ircColors[c];
c = conf->readNumEntry( "nickbcolour", -1 );
if ( c >= 0 && c < 16 )
nickBackground = ircColors[c];
backgroundColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Background", &backgroundColor );
conf->setGroup( "ColorScheme" );
textColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Text", &textColor );
linkColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Link", &linkColor );
infoColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Info", &infoColor );
channelColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Channel", &channelColor );
errorColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Error", &errorColor );
ownNickColor = conf->readColorEntry( "OwnNick", &ownNickColor );
ownNickBold = conf->readBoolEntry( "OwnNickBold", ownNickBold );
ownNickUl = conf->readBoolEntry( "OwnNickUnderline", ownNickUl );
ownNickRev = conf->readBoolEntry( "OwnNickReverse", ownNickRev );
msgContainNick = conf->readColorEntry( "msgContainNick", &ownNickColor ); // default to the ownNick colour
msg1Contain = conf->readColorEntry( "msg1Contain", &msg1Contain );
msg1String = conf->readEntry( "msg1String", msg1String );
msg1Regex = conf->readBoolEntry( "msg1Regex", msg1Regex );
msg2Contain = conf->readColorEntry( "msg2Contain", &msg2Contain );
msg2String = conf->readEntry( "msg2String", msg2String );
msg2Regex = conf->readBoolEntry( "msg2Regex", msg2Regex );
nickForeground = conf->readColorEntry( "NickForeground", &nickForeground );
nickBackground = conf->readColorEntry( "NickBackground", &nickBackground );
backgroundColor = conf->readColorEntry( "Background", &backgroundColor );
selBackgroundColor = conf->readColorEntry( "SelBackground", &selBackgroundColor );
selForegroundColor = conf->readColorEntry( "SelForeground", &selForegroundColor );
ksircColors = conf->readBoolEntry( "ksircColors", ksircColors );
mircColors = conf->readBoolEntry( "mircColors", mircColors );
nickColourization = conf->readBoolEntry( "nickColourization", mircColors );
colourTheme = conf->readEntry("ColourTheme", colourTheme );
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {
ircColors[i] =
conf->readColorEntry(TQString::tqfromLatin1( "IRC-%1" ).tqarg( i ),
&ircColors[i] );
nickHighlight[i] =
conf->readBoolEntry(TQString::tqfromLatin1( "nickHighlight-%1" ).tqarg( i ),
&nickHighlight[i] );
conf->setGroup( "GlobalOptions" );
TQFont df = kapp->font((TQWidget*)0);
defaultFont = conf->readFontEntry( "MainFont", &df);
TQApplication::tqsetFont( defaultFont, true, "KSirc::TextView" );
if ( sections & Channels )
conf->setGroup( "Channel" );
* do global first
if(channel.contains("global") == FALSE){
KSOChannel global;
ChannelOpMap coMap;
channel.insert(TQString("global"), coMap);
channel["global"].insert("global", global);
channel["global"]["global"].server = "global";
channel["global"]["global"].channel = "global";
channel["global"]["global"].timeStamp = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalTimeStamp", false);
channel["global"]["global"].beepNotify = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalBeepNotify", false);
channel["global"]["global"].beepOnMsg = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalBeepOnMsg", false);
channel["global"]["global"].logging = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalLogging", false);
channel["global"]["global"].topicShow = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalTopicShow", true);
channel["global"]["global"].filterJoinPart = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalFilterJoinPart", false);
channel["global"]["global"].applyGlobally = conf->readBoolEntry("globalglobalApplyGlobally", false);
channel["global"]["global"].encoding = conf->readEntry("globalglobalEncoding", "Default");
TQDateTime now(TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime());
TQStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers");
TQStringList::ConstIterator ser = servers.begin();
for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){
ChannelOpMap coMap;
channel.insert(*ser, coMap);
TQStringList channels = conf->readListEntry(*ser);
TQStringList::ConstIterator chan = channels.begin();
for( ; chan != channels.end(); chan++){
TQDateTime lastUsed = conf->readDateTimeEntry(*ser + *chan + "lastUsed", &now);
if((lastUsed.daysTo(now) < 30 )||
(*chan == "global" && *ser == "global"))
KSOChannel ksoc;
ksoc = channel["global"]["global"];
ksoc.server = *ser;
ksoc.channel = *chan;
ksoc.timeStamp = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "TimeStamp", ksoc.timeStamp);
ksoc.beepNotify = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "BeepNotify", ksoc.beepNotify);
ksoc.beepOnMsg = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "BeepOnMsg", ksoc.beepOnMsg);
ksoc.logging = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "Logging", ksoc.logging);
ksoc.topicShow = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "TopicShow", ksoc.topicShow);
ksoc.encoding = conf->readEntry(*ser + *chan + "Encoding", ksoc.encoding);
ksoc.filterJoinPart = conf->readBoolEntry(*ser + *chan + "FilterJoinPart", ksoc.filterJoinPart);
ksoc.lastUsed = lastUsed;
channel[*ser].insert(*chan, ksoc);
else { /* expire junk */
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "TimeStamp");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "BeepNotify");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "BeepOnMsg");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "Logging");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "TopicShow");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "Encoding");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "FilterJoinPart");
conf->deleteEntry(*ser + *chan + "lastUsed");
if ( sections & Servers )
conf->setGroup( "Server" );
* do global first
if(server.contains("global") == FALSE){
KSOServer global;
server.insert(TQString("global"), global);
server["global"].server = "global";
server["global"].globalCopy = false;
conf->setGroup( "StartUp" );
server["global"].nick = conf->readEntry("Nick");
server["global"].altNick = conf->readEntry("altNick");
server["global"].realName = conf->readEntry("RealName");
server["global"].userID = conf->readEntry("userID");
server["global"].notifyList = conf->readListEntry("NotifyList");
conf->setGroup( "Server" );
kdDebug(5008) << "Load: in Server" << endl;
TQStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers");
TQStringList::ConstIterator ser = servers.begin();
for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){
KSOServer ksos;
ksos = server["global"];
ksos.server = *ser;
ksos.globalCopy = false;
ksos.nick = conf->readEntry(*ser + "nick");
ksos.altNick = conf->readEntry(*ser + "altNick");
ksos.realName = conf->readEntry(*ser + "realName");
ksos.userID = conf->readEntry(*ser + "userID");
ksos.notifyList = conf->readListEntry(*ser + "notifyList");
kdDebug(5008) << *ser << ": nick: " << ksos.nick << " altNick: " << ksos.altNick << endl;
server.insert(*ser, ksos);
kdDebug(5008) << "Done full load" << endl;
void KSOptions::save( int sections )
KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
if ( sections & General )
conf->setGroup( "General" );
conf->writeEntry( "DisplayMode", static_cast<int>(displayMode) );
conf->writeEntry( "AutoCreateWin", autoCreateWin );
conf->writeEntry( "AutoCreateWinForNotice", autoCreateWinForNotice );
conf->writeEntry( "NickCompletion", nickCompletion );
conf->writeEntry( "DisplayTopic", displayTopic );
conf->writeEntry( "OneLineEntry", oneLineEntry );
conf->writeEntry( "runDocked", runDocked );
// conf->writeEntry( "TimeStamp", timeStamp );
// conf->writeEntry( "BeepNotify", beepNotify );
conf->writeEntry( "ColourPicker", colorPicker );
conf->writeEntry( "AutoRejoin", autoRejoin );
conf->writeEntry( "WindowLength", windowLength );
conf->writePathEntry( "BackgroundFile", backgroundFile );
// conf->writeEntry( "Logging", logging );
// conf->writeEntry( "BeepOnMessage", beepOnMsg );
conf->writeEntry( "PublicAway", publicAway );
conf->writeEntry( "ColourNickList", useColourNickList );
conf->writeEntry( "dockPopups", dockPopups );
conf->writeEntry( "autoSaveHistory", autoSaveHistory );
if ( sections & Startup )
conf->setGroup( "StartUp" );
conf->writeEntry( "Nick", nick );
conf->writeEntry( "AlternativeNick", altNick );
conf->writeEntry( "RealName", realName );
conf->writeEntry( "userID", userID );
conf->writeEntry( "NotifyList", notifyList );
if ( sections & Colors )
conf->setGroup( "ColorScheme" );
conf->writeEntry( "Text", textColor );
conf->writeEntry( "Link", linkColor );
conf->writeEntry( "Info", infoColor );
conf->writeEntry( "Channel", channelColor );
conf->writeEntry( "Error", errorColor );
conf->writeEntry( "OwnNick", ownNickColor );
conf->writeEntry( "OwnNickBold", ownNickBold );
conf->writeEntry( "OwnNickUnderline", ownNickUl );
conf->writeEntry( "OwnNickReverse", ownNickRev );
conf->writeEntry( "msgContainNick", msgContainNick );
conf->writeEntry( "msg1Contain", msg1Contain );
conf->writeEntry( "msg1String", msg1String );
conf->writeEntry( "msg1Regex", msg1Regex );
conf->writeEntry( "msg2Contain", msg2Contain );
conf->writeEntry( "msg2String", msg2String );
conf->writeEntry( "msg2Regex", msg2Regex );
conf->writeEntry( "NickForeground", nickForeground );
conf->writeEntry( "NickBackground", nickBackground );
conf->writeEntry( "Background", backgroundColor );
conf->writeEntry( "SelBackground", selBackgroundColor );
conf->writeEntry( "SelForeground", selForegroundColor );
conf->writeEntry( "ksircColors", (bool) ksircColors );
conf->writeEntry( "mircColors", mircColors );
conf->writeEntry( "nickColourization", nickColourization );
conf->writeEntry( "ColourTheme", colourTheme );
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {
conf->writeEntry( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "IRC-%1" ).tqarg( i ), ircColors[i] );
conf->writeEntry( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "nickHighlight-%1" ).tqarg( i ), nickHighlight[i] );
/* Store the font setting */
conf->setGroup( "GlobalOptions" );
conf->writeEntry("MainFont", defaultFont);
/* end of storing the font settings */
if ( sections & Channels )
TQStringList servers;
conf->deleteGroup( "Channel" );
conf->setGroup( "Channel" );
ServerChannelOpMap::Iterator ser;
for( ser = channel.begin(); ser != channel.end(); ++ser ){
TQStringList channels;
servers << ser.key();
ChannelOpMap::Iterator chan;
for( chan = ser.data().begin(); chan != ser.data().end(); ++chan ){
channels << chan.key();
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "TimeStamp", chan.data().timeStamp);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "BeepNotify", chan.data().beepNotify);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "BeepOnMsg", chan.data().beepOnMsg);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "Logging", chan.data().logging);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "TopicShow", chan.data().topicShow);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "Encoding", chan.data().encoding);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "FilterJoinPart", chan.data().filterJoinPart);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + chan.key() + "lastUsed", chan.data().lastUsed);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key(), channels);
conf->writeEntry("Servers", servers);
conf->writeEntry("globalglobalApplyGlobally", channel["global"]["global"].applyGlobally);
if ( sections & Servers )
TQStringList servers;
conf->deleteGroup( "Servers" );
conf->setGroup( "Server" );
ServerOpMap::Iterator ser;
for( ser = server.begin(); ser != server.end(); ++ser ){
TQStringList channels;
if(ser.data().globalCopy == true)
servers << ser.key();
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + "nick", ser.data().nick);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + "altNick", ser.data().altNick);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + "realName", ser.data().realName);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + "userID", ser.data().userID);
conf->writeEntry(ser.key() + "notifyList", ser.data().notifyList);
conf->writeEntry("Servers", servers);
void KSOptions::channelSetup(TQString serv, TQString chan)
if(channel.contains(serv) == FALSE){
ChannelOpMap coMap;
channel.insert(serv, coMap);
if(channel[serv].contains(chan) == FALSE){
KSOChannel ksoc;
ksoc = channel["global"]["global"];
channel[serv].insert(chan, ksoc);
channel[serv][chan].server = serv;
channel[serv][chan].channel = chan;
channel[serv][chan].lastUsed = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
else {
channel[serv][chan].lastUsed = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
void KSOptions::applyChannelGlobal(void)
ServerChannelOpMap::Iterator ser;
for( ser = channel.begin(); ser != channel.end(); ++ser ){
ChannelOpMap::Iterator chan;
for( chan = ser.data().begin(); chan != ser.data().end(); ++chan ){
if((chan.key() == "global") && (ser.key() == "global"))
chan.data() = channel["global"]["global"];
void KSOptions::serverSetup(TQString serv)
if(server.contains(serv) == FALSE){
KSOServer ksos;
ksos = server["global"];
server.insert(serv, ksos);
server[serv].server = serv;
server[serv].globalCopy = true;
server[serv].lastUsed = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
else {
server[serv].lastUsed = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
/* vim: et sw=4 ts=4