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yabcpp - Encapsulate Yahoo Adressbook information
Copyright (c) 2005 André Duffeck <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2006 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "yabentry.h"
void YABEntry::fromTQDomElement( const TQDomElement &e )
yahooId = e.attribute("yi");
YABId = e.attribute("id", "-1").toInt();
firstName = e.attribute("fn");
secondName = e.attribute("mn");
lastName = e.attribute("ln");
nickName = e.attribute("nn");
email = e.attribute("e0");
privatePhone = e.attribute("hp");
workPhone = e.attribute("wp");
pager = e.attribute("pa");
fax = e.attribute("fa");
phoneMobile = e.attribute("mo");
additionalNumber = e.attribute("ot");
altEmail1 = e.attribute("e1");
altEmail2 = e.attribute("e2");
privateURL = e.attribute("pu");
title = e.attribute("ti");
corporation = e.attribute("co");
workAdress = e.attribute("wa").tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
workCity = e.attribute("wc");
workState = e.attribute("ws");
workZIP = e.attribute("wz");
workCountry = e.attribute("wn");
workURL = e.attribute("wu");
privateAdress = e.attribute("ha").tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
privateCity = e.attribute("hc");
privateState = e.attribute("hs");
privateZIP = e.attribute("hz");
privateCountry = e.attribute("hn");
TQString birtday = e.attribute("bi");
birthday = TQDate( birtday.section('/',2,2).toInt(), birtday.section('/',1,1).toInt(), birtday.section('/',0,0).toInt() );
TQString an = e.attribute("an");
anniversary = TQDate( an.section('/',2,2).toInt(), an.section('/',1,1).toInt(), an.section('/',0,0).toInt() );
additional1 = e.attribute("c1");
additional2 = e.attribute("c2");
additional3 = e.attribute("c3");
additional4 = e.attribute("c4");
notes = e.attribute("cm").tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
imAIM = e.attribute("ima");
imGoogleTalk = e.attribute("img");
imICQ = e.attribute("imq");
imIRC = e.attribute("imc");
imMSN = e.attribute("imm");
imQQ = e.attribute("imqq");
imSkype = e.attribute("imk");
void YABEntry::fromTQDomDocument( const TQDomDocument &d )
kdDebug() << d.toString() <<
d.elementsByTagName("yi").item(0).toElement().text() << endl;
yahooId = d.elementsByTagName("yi").item(0).toElement().text();
firstName = d.elementsByTagName("fn").item(0).toElement().text();
secondName = d.elementsByTagName("mn").item(0).toElement().text();
lastName = d.elementsByTagName("ln").item(0).toElement().text();
nickName = d.elementsByTagName("nn").item(0).toElement().text();
email = d.elementsByTagName("e0").item(0).toElement().text();
privatePhone = d.elementsByTagName("hp").item(0).toElement().text();
workPhone = d.elementsByTagName("wp").item(0).toElement().text();
pager = d.elementsByTagName("pa").item(0).toElement().text();
fax = d.elementsByTagName("fa").item(0).toElement().text();
phoneMobile = d.elementsByTagName("mo").item(0).toElement().text();
additionalNumber = d.elementsByTagName("ot").item(0).toElement().text();
altEmail1 = d.elementsByTagName("e1").item(0).toElement().text();
altEmail2 = d.elementsByTagName("e2").item(0).toElement().text();
privateURL = d.elementsByTagName("pu").item(0).toElement().text();
title = d.elementsByTagName("ti").item(0).toElement().text();
corporation = d.elementsByTagName("co").item(0).toElement().text();
workAdress = d.elementsByTagName("wa").item(0).toElement().text().tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
workCity = d.elementsByTagName("wc").item(0).toElement().text();
workState = d.elementsByTagName("ws").item(0).toElement().text();
workZIP = d.elementsByTagName("wz").item(0).toElement().text();
workCountry = d.elementsByTagName("wn").item(0).toElement().text();
workURL = d.elementsByTagName("wu").item(0).toElement().text();
privateAdress = d.elementsByTagName("ha").item(0).toElement().text().tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
privateCity = d.elementsByTagName("hc").item(0).toElement().text();
privateState = d.elementsByTagName("hs").item(0).toElement().text();
privateZIP = d.elementsByTagName("hz").item(0).toElement().text();
privateCountry = d.elementsByTagName("hn").item(0).toElement().text();
TQString birtday = d.elementsByTagName("bi").item(0).toElement().text();
birthday = TQDate( birtday.section('/',2,2).toInt(), birtday.section('/',1,1).toInt(), birtday.section('/',0,0).toInt() );
TQString an = d.elementsByTagName("an").item(0).toElement().text();
anniversary = TQDate( an.section('/',2,2).toInt(), an.section('/',1,1).toInt(), an.section('/',0,0).toInt() );
additional1 = d.elementsByTagName("c1").item(0).toElement().text();
additional2 = d.elementsByTagName("c2").item(0).toElement().text();
additional3 = d.elementsByTagName("c3").item(0).toElement().text();
additional4 = d.elementsByTagName("c4").item(0).toElement().text();
notes = d.elementsByTagName("cm").item(0).toElement().text().tqreplace( "&#xd;&#xa;", "\n" );
imAIM = d.elementsByTagName("ima").item(0).toElement().text();
imGoogleTalk = d.elementsByTagName("img").item(0).toElement().text();
imICQ = d.elementsByTagName("imq").item(0).toElement().text();
imIRC = d.elementsByTagName("imc").item(0).toElement().text();
imMSN = d.elementsByTagName("imm").item(0).toElement().text();
imQQ = d.elementsByTagName("imqq").item(0).toElement().text();
imSkype = d.elementsByTagName("imk").item(0).toElement().text();
void YABEntry::fillTQDomElement( TQDomElement &e ) const
e.setAttribute( "yi", yahooId );
e.setAttribute( "id", YABId );
e.setAttribute( "fn", firstName );
e.setAttribute( "mn", secondName );
e.setAttribute( "ln", lastName );
e.setAttribute( "nn", nickName );
e.setAttribute( "e0", email );
e.setAttribute( "hp", privatePhone );
e.setAttribute( "wp", workPhone );
e.setAttribute( "pa", pager );
e.setAttribute( "fa", fax );
e.setAttribute( "mo", phoneMobile );
e.setAttribute( "ot", additionalNumber );
e.setAttribute( "e1", altEmail1 );
e.setAttribute( "e2", altEmail2 );
e.setAttribute( "pu", privateURL );
e.setAttribute( "ti", title );
e.setAttribute( "co", corporation );
e.setAttribute( "wa", TQString( workAdress ).tqreplace( '\n', "&#xd;&#xa;" ) );
e.setAttribute( "wc", workCity );
e.setAttribute( "ws", workState );
e.setAttribute( "wz", workZIP );
e.setAttribute( "wn", workCountry );
e.setAttribute( "wu", workURL );
e.setAttribute( "ha", TQString( privateAdress ).tqreplace( '\n', "&#xd;&#xa;" ) );
e.setAttribute( "hc", privateCity );
e.setAttribute( "hs", privateState );
e.setAttribute( "hz", privateZIP );
e.setAttribute( "hn", privateCountry );
e.setAttribute( "bi", TQString("%1/%2/%3").tqarg( ).tqarg( birthday.month() ).tqarg( birthday.year() ) );
e.setAttribute( "an", TQString("%1/%2/%3").tqarg( ).tqarg( anniversary.month() ).tqarg( anniversary.year() ) );
e.setAttribute( "c1", additional1 );
e.setAttribute( "c2", additional2 );
e.setAttribute( "c3", additional3 );
e.setAttribute( "c4", additional4 );
e.setAttribute( "cm", TQString( notes ).tqreplace( '\n', "&#xd;&#xa;" ) );
e.setAttribute( "ima", imAIM );
e.setAttribute( "img", imGoogleTalk );
e.setAttribute( "imq", imICQ );
e.setAttribute( "imc", imIRC );
e.setAttribute( "imm", imMSN );
e.setAttribute( "imqq", imQQ );
e.setAttribute( "imk", imSkype );
void YABEntry::dump() const
kdDebug() << "firstName: " << firstName << endl <<
"secondName: " << secondName << endl <<
"lastName: " << lastName << endl <<
"nickName: " << nickName << endl <<
"title: " << title << endl <<
"phoneMobile: " << phoneMobile << endl <<
"email: " << email << endl <<
"yahooId: " << yahooId << endl <<
"pager: " << pager << endl <<
"fax: " << fax << endl <<
"additionalNumber: " << additionalNumber << endl <<
"altEmail1: " << altEmail1 << endl <<
"altEmail2: " << altEmail2 << endl <<
"privateAdress: " << privateAdress << endl <<
"privateCity: " << privateCity << endl <<
"privateState: " << privateState << endl <<
"privateZIP: " << privateZIP << endl <<
"privateCountry: " << privateCountry << endl <<
"privatePhone: " << privatePhone << endl <<
"privateURL: " << privateURL << endl <<
"corporation: " << corporation << endl <<
"workAdress: " << workAdress << endl <<
"workCity: " << workCity << endl <<
"workState: " << workState << endl <<
"workZIP: " << workZIP << endl <<
"workCountry: " << workCountry << endl <<
"workURL: " << workURL << endl <<
"birthday: " << TQString(birthday.toString()) << endl <<
"anniversary: " << TQString(anniversary.toString()) << endl <<
"notes: " << notes << endl <<
"additional1: " << additional1 << endl <<
"additional2: " << additional2 << endl <<
"additional3: " << additional3 << endl <<
"additional4: " << additional4 << endl;