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jabberclient.h - Generic Jabber Client Class
begin : Sat May 25 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Till Gerken <>
(C) 2006 by Michaël Larouche <>
Kopete (C) 2001-2006 Kopete developers
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqobject.h>
// include these because of namespace reasons
#include <im.h>
#include <xmpp.h>
#include <s5b.h>
using namespace XMPP;
class JabberConnector;
* This class provides an interface to the Iris subsystem. The goal is to
* abstract the Iris layer and manage it via a single, simple to use class.
* By default, @ref JabberClient will attempt to establish a connection
* using XMPP 1.0. This means that apart from the JID and password, no
* further details are necessary to connect. The server and port will be
* determined using a SRV lookup. If TLS is possible (meaning, the TLS
* plugin is available and the server supports TLS) it will automatically
* be used. Otherwise, a non-encrypted connection will be established.
* If XMPP 1.0 is not possible, the connection will fall back to the old
* protocol. By default, this connection is not encrypted. You can, however,
* use @ref setUseSSL to immediately attempt an SSL connection. This is
* most useful if you want to establish an SSL connection to a non-standard
* port, in which case you will also have to use @ref setOverrideHost. In case
* XMPP 1.0 does not work, an automatic attempt to connect to the standard port
* 5223 with SSL can be made with @ref setProbeSSL. If the attempt is not
* sucessful, the connection will fall back to an unencrypted attempt
* at port 5222.
* @brief Provides a Jabber client
* @author Till Gerken
class JabberClient : public TQObject
* Error codes indicating problems during operation.
enum ErrorCode
Ok, /** No error. */
InvalidPassword, /** Password used to connect to the server was incorrect. */
AlreadyConnected, /** A new connection was attempted while the previous one hasn't been closed. */
NoTLS, /** Use of TLS has been forced (see @ref forceTLS) but TLS is not available, either server- or client-side. */
InvalidPasswordForMUC = 401, /** A password is require to enter on this Multi-User Chat */
NicknameConflict = 409, /** There is already someone with that nick connected to the Multi-User Chat */
BannedFromThisMUC = 403, /** You can't join this Multi-User Chat because you were bannished */
MaxUsersReachedForThisMuc = 503 /** You can't join this Multi-User Chat because it is full */
* Connect to a Jabber server.
* @param jid JID to connect to.
* @param password Password to authenticate with.
* @param auth True if authentication should be done, false if not.
ErrorCode connect ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, const TQString &password, bool auth = true );
* Disconnect from Jabber server.
void disconnect ();
* Disconnect from Jabber server with reason
* @param reason The reason for disconnecting
void disconnect (XMPP::Status &reason);
* Returns if this instance is connected to a server.
bool isConnected () const;
* Returns the JID associated with this instance.
XMPP::Jid jid () const;
* Set flag to ignore TLS warnings. If TLS
* warnings are not ignored, the class will emit
* @ref tlsWarning and wait for the user to
* call @ref continueAfterTLSWarning or
* @ref disconnect. Default is false.
void setIgnoreTLSWarnings ( bool flag );
* Return if TLS warnings are being ignored.
bool ignoreTLSWarnings ();
* Continue after a @ref tlsWarning signal.
void continueAfterTLSWarning ();
* Set the port on which the S5B server should listen.
* This is only taken into account if @ref setFileTransfersEnabled
* is set to true.
* @return True if port could be bound, false if not.
bool setS5BServerPort ( int port );
* Returns the port the S5B server listens on.
int s5bServerPort () const;
* Force the use of TLS. If TLS connections are forced,
* unencrypted connections will not be established.
* Default is false.
void setForceTLS ( bool flag );
* Returns if TLS connections are forced.
bool forceTLS () const;
* Force direct SSL connection, also for the
* handshake. This is only useful if you know
* the server supports it or you want to use
* a non-standard port, in which case @ref setOverrideHost
* will be useful. Default is false.
void setUseSSL ( bool flag );
* Returns if an SSL connection attempt should be made.
bool useSSL () const;
* Use only the old protocol (pre-XMPP 1.0). This should only
* be used with servers not supporting XMPP 1.0 or with servers
* that have a broken login procedure. Default is false. If
* a connection attempt is not possible, Iris will automatically
* fall back to the old protocol.
void setUseXMPP09 ( bool flag );
* Returns if the old protocol should be used.
bool useXMPP09 () const;
* Probe port 5223 if an SSL connection is possible. If
* a connection is not possible, an unencrypted connection
* will be attempted at port 5222. This is only meaningful
* if @ref useXMPP09 is true. Default is false.
void setProbeSSL ( bool flag );
* Returns if SSL support will be probed.
bool probeSSL () const;
* Override the name and port of the server to connect to.
* This only has an effect if the old protocol (@ref useXMPP09)
* has been enabled. Default is false.
void setOverrideHost ( bool flag, const TQString &server = "", int port = 5222 );
* Returns if the server name and port are overridden.
bool overrideHost () const;
* Allow the transmission of a plain text password. If digested
* passwords are supported by the server, they will still be preferred.
* Defaults to true.
void setAllowPlainTextPassword ( bool flag );
* Returns if plain text passwords are allowed.
bool allowPlainTextPassword () const;
* Enable file transfers. Default is false.
* @param flag Whether to enable file transfers.
* @param localAddress Local address to receive file transfers at. Will be determined automatically if not specified.
void setFileTransfersEnabled ( bool flag, const TQString &localAddress = TQString() );
* Returns the address of the local interface.
TQString localAddress () const;
* Returns if file transfers are enabled.
bool fileTransfersEnabled () const;
* Set client name.
void setClientName ( const TQString &clientName );
* Return client name.
TQString clientName () const;
* Set client version.
void setClientVersion ( const TQString &clientVersion );
* Return client version.
TQString clientVersion () const;
* Set operating system name.
void setOSName ( const TQString &osName );
* Return operating system name.
TQString osName () const;
* Set the caps(JEP-0115: Entity capabilities) node name.
* @param node Node name.
void setCapsNode( const TQString &capsNode );
* Return the caps node name for this client.
* @return the caps node name.
TQString capsNode() const;
* Set the caps(JEP-0115: Entity capabilities) node version.
* @param capsVersion the node version.
void setCapsVersion( const TQString &capsVersion );
* Return the caps version for this client.
* @return the caps version.
TQString capsVersion() const;
* Return the caps extension list for this client.
* @return A string containing all extensions separated by space.
TQString capsExt() const;
* Set the disco Identity information for this client.
* Create a Disco identity like this:
* @code
* DiscoItem::Identity identity;
* identity.category = "client";
* identity.type = "pc";
* = "Kopete";
* @endcode
* @param identity DiscoItem::Identity for the client.
void setDiscoIdentity(DiscoItem::Identity identity);
* Get the disco Identity information for this client.
* @return the DiscoItem::Identity for this client.
DiscoItem::Identity discoIdentity() const;
* Set timezone information. Default is UTC.
void setTimeZone ( const TQString &timeZoneName, int timeZoneOffset );
* Return timezone name.
TQString timeZoneName () const;
* Return timezone offset.
int timeZoneOffset () const;
* This method can be used to implement a penalty
* system when a lot of queries need to be sent to the
* server. Using the time returned by this method,
* the caller can determine a delay until the next
* operation in the queue can be carried out.
* @brief Return current penalty time in seconds.
int getPenaltyTime ();
* Return the XMPP client instance.
XMPP::Client *client () const;
* Return client stream instance.
XMPP::ClientStream *clientStream () const;
* Return client connector instance.
JabberConnector *clientConnector () const;
* Get the root task for this connection.
* You need this instance for every task
* you want to start.
XMPP::Task *rootTask () const;
* Returns the file transfer manager
* instance that deals with current file
* transfers.
XMPP::FileTransferManager *fileTransferManager () const;
* Join a group chat.
* @param host Node to join the room at.
* @param room Name of room to join.
* @param nick Nick name you want to join with.
void joinGroupChat ( const TQString &host, const TQString &room, const TQString &nick );
* Join a group chat that require a password.
* @param host Node to join the room at.
* @param room Name of room to join.
* @param nick Nick name you want to join with.
* @param password The password to join the room.
void joinGroupChat ( const TQString &host, const TQString &room, const TQString &nick, const TQString &password );
* Leave a group chat.
* @param host Node to leave room at.
* @param room Name of room to leave.
void leaveGroupChat ( const TQString &host, const TQString &room );
* change the status of a group chat
void setGroupChatStatus(const TQString &host, const TQString &room, const XMPP::Status &);
* change the nick in a group chat
void changeGroupChatNick(const TQString &host, const TQString &room, const TQString &nick, const XMPP::Status &status =XMPP::Status());
* Send a message.
void sendMessage ( const XMPP::Message &message );
* Send raw packet to the server.
void send ( const TQString &packet );
* Request the roster from the Jabber server.
void requestRoster ();
* Connected successfully.
void connected ();
* Client stream authenticated. This
* signal is emitted when the socket
* connection has been successfully
* established, before sending the login
* packet.
void csAuthenticated ();
* Client stream error.
void csError ( int error );
* Client stream was disconnected.
void csDisconnected ();
* TLS problem encountered.
void tlsWarning ( int validityResult );
* A new file transfer needs to be handled.
* The file transfer can be dealt with by
* querying the file transfer manager from
* @ref client.
void incomingFileTransfer ();
* Fatal error has been encountered,
* further operations are not possible.
void error ( JabberClient::ErrorCode code );
* Roster has been transmitted and processed.
void rosterRequestFinished ( bool success );
* A new contact appeared on the roster.
void newContact ( const XMPP::RosterItem &item );
* A contact has been removed from the roster.
void contactDeleted ( const XMPP::RosterItem &item );
* A roster item has changed.
void contactUpdated ( const XMPP::RosterItem &item );
* New resource is available for a contact.
void resourceAvailable ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, const XMPP::Resource &resource );
* An existing resource has been removed.
void resourceUnavailable ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, const XMPP::Resource &resource );
* A new message has been received.
void messageReceived ( const XMPP::Message &message );
* Group chat has been joined.
void groupChatJoined ( const XMPP::Jid &jid );
* Group chat has been left.
void groupChatLeft ( const XMPP::Jid &jid );
* A presence to a group chat has been signalled.
void groupChatPresence ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, const XMPP::Status &status );
* An error was encountered joining or processing a group chat.
void groupChatError ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, int error, const TQString &reason );
* New subscription request.
void subscription ( const XMPP::Jid &jid, const TQString &type );
* Dispatches a debug message. Debug messages
* include incoming and outgoing XML packets
* as well as internal status messages.
void debugMessage ( const TQString &message );
class Private;
Private *d;
* Delete all member classes and reset the class to a predefined state.
void cleanUp ();
* Return current instance of the S5B server.
XMPP::S5BServer *s5bServer ();
* Add an address that the S5B server should handle.
void addS5BServerAddress ( const TQString &address );
* Remove an address that the S5B server currently handles.
void removeS5BServerAddress ( const TQString &address );
private slots:
/* S5B server object has been destroyed. */
void slotS5BServerGone ();
/* update the penalty timer */
void slotUpdatePenaltyTime ();
/* Login if the connection was OK. */
void slotCSNeedAuthParams (bool user, bool pass, bool realm);
/* Called from Psi: tells us when we're logged in OK. */
void slotCSAuthenticated ();
/* Called from Psi: tells us when we've been disconnected from the server. */
void slotCSDisconnected ();
/* Called from Psi: alerts us to a protocol warning. */
void slotCSWarning (int);
/* Called from Psi: alerts us to a protocol error. */
void slotCSError (int);
/* Called from Psi: report certificate status */
void slotTLSHandshaken ();
/* Called from Psi: roster request finished */
void slotRosterRequestFinished ( bool success, int statusCode, const TQString &statusString );
/* Called from Psi: incoming file transfer */
void slotIncomingFileTransfer ();
/* A new item appeared in our roster */
void slotNewContact (const RosterItem &);
/* An item has been deleted from our roster. */
void slotContactDeleted (const RosterItem &);
/* Update a contact's details. */
void slotContactUpdated (const RosterItem &);
/* Someone on our contact list had (another) resource come online. */
void slotResourceAvailable (const Jid &, const Resource &);
/* Someone on our contact list had a resource go offline. */
void slotResourceUnavailable (const Jid &, const Resource &);
/* Incoming message. */
void slotReceivedMessage (const Message &);
/* Called from Psi: debug messages from the backend. */
void slotPsiDebug (const TQString & msg);
void slotIncomingXML (const TQString &msg);
void slotOutgoingXML (const TQString &msg);
/* Slots for handling group chats. */
void slotGroupChatJoined (const Jid & jid);
void slotGroupChatLeft (const Jid & jid);
void slotGroupChatPresence (const Jid & jid, const Status & status);
void slotGroupChatError (const Jid & jid, int error, const TQString & reason);
/* Incoming subscription request. */
void slotSubscription (const Jid & jid, const TQString & type);