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kopeteaccountmanager.h - Kopete Account Manager
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens <>
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef __kopeteaccountmanager_h__
#define __kopeteaccountmanager_h__
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
#include "kopete_export.h"
namespace Kopete {
class Account;
class Plugin;
class Protocol;
class Contact;
class OnlineStatus;
* AccountManager manages all defined accounts in Kopete. You can
* query them and globally set them all online or offline from here.
* AccountManager is a singleton, you may uses it with @ref AccountManager::self()
* @author Martijn Klingens <>
* @author Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@>
class KOPETE_EXPORT AccountManager : public TQObject
* \brief Retrieve the instance of AccountManager.
* The account manager is a singleton class of which only a single
* instance will exist. If no manager exists yet this function will
* create one for you.
* \return the instance of the AccountManager
static AccountManager* self();
* \brief Retrieve the list of accounts
* \return a list of all the accounts
const TQPtrList<Account> & accounts() const;
* \brief Retrieve a TQDict of accounts for the given protocol
* The list is guaranteed to contain only accounts for the specified
* protocol
* \param p is the Protocol object you want accounts for
TQDict<Account> accounts( const Protocol *p ) const;
* \brief Return the account asked
* \param protocolId is the ID for the protocol
* \param accountId is the ID for the account you want
* \return the Account object found or NULL if no account was found
Account* findAccount( const TQString &protocolId, const TQString &accountId );
* \brief Delete the account and clean the config data
* This is praticaly called by the account config page when you remove the account.
void removeAccount( Account *account );
* \brief Guess the color for a new account
* Guesses a color for the next account of a given protocol based on the already registered colors
* \return the color guessed for the account
TQColor guessColor( Protocol *protocol ) const ;
* @brief Register the account.
* This adds the account in the manager's account list.
* It will check no accounts already exist with the same ID, if any, the account is deleted. and not added
* @return @p account, or 0L if the account was deleted because id collision
Account *registerAccount( Account *account );
* Flag to be used in setOnlineStatus
* @c ConnectIfOffline : if set, this will connect offlines account with the status.
enum SetOnlineStatusFlag { ConnectIfOffline=0x01 };
public slots:
* \brief Connect all accounts at once.
* Connect every account if the flag excludeConnect is false
* @see @ref Account::excludeConnect()
void connectAll();
* \brief Disconnect all accounts at once.
void disconnectAll();
* @brief Set all accounts a status in the specified category
* Account that are offline will not be connected, unless the ConnectIfOffline flag is set.
* @param category is one of the Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Categories
* @param awayMessage is the new away message
* @param flags is a bitmask of SetOnlineStatusFlag
void setOnlineStatus( /*Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Categories*/ uint category,
const TQString& awayMessage = TQString(), uint flags=0);
* \brief Set all accounts to away at once.
* All account that are connected, but not invisible will be set to away
* @see Account::setAway
* @param awayReason is the away message that will be set.
* @param away decides whether the message is away/non-away
void setAwayAll( const TQString &awayReason = TQString(), bool away=true );
* \brief Connect or make available every account.
* Make all accounts Available, by setting status, and connecting if necessary.
* Accounts are connected based on their excludeConnect() setting.
* Accounts which are already connected are controlled regardless of their excludeConnect() setting.
* This is a slot, so you can connect directly to it from e.g. a TDEAction.
* @param awayReason is the away(status) message that will be set.
void setAvailableAll( const TQString &awayReason = TQString() );
* \internal
* Save the account data to TDEConfig
void save();
* \internal
* Load the account data from TDEConfig
void load();
* \brief Signals when an account is ready for use
void accountRegistered( Kopete::Account *account );
* \brief Signals when an account has been unregistered
* At this state, we are already in the Account destructor.
void accountUnregistered( const Kopete::Account *account );
* \brief An account has changed its onlinestatus
* Technically this monitors Account::myself() onlinestatus changes
* \param account Account which changed its onlinestatus
* \param oldStatus The online status before the change
* \param newStatus The new online status
void accountOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Account *account,
const Kopete::OnlineStatus &oldStatus, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &newStatus);
* Private constructor, because we're a singleton
private slots:
void slotPluginLoaded( Kopete::Plugin *plugin );
void slotAccountOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact *c,
const Kopete::OnlineStatus &oldStatus, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &newStatus);
* \internal
* Unregister the account.
void unregisterAccount( const Kopete::Account *account );
bool isAnyAccountConnected();
static AccountManager *s_self;
class Private;
Private *d;
} //END namespace Kopete