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Kopete Groupwise Protocol
logintask.cpp - Send our credentials to the server and process the contact list and privacy details that it returns.
Copyright (c) 2004 SUSE Linux AG
Based on Iris, Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "client.h"
#include "response.h"
#include "privacymanager.h"
#include "userdetailsmanager.h"
#include "logintask.h"
LoginTask::LoginTask( Task * tqparent )
: RequestTask( tqparent )
void LoginTask::initialise()
TQString command = TQString::tqfromLatin1("login:%1:%2").tqarg( client()->host() ).tqarg( client()->port() );
Field::FieldList lst;
lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_SZ_USERID, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UTF8, client()->userId() ) );
lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_SZ_CREDENTIALS, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UTF8, client()->password() ) );
lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_SZ_USER_AGENT, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UTF8, client()->userAgent() ) );
lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_UD_BUILD, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UDWORD, client()->protocolVersion() ) );
lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_IP_ADDRESS, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UTF8, client()->ipAddress() ) );
createTransfer( command, lst );
bool LoginTask::take( Transfer * transfer )
if ( !forMe( transfer ) )
return false;
Response * response = dynamic_cast<Response *>( transfer );
if ( !response )
return false;
if ( response->resultCode() )
setError( response->resultCode() );
return true;
response->fields().dump( true );
// read in myself()'s metadata fields and emit signal
Field::FieldList loginResponseFields = response->fields();
ContactDetails cd = extractUserDetails( loginResponseFields );
emit gotMyself( cd );
// read the privacy settings first, because this affects all contacts' aptqparent status
extractPrivacy( loginResponseFields );
extractCustomStatuses( loginResponseFields );
// locate contact list
Field::MultiField * contactList = loginResponseFields.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_CONTACT_LIST );
if ( contactList )
Field::FieldList contactListFields = contactList->fields();
Field::MultiField * container;
// read folders
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = contactListFields.find( NM_A_FA_FOLDER );
it != contactListFields.end();
it = contactListFields.find( ++it, NM_A_FA_FOLDER ) )
container = static_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it );
extractFolder( container );
// read contacts
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = contactListFields.find( NM_A_FA_CONTACT );
it != contactListFields.end();
it = contactListFields.find( ++it, NM_A_FA_CONTACT ) )
container = static_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it );
extractContact( container );
extractKeepalivePeriod( loginResponseFields );
return true;
void LoginTask::extractFolder( Field::MultiField * folderContainer )
FolderItem folder;
Field::SingleField * current;
Field::FieldList fl = folderContainer->fields();
// object id
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_OBJECT_ID ); = current->value().toInt();
// sequence number
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_SEQUENCE_NUMBER );
folder.sequence = current->value().toInt();
// name
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_DISPLAY_NAME ); = current->value().toString();
// tqparent
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_PARENT_ID );
folder.parentId = current->value().toInt();
client()->debug( TQString( "Got folder: %1, obj: %2, tqparent: %3, seq: %3." ).tqarg( ).tqarg( ).tqarg( folder.parentId ).tqarg( folder.sequence ) );
// tell the world about it
emit gotFolder( folder );
void LoginTask::extractContact( Field::MultiField * contactContainer )
if ( contactContainer->tag() != NM_A_FA_CONTACT )
ContactItem contact;
Field::SingleField * current;
Field::FieldList fl = contactContainer->fields();
// sequence number, object and tqparent IDs are a numeric values but are stored as strings...
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_OBJECT_ID ); = current->value().toInt();
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_PARENT_ID );
contact.parentId = current->value().toInt();
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_SEQUENCE_NUMBER );
contact.sequence = current->value().toInt();
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_DISPLAY_NAME );
contact.displayName = current->value().toString();
current = fl.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_DN );
contact.dn = current->value().toString().lower();
emit gotContact( contact );
Field::MultiField * details = fl.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_USER_DETAILS );
if ( details ) // not all contact list contacts have these
Field::FieldList detailsFields = details->fields();
ContactDetails cd = extractUserDetails( detailsFields );
if ( cd.dn.isEmpty() )
cd.dn = contact.dn;
// tell the UserDetailsManager that we have this contact's details
client()->userDetailsManager()->addDetails( cd );
emit gotContactUserDetails( cd );
ContactDetails LoginTask::extractUserDetails( Field::FieldList & fields )
ContactDetails cd;
cd.status = GroupWise::Invalid;
cd.archive = false;
// read the supplied fields, set metadata and status.
Field::SingleField * sf;
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE ) ) )
cd.authAttribute = sf->value().toString();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_DN ) ) )
cd.dn = sf->value().toString().lower(); // HACK: lowercased DN
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "CN" ) ) ) = sf->value().toString();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Given Name" ) ) )
cd.givenName = sf->value().toString();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Surname" ) ) )
cd.surname = sf->value().toString();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Full Name" ) ) )
cd.fullName = sf->value().toString();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "nnmArchive" ) ) )
cd.archive = ( sf->value().toInt() == 1 );
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_STATUS ) ) )
cd.status = sf->value().toInt();
if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_MESSAGE_BODY ) ) )
cd.awayMessage = sf->value().toString();
Field::MultiField * mf;
TQMap< TQString, TQString > propMap;
if ( ( mf = fields.findMultiField ( NM_A_FA_INFO_DISPLAY_ARRAY ) ) )
Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields();
const Field::FieldListIterator end = fl.end();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin(); it != end; ++it )
Field::SingleField * propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it );
if ( propField )
TQString propName = propField->tag();
TQString propValue = propField->value().toString();
propMap.insert( propName, propValue );
Field::MultiField * propList = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField*>( *it );
if ( propList )
// Hello A Nagappan. GW gave us a multiple field where we previously got a single field
TQString parentName = propList->tag();
Field::FieldList propFields = propList->fields();
const Field::FieldListIterator end = propFields.end();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = propFields.begin(); it != end; ++it )
propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it );
if ( propField /*&& propField->tag() == parentName */)
TQString propValue = propField->value().toString();
TQString contents = propMap[ propField->tag() ];
if ( !contents.isEmpty() )
contents.append( ", " );
contents.append( propField->value().toString());
propMap.insert( propField->tag(), contents );
if ( !propMap.empty() )
{ = propMap;
return cd;
void LoginTask::extractPrivacy( Field::FieldList & fields )
bool privacyLocked = false;
bool defaultDeny = false;
TQStringList allowList;
TQStringList denyList;
// read blocking
// may be a single field or may be an array
Field::FieldListIterator it = fields.find( NM_A_LOCKED_ATTR_LIST );
if ( it != fields.end() )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ) )
if ( sf->value().toString().find( NM_A_BLOCKING ) )
privacyLocked = true;
else if ( Field::MultiField * mf = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it ) )
Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin(); it != fl.end(); ++it )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ) )
if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_BLOCKING )
privacyLocked = true;
// read default privacy policy
Field::SingleField * sf = fields.findSingleField( NM_A_BLOCKING );
if ( sf )
defaultDeny = ( sf->value().toInt() != 0 );
// read deny list
denyList = readPrivacyItems( NM_A_BLOCKING_DENY_LIST, fields );
// read allow list
allowList = readPrivacyItems( NM_A_BLOCKING_ALLOW_LIST, fields );
emit gotPrivacySettings( privacyLocked, defaultDeny, allowList, denyList );
kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << "locked is " << privacyLocked << ", default is " << defaultDeny << "\nallow list is: " << allowList << "\ndeny list is: " << denyList << endl;
TQStringList LoginTask::readPrivacyItems( const TQCString & tag, Field::FieldList & fields )
TQStringList items;
Field::FieldListIterator it = fields.find( tag );
if ( it != fields.end() )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ) )
items.append( sf->value().toString().lower() );
else if ( Field::MultiField * mf = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it ) )
Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin(); it != fl.end(); ++it )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ) )
items.append( sf->value().toString().lower() );
return items;
void LoginTask::extractCustomStatuses( Field::FieldList & fields )
Field::FieldListIterator it = fields.find( NM_A_FA_CUSTOM_STATUSES );
if ( it != fields.end() )
if ( Field::MultiField * mf = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it ) )
Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator custStatIt = fl.begin(); custStatIt != fl.end(); ++custStatIt )
Field::MultiField * mf2 = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *custStatIt );
if ( mf2 && ( mf2->tag() == NM_A_FA_STATUS ) )
GroupWise::CustomtqStatus custom;
Field::FieldList fl2 = mf2->fields();
for ( Field::FieldListIterator custContentIt = fl2.begin(); custContentIt != fl2.end(); ++custContentIt )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf3 = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *custContentIt ) )
if ( sf3->tag() == NM_A_SZ_TYPE )
custom.status = (GroupWise::tqStatus)sf3->value().toInt();
else if ( sf3->tag() == NM_A_SZ_DISPLAY_NAME ) = sf3->value().toString();
else if ( sf3->tag() == NM_A_SZ_MESSAGE_BODY )
custom.autoReply = sf3->value().toString();
emit gotCustomtqStatus( custom );
void LoginTask::extractKeepalivePeriod( Field::FieldList & fields )
Field::FieldListIterator it = fields.find( NM_A_UD_KEEPALIVE );
if ( it != fields.end() )
if ( Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ) )
bool ok;
int period = sf->value().toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
emit gotKeepalivePeriod( period );
#include "logintask.moc"